Challenges Of Managing Global Teams

Literature review

Discuss about the Challenges Managing Global Team.

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This assignment sheds light over the three objective viz. threat, impacts and measures that play a pivotal role in the management of global teams. The assignment helps to serve the various points related to the three main objective of the work with regard to assorted challenges that are faced by concerned individuals in the management of global teams. Moreover, there are several impact on a company that arises from the issues derived from managing global teams. The same has been critically analysed from the viewpoint of various renowned authors. Furthermore, it is noticed that several authors have complied with the fact that managing global teams are one of the most critical challenges faced by organizations, while some scholars have denied to this opinion, thus creating assorted arguments. However, after analyzing various viewpoints of assorted scholars it is forked out, that uncountable challenges are faced by firms while managing global teams and the same affects the performance of the company to a certain extent as well.

In this assignment, the various benefits, risk and the remedies of a global team will be discussed. This assignment highlights on the various challenges faced by the managers or stakeholders while managing the global team (Bird and Mendenhall, 2016) Global team refers to a group of individual skill and efficient workers who perform at the company, renowned globally (Crane and Matten, 2016). Global team is a very responsible and quality server, who perform their duties and helps the company to flourish (Browne et al., 2016). In this assignment, the main challenges faced while managing the global team are highlighted below:

The prime objective of this study is to get an overview of the threats and issues related to the global team. In this case, various threats and risk that the global team may face will be discussed. The secondary objective of the study is to find the impacts of the threats over the global team. Moreover, the impacts of the threats over the global teams will be discussed and a scenario based on assumption regarding the impact can be seen. Apart from that, the study also aims to identify the prime measures of global team. In this regard, various measures and steps to be taken will be discussed and how those measures may bring change in the working of the global teams.

In this part of the assignment, all the three mentioned topics will be discussed, by which it will be easy to look into the current scenario and find the challenges of the global teams and the remedies to serve to them for ensuring better performance.

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Threats experienced in managing global teams

In every global company there are some threats related to it as well as some future risk that may arise under certain condition. According to Bird and Mendenhall (2016), there are mainly four challenges faced by the global teams. They are:

Lack of clarity: In a global team there are members from different countries who have different native tongues, which makes a problem of communication gap between the workers and efficient flow of the work stops. According to Henderson, Stackman and Lindekilde (2016), key messages get a common phenomenon lost in translation. Poor phone connection and multitasking team members can find it difficult to converse in a conference call. On the contrary to this, Browne et al.,(2016) mentioned that clear communication skills must be develop among the various team members without breaking the flow of the team, which will bring them opportunity to understand the various points discussed in meeting.

Slow decision making: Decisions regarding the global managing teams should be very accurate and quick. Slow decision making hampers the functioning flow of the global teams. According to Birdand Mendenhall(2016), in a day, only few hours are considered as “awake time”, when the workers have some time in common, when a meeting can be scheduled and attained by the members of the team. Also with the lack of clarity between members, the decision making process can go in snail pace. As per the viewpoint of Toubiana, Oliver and Bradshaw (2016), video conferencing should be introduced in teams that will provide them a better opportunity to deliver their message with proper expression and emotion, which will help to tackle the complex situations. Also a one-to-one meeting must be arranged so that the communication gap gets narrow among the team members.

Disjointed conflict resolution: When the workers mainly deal with their clients and colleagues, they deal via email. But at times when they need to face their clients and colleagues verbally, the members find it difficult to communicate. According to the viewpoint of Collings (2016) tongue messages should not be sent via email in terms of communicating or delivering a complex message. On the contrary, Boutellier, Gassmann and Von Zedtwitz (2016) argued that body language and tone plays a great role at times when every member is trying to communicate with one another, or else it would be hard to manage delicate situations that may slow the work flow process. Face-to-face meetings will speed up the business and execution of orders faster.

Factors impacting companies while tackling issues related to managing of global teams

Conflicting corporate culture: The culture of a company plays a great role in constant interaction and strong bonding among the tea members. In accordance with Crane and Matten (2016) a close relationship between the team members may bring effect in the working, implementation of laws among the team and bring the team to a downfall as due to close interaction of members, the team may not find a will to work instead of spending time with their colleagues. Similarly, Galliers and Leidner (2014) mentioned that actions should be taken against the members to ensure their comfort regarding their leisure time by arranging get together and creating team playing atmosphere within the organization that may help to develop the wellbeing corporate culture.

In this part of the assignment the discussion will be held over the various impacts of certain factors that will show both the good and bad impact on the company scenario in terms of handling global teams.

