Development And Validation Screening Tool For Meals On Wheels Association

Outline of program logic

Discuss about the Development and Validation Screening Tool.

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Program logic is a constructive arrangement, interaction, and appraisal device for the success measurement as it is proposed program design for the enhancement of the organization. There are certain cause and effect cases behind the issue and that measured the successful orientation for the development of the company (Hindle and Vidgen 2017). In a project, policies and strategies have taken by the organization is the applicable theory for the better logic model and that produce good findings for the company. This is an evaluative function for the organization that used by the managers and funders to create an effect on the program.

 In this research proposal, the concern organization is Meals on Wheels Association in Australia. They are the delivering food service company in Australia and doing their practice in between 600 services. 

Here, the entire discussion will be taken place for the business enhancement of the company by implementing program logic model. As the model encompasses the proper evaluation for the organization and finds out the disputes that needed to be changed for the better result.

In January 1954, first home-delivered meal program had started in Philadelphia.  A lot of participants who did not involve hospitalization, but who merely desirable a plateful tender in regulate to preserve their self-determination (Trevena et al. 2014). In the same way Meals on Wheels, established in 1974, is the oldest nationwide association provides nutritional support to their national people ( 2017). A large amount Meals on Wheels programs distribute meals hot and ready-to-eat, however, some distribute cold meals in containers as well. The products are mainly housebound some of the recipients are elderly in age and they do not take the initiative to cook so for that reason they took the service from Meals on Wheels.

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Program logic has been generally adopted in the development and appraisal of natural resources management programs in Australia. In the particular diagram the project analysis the actual inputs and thinking over the possible outcome or the output for the better monitoring situation of the organization (Allen et al. 2014). While articulating the outputs organization can find the probable dimension for improvement as well as report the improvement for the better business solutions. It will make certain that team members have a frequent perceptive of the curriculum goals and how these will be achieved. It is frequently used as an appraisal construction. Facilitation skills are the important external factor that needs for that work and that ensure the evaluation and review process for the organization (Petersen et al. 2017). In the assessment of program logic model resources and information for the documentation and program evaluation is the main concern for the organization. Program logic is not a prearranged approach but slightly an intangible reproduction that can be modified to ensemble different situations and dissimilar theories of the transform.

Policy evaluation

For the planning process of logic model program evaluation and the identifying performance for the company in the determining section of evaluating. The relevance of the logic model as a preparation tool allows specific announcement about the purposes of a plan, the mechanism of a plan, and the progression of behavior and events (Lewin et al. 2013). In case of justification of the model, the proper analysis and the investment of the model is persisted on the organization for the finding o proper outcomes. In case of investment, Company should follow the investment policies as the resources of the business.

The progression determines the ideas and creative concepts from the authority of the organization. For the better interaction and communication planning element of the logic model is important and makes a mart over the organization (Hindle and Vidgen 2017). The outcome procedure also mitigates the problems for the customers in the adverse condition. The organization is working on their feeble portions and that follow up the strengthen outcome for the organization.

For the better outcomes in the organization change in a behavioral manner, the importance of policies and strategies are important for the development of the business. The environmental, social and economic condition of the outcome is also retted with the external influential situations. The process outcomes impact on the quality and relevance to the organization (Hindle and Vidgen 2017). From the perspective of literature outcome, the expertise skill and knowledge enhance the business opportunities for the quality communication and state involvedness. There are certain external influences like public policies and antagonistic effect in the program. There are some proportional intakes for the companies like food and restaurants which provide strategies to mitigate the need for the customers (Abramovitz and Zelnick 2015). There are some specific behaviors and planned timing introduced in the organization that helps the evaluation for the organization and their development in the market. In this argument of that literature review, the major concern aspect of the Logic model is framework and justification of the organization. If a company has not supported the statement then it is quite difficult for the employees to maintain that on the other hand the intrusion of company output and their logical reason behind the statement always encourage the research process to find something new and innovative for the better market situation (Kusumasari 2015). In Program logic model the communicated quality and the proven scenario of the management is set the aspect for the future outcome of the company. That signifies justify budgeting; establish profitability and good knowledge about decision-making situation. By applying this perspective company emphasis on the production and chose their variables effectively for the better enactment of the future progression. 

