Critical Evaluation Of Issues In Sportec Case Study
About Case study
Write a report that Critically Evaluates the Issues/Problems in a Case Study. Discuss relevant perspectives of Organisational Behaviour, how they can be applied to the Issues in the Case and inform recommendations for improvement.
This report is based on the critical analysis of the case study of Sportec covering the concept of organizational behavior. Sportec is the company that manufactures the performance apparels for the sports teams and athletes. In year 1984, the Sportec Company was established in the south of the England And it was founded by Steve Jobson (Team, 2017). The company was popular for the production of the performance vests and company also make use of the latest GPS technology in their products which was the USP of the Sportec company. The Sportec company is the family owned business and in year 2002, Steve worked as the retailer to retailer salesman to become familiar with the products and proceedings of the business. At the age of 16, Phil was used to accompany his father in the business trips. Phil Jobson was at the age of 26, when Steve handed over their business to his son. Presently, Phil is the chairman of the Sportec company. Steve Jobson put great efforts to make the Sportec a global brand and now that the company is earning sales more than US$250 million. Moreover, the Company set up its 85 distribution centers in all over the world and its subsidiaries in the UK, USA, Canada, France, Africa and Germany. In the year of 2013, Steve was awarded by the Angelina university as the Honorary degree of the doctor of business administration(Morrow, 2010).
In this case study, the problem found was related to the labor turnover and the behavior of the employees of the organization. Employee Resignation is increasing day by day because of the improper working environment, conflicts and politics. Improper working environment refers to the unusual working conditions for the working women like employee-employer conflicts, late hours of work, less time for rest and lunch etc. Phil Jobson appointed Rosemary, a management consultant, for the recruitment of the new employees. However, Sportec, is facing the difficulties of the high turnover rate and hiring new employees. The employees are leaving the organization because of the negative organizational behavior of the team in-charge as well as the chairman of Sportec. The Sportec Company employs 5000 workers every year and the rate of employee turnover is high. This report outlines the theories related to the organizational behavior and also some of the recommendations given in this report(Delta, 2006).
Literature review
The literature review of the report is the one of the best way to explain the theoretical concepts of the organizational behavior and the situations of the organizations. The review of the literature basically includes the different viewpoints of the scholars and researchers. A well structured literature is characterized by the number of ideas and the relevant research done by the researchers and the research gap in the related topic(Randolph, et al., 1981).
In this report, the review of the literature is done under the categories, namely, organizational commitment, occupational stress, and the role of motivation and the behavior and culture. According to the Mcshane and Travaglione(2003), the organizational behavior is the concept of the attitudes and behavior of the employees within the organization and it is a study of the activities that people are doing in the working environment. It is very important to review the management and organization relationship just to know the point of view of the employees. The positive and good behavior of employees in the organization will help to manage the conflicts also. This will help to improve the relationships and performance of the employees(Lawler, 2013).
In this literature review, the main focus is given on the people’s behavior in an organization and reasons for adopting these behaviors. It is also significant to analyze the how to shae t5he negative behavior of the employees. In the organization behavior concept, the commitments and the organizational stress are the important aspects to change the behavior of the employees. Counter productive behaviours of the employees is a form of the protest by the way of which employees express their feelings and dissatisfaction about the work and tries top resolve the unethical practices In the company(Ragins, 2011).
This phenomenon is the most widely studied in the review of literature on the organizational behavior. This concept is related to the promises and the psychology of the employees. Meyer and Allen (1991) have the viewpoint that organizational commitment is a multidimensional construct. It is referred to the state of the mind that follows the relationship of the employees with the company and facing some problems in taking decisions to continue to be a part of the organization. If the employees are refusing the other job opportunities, even if the new job is of higher position, salary and better in comparison to the present, then this decision is said to be the result of the organizational commitment. According to Kanter (1967), it is defined as the process with the help of which the organizational goals become integrated. Also, Sheldon (1990) said that the commitment is an attitude of the employees towards organizations, that relates the identity of the employee with the company(Bobbitt & Behling, 1981). An organizational commitment can be from both sides either from employee or employer
Organizational Commitment
Etty Liberman and Pertz Segal (2009)conducted a study on the management of the conflicts in the organization. The study revealed that an internal conflict management system is important for the promotion of the positive working environment. The conflict management system in the organization is the best way to improve the interpersonal relationships and positive workplace with positive behavior of the employees. There are many situations such as ,informal work practices, less time for lunch breaks, increasing working hours, etc, leads to organizational conflict. Therefore, the personal relations in the organization depends on four forms-
- Power and dependency
- Negotiating
- Instrumental
- Socio- emotional aspects
In the organization, it is very important to understand the needs of the employees as it is the best way to motivate the employees by fulfilling their needs. The theory given Maslow(1954) revealed the hierarchy of needs which includes – physiological, safety, psychological needs, self esteem and self actualization needs. All these are related to the basic needs, luxurious needs, mental or psychological needs of the human beings. Every employee work for the money and appreciation. In the case study, all the employees at the achievement of the sales targets expected to receive the bonus as a reward. At the end of the day, employees of Sportec company get de-motivated as their needs are not fulfilled(Warrilow, 2009). However, Maslow Believed in the fact that all the needs must be fulfilled to satisfy the employees at the work. The behavior and attitude of the employees will be positive if all these needs met in a certain order.
