Data Encryption And Security Challenges In WiMAX And WPAN Technologies

Data Encryption in WiMAX

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WIMAX mainly stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave access is considered as basic standard of technology which is mainly used for delivering wireless broadband access to cables and DSL (Amiri et al., 2013). WiMAX provide many services like point to point application and point to multipoint application. Application of these are cost effective and in addition to it provides a much larger area than WIFI (IEEE 802.11). WIMAX mainly uses Base station for the transmission of customer premise (Amiri et al., 2013). WIMAX technology is mainly used for fixed portable or mobile non-light method of communication. By the help of this particular technology WiMAX can easily cover the entire city not limited to just coffee shop or building of an office (Amiri et al., 2013). Network security can be considered as an important factor. As WiMAX is not limited to just small area, any flaws in it can provide an easy gateway for various security hackers to break in and there can be easy interference of one computer with the other (Friedman, Kogan & Krivolapov, 2013).

The three-data encryption standard for WIMAX are data encryption standard DES, double DES, Triple DES. Data Encryption standard that is DES is nothing but an improvisation of an older system LUCIFER. DES was mainly designed for better performance in hardware compared to software and it has an algorithm which mainly encrypts various text in 64-bit blocks which has a 56-bit key. This algorithm is apllicable in all of three stages of this standard. Later on a machine costing around 220000 named Deep Crack was created which be easily pass through 56-bit key and that can be easily break with in 5 days by the help of 46 chips (Friedman, Kogan & Krivolapov, 2013).

As DES was proved to be highly to be highly insecure and undependable, so some new methods were thought which can be stronger and secure and this method was thought without taking the burden of whole new algorithm (Friedman, Kogan & Krivolapov, 2013). The improvements resulted in the formation of double DES and Triple DES or 3DES. The work of Double DES is to do the twice work of DES using a particular encryption process (Gomez, Oller & Paradells, 2012). The attempts to solve the problem in DES is 256, then the options for solving two different keys of n bits is considered to be 22n. Development of 3DES has resulted from the idea that Double DES may not be enough strong to face the middle attack. 3DES has mainly two forms which are the requirement of different keys and the need of two different keys (Gomez, Oller & Paradells, 2012). The first method mainly depends on three keys for the encryption of plaintext, the first key mainly focuses on the use of k1, the second key mainly focuses on the encryption with k2 key and last encryption mainly focuses on the use of k3 key (Gomez, Oller & Paradells, 2012).

3-Data Encryption Standard for WiMAX: DES, Double DES and Triple DES

WPAN stands for wireless personal area network is nothing but a network which is mainly used for interconnection of device around particular workspace in which the connection is considered to be wireless. WPAN network mainly uses some latest technology that allows communication with a range of 10 meters. Two popular WPAN technologies are INSTEON, Bluetooth and their security challenges are discussed below (Kim et al., 2013).

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Bluetooth is nothing but a wireless technology that is used for short range communication that is maximum to the range of 100 meters. This technology uses low power and is considered to be a low cost technology. It mainly depends on Time-Division duplex technology that is used for full duplex technology (Kim et al., 2013). Bluetooth can be considered as a wireless method which allows the connection of one electronic device with another device without the use of a physical cable. Bluetooth mainly helps in elimination the following threats like any unknown software can easily gain unauthorized access to the system of any agency through any wireless connection and also by allowing protection of firewall (Kim et al., 2013). DOS attack can be easily forward to any wireless network and devices. Any sensitive data can be easily corrupted during improper synchronization (Lee, Zhang & Huang, 2013). Various malicious entities can easily violet the privacy of user and can easily track their movement. Data containing vital information can be easily withdrawn from improper configured devices (Lee, Zhang & Huang, 2013). Various malwares can easily connect to different organization for the proper launching of attacks.

INSTEON is a technology based on home automation that gives to control light, switches and various other devices with the help of radio frequency and power line links (Lee, Zhang & Huang, 2013). In this technology various devices are connected by point to point link which means that every device can transmit, receive or repeat message by casting it into small time slot which can be easily synchronized to power line zero crossing (Mehta & Gupta, 2012).

By the help of time slot synchronization technique various devices are connected in an irregular fashion which help them in communication by multihop approach (Mehta & Gupta, 2012). Devices operating on Insteon technology mainly uses simulcast instead of routing which removes the need of storing state and it will ultimately make the multihoping communication possible. Advantage of using simulcast is that data can be easily access through a different path whenever there is unavailability of common device (Mehta & Gupta, 2012).

