Stakeholders In Sustainability Reporting: Roles And Responsibilities

Stakeholders and Their Roles in the Beyond Teaching Platform

Discuss About The Stakeholders In Sustainability Reporting?

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As we talk about the stakeholders, essentially we are talking about the people who are mainly involved in the running and the performance of an organization. They are the people who make most of the decisions concerning the organization. They are the people who plan the issues of the organization and ensure that everything is running well in the organization. They are the people who manage the affairs of the organization and also ensure that the people who have been given different tasks are performing as expected.

In the case of the beyond teaching platform, we have different stakeholders and all of them has different roles that each of them plays in the running of this platform (Heitmann, 2010). Moreover, the stakeholders of the Beyond teaching platform incorporates the management, educators, parents and even the learners themselves. This group is to assist in ensuring that the learners get maximum support in their learning since that is the main and the core business of this platform. Moreover, it is to enable the learners interact freely with the educators and also with their fellow learners so that they can share their knowledge and skills very easily.

Name of the stakeholder


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Roles and responsibility

Strategies of engagement

Communication and the impacts

Dr. Sheila Mohamed


[email protected]

Managing director of the Beyond teaching platform

1.      As the managing director of this platform, she is the one to ensure that all the resources that this platform has are well managed and that there are no any mismanagement of the resources.

2.      She is going to ensure that the learners are well taken care of so that they can be able to achieve their goals and ensure that the skills and knowledge they gain will be useful in the future and that it will help in the development of the community at large. 

As the managing director of this platform, we are going to engage with her fully so as to ensure that the managerial skills that she has are well used and utilized maximally to the benefits of our leaners and also the teachers (Amaral, &Magalhaes, 2002).

We will ensure that she has been able to interact with the learners and especially with the educators fully so that she can be able to assist them with the necessary information, knowledge and skills that will enable them to interact and educate the learners effectively. 

As the managing director, he is going to communicate with all the stakeholders and ensure that he brings them on board so as to ensure that there is proper involvement by all.

This will help in reducing any negative impact on platform and the attainability of our goals and objectives.

Dr. Porters John

Email: [email protected]

African Merchants

1.      The main responsibilities and roles of Dr. John is to ensure that there is a smooth running of all the Beyond teaching platform. This is mainly based on the facts that he is well educated on the matters of the information technology and also on the matters of the students’ needs and mental care of the students.

2.      Moreover, he is going to assist the teachers on the issues to do with interacting with the students effectively and that they maintain a friendly relationship with the students all through.

Based on knowledge and skills that Dr. John has, the beyond teaching organization aims at engaging him fully on the matters to do with administration and running of this platform so as to ensure that we utilize his knowledge and skills fully (Foster, &Jonker, 2003). This will indeed help us in ensuring that the learners gain maximally from him and also to ensure that the teachers gain the skills and knowledge that will enable them to instruct and interact with the learners effectively

As a stakeholder in the Beyond teaching platform, he is going to ensure that there is a good communication network since he is well educated on the matters of technology

This will help in ensuring that all the learners and the educators are in agreement.

Leah James

Email: [email protected]

PTA chairperson

1.      The first role of Leah is to ensure that she listens to the cry of the teachers and also their needs and bring them to the board of governance to ensure that their grievances are listened and heard so that they can be solved in a very simple way

2.      The other role is to represent the parents to the board so as to ensure that she takes all their needs to the board meetings so that the needs are well taken care of and if there are any issues to do with the parents, she should ensure that all the issues are well solved.

As the Beyond teaching platform, we are going to engage with Leah well so that we can ensure that the issues of the parents are solved and to ensure that there is total corporation between the parents and the Beyond teaching platform (O’Connell, 2005). Moreover, we are going to engage her on the matters to do with the decisions that the parents should be involved in, this will ensure that there is no any war between the board members decisions and the parents at all. Moreover, it will be of great benefits to all the learners as the decisions that are made are essentially supported by their parents and hence their needs will be well taken care of.

Her main duties is to ensure that she has communicated all the information from the parents so as to improve the efficiency of the platform.

Smith Michael

Email: [email protected]

Implementation manager

1.      He is going to ensure that the curriculum is well implemented and also to ensure that all the learners gets the necessary materials that they need so as to ensure that their performance even beyond the teaching and learning sessions is beyond reasonable doubts.

2.      He is also going to assist the learners in ensuring that they are well conversant with all the learning methods that will enable them to perform well even after the classes.

3.      He is going to assist the educators in ensuring that they have managed to educate the learners as required in the guidelines of the Beyond teaching platform.

We are going to engage him fully on the matters to do with the students and on the issues that are affecting the performance of the learners (O’Connell, 2005). This mainly because he is well conversant with the whole program and also he knows very well the way it works.

He is going to ensure that all the learners and the educators are getting each other well and to ensure that he reduces the barriers of communication that can affect teaching and learning.

Peter Jacob

Email: [email protected]

Students representative

1.      HE is going to represent the students in the matters that are affecting them and ensure that the students are comfortable as they learn.

The fact that he is interacting with the other leaners all the time (Manetti, &Toccafondi, 2012). It will be very possible to listen to them and understand their needs so that their performance from this platform is beyond reasonable doubts.

He is going to ensure that there is a good communication a good information flow.

