Role And Requirement Of Employee Training In Organizations

Importance of Organizational Training

Discuss about the Role And Requirement Of Employees Training.

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Modern organizations are finding new methods to improve the efficiency and productivity of their employees. Human resource management of corporations is requiring formulating policies regarding the enhancement of employees’ productivity. One of such policies includes providing organizational training to workers to improve their development. In recent times, most of the companies implement a corporate social responsibility strategy which requires them to consider the development of their employees. Providing organizational training can be beneficial for corporations because it assists in improving workers’ productivity and helps in the expansion of the corporation. This essay will focus analyzing the role and requirement of employees training in an organization. Further, the drawbacks of organization training will be discussed in the essay. The theories given by market experts regarding the importance of organizational training will be evaluated in the essay.

In old days, competition in any industry awas at a very low level, because there was very limited number of suppliers and the demand for products and services, was not much. But due to globalization, the level of competition among various corporations is constantly increasing and they want to enhance their business overseas. As per McCracken, Brown & O’Kane (2012), this is essential for their long-term growth, it also assists them in sustaining their vision and mission. In order to improve the overall performance of organization top-level management of a corporation assign a significant task to human resource department. This job is related to providing various kinds of training to the employees of an enterprise as they are considered as one of the most important resources which are available to a country. A satisfied, motivated and highly trained employee can give the surprising result to the company. Management of an enterprise needs to understand that training needs of every worker are different. So they have to analyze their weakness and provide the necessary training according to their future job that company is going to give them in upcoming time (Olaniyan & Ojo 2008).

There are different methods of organizational training that human resource management can implement in the organizations to provide training to employees such as on the job, off the job, lectures, group discussions and management games. Sahinidis & Bouris (2008) provided that some employees prefer on the job training because they do not believe in theoretical knowledge and classroom lectures. They prefer on the job training because it helps them in understanding the work in short period of time and in an effective manner.  Management of a company should provide off the job training to their employees because it expands their knowledge and provides the basic understanding of the task which employees will be doing in forthcoming time. An origination should not focus on one or two departments; they must try to find the training needs of every employee who are working in various departments. This is essential for overall development of a company; if they synchronize their efforts and provide necessary training to all divisions of enterprise then they can assure optimum utilization of available resources and attaining their long-term goals in an effective manner (Giangreco, Carugati & Sebastiano 2010).

Benefits of Organizational Training

Corporations can achieve various benefits by implementing an organizational training strategy. As per Grossman & Salas (2011), one of the primary advantages of organizational training includes improved productivity of employees. The completion between corporations is significantly high which require companies to increase their efficiency. The quality of employees work to influence the growth of a corporation, therefore, the human resource department is required to hire skillful workers. The human resource department can improve the working quality of workers by providing them training. Trained employees have better productivity than compared to the employees without training. The organization can establish a lock-in period for the employees which they provide training, due to such lock-in period, the turnover rate of employees can be reduced by the company. The recruitment and selection procedure of a corporation can be improved by an effective organizational training strategy because candidates prefer an organization which provides training on the job (King & Grace 2008).

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Another benefit of organizational training is better profitability in the company’s operation. The corporations face many difficulties while converting their additional sales into profits. Zheng & Lamond (2010), the human resource department of the organization can implement training strategies to avoid the profitability issues. Trained employees assist enterprises in improving the profitability of the operation. In modern times, the competition between organizations forces them to constantly update their policies regarding the better working environment. It is a vital part of an enterprise is to train its employees as it will allow them to increase their growth potential and develop their organizational capabilities. This is why effective training of the employees in the organization is required and employees training programmers should be effectively implemented by the enterprise within its departments. Apart from helping the corporation to achieve its organizational goals, it will also help the employees to develop within themselves, which is a crucial part of the corporate social responsibility strategy of the company (Giangreco, Sebastiano & Peccei 2009).

