Applications, Problems, And Potential Solutions Of Internet Of Things

Overview of Internet of Things

Discuss about the different application area Internet of Things is applied, the problems which are being faced and the potential solutions for the problems being faced.

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Internet of Things is a concept of device with the ability to collect information from the world using sensors and applications and sharing them across the internet where there are devices to process the collected data and utilize it when needed. The use of it devices has recently seen a rise in production (Gubbi et al. 2013).

Internet of Things security is an area of concern related to the safeguarding of tee device connected to the network. It involves the prevalence of objects or things to provide them with unique identifiers and the ability to automatically transmit the data using a network. The Internet of Things communication comprises of the embedded sensors, energy grids, home appliances and wearable smart devices.

The report further discusses about the different application area Internet of Things is applied, the problems, which are being faced, and the potential solutions for the problems being faced. 

Using Internet of Things in the common world has several benefits. The devices can be used to receive warning to the user’s phone and to detect danger from the nearby-analyzed data. Using the technology in automobiles can cause them to park automatically using sensors to look out for nearby cars. Tracking of shipments can be done easily using electronic tags attached to the parcel (Tao et al. 2014). Tacking the habits and health of the user can detect any disease or can be used to send out SOS signals during time of danger. Internet of Things devices can also be used in business world to locate inventory shipments, save fuel by using intelligent driving routes and mechanisms and to improve safety for the workers in hazardous areas.

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Figure 1: A graph showing the different Internet of Things

(Source: Theconnectivist-img.s3.amazonaws, 2017)

All home appliances can be changed to become compatible with the Internet of Things devices. Internet of Things devices uses Wi-Fi or has an inbuilt wireless connectivity software to connect to the internet. However, these devices are becoming the sensation of every household and user there is a small drawback in them. They lack in security protocol, which is a major risk factor for any individual using an Internet of Things device (Xu et al. 2014). Due to the new rise in the technology, the developers are going into competition to produce the device at a cheap price and to gain the confidence of the consumers. This factor makes the main feature of device security to neglect during production.


The term Internet of Things has become a wide spread description of billions of devices which are using sensory reception to stay connected to each other using the internet (Xu, Wendt and Potkonjak 2014). The range of Internet of Things devices is large. They include wearable devices, to medical devices and even devices to control automobiles and factories. The main drawback is that the users think that the devices they are using are safe, but they lack the security feature, which should have been present. There has been a lot of research done in order to see ton what extent does it require to hack the Internet of Things devices. These can be taken control by hackers and be used in harmful ways to harm the user. As the devices falling under the category of Internet of Things devices are small and use the sensory and embedded system, they cannot be secured using the steps used to secure a personal computer (Zhang et al. 2014). Keeping aside the security issues, which may arise, a few of the applications of Internet of Things Security are given below:

  • Internet of Things network security: This application is used to secure the connection, which is used to connect the Internet of Things devices to the internet. If the devices cannot be secured easily then by securing the network they are connected to can help a little in securing the Internet of Things devices (Zhang, Cho and Shieh 2015).
  • Internet of Things Authentication: There should be an ability to implement the use of authentication of an Internet of Things device. There can be usage of a simple pin number to using static passwords to authenticate the device. Additional security can be added by using biometric and digital certificates of the devices being used. However, the method of using an authentication process is for a human to enter the pin or password into the device to gain access, but in the use of Internet of Things devices, they are all machine to machine connected. There are no human interaction in between (Minoli, Sohraby and Kouns 2017).
  • Internet of Things encryption: Encryption of information stored on the device and the ones being transmitted should be encrypted using proper methods. Even if the devices can get hacked the hacker will be able to find encrypted information on the devices. The information will require a lot of time before it can be decrypted, till then the information will be of no use to the hacker.
  • Internet of Things security analysis of data: Collecting the information from the Internet of Things devices can be used to do analytical data manipulation to understand the range of data being dealt with. The information gathered can be used to develop machine-learning programs and to be added to the collection of big data. Internet of Things security analysts will now be required to detect the kind of attack the devices will face (Riahi et al. 2013).
  • Internet of Things API security: Using procedures during the transmission of information between the Internet of Things devices should be authenticated and authorized. API security measures should be used to provide integrity to the data being collected and transferred.

