Headspace Project Automated Information Recording System: Overview, Stakeholder Interests, And Use Case
Stakeholder Interest in the Project
Discuss about the Headspace Project Automated Information Recording System.
A number of business sectors, industries and organizations have been set up in different parts of the globe. The set of activities and business operations that are performed by these entities are also different in terms of the area of operation, methodologies that are applied and the information that is associated with it. Every country has some sectors and lines of businesses that are present on a mandatory basis and healthcare is an example of the same. In the healthcare sector, there are numerous tasks and operations that are carried out daily. There are various activities that the organizations and agencies associated with this sector perform on a daily basis. A share of $54 Million has been invested by the Australian Government in the National Youth Mental Health Foundation. This programme was later renamed and popularized as Headspace. In the recent years, there is a lot of youth that suffers from different medical problems and issues, such as, anxiety, depression, mental health syndromes and many other conditions. It has become required to provide the due care and attention to these patients so that their condition does not worsen (Rhyous, 2011).
Headspace project is an initiative to provide the required care, treatment and support to the youth suffering from any of the medical conditions and disorders. In order to accomplish the task, it is required to investigate and gather the information from the patients. The patients share their problems and issues in the form of a story which is stored in the information that is associated with the case. However, there are not one but many workers that handle the case and it is troublesome for the patients to share the same story with each of the worker again and again.
Due to the nature of the issues that are currently present in the system, it has been proposed to set up and advanced and automated systems that will capture the patient story in the first go. The system will record the information and will analyze the same.
Name of the Stakeholder |
Type of the Stakeholder |
Stakeholder’s Interest |
Patient – Customer |
External and Operational |
Customers are the patients that will be utilizing the services and the features that will be implemented in the system. The level of interest for the patients will be high in this case as the need to repeat their responses and story will be eliminated. There will be a one-time discussion that will take place and all the necessary details will be captured by the system. |
Project Manager and Leadership |
Internal and Executive |
There are a lot of activities that will be carried out by the system in terms of information recording and management. The success of the project will be beneficial for the project management which will enhance their level of interest in the project (Bourne, 2016). |
Project Team Members |
Internal and Operational |
There will be many members that will be involved in the project team such as project developer, design, implementation team and likewise. These resources will be accountable and responsible for the project activities and their success. It will enhance their interest in the project. |
Case Workers and Clinical Team |
Internal and Operational |
The responsibility of the diagnosis and treatment of the medical conditions of the patients will be on the clinical team and the members working on the case. The system will provide them with the ability to get rid of all the issues that are present in the current process. They will be able to interact with the patients in a better manner and will be able to understand the case details accurately. The interest of these members will therefore by high (Watt, 2016) |
Headspace Team – Sponsor |
External and Executive |
The aim of the Australian Government is to make sure that the cases of mental health conditions reduce and the ones that are present are resolved in a timely manner. The aim of the sponsor will be realized with this project which will surely enhance their interest in the project (Walker, 2016) |
Suppliers and Vendors |
External and Executive |
The completion of the project activities will include a lot many tools and equipment as well, such as computer systems, networking tools and many more. These will be provided by this group of stakeholders and they will receive their share of payments in return. The same will be the reason of their interest in the project. |
Introduction Statement
Headspace project is an initiative to provide the required care, treatment and support to the youth suffering from any of the medical conditions and disorders. In order to accomplish the task, it is required to investigate and gather the information from the patients. Apart from the patients, there are other stakeholders that are also involved in the project, such as the project sponsor, clinical team, case workers, project team, project management and likewise. There will be abundant information that will be available with all the stakeholders. Many of the techniques and methods have been developed to make sure that the information that is gathered is relevant and as per the requirement. Some of the investigation techniques that may be used for the purpose include interviews, questionnaires, observations, and brainstorming sessions. Questionnaire technique is used and applied to cover the details and requirements associated with the project.
- What is the health information that you look out for while discussing the case with the patients?
- There must be multiple discussions that a patient needs to attend to convey all the information related with his/her mental and health condition. What is the average number of such discussions and meetings in a case?
- What are the major problems that are present in the system that is currently followed in the process of information collection and storage?
- Do you classify the patient information as per the contents and protection criteria of the information or is it treated as the case information as a whole?
- What are the data operations that you use and apply on the patient information? What are the tools that are used for the purpose?
- What are the various platforms that you would prefer for accessing the system?
- What are the set of non-functional requirements that you would wish to be included in the system?
- Is there any other automated application or system that is currently being used in the project for the execution of the project activities?
- What is the technical expertise that you have in terms of understanding the flow of the application and its features? Would you like to receive a training session as the first step before the practical usage?