Apart from various benefits of organizational training, there are several drawbacks of implementing this strategy within the company. Armstrong-Stassen (2008) provided that one of the primary disadvantages of implementing the training program is related to the high amount spent by the company. The training programs have to be implemented in every department, it is highly costly to implement on account of the company. The equipment required during the training of the employees is generally very expensive, which adds to the overall expenditure of the company without making any profit for the enterprise. As long as the allocation of the resources of the enterprise is concerned, training the employees is very time-consuming. While the training programme is undertaken, both the experienced employees who provide training and the new employees who require training doesn’t work until the training program are finished. This doesn’t enable the organization to make any real profit for the time being (Owoyemi et al. 2011).

Drawbacks of Organizational Training

According to Elnaga & Imran (2013), for the employees, the training program can be significantly exhausting and stressful. Some of the employees lose interest in the training as they feel exhausted by the work and the training. The impact of training did not improve the productivity of workers if they lose interest in their job, which defeats the purpose of training. In this modern era, technology is constantly changing especially in industries like software, automobile, and information technology due to which the technology on which an enterprise is running becomes obsolete as soon as a new technological advancement occurs in the market. Therefore, the training provided by the company to the employees becomes useless in just a short period of time and they have to come up with a new training strategy to train their employees to learn about the new technology (Ashar et al. 2013).

Besides having so many limitations, organizational training is an essential strategy in attaining long-term goals of an enterprise. Tabasssi, Ramli & Bakar (2012) provided that one can easily find a shortcoming in any process but they need to find the solution of various problems in order to improve the efficiency of workers and overall performance of a corporation. In this changing business environment, the working culture is changing in regular interval of time, so the need of chaining is also enhancing with increasing complexity in business. It is the responsibility of human resource department to identify the need for training and then make appropriate strategy according to working culture of a company. Increasing cost can be a trouble for a corporation at the initial stage but its long-term impact always comes in favor of the enterprise. Sometimes employees may resist training but management should convince them by telling them various kinds of career opportunities which workers may get in forthcoming time (Casalino, D’Atri & Braccini 2012).


From the above essay, it can be concluded that the competition between organizations has grown rapidly in past few decades. For improving efficiency and enhancing development, corporations can provide training to their employees. Trained employees can assist corporations in enhancing their growth and sustain their development. There are numerous benefits of organizational training such as improvement of productivity; positive work environment; satisfied employees and it also assists human resource management in recruitment and retention process. The drawbacks of providing training include wastage of time and money, uninterested workforce and wastage of resources. The human resource department can analyze the culture and requirement of the corporation to implement an effective training strategy which can augment the growth of the company.


Armstrong?Stassen, M. (2008). Organisational practices and the post?retirement employment experience of older workers. Human Resource Management Journal, 18(1), 36-53.

Casalino, N., D’Atri, A., & Braccini, A. M. (2012). A quality management training system concerning ISO standards for sustainable organisational change in SMEs. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 9(1), 25-45.

Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013). The effect of training on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 137-147.

Giangreco, A., Carugati, A., & Sebastiano, A. (2010). Are we doing the right thing? Food for thought on training evaluation and its context. Personnel Review, 39(2), 162-177.

Giangreco, A., Sebastiano, A., & Peccei, R. (2009). Trainees’ reactions to training: an analysis of the factors affecting overall satisfaction with training. The international journal of human resource management, 20(1), 96-111.

Grossman, R., & Salas, E. (2011). The transfer of training: what really matters. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(2), 103-120.

King, C., & Grace, D. (2008). Internal branding: Exploring the employee’s perspective. Journal of Brand Management, 15(5), 358-372.

 McCracken, M., Brown, T. C., & O’Kane, P. (2012). Swimming against the current: Understanding how a positive organisational training climate can enhance training participation and transfer in the public sector. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 25(4), 301-316.

Olaniyan, D. A., & Ojo, L. B. (2008). Staff training and development: a vital tool for organisational effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3), 326-331.

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Sahinidis, A. G., & Bouris, J. (2008). Employee perceived training effectiveness relationship to employee attitudes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(1), 63-76.

Tabassi, A. A., Ramli, M., & Bakar, A. H. A. (2012). Effects of training and motivation practices on teamwork improvement and task efficiency: The case of construction firms. International Journal of Project Management, 30(2), 213-224.

Zheng, C., & Lamond, D. (2010). Organisational determinants of employee turnover for multinational companies in Asia. Asia Pacific journal of management, 27(3), 423-443.

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