When we look at the feasibility of the Beyond teaching platform, we are essentially talking about the practicability and applicability in the real life situation of this project. Moreover, we are trying to ask the questions such as; how convenient will it be? Will it be of any help to the society?, will the learners benefit from this platform?, will the educators be able to interact with the learners effectively and bring good performance?(Maciaszek, 2007). All these are just but some of the issues that we are trying to look at when we are looking at the operational feasibility of the project.

When we take all these facts into consideration, then we can tell whether the platform will be of any help or not. This is mainly based on the availability of the resources that are necessary in ensuring that there is a smooth running of the platform (Cortese, 2003). Some of the factors to consider if they are available includes; qualified educators; willing learners; availability of materials etc.

Since the beyond teaching is a platform that aims at ensuring that the learners are well equipped as the study and also ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge. We are going to ensure that we have the best educators in our system so that they can instruct the leaners in the best way possible (Cropley, 2014). We are going to ensure that we have scrutinized the teaching capability of the all the educators whom we are going to enroll in this platform so that they can instruct the learners.

Feasibility Study of the Beyond Teaching Platform

Moreover, we will ensure that the educators have a good relationship with the learners so that they can interact freely and ensure that they do not have anything that can hinder them from interacting well with the educators (Cortese, 2003). This will help greatly in ensuring that the learners have utilized the educators maximally and that they don’t get out of hands without the intended knowledge and skills.

Based on these facts, the availability of qualified educators is one of the greatest factors to consider so as ensuring that this project is bearing visible fruits as intended in its blueprint.

The learners are of great essence in this project and are a great factor that can affect the degree of convenience and practicability of this project. This is mainly because if there are no learners who are willing and are able to study well, then the aims and the goals of this platform cannot be achieved. To ensure that we have learners who are willing to learn and who are not being forced to learn is another factor we will look at very keenly (Cropley, 2014). This will enable us to bring out people who are qualified and who have gained the necessary knowledge and skills at the end of the system.

To ensure this, we will ensure that the learners whom we enroll in our system we have scrutinized them well and ensure that they are indeed willing to learn and that they are not being forced to learn by anybody (Maciaszek, 2007). This willingness will indeed be of great help in ensuring that there is Total Corporation between the educators and the learners. This is mainly because there cannot be that corporation if the learners are not willing to study without being pushed to do so.

The fact that the availability of qualified educators and the availability of willing learners are very significant factors to consider, the availability of the learning resources and materials is another factor that is very important that must be looked at so as to ensure that this platform is operational and practicable. This is mainly because there is no way the learners can learn without the resources to use in their studies (Maciaszek, 2007). Moreover, the educators cannot be able to instruct the learners if there is no any point of reference that is available at all.

To ensure that the Beyond teaching platform is operational and is convenient, we are going to provide all the necessary learning and teaching materials to all our educators and also to all our learners. This will ensure that they are able to gain all the necessary skills that will be useful even in the future. Moreover,  it will be very easy for the instructors to instruct all the learners since there are resources to use, on the other hand, the learners will have something to refer to incase there is anything that they need any clarification (Cropley, 2014).

When we talk about the technical feasibility, we are basically talking on the issues to do with how the services are delivered to the necessary personnel who needs them. The manner in which they will be delivered or the channel that the services will use to reach to the persons who needs them (Cropley, 2014).  Some of the factors to consider on the issues of the technical feasibility includes; human factor; economic factors.

The beyond teaching platform is also being affected on the issues of the economics in ensuring that the platform runs well and that the platform has attained its goals and objectives well (Maciaszek, 2007). To avoid anything that can affect the technical feasibility, we are going to ensure that everything to do with that capital in the organization is well addressed and that the entire amount needed is well kept so that we can have a smooth running.

As a matter of fact, there is no way an organization or a firm can be able to run without the human beings. Human beings are a very significant resources in any organization, in the Beyond learning platform (Cropley, 2014). We will ensure that we have the necessary manpower so that all the issues to do with the platform are well taken care of and that the platform runs well without any problem.


Cropley, A. J. (Ed.). (2014).Towards a system of lifelong education: Some practical considerations (Vol. 7). Elsevier.

Maciaszek, L. (2007).Requirements analysis and system design. Pearson Education.

Cortese, A. D. (2003). The critical role of higher education in creating a sustainable future. Planning for higher education, 31(3), 15-22.

Kearins, K., &Pavlovich, K. (2002).The role of stakeholders in Sydney’s Green Games. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management(3), 157-169.

Amaral, A., &Magalhaes, A. (2002).The emergent role of external stakeholders in European higher education governance. Governing higher education: National perspectives on institutional governance, 2(1–21).

Heitmann, S. (2010). Film tourism planning and development—Questioning the role of stakeholders and sustainability. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 7(1), 31-46.

Foster, D., &Jonker, J. (2003). Third generation quality management: the role of stakeholders in integrating business into society.Managerial Auditing Journal(4), 323-328.

Manetti, G., &Toccafondi, S. (2012). The role of stakeholders in sustainability reporting assurance. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(3), 363-377.

O’Connell, L. (2005). Program accountability as an emergent property: The role of stakeholders in a program’s field. Public Administration Review, 65(1), 85-93.

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