(Hartzell, 2017)
This theory is introduced by the Hackman and Oldham’s(1990) that focuses on the characteristics of the job and the satisfaction of the employee’s job. There are five important factors that keep the employees more satisfied. These factors are related to the
- Skill variety,
- Task identification,
- Significance of the work,
- Feedback and autonomy.
These all factors are the key to motivation of the employees. Therefore, the amalgam of these factors is important in order to increase the performance of the employees(Ali, et al., 2014).
There are four models that explain the concept of the organizational behaviors. These four models are – Autocratic, supportive, custodial and collegial. All these models explains the importance to have a strong link between the individual, team and organizational objectives for the productivity of the organization. It is essential that there is a clear communication between the employees and its managers with regard to the long term objectives of the Organization. The role of motivation is also very important to shape the behavior of the employees(SIM, 2012). The performance appraisal theory is the evaluation and assessment of the performance of the progress towards the goals and objectives of the company. Performance appraisal is also an important part of the management of the human resources. According to the Bowles and Coates(2001), “the performance review should also be arranged by the managers which is important to maintain the loyalty and commitment than to manage the performance directly”. The feedback is must for resolving the issues as well as to motivate the employees. Moreover, the 360- degree appraisal feedback is the useful tool used by the management team of the Sportec company to get the feedback from its customers as well as from the colleagues to improve their performance accordingly to meet the objectives of the team as well as organizational objectives. According to Hurley(2003), “ the communication, efficiency and the productivity of the team is increased with the use of the 360 degree feedback systems”
Organizational conflict management
Organizations have different kinds of employees and it is very important to retain the employees for as long as it is possible. Recruiting new employees in an organization involves a huge amount of expenditure and time as well. So, it is important to keep the employees happy and satisfied so that they can work for an organization for quite a long time. It promotes the brand image of an organization and helps in building the goodwill of the organization as well. Every individual is different and so are his needs. Some needs monetary incentives for motivation; some needs non-monetary incentives some needs both. The motivational programs should be conducted after regular intervals to keep the employees on track(Mukul, et al., 2013). The leaders and supervisors should be friendly and should help the employees in achieving their goals. The individual’s needs are dynamic and keeps on changing from time to time, so it is recommended to analyze their demands. The biggest strength of providing rewards to employees in any organization is that they feel motivated and work keeping in mind the benchmarks and that they will be awarded with rewards. It definitely enhances employee retention in the organization. The weakness, however, is that it involves a huge amount of expenditure and activities such as learning activities or employee recognition programs etc. involves a great effort as well as time. This adds to the cost of the company and thereby adding to the cost of the product in return.
“Reward Management and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study of Private Universities In Uganda”, the authors clearly mention the monetary and non-monetary incentives and what is the difference between these two incentives and how these incentives differ in their own ways and impact of such incentives on performance of employees(Musenze, et al., 2013).
In the case study, there are two situations has been observed one is related to the dissatisfaction of the employees and second one is the organizational commitment. In this case study, the concept of the organizational commitment and organizational stress is applied.
