Communication Method Of Aboriginal People: Tips & Strategies

Audience Analysis

Discuss about the Communication Method Of Aboriginal People.

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The scenario 1 as provided consists of providing an informative session to a group of Aboriginal people. It is required to understand the proper method of communication which is inter-cultural in nature in order to prepare the required session. The language barrier also needs to be overcome, in order to clearly put across the meaning of the topic to the aboriginal people. The aim of the conducted session in this particular scenario is to make the topic of the session clearly understandable to the correct people. The main challenge is to overcome the language barrier as also make the objectives of the topic clearly understandable to the people.

In this particular scenario, the audience under consideration is the aboriginal people. The selected group of people being aboriginals belong to the primitive segments of the society and the nature, characteristics and the understanding of the people are bound to be vastly different from the people who conduct the session. The major impediment to the proper conduct of the session is the language and behavioural pattern of the aboriginals. It needs to be understood that is will not be easy for the aboriginals to understand the language of the so called civilized society. In order to make their statements clearly understood the session conductors need to handle their audiences carefully. The easy as well as the complex directions and facts should be carefully put forward to the aboriginals. It is to be kept in mind that the effectiveness of the communication will depend on the effective analysis of the needs and requirements of the aboriginals (McCarthy et al., 2013).

In this particular scenario, the communication goals basically involve the aim of effectively putting across the statements and the understanding relating to the wills and estate planning to the aboriginal people. The major goal in this case is to be understood. The short term goal is to make the language of communication understandable. The long term goal is to make the topic of the wills and estate planning understandable to the aboriginals. In order to make the methods effective, the selection of the methods of communication is crucial. It should be ensured during the conduction of this session that there are no gaps in the communication for which the aboriginals lose interest in the topic (Adler, Rodman & DuPré, 2016). This might happen if valuable information is not provided to them and the planning process is not clearly explained. It can clearly be said that the procedure of creating a will as well as understanding the necessary criteria for it are crucial to be understood before the principles are applied to them. Unless the need for creating a will or estate planning is clear to the aboriginals they might not understand its utility and may refrain from doing it as well (McCarthy et al., 2013).

Communication Goals

The method should be simple, in lucid language and easy to grasp for the aboriginals. Simple and easy examples to understand the concept of wills and estate planning need to be incorporated. It also needs to be kept in mind that the people are of primitive origin and not well exposed to different concepts of planning, thereby making it difficult for the session conductors to explain it to them. Therefore proper focus should be given on the method of transmission of the thoughts and the ideas. Proper use of language should be implemented in order to make the topic as clear to the aboriginals as possible (Wang, 2014). It should also be kept in mind that certain terms or connotations which might be mentioned in the process of explanation should also be explained in clear language and their meanings explained. The uses and importance of creating a will and making it useful to oneself should be suggested so that the aboriginal people actually benefit from the session and implement the strategies learnt thereby making the session a success (Leathers & Eaves, 2015).

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The timing of doing things should be clearly explained, the importance of punctuality mentioned and the benefits suggested. The concept of correct timing can only be taught by proper example. Therefore the people need to be aware of the benefits of being punctual and taking decisions on time in each and every situation. The proper use of time and punctuality should therefore be highlighted.

The scenario 3 as provided consists of analysing the probable ways in which a method of non-verbal communication needs to be utilised to understand the information desired about the organisation and the job requisites. It also aims to explore the ways in which an expectant candidate can become a successful one. This scenario analysis is based on utilizing the effective theories of non-verbal communication prevalent and aims to utilize them successfully for the ultimate benefit of the candidate.

A job interview scenario involves the interviewers and the interviewee. In case of the audience analysis for a candidate appearing for a job interview the target audience to be analysed consists of the interviewers or people belonging to authoritative positions who either conduct the interview or are present at the time of the interview. It is to be noted that these group of people need to be properly are carefully studied by the candidate giving the interview in order to emerge successful and also to understand the needs of the employees. Audience analysis is extremely important in case of interview scenario analysis.

Communication Process

It is expected that the attitude of the interviewers will be formal and direct. They are bound to ascertain the level of confidence of the candidate they are interviewing. They are bound to check if the candidate is confident or not. They can also study the inherent attitudinal patterns and responses to their asked questions. It is the duty of the candidate to fulfil these criteria by analysing in turn exactly what the interviewers want.

In short it can be clearly said that in case of a job interview, the interviewers need candidates who are confident, well educated as per the job requirements, presentable and well fitted for the job.

There need to be certain well defined goals for communication. The best way to analyse what the interviewers actually want in case of the job interviews is through ways of non-verbal communication (Siegman, 2014). It is therefore necessary for the candidate to set certain short and long term goals for the existence in the company (Hybels, 2014).

The short term goals can be clearly stated as being liked by the interviewers and considered for a position in the company despite the many existent competitors. It also needs to be understood that the short and long term goals are related (Burgoon, Guerrero & Floyd, 2016).

The long term goal is to secure a position in the company desired. Thus if a candidate performs well in the interview and if the short term goal of being liked by the interviewers is fulfilled then it is bound to lead to a secured position in the said organisation. For this reason, the candidate can use certain possible non-verbal communication methods to fulfil the goals of communication with the interviewers (Hybels, 2014).

There are several forms of communication, namely visual communication or kinesics, spatial communication or proxemics, time communication or chronemics, touch communication or haptics and finally sound communication or vocalics. The best form of non-verbal communication to understand the interviewers is that of visual communication. The visual communication methods comprise eye behaviour, facial expression, different gestures and also the overall personal appearance. In order to achieve proper amount of credibility it is desired that the candidate show high level of eye contact which is confident and unwavering. There should be a parity between whatever the candidate is saying and what the body language is showing. There should not be any insincerity in the smiles or facial expressions of the candidate. The method of speaking should exude confidence and there should not be any indication of fear, confusion or anxiety in the words or body language (Knapp, Hall & Horgan, 2013). Another important criterion is that of proper dressing. The candidate needs to be pleasantly and well dressed. Lengthy pauses in conversation should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. There should be proper actions to corresponding match the behaviour of the interviewers. In order to receive the attention from the employers in a positive way, the candidate needs to be relaxed, attentive and exude a perfect balance of friendliness and cordiality in the speech. The posture of seating should be attentive, promoting positive friendliness including positive head movements and complete avoidance of any sort of fidgeting.

The timing criteria should be kept in mind. The candidate should arrive positively within the said time period. Also there should not be any delay in answering the questions asked by the interviewers. In cases of confusion or dilemma also, the candidate should be prompt in stating the actual reason behind the same.


Adler, R., Rodman, G. R., & DuPré, A. (2016). Understanding human communication. Oxford University Press.

Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2016). Nonverbal communication. Routledge.

Hybels, S. (2014). Communicating effectively. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. A., & Horgan, T. G. (2013). Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Cengage Learning.

Leathers, D. G., & Eaves, M. (2015). Successful nonverbal communication: Principles and applications. Routledge.

McCarthy, J., Cassidy, I., Graham, M. M., & Tuohy, D. (2013). Conversations through barriers of language and interpretation. British journal of nursing, 22(6), 335-339.

Siegman, A. W. (2014). Nonverbal behavior and communication. Psychology Press.

Wang, B. (2014). Breaking language barriers. Good Practice, (9), 10.

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