WPAN Technology and its Security Challenges

The network security of INSTEON technology can be maintained by using linking control which checks that users cannot build up links which will allow them to control insteon devices of neighbor with encryption for various application that is door lock and various security application. Linking of various insteon device requires the address of the targeted device (Panayides et al., 2013).

After going through Energy harvesting in wireless sensor and network written by Shaikh, Faisal Karim and Sherali Zeadally it can be concluded that the topic mainly focuses on increasing motivation for energy harvesting in WSNs. WSNs stands for wireless sensor network and classification of this technology has been discussed and various method of harvesting like radio frequency, solar, thermal and flow based technology has been discussed (Pigatto, 2012).

 Radio frequency based energy harvesting mainly converts radio waves into DC power after conditioning. As per the requirement conversion of RF signal to DC power can be easily achieved through various methods like single stage, multistage (Pigatto, 2012). The amount of power generated mainly depends on certain factors like source power, gain of antenna and gap between source and destination (Pigatto, 2012).

Solar based harvesting system mainly focuses on the use of solar energy which is considered as convenient and pure source that can easily eliminate the problems related to it. As the solar harvesting system is limited during the night the developer must check that is it gives highest efficiency during the daytime (Sharma & Sharma, 2014). A solar cell is nothing but a semiconductor device that mainly contains silicon. The wide availability of solar cell creates a platform for the use of various WSN applications (Sharma & Sharma, 2014).

Thermal based energy harvesting mainly focuses on the conversion heat energy into electrical energy by using seebeck effect. There are large number of devices that generates electricity form heat radiators. A thermoelectric harvester has long life, stationery parts and highly depended characteristics. Energy harvesting that is done through pyroelectric cells relying on PZT and PVDF helps to run lower power RF transmitter (Sharma & Sharma, 2014).

Flow based energy harvesting mainly works on the principle of electromagnetic induction that converts rotational movement into electrical energy (Tang, Liao & Chang, 2012). It comprises of two technologies that is wind based harvesting and hydro based harvesting. AmbiMax uses wind based harvesting and solar based harvesting. Voltage is produced by supplying a rotor frequency to the frequency voltage (Tang, Liao & Chang, 2012). Hydropower that is waterpower mainly uses the energy of moving water and at present various small shelfs are installed in rivers and stream water. In this method the seawater mainly acts like electrolyte that starts the electrode to produce energy (Tang, Liao & Chang, 2012).

Bluetooth – Wireless Technology for Short Range Communication

MEEG stands for mechanical to electrical energy generation that mainly uses energy form vibration, pressure and stress-strain. MEEG mainly relies on electromagnetic, electrostatic and piezoelectric to generate electricity (Varshney & Qadeer, 2012). Piezoelectric or electronic generators can be easily used to convert pressure vibrations into energy which will give a high density of power as output. A piezoelectric generator can be easily used to develop to generate energy from acceleration of tires (Varshney & Qadeer, 2012).

WSNs technology can be considered to be a developing technology from internet of things and many applications related to it. With the development of microelectronics and MEMS, technique of energy harvesting for WSNs is growing (Varshney & Qadeer, 2012)

After going through Energy harvesting wireless communication written by Ulukus and Sennur it can be concluded that this topic mainly focuses on energy harvesting communication, energy co-operation, simultaneous energy transfers of energy and wireless information. Energy harvesting to wireless devices gives the freedom to acquire energy from various sources like nature or man-made. Energy harvesting phenomenon mainly focuses on several changes in wireless networking for self-sufficiency and operation (Visser & Vullers, 2013). Offline energy management mainly focuses on single user channel, multi-user channels and its practical considerations and it has been discussed briefly in the given topic.

Medium access control for various energy harvesting can be used to check medium access control technique which uses single loop network for collecting data which is used for energy harvesting device present in the surroundings (Visser & Vullers, 2013). The energy harvesting wireless network mainly focuses on the present challenges it addresses. The energy and information transfer mainly focuses on taking new network changes and improving its level of performance (Visser & Vullers, 2013).

The improvement is directly related to the energy transfer with device and circuit technologies related to it (Withanage et al., 2014). From the above topic it can be stated that future problems related to energy harvesting networks cannot be solved with the help of only advancement of various steps of network design that is from processing of signal to communication (Withanage et al., 2014). On the contrary it mainly focuses on the use of energy harvesting networks added with the development of circuit and devices whose ultimate goal is to harvest and transfer of energy (Withanage et al., 2014).


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