Organizational Behavior: Understanding Employee Workplace Attitudes And Behavior
Impact of Attitude on Employee Behavior
Discuss About The Organization Behavior Employees Workplace?
Organizational behavior refers to the study of human behavior in an organization. it relates to the way in which a person interacts, think and possess their views in front of other people in a management culture is called organization behavior. Further, the essay provides an overview of the organization behavioral aspects with regards to change in the attitude of a person. It also tells about the significant differences between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of an employee’s towards their particular organization and its impact on the organization (Gelfand, et. al., 2017). Further, it also tells about how a manager shall determine the significance of organizational commitment in an organization.
Attitude influence the nature of people in the management process of the organization. If an employee develops a negative attitude towards other colleagues in an organization, then the behavior of that particular person will also affect the behavior of other people as well. Thus, it shall be noted that behavior is an important aspect which effectively contributes to the determination process of the workplace environment. The attitude of an employee is the most important factor which drives the behavior of an employee in an organization. Thus, in an organization, the management shall look after the attitudinal change of an employee which ultimately results in changing the efficiency of that person to work positively or negatively (Organ, 2017). So, it shall be understood that the attitude of a person is based on their past and personal experiences. A positive attitude helps the person to gain many new and efficient experiences in an organization. Therefore, it is said that the manager needs to evaluate and observe the behavior of its employees in order to analyze the success of the management of the organization. further the organizational behavior theory explained by Martin Fishbein states that there is a solid relationship between the behavior and attitude of a person in an organization which provides two consequence in which the manager shall notice things such as, change in both attitude and behavior in the social situation and evaluation of the level of attitude and behavior in specific situations (Kanfer, Frese, & Johnson, 2017).
Some of the factors which contribute to the development or change in the attitude of people which are peers, prejudices, family, social adjustment function etc. All these are the given factors which affect the behavior of a people in an organization. The potential and competency of an employee to perform particular task is determined by their attitude and behavior. Thus, it shall be noted that employee with the positive attitude is promoted first in the organization. Also, it helps in reducing the negativity. The target of the organization is only achieved when people aim to reduce the negativity and spread positivity in the attitude of people prevailing in the environment (Suwati, Minarsih, & Gagah, 2016). Just like positive attitude affects the working of an employee similarly, negative attitude adversely affect the state and position of an employee in an organization management. Thus, it shall be noted that with this effect the whole employee efficiency is changed in an organization due to which efficiency of the organization in the global environment.
Factors Influencing the Attitude of Employees
Further talking about the usefulness of an employee in an organization is that the demand of an employee in the market depends upon their behavior in the workplace. Thus, it is said that always create a positive attitude towards every new thing happening in the organization. The goal which an individual wants to achieve during their job can be achieved only with positive attitude and adoption of positive behavior (Sundarminingsih, Minarsih, & Wulan, 2016). Attitudes are the most crucial part of the individual to initiate success in their job profile. As attitude affects the performance of employees in an organization due to which the collective environment in an organization also changes. Thus, it can be said a positive attitude of the workforce can create positivity in the whole organizational culture as well. With this process, the success in the organization is also achieved. Further talking about the both professional and personal life, attitude of a person determines its growth and success. The activities which a person performs highly are influenced by their attitude only, also the personality and characteristics traits which a person adhere are built by the attitude of a person only (Naburi, et. al., 2017). The attitude in simple words can be regarded as the response which a person gives in different types of situations. Therefore positive attitude helps them in better understanding things and achieving the desired goals whereas negative attitude of a person will initially demotivate them and lead them in the wrong direction; due to which they will get distracted from their goals and objectives. Also, the financial success and wealth of an organization also depend upon the behavior of the employees of the organization. Right and positive attitude will lead the organization towards success whereas negative attitude will reduce the efficiency of the organization. Along with the attitude, there are many other factors existing in the management of the organization which affects the growth and culture of the organization such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is one of the frequently measure term which is an indicator of the workplace environment (Schrock, et. al., 2016).
Organizational citizenship, absenteeism, and turnover are some of the factors which predict the behavior of the individual in terms of job satisfaction. Further, it shall be noted that job satisfaction is the self-assessment and experience level which an individual receives in their particular job. Some of the factors on which job satisfaction depends are compensation, superior support, working environment, job security etc. Salary is the most important motivating factor for an individual in their job. Higher the remuneration, better the employee will work. Thus, the biggest motivation factor an individual which provide them job satisfaction is the remuneration which they get paid from the organization (Weer & Greenhaus, 2017). So in order to maximize the satisfaction level of the employees and keep them interested in the job, the manager shall look after the remuneration, that they get adequately paid. Further talking about the superior support, it refers to the initiation of a good relationship between the superior management and the employees of the organization. The superior management shall create a healthy environment in the organization by initiating communication in the organization. They shall also look after their queries and resolve them so that the employees feel that the company also cares about the employees of the organization. This process reduces the negativity in the organization and increases the productivity as well. Superior support also introduces employer-employee relationship in the organization due to which the employee feels that their job is secured. The attitude of the employees forms the working environment in the organization. And the working environment of the organization is formed by the attitudes of employees (Baird, Tung, & Yu, 2017). Both the aspects are co-related with each other, as if the environment in the organization is good then employees will automatically get motivated to work better, an if employees initiate positive working attitude then the working culture will become positive. Lastly, job security is another important aspect of job satisfaction which helps the company to retain the employees in the particular job. Job security refers to the process in which the employee is not at the risk of losing their job due to which they get satisfied with the services of the organization. Thus, if the employees are having job security then it is easy for the company to retain them and produce output from their work.
The Importance of Positive Attitude in Organizations
It is very important for the manager of the organization to look after the aspect that the employee with whom they are working is committed to the work and their organization. As organization commitment refers to the process in which an employee is committed or loyal towards the activities which they perform for the organization. They always implement actions which are good and suitable for the growth of the organization. The organization is good indicator of the behavior of the employees towards their job. There are basically three components of the organization commitment mainly, affective, continuance and normative commitment. Affective commitment refers to the desire of an employee to stay in a particular job; it is their want to stay in the organization because of their affection towards the organization (Horwitz & Horwitz, 2017). Further continuance commitment refers to the needs of an employee to stay in the particular organization and that need should be continuous. Further, the normative commitment refers to the feeling of employees which initiates them to stay in a particular job. The methodology of organizational commitment helps the manager of an organization to understand the importance of employees in an organization. as if the employee will not be committed toward their job and organization then will starting shifting their jobs due to which employee turnover in the organization would increase; resulting to which a bad image circulate in the market of the organization (Ahmad, Athar, & Hussain, 2016). Thus, in the limelight of above event, it shall be noted that attitude of an employee highly focuses on the growth of the organization. So, the manager shall initiate to take care of the interest of employees so that organization achieves its objectives.
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