International Journal Distributed Parallel: Security Challenges And Critical Reflection On Energy Harvest And Cellular Handsets
RSA Algorithm
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RSA: RSA is a well known public key encryption standard for the purpose of encrypting messages that is sent over the internet. This algorithm can be used for the purpose of factorizing the large numbers. The public key that is used in this algorithm is released to the public. Public key helps the public in the process of encrypting messages (Jonsson et al., 2016). Private Key that is held by the person is used for decrypting the message. The idea of digital signatures was implemented by RSA. This algorithm uses two large prime numbers ‘p’ and ‘q’ such that it is extremely difficult to factorize the product of ‘p’ and ‘q’. This is a secured encryption algorithm.
AES: Advanced Encryption Standard or AES is a cryptographic algorithm that is used for the purpose of protecting electronic data. It is an iterative block cipher that uses symmetric keys. The three keys are of size 128, 192 as well as 256 bits. The data byte that can be encrypted and decrypted is of size 16 bytes or 128 bits (Karthik & Muruganandam, 2014). The encrypted data in AES is unbreakable. This increases the level of safety. This technique has ten rounds for the processing of 128 bits key, twelve rounds for 192 bits and fourteen rounds for 256 bits key. There is difference between the encryption and decryption algorithm.
Triple DES: In order to overcome the weaknesses of the DES, the 3DES was developed. It is the successor of DES. It is a block cipher that contains symmetric keys (Barker & Barker, 2012). The length of the block is 64 bits. Triple DES makes the use of three keys of size 56, 122 as well as 168 bits. This algorithm is comparatively slower than DES but at the same time its security level is much higher than DES (Bhanot & Hans, 2015). The size of the input key is 64 bits but the length of the actual key is 56 bits. The first encryption is done by the first key. The decryption is carried out by the second key followed by the second encryption process that is done by the third key.
Security Challenges in Bluetooth Technology: The Bluetooth technology is used for developing PAN that connects wireless devices. These devices share important files and data that are vulnerable to certain number of security threats. Malicious codes can enter the device and affect the system by misusing or removing the personal details of the owner of the device. Bluesnarfing can also take place where the attacker gets unauthorized access to the personal data like contacts and photographs of another device (Minar & Tarique, 2012). In Bluejacking the attacker masquerades his personality and pairs up with another device in order to misuse the sensitive data of the other device (Padgette, 2017). In the technique of Backdoor hacking a device that is not yet paired with another device is still capable of accessing its data. Here the victim is unaware of the attack. The attacker carries out this process in a silent manner.
AES Algorithm
Security Challenges of ZigBee: ZigBee is considered to be a standard that is used for PAN. ZigBee can be used in several devices like remote control, home automation as well as in retail services. There are major security flaws in the wireless networks. The encryption key of ZigBee can be hacked by sniffing attacks (Zillner & Strobl, 2015). In a sniffer attack the attacking device is able to read and capture the messages that are being exchanges as well as get a view of the packets in the network. The nodes present in the network can masquerades its identity to attack an encryption key (Wang, Jiang & Zhang, 2014). The attacker can use injection attack as well as packet replay attack. The attacker has the capability to trick any device to perform a task that is not authorized. The protocols in ZigBee are light weight and this makes it vulnerable to various security risks as well as attacks.
Energy harvesting is known as a process where energy can be derived or produced from the natural or external resources like solar, thermal, and kinetic as well as wind energy. This derived energy is then stored so that it can be used by the sensor networks or wireless networks. This is an energy conservation method.
The future generation will be able to benefit from the process of energy harvesting. All the nodes in a wireless network must be incorporated with energy harvesting capability. This will help the nodes or wireless devices that are present in the network to gain energy on a continuous basis (Ulukus et al., 2015). This method will help to reduce the level of energy consumption. Human made or manmade sources can also be used for the purpose of harvesting energy which is a controlled procedure. All the technologies that are used in this process will have various efficiency levels. Engineering as well as technical concepts are essential for the purpose of harvesting energy on a continuous basis. Ulukus et al. (2015) suggested an energy harvesting concept that uses the AWGN channel along with Gaussian noise concept. This concept produces an output which is a summation of noise that is N and input that is X. The wireless devices are capable of sending packets containing data. The energy transfer mechanism can be improved with time. The concept presented by Ulukus et al. (2015) focuses on integrating devices as well as circuits for harvesting as well as transferring energy.
Triple DES Algorithm
WSN or Wireless Sensor Networks has limitation because the technologies that are used in WSN are associated with limited energy. This problem can be reduced or eliminated by the development of high performance as well as energy efficient devices and systems. The two major energy sources are external as well as ambient energy sources. Ambient sources are known to be available in the nature at a minimum cost (Shaikh & Zeadally, 2016). External sources are used explicitly for harvesting energy. Several methods alike solar based, RF based as well as wind based devices can be used for harvesting energy.
Slide note: The Telestra Company is engaged in providing wired telecommunication services across Australia. Their aim is to implement an advanced wireless field of system.
Slide note: Telestra will get more benefits if it uses the digital cellular handsets rather than wireless cards.
Slide note: Storage facility: These handsets have huge storage space that can be used by the employees to store important files and documents that are necessary for the operations of the company.
Easy communication: The communication process will become simple by using cellular handsets. The employees will be able to connect to any other employee from any location and at any time.
Slide note: Customer satisfaction: The employees will be able to help the customers and solve their problems by using these digital cellular devices any time. This will increase the customer satisfaction level.
Time saving method: The employees will be able to save time by using the digital cellular handsets as they will be able to contact with each other with ease and at any time.
Internet Access: The handsets can get connected to the Internet at any time. This will help the employees of Telestra to access important documents stored in cloud.
Slide notes: It is a portable device. Smaller cellular handsets will be extremely easy for the employees to carry.
Slide note: These cellular computers can perform all types of functions that are performed by notebook computers.
Slide note: This will help to improve the productivity of the company. The employees will be able to update records in an easy way and this will reduce the paper work.
Barker, W. C., & Barker, E. B. (2012). SP 800-67 Rev. 1. Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher.
Bhanot, R., & Hans, R. (2015). A review and comparative analysis of various encryption algorithms. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 9(4), 289-306
Jonsson, J., Moriarty, K., Kaliski, B., & Rusch, A. (2016). PKCS# 1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2.
Karthik, S., & Muruganandam, A. (2014). Data Encryption and Decryption by using Triple DES and performance analysis of crypto system. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 24-31.
Minar, N. B. N. I., & Tarique, M. (2012). Bluetooth security threats and solutions: a survey. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 3(1), 127.
Padgette, J. (2017). Guide to bluetooth security. NIST Special Publication, 800, 121.
Shaikh, F. K., & Zeadally, S. (2016). Energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 1041-1054.
Ulukus, S., Yener, A., Erkip, E., Simeone, O., Zorzi, M., Grover, P., & Huang, K. (2015). Energy harvesting wireless communications: A review of recent advances. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 33(3), 360-381.
Wang, C., Jiang, T., & Zhang, Q. (Eds.). (2014). ZigBee® network protocols and applications. CRC Press.
Zillner, T., & Strobl, S. (2015). ZigBee exploited: The good the bad and the ugly.