Development and Validation Screening Tool

In case of reviewing the policy, health and trust ship over the company is important and relevant for the customer. If customers are not taking the delivering company in a trusted way then their belief has got a threat and this is the reason behind the hygiene and safety maintenance form the company. Deprived nourishment has a severe collision on older adults. Without suitable nourishment, older adults are at superior menace for a diversity of constant diseases and keen situation (Goodwin et al. 2015). In the current population survey, the results are not quite good in respect of food security percentage. 11.4% of elder peoples are marginally food insecure, 5.6% normal people are also having the same insecurity about food quality and hygiene (Owen and Rogers 1999). National Health Security Act 2007 in Australian and their revised version of that impacted over the quality of the food that these delivering companies have served for the common Australian. Meals on Wheels have promoted their business with three implemented strategies that they have evolved. The nutritional meal, Strengthen local community people and helping the local people by serving hygiene food from their end and the last one is the physical and physiological well being and monitoring of the safe food processing approach (Chuang 2017). They take pre-allocating care of illness and that determines the better quality of food and encourages the independent business progression. Australian Meals on Wheels Association provides a conduct for Service Providers, Caterers and fitness Professionals provide Home Delivered and Centre Based Meal Programs for adult Australians (Maffei, Patjawee and Thompson 2013). This is the concern major policy that imposed over the company for the marinating of good and secure food quality.

Focusing on the program evaluation process and approaches, there are five forms of conceptual categories that introduced by John M. Owen. All these are the major approaches and extend over the critical issue of evaluating the purpose. First two aspects are dealing with evaluation and preparation; these two aspects are Proactive and Explanative. In the proactive formation of the business culture, the sense of holistic and inclusive view of management has taken the initiation for the company in this globalized business market (Mason et al. 2014). In this methodology section, the impact of proactive evaluation and its decision-making impact are important to understand the position of the company in this competitive market position.

 In this proposed formation of the effectiveness of program logic model, the descriptive design will be used as the elaborative formation of the study will understand the market position of the organization. The descriptive design will also help to understand the noted the integrated perspective of the company makes a good adjustment over the study (Hart and Prahalad 2013).  The deductive approach will be chosen for the research. In this research approach, more specific presentation of theories and models are explained for the development of the research (Owen and Rogers 1999). This process will create an interest in the topic and encourage the topic for the better findings. For this research process Post, positivism philosophy will be used. This is a conjectural deportment that critiques and making the atonement in a positivist way of inquiry (Meshram and O’Cass 2013). The post-positivism philosophy is justified in this situation as the impact of good mechanism and improved quality enactment is the necessary stunt for the production and company. 

Meals on Wheels have done their business in an ethical way as they have maintained their market placement and compose the situation analysis for the sustainable condition of the company. There is some aspect associated with the company like funders, regulators, sponsors, stakeholders, and policymakers. All these production resources are doing their best to deliver the company resources for the development of the company and state them in a sustainable condition so that company can claim a competitive advantage from the other food delivering companies. The results will help Meals on Wheels which rely on volunteers to enhanced objective enrollment and preservation strategies (Schulte, Avena and Gearhardt 2015). The company outlines an approach is ethically validated for sustainable business progression. In case of providing the ethical consideration, the company’s perspective and their evaluation format are essential and important for the extent of business growth.


Therefore, it can be concluded that evaluation program of Meals on Wheels and the impact of program logic model is explained. The logic model is constructive for identifying rudiments of the plan that are mainly expected to capitulate practical estimated information and to recognize a suitable succession for collecting data and measuring advancement. Outcome indicators and the organization advancement through the relevance are important and specified the program initiation for the development of the organization. There are some specific mode changes that produce good quality for the development of the organization and that encompasses the methodology of Owen in Program Evaluation to estimate the forms and approach of the organization. Thus for the further enhancement of sustainable organizational condition in the aspect of monetary advancement and approach implementation of program logical model is important and relevant in all aspects.


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