Management Hierarchies In Australian Hospitals: Challenges For Recruiting Workforce And Human Resource Issues

Challenges for recruiting workforce in organization

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Human resource management plays most important role in health and social care as it is well-known fact that employees are the real asset of every company and its effective management leads to favorable results for the business. Further, all the operations carried out by the health care enterprise are most crucial as they have to render various services to the patients as per their needs (Bartram, Stanton, Leggat, Casimir, & Fraser, 2007). Therefore, it is necessary to recruit right employees who have proper knowledge and skills for the betterment of the company. Apart from this, large numbers of challenges are faced by companies at the time of recruiting efficient workforce such as finding the skilled workforce, inappropriate recruitment strategies, etc. The present study carried out is based on Baxter International Inc which is an American healthcare company headquartered in Illinois. The company renders the wide range of services where the main focus is on treating diseases such as kidney, immunity disorder, hemophilia, acute medical conditions, etc. The entire report focuses on the challenges faced by Baxter at the time of recruiting new professionals along with other human resource issues.

Baxter International Inc carried out all the operations on the wider basis, and this is the main reason due to which company has to hire the workforce that posses right skills and knowledge. Further, it is a well-known fact that all the operations performed in healthcare organization are crucial and they need to be carried out properly (Alfes, Truss, Soane, Rees, & Gatenby, 2013). This is the main reason due to which right talent has to be hired within the company. Baxter Inc. has to face a large number of challenges while satisfying its human resource need. The first main issue is finding the right talent as it becomes difficult to identify whether the person is fit for the position. The key requirement of the company is the professional who have high experience in the medical field and can treat different patients. So, at the time of searching for any new professional company focuses on recruiting the individual who have high experience.

But sometimes individuals with high experience do not possess right skills, and this generally leads to unfavorable outcomes for the business (Boon, Paauwe, Boselie, & Den Hartog, 2009). No doubt, the healthcare sector of Australia is competitive, and this is the main reason due to which every company is in search for the skilled workforce. In the hiring, process company has undertaken various stages such as every candidate who applies in Baxter for any specific position has to undergo examination through which knowledge and skill level is tested. So, this sometimes proves to be beneficial for the business. In case if the right talent is not available in the workplace then patients have to suffer a lot where right treatment is not delivered (Brewster & Mayrhofer, 2012) to them. The absence of right talent negatively affects brand image of Baxter where sometimes patients does not prefer to access healthcare services of the company. Therefore, in this way finding right talent as per the business need is the major challenge that influences overall productivity of the company.

Labor supply and demand

Another key human resource issue faced by Baxter Inc is labor supply and demand where it has been found that in Australia demand for skilled healthcare professionals is high but on the other hand supply on the basis of that is limited. The imbalance present in between demand and supply is regarded as the main hurdle. Baxter Inc. is in search for skilled employees but due to the presence of inappropriate supply company is unable to render effective services. No doubt large numbers of people are present who are not having the job but the level of skill employee required by the healthcare company is not available (Harris, Cortvriend, & Hyde, 2007). In case if the proper supply of the knowledgeable employees is present then in such case the internal operations of the Baxter Inc can be carried out smoothly, and in turn, it acts as the development tool for the business. Baxter Inc. focuses on the treatment of diseases such as kidney, immunity disorder, hemophilia etc so in this case supply of skilled professional who can treat these types of patients is limited in Australia.

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Further, at the time of hiring candidates within the workplace organizational image is considered to be most where the image of Baxter Inc. in the entire market is positive and due to this reason a large number of individual approach company at the time when the specific requirement is present (Leggat, Bartram, & Stanton, 2011). But on the other hand, considering the high requirement of the business no individual is easily selected by the company. In short, Baxter Inc. strongly focuses on analyzing skill and knowledge level of the candidate who applies for any specific position in the company. In case if any candidate meets the requirement then only individual is given a chance to work otherwise not.

Recruitment strategy is also another challenge for the business where Baxter Inc. has to design effective recruitment strategy for hiring the most suitable candidate. Different modes of recruitment are present that are mainly divided into internal and external.