Information security should always be given top priority in case of electronics devices. There hackers who are capable of extracting information from any type of devices. There is a large area of application of the Internet of Things devices due to its implementation scope and procedures. Though there are benefits to all kinds of technology, drawbacks follow them closely (Sivaraman et al. 2015). Drawbacks of Internet of Things can be divided into two parts: security issues and hardware security issues. They are discussed below:

Security Issues:

  • Security data encryption: There is a huge collection of data from Internet of Things applications. Retrieving of data and processing the collected information is an essential part of all Internet of Things applications. Most of the information is personal data 0f the user thus it needs to be encrypted before saving them.
  • Data authentication: After the encryption of the information collected, there can still be a chance that the device has been hacked from the inside. In this case, there needs to be the implementation of data authentication from the source it is coming from. All commands coming to the device should have authentication keys before executing the device (Sfar et al. 2017).
  • Side channel issues: Apart from the above two problems there is always a side channel which can be violated on the device. If the hacker can get access to the time, temperature controller of the device they can violate the device using the side channel.

Hardware Security Issues:

Range of devices: range of working of the Internet of Things devices should be determined correctly before implementing the application.

Capacity and latency: capacity and latency of all Internet of Things devices should be increased which increases the efficiency of working of the devices.Manufacturability test: Testing the device once the device has been manufactured to ensure the devices work as to its specifications (Medwed 2016).

Figure 2: The Gartner hype cycle in 2011 showing the Internet of Things on the top

(Source:, 2017)

There are many different vendors and developers of the Internet of Things devices, which cause no single platform usage. Different developers use different platforms to implement their devices. This has made no single platform to stand out in the crowd (Cai et al. 2017). Due to such lack of security measures in the device, there is a high chance that the device can be hacked at any time without the user even knowing about it. This is of huge risk. Cars and health devices using Internet of Things once if it is hacked can cause death like situations. The hacker can implement the device to work in any kind of situation and stop the device from working (Pacheco and Hariri 2016).

Security Problems

Internet of Things technologies are still new to the market (Aman, Chua and Sikdar 2016). There needs to be vigorous testing of security and hardware that needs to be done on the devices before saying that they are reliable for the consumers to use. Before working on any device there should be thorough research done on the topic to point out what are the drawbacks, which needs to be addressed. This would help the developers to assess the amount of work that needs to be done on the device before releasing it to the consumers. Threats should be assessed correctly as the devices are cheap thus the developers pay small attention to the point of security. This should not be the suitable process of development of electronic devices, which are targeted for storing personal information and can be easily hacked. Security should be the top most priority during the designing of any device (Tuna et al. 2017). The developers can follow the following to ensure that they can produce a secured device for the consumers:

  • There should be an encrypted digital certificate, which would authorize the device when it is first powered up. The software, which has the correct authentication certificate, will only be able to access the device when it has been installed (Wurm et al. 2016).
  • To limit the use of the device components there should be access controls installed into the system. They should also be kept at certain limit of usage. The resources should not be allowed to be used by the application to its full limit. Only the minimum amount of limitations should be allowed for thee resources.
  • The device once connected to the internet should authenticate itself using a certificate before they start transmitting and receiving the data from the internet.
  • There should be firewall installed on the device to have the ability to monitor the packets, which are being transmitted and received over the internet (Li and Da Xu 2017).
  • Updates and patches of the software’s should be delivered to the device without using excessive resources, which might compromise the safety of the device.

To implement the best security measure the developers can design interoperable and standard security system, which not only stops hacking of the device but also records the hacking attempt on the device. The developers of the system should have periodic routine software updates sent to the Internet of Things devices to patch up the security measures of the device. Using encrypted methods for the use of data transmission should be implemented into the devices. This would help the device to keep the device safe from data theft (Li, Tryfonas and Li 2016).


To conclude this report it can be said that the use of Internet of Things security should be the top priority for the organizations specializing in the Internet of Things devices. Discussion about the different applications of the security measures which the producers can use to apply security to the Internet of Things devices shows that even if the devices lack the security measures there can be security addition to the various methods the devices are connected to the other devices. The report also discusses about the different problems and the possible solutions, which can be used by the organizations to counter, measure them. Avoiding the problems and to provide the best possible measure should be the top most priority of the organizations providing Internet of Things devices. The developers should assess the security blind spots of the use of Internet of Things. The devices are not being used at such a large scale due to the lack in security measure and due to certain legal issue, which pertain to the fact of sharing personal information over the internet.

Security Solutions


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