Developing Your Individual Success Plan For NRS-490


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New practice approaches

I have realized that evidence based medicine encompasses a systematic approach that helps to solve a clinical problem. For this purpose we are required to integrate best available research evidences with our clinical expertise. We should also give due respect to the preferences and individual needs of a patient before implementing any such intervention (Melnyk et al., 2012). Thus, we should adopt an approach that focuses on the following:

· asking questions

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· searching for latest research

· incorporating clinical experience

· accommodating patient demands

· applying the results

Intraprofessional collaboration

The week long courses helped me realize that the best guideline for nursing is to strengthen interprofessional collaboration among nurses due to the fact that such collaborative practice is essential for promoting best possible health outcomes for all our patients (Pfaff et al., 2014). We should foster an effective collaboration at our workplace by including a variety of healthcare professionals to deliver optimal quality care services to all patients within and across the healthcare setting.

· For this purpose, I intend to talk to all professionals to share their perspectives.

· I also need to be clear about my roles and responsibilities, in addition to roles of other multidisciplinary healthcare workers

· I have also realized the importance of supporting and assisting each other in the best interest of the patients

Healthcare delivery and clinical system

While undertaking the course I understood that all patients must receive the benefits of high quality healthcare system in order to enjoy optimal health, on an individual basis, or for the entire population. Thus the primary aim of all healthcare delivery and clinical system should be to make amendments in the primary care practices for improving the overall efficiency and quality of patient care (Curran et al., 2012). I was also able to realize that the healthcare settings need to adopt strategies that will help to transform the practices for enhancing patient satisfaction and reducing costs. Furthermore, the course also made me recognize that as clinical staff, we all should get empowered for providing suggestions and helping in implementation of effective changes.                                      

Ethical considerations in health care

While dealing with a range of health issues, I realized that ethical concerns are quite common in the field of healthcare services. Certain incidents made it evident that almost all decisions made while delivering interventions might have severe ethical implications. I found that these implications created direct effects on the patients, healthcare leaders, patient families and us, the providers.

Some of the most common ethical challenges that I encountered or came to know about during the course include the following:

· Improving access to care

· Addressing issues that are related to end-of-life decisions (Whitehead et al., 2015)

· Sustaining the healthcare workforce

· Allocating limited medications

· Organ donation

· Balancing between care efficiency and quality

Population health concerns

The course helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the various health concerns that worsen the health of the population. While working with the patients I realized that the major public health concerns were related to overweight and obesity, nutrition and physical activity, tobacco consumption, substance abuse, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, immunization risks, vehicle injuries, cardiovascular disease and stroke, and alcohol related harms (Althouse et al., 2014). Thus, I realize that it is difficult to define population health due to the unique challenges that exist.

Role of technology in improving health care outcomes

I observed the senior healthcare professionals utilise a range of IT services, with the aim of improving patient safety. Working in collaboration with the healthcare providers helped me recognize the benefits of healthcare technology namely,

· Facilitating communication between all clinicians and clients (Free et al., 2013)

· Reducing rates of medication errors

· Providing improved access to information

· Increasing patient-centered care

Health policy

This course also facilitated gaining a sound understanding of the healthcare industry that accounts for more than 1/6th of all expenses of the nation. I became aware of the existing healthcare policies such as, the Affordable Care Act of 2010, also known as Obamacare that aims to expand health insurance coverage for more residents of the nation (Blumberg, Corlette & Lucia, 2014). I also became aware of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 that allowed all employees to continue use healthcare coverage, on losing it otherwise (Patel & Rushefsky, 2014). A sound understanding of these healthcare policies helped me realize that most Americans are enrolled in private insurances through their employers. It also helped me increase awareness of my patients regarding the healthcare benefits they were entitled to.

Leadership and economic models

The course also acted in a beneficial way in increasing my understanding of the transformational leadership model that all nursing professionals must adhere to, while caring for their patients. I realized the need to forming partnerships with physicians and other professionals in redesigning the healthcare service that is to be delivered to all patients. Moreover, I also recognized the fact that nurses should be accountable for their contributions and actions.

There is also a need to formulate economic models of cost saving policies that will help in improving health outcomes and preventing adverse health events.

Health disparities

I encountered several instances that helped me identify ranges of health disparities or preventable differences that arose on the context of ethnic, geographical, educational or cultural differences between the clients. Thus, I realized that all efforts must be taken by the healthcare professionals to eliminate environmental threats, and inadequate access to health services (Frieden, 2013). This will help us to deliver optimal care service to all patients, regardless of their backgrounds.

Professional practice

The course helped me identify that my role as a nurse would require me to focus on caring for individuals, their families and the community in order to enhance their overall quality of life. I also realized that my profession would be a demanding on and would require me to make all possible efforts for promoting health of the patients.

Strength and weakness

Some of my strengths are that I am a hard worker, punctual and a quick learner.

Some of my weaknesses include lack of appropriate leadership qualities, get pleased easily and lack of active listening skills.

Abilities to influence optimal outcomes

Critical thinking will form an essential ability that will teach about the standards of care for which all nurses are held accountable. Self-management behavior and appropriate decision making skills will also lead to achievement of optimal health outcomes for all patients.


· I was able to exemplify professionalism in the healthcare setting

· I provided culturally sensitive care services to all my clients

· I provided education regarding the proposed intervention to all my patients

· I advocated for their dignity and autonomy for CALD clients

· I also assessed the spiritual needs for the patients and tried to adjust the care plan accordingly


Althouse, B. M., Allem, J. P., Childers, M. A., Dredze, M., & Ayers, J. W. (2014). Population health concerns during the United States’ great recession. American journal of preventive medicine, 46(2), 166-170.

Blumberg, L. J., Corlette, S., & Lucia, K. (2014). The Affordable Care Act: Improving incentives for entrepreneurship and self-employment. Public Policy & Aging Report, 24(4), 162-167.

Curran, G. M., Bauer, M., Mittman, B., Pyne, J. M., & Stetler, C. (2012). Effectiveness-implementation hybrid designs: combining elements of clinical effectiveness and implementation research to enhance public health impact. Medical care, 50(3), 217.

Free, C., Phillips, G., Watson, L., Galli, L., Felix, L., Edwards, P., … & Haines, A. (2013). The effectiveness of mobile-health technologies to improve health care service delivery processes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS medicine, 10(1), e1001363.

Frieden, T. R. (2013). CDC health disparities and inequalities report-United States, 2013. Foreword. MMWR supplements, 62(3), 1-2.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Kaplan, L. (2012). The state of evidence-based practice in US nurses: critical implications for nurse leaders and educators. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(9), 410-417.

Patel, K., & Rushefsky, M. E. (2014). Healthcare politics and policy in America. Public Integrity, 17(1), 94-96.

Pfaff, K., Baxter, P., Jack, S., & Ploeg, J. (2014). An integrative review of the factors influencing new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(1), 4-20.

Whitehead, P. B., Herbertson, R. K., Hamric, A. B., Epstein, E. G., & Fisher, J. M. (2015). Moral distress among healthcare professionals: Report of an institution?wide survey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 117-125.

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