Considering the internal mode of recruitment Baxter Inc. satisfies its human resource need internally such as transferring professional from one department to another, hiring with the help of employee referral, etc (Myers & Dreachslin, 2007). On the other hand, external sources of recruitment are also present where advertisement, educational institutions, former employees, etc. are the methods that are undertaken by Baxter Inc for hiring professionals. Generally, both the sources are undertaken by the healthcare company while recruiting any candidate, but they have not supported in satisfying its actual need. So, in this case, Baxter Inc has to search for some other alternatives so that skilled professionals can be hired for serving patients with different needs. Many times company has hired new employees with the help of advertisement, but this has to lead to unfavorable results for the firm as such staff members were not at all able to satisfy the business needs regarding serving patients (Rodwell & Teo, Strategic HRM in for-profit and non-profit organizations in a knowledge-intensive industry: The same issues predict performance for both types of organization. , 2004).

Organizational image

In order to understand the concept of recruitment in better manner different models are present, that involves contingency hiring, retained search, exclusive requirements, executive search and recruitment process outsourcing. In contingency hiring whenever any organization comes across any specific requirement then it gives to the consultant at the same time. In this method, there is no assurance given to recruiter regarding their salary (Stanton, Young, Bartram, & Leggat, 2010). In retained search method the recruitment consultant works for specific business need, and the payment is given into two parts where the fixed amount is paid by the business for search activity. The exclusive requirement is another effective strategy where the company gives requirement to the recruitment agency and in this strategy recruiter assist the client to close specific position within the specific date (CiteHr, 2015). So, in this way, these are some of the well-known recruitment strategies that are employed by the companies to satisfy their human resource need. Further, it depends on every organization which recruitment mode to select considering the entire cost and benefits associated with the every strategy (Vermeeren, Steijn, Tummers, Lankhaar, Poerstamper, & Van Beek, 2014). Sometimes it is possible that company is not able to select appropriate recruitment strategy and the results derived from the same are not at all favorable for the company.

Demographic issue is also critical that acts as hurdle at the time when Baxter Inc hires any new employee for any specific position (Townsend, Wilkinson, & Bartram, Guest editors’ note: Lifting the standards of practice and research?Hospitals and HRM., 2011). For instance, if healthcare company wants to hire the experienced professional of 4 years who lies in the age group of 35 to 45 for treating kidney patients. Then in such case challenge is faced when professionals lying under this age group are not present. Along with this professional of 60 years and above age are present who are about to reach in the retirement age so this acts as the main issue for the firm.  Further, diversity is another major issue where at present the employees who are working in Baxter Inc are different form background in the form of culture, religion, preference, etc (Rodwell & Teo, The influence of strategic HRM and sector on perceived performance in health services organizations, 2008).

Therefore, managing diversified workforce is the main challenge for the healthcare company as their perception varies from each other and sometimes situation of conflict arises within the company such as at the time of taking decision, etc. Moreover, same is the case when new employee has to be hired in the company then the first challenge is to decide what type of professional is needed in terms of background, culture, etc (Townsend & Wilkinson, Managing under pressure: HRM in hospitals, 2010). Generally new employee face lot of difficulties in adjusting to the internal environment of the company and sometimes high diversified workforce acts as challenge.

Recruitment strategy


The entire study carried out has supported in knowing about the key challenges that are faced by Baxter Inc at the time of hiring new employees within the workplace. Further, the areas that act like the issue for the healthcare company involves recruitment strategy, finding the right talent, the demographic issue that involves age, diversified workforce, etc. It has the direct impact on the productivity of the company. No doubt Baxter Inc has to serve different type of patients as per their actual need, and due to this reason there is a need to hire skilled professionals within the workplace. On the basis of the conclusion there are some recommendations to the company and they are as follows:

  • It is recommended to rely more on internal source of recruitment such as promoting the existing employees to higher level as it is reliable as compared with the outside source of recruitment. Through this motivation level of present employees can be enhanced easily
  • For management of diversified workforce they must be encouraged to involve in the business at maximum level
  • The best recruitment strategy is to post requirement on the website of the company and along with this company can take assistance of the large recruitment agencies that can assist in finding right talent
  • In order to analyze the skill and knowledge level of the candidate company can redesign its interview system where different situations can be given to the candidate on which individual has to act. So, this can assist in knowing whether individual can serve different type of patients confidently or not.
  • Further, main focus must on developing the present workforce of the company and their knowledge development can surely assist in serving different type of patients as per their real expectations.
  • Company can take suggestions from its employees in relation with the best way to hire new candidate
  • Approaching professionals who are working in other healthcare organization and offering them higher pay can surely support Baxter Inc to deal with the issue linked with the recruiting talent employees within the workplace.

So, in this way, these are some of the suggestions through which Baxter Inc can surely deal with the issues that are faced at the time of recruiting new professionals and experts for serving the different type of patients in the workplace.


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