The problem faced by the Sportec is related to the high turnover rate and the rosemary is the management consultant who conduct an interview session with employees of the Sportec to know their behavior and then gave advice to the Phil according to their judgement. Rosemary found that the change in the culture of the organization is the main reason of the dissatisfaction of the employees, especially the women working at the labor site in UK(Hartzell, 2017). The management is the main reason of the high turnover. Pamela and Sharon are the newly appointed women and they are slow at work, but instead of motivating those employees, organization put a pressure on these employees and also Dawn who is the supervisor were unsuccessful. Then, Phil decided that Robert will handle the activities in the future. This strategy used by the Phil will change the working environment and the culture of the organization that leads to create a problem. This is related to the organizational stress among the employees, which creates the problem and increases the turnover rates. In the company all these interpersonal conflicts and negative relations are the main reason of the depression and stress, which results into the ill health and low productivity of the employees and higher the rate of absentieeism in the organization. This is the first reason that employees are leaving the organization.
MASLOW Theory of Motivation
Moving further, the other reason of the dissatisfaction of the employees is because of the lack of appreciation to the employees and this concept is related to the reward theory of motivation. As the employees and women are expecting that the Phil Jobson will give the bonus to the employees after achieving the sales targets in the year of the 2015. The Sportec failed to give monetary rewards to the employees as the management distribute the t shirts but that is not the need of the employees. The Sportec company is failed to understand the needs of the company as the employees in the greed of bonuses at the end of the month and not the appreciation. The employees are not satisfied because the company does not fulfill its commitments to provide bonuses and breaks that organizational promises. All these concepts of the organizational behavior explained the reasons of the resignation given by the employees(Mukul, et al., 2013). However the theory of job characteristics is introduced by the Hackman and Oldham’s that focuses on the characteristics of the job and the satisfaction of the employee’s job. There are five important factors that keep the employees more satisfied. These factors are related to the skill variety, Task identification, significance of the work, feedback and autonomy. This theory is also applicable in this study as it is very important to satisfy the employees to increase the productivity as well as to meet the sales targets.
The recommendations for these problems faced by the Phil Jobsen are given below in the form of some points: –
- This is the first advice for the Phil is that, he should understand the needs of the employees for their job satisfaction and higher productivity. The company should conduct a survey so that the motivational rewards will offer to them accordingly.
- The organization culture should develop in a such a way that it should be acceptable by the employees in the organizations
- The company should conduct a personal interview session with the Sharon and Pamela to know the reason of their resignation and then take a corrective action accordingly.
- The employee satisfaction is must for the higher productivity,so there should be stress buster programs for the employees(Morrow, 2010).
- The company should improve its feedback system as this system helps in planning for the future period of time and to solve the current situations.
- The stress and the conflicts in the organization is the serious issue, it should be dealt with the help of senior people of the organization.
- The Sportec should provide the training programs on the regular intervals as this is very important to manage the human resource department.
- The involvement of the employees in the decision making process is also very important to make them feel that they are the special part of the company.
- The company and the Phil Jobson should focus on building a strong relationship with the employees so that employee feels comfortable to share their complaints and problems(Delta, 2006).
- In Sportec, whether employers or employees all need to have a reasonable exposure to organizational behaviors to achieve the planned objectives of their organization.
- The behaviors of the employees are based on their perceptions, hence, it is important that the management of an organization understands these perceptions by discussions, listening and communications.
- The communication system between the top management and the lower level management should be strong to resolve the problem of the high turnover rates.
In this report, all the problems related to the organizational behavior and the employee satisfaction are discussed as these results in low productivity of the company.However, the problem found was related to the labor turnover and the behavior of the employees of the organization. The resignation is given by the employees are increasing day by day because of the improper working environment, conflicts and politics. The whole case study revolves around the employee dissatisfaction because of the stress and burden of the job as well as of the unexpected rewards to the employees. The recommendation for the problem also outlined that the understanding of the employee’s need and the positive working environment is very important. The Sportec company is very famous company for manufacturing the performance vests and apparels. The company growth will rise if the employees of the organization will satisfied and they feel comfortable to work with the company. The organizational culture and change in that culture also affects the performance of the employees as it takes to make adjustments in the new environment. The mailbox of the Phil Jobson was filled with the e-mails of the resignation just because of the organizational stress and the dissatisfaction of the employees of the company. The company should focus on the employees and should develop a friendly environment for higher productivity and should communicate with the employees to know the actual problem. The company may face problems in the future also in recruiting and retaining the new employees if it is not resolved in time. However, it is very important to shape the behavior of the employees by making them feel that they are the integral part and their thoughts, ideas and views matter to the company. The decision making and the leadership strategies can be used or implement in the company to satisfy the employees at work. Therefore, the organizational behavior and attitudes of the employees has a great impact on the performance of the companies.
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