  • Start Small: Often companies plan to achieve big goals by starting big and huge business transactions and organizing plans, which ultimately brings trouble over the company for that period. On the other hand Galliers and Leidner (2014) suggested the method of choosing a small start with a limited goal and objective which can be easily achieved buy the team members.
  • Provide a Stable Organizational Context: During that period of time when changes and reforms in the organization takes place at that time managers focus on those reforms other than focusing on the global projects. According to Moran, Abramsonand Moran(2014), managers needs to analyze the situation and the affects that the company might face when the global projects are not been considered or looked by the managers, for which the team cannot complete the task allotted to them.
  • Assign Oversight and Support Responsibility to a Senior Manager: Project teams often hesitate and struggle to handle some situations regarding the global project. Distance project have thus caused a break in the flow of operation to be executed and order to be followed. Contrary to this Erez et al.,(2013) stated that single location projects are providing a better result as compared to other global project as the single location project are being operated under the senior executive manager, who provides information and knowledge of the work and operates the team in an efficient way.
  • Appoint a Lead Site: In this global innovation era, every site will see the project in their own perspective. That is why all sites do not carry the same weight and the resource it provides. According to Pirkkalainen and Pawlowski (2014), there should be a leading site, where one can acquire the genuine information they are seeking for.
  • Invest Time Defining the Innovation: Single location project are known for their inappropriate outlook, as the one that has been estimated and the result obtained varies. In accordance to Erez et al., (2013) collocation projects serves better as they shares a vast knowledge between the two locations and teams. When a projected is divided due to the time zones, cultures, and languages, the team members find it difficult to cope up with other teams working on the same project.
  • Allocate Resources on the Basis of Capability, Not Availability: Allocation of resources is a great point to consider, as resources play a great role in the uprising of the company. According to the viewpoint of Nielsen (2010), availability approach distributes the projects to make the best use out of the human resources. Selection of team should be carried out in terms of the individual ability of the team member.
  • Build Enough Knowledge Overlap for Collaboration: Collaboration helps a company to overlap several risks and issues at once, which shows their insufficient knowledge regarding market operation. According to Nielsen (2010), a company should not depend upon its competitor in order to avoid the various risk and issues related to the operating market, agreeing to collaborate bounds the limitation of the company to a certain extent.
  • Limit the Number of Subcontractors and Partners: In most of the global projects that are undertaken by the global company, a part of it is allocated to the subcontractors and partners of the company, which will help them maintain a proper relationship. On the other hand Nielsen and Nielsen (2013) said, maintaining external relationship with the subcontractors and partners consumes time, energy and resources. Instead of investing on the external parties and keeping extra burden, the company must allocate other team to the work, in order to bring efficient working skill among the team members.
  • Do not Rely Solely on Technology for Communication: Execution of global projects is only achieved by proper communication. Without communicating, there will be no exchange of information related to the global project. In this modern era technology and communication serves a great place in our daily lives as well as in various fields. On the contrary to this, Nielsen and Nielsen (2013)stated that dependence on communication and technology will make the member partly inefficient as the member will be lacking confidence at times he have to communicate live in a meeting.
  • Clearly specify the task objective and align with organizational strategic initiatives: It is an important function of the team to set a clear task objective, in order to align with the company goal and policies with organizational initiatives that are taken for the betterment of the organization. The initiatives are globally efficient, responsive and organizational learning or knowledge creation. If the team members know about their objective regarding the task allocated to them, then the team will meet short deadlines with great success. It is the duty of the manager to provide his team a basic outline of their work and duties, which they need to, perform in order to assure the objective of accomplishing the goal.
  • Make resources available: Resources play a crucial role in the team performance. More the resources available and allocated to the team more will the team perform better. In order to assure the availability of resources, the stakeholders or managers needs to conduct a meeting for resource assessment. However, according to Anantatmula and Thomas (2010) if the managers find a misbalance with the rich and poor quality of resources, he might invest in resources before the team is setup for that area. In a globalized world if a firm wants to remain competitive, investment is needed to be done in the global collaboration support systems, which will eventually raise the growth of the firm and availability of resources.
  • Select team members who have the skills, abilities and experience to work in a global team: Team members of a global team needs to be very efficient and skillful, as they need to face many uncertain issues with their daily work load. According to research it has been found that, members who can perform the core task are more effective and beneficial for the team. Global team members must be both perceptive and receptive as per the scenario of the need. In accordance with Christopher et al.,(2011) tools like Global Personality Inventory (GPI), helps the global company to find the individual quality of the members that are working in the company.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Urgency plays a mark against the company to show their performance and skilful work, and the efficient use of time and resource management. A sense of urgency can arise from environmental factors like the marketplace and organization. It depends upon the managers to convey a sense of urgency to their team members by the way they frame outline and provide the goal and objective to their team members. The managers need to provide deadline to their team members so that their efficiency may not get wasted.


After reading the assignment, it can be concluded that there are various challenges faced by the global organizations. These challenges have as adverse impact on the system of the organization for which some problems arises and the flow of work interrupts. Moreover, from this study it will be seen that there are certain challenges can be counteract with the given measures. Every of the measures are serve to prove an efficient way of avoiding issues and conflicts regarding the company performance in the global market as this directly relates to the efficiency of the workforce of the firm. Globalization plays a huge role in bringing facility to the market but in order to avail those opportunities, the company must serve their best to secure its position in the global market.


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