- Health information is considered as the sensitive information. What are the measures that you and your team takes for the protection of the health information of the patient?
Questionnaire for the Stakeholders
Use Case Model (Agilemodeling, 2016)
- Access the Application
The customers, that is, the patients and the representatives from the clinical team and case workers will be allowed to access the application. In order to gain entry to the application, a unique id and a matching password will be necessary which will be followed by a biometric identification. In such a manner, the application information will be protected at all times.
- Provide Customer Data
The primary purpose of the application is to capture the patient story. The patient story will be captured by the system in the form of the responses that will be provided by the patient to the questions that will be asked. This data will be recorded by the system and will be stored by the id of the patient which will be a unique identifier.
- Manage the user and setting up of the privileges
The system administrator will have the ability to manage all the users that will be granted the access to the system. The set of privileges and the operations that will be allowed to be carried out by the users will be based upon the type of the user. Such settings and the modifications in these settings will be allowed to be performed by the administrator only (Fakhroutdinov, 2016).
- Analysis of the Data
The clinical team and the case workers currently make use of explicit tools and packages for analyzing the data that is provided by the patients. There are also manual operations that are currently involved in the process. However, the automated system will integrate the data analytics tools that will analyze the patient story and will highlight the results. These results will assist the clinical team and case workers in the development of the measures for the treatment of the patients.
- Feedback and Medical reports
The clinical team will provide the case workers with their analysis reports in the form of the medical feedback along with the medical documents. These reports and documents will be uploaded by the clinical team members on the system and the case workers will be allowed to access and download the same by making use of a valid set of credentials.
- Development of the solution
The responsibility of the development of the source code for the system will be on the project developer. There will be a front end that will be developed comprising of all the system functional requirements and specifications. This front end will then be connected with the database that will be the back-end of the system. The project developer will be required to come up with the source code and will also be required to perform a unit testing of the code to ensure that there are no bugs and faults present in the code (Wick, 2016).
- Equipment for the Project
The patients will be notified about their diagnosis results and the need to provide further responses by creating alerts and reminders for them regarding the upcoming sessions. The completion of the project activities will include a lot many tools and equipment as well, such as computer systems, networking tools and many more. These will be provided by the service providers, that is, the suppliers and the vendors and they will receive their share of payments in return.
Use Case Name |
Provide Customer Data |
Use Case Scenario |
The patients will provide and share their story in the form of the response that will be given to the questions and queries. |
Trigger event |
The case worker/clinical team member will start the session by asking the questions to the patients |
Brief description of the use case |
The primary purpose of the application is to capture the patient story. The patient story will be captured by the system in the form of the responses that will be provided by the patient to the questions that will be asked. This data will be recorded by the system and will be stored by the id of the patient which will be a unique identifier. |
Related use cases |
Analysis of the Data |
Actors |
Patient, |
Stakeholders |
Patient and Clinical Team |
Pre-conditions |
The clinical team member or the case worker shall have the set of the credentials to make sure that they can enter the application and begin recording the same |
Post-conditions |
The system must capture the information that is provided by the patients. |
Flow of activities |
Actor |
System |
Input the id and password for the system |
The primary screen shall come up |
Insert the patient id |
The case information associated with the patient must appear. |
Record the patient story |
The information shall be stored in the system. |
Exception conditions |
The credentials that are entered by the user are not correct. |
Agilemodeling,. (2016). UML 2 Use Case Diagramming Guidelines. Agilemodeling.com. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://agilemodeling.com/style/useCaseDiagram.htm
Bourne, L. (2016). Stakeholder Relationship Management. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://www.mosaicprojects.com.au/PDF_Papers/P128b_Stakeholder_Relationship_Management.pdf
Fakhroutdinov, K. (2016). UML actor is a role played by a human user of the designed system, some other system or hardware that interacts with the subject by using services of the subject.. Uml-diagrams.org. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://www.uml-diagrams.org/use-case-actor.html
Rhyous,. (2011). The 8 Types of Technical Documentation and Why Each Is Important. Rhyous. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://www.rhyous.com/2011/07/21/the-different-types-of-technical-documentation-for-software-and-why-each-is-important/
Walker, D. (2016). Influence, Stakeholder Mapping and Visualisation. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://mosaicprojects.com.au/PDF_Papers/P062_Influence_Stakeholder_Mapping_and_Visualisation.pdf
Watt, A. (2016). 5. Stakeholder Management | Project Management. Opentextbc.ca. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/chapter/chapter-5-project-stakeholders-project-management/
Wick, S. (2016). User Stories and Use Cases – Don’t Use Both!. Batimes.com. Retrieved 04 September 2017, from https://www.batimes.com/articles/user-stories-and-use-cases-dont-use-both.html