Business Communication For Managers – Report On Hurricane M.T. In Nicaragua
Communication Strategies for Three Stakeholders
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In the year 1998, Hurricane cut an unmatched swath of devastation in the whole of Central America, leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans and damage of billions of dollars. In the location named as Nicaragua, experienced the death of more than 8,00,000 citizens. The rapid initiative and intervention of the government and also the generous assistance was given by the international organizations helped the people to recover the dreadful phase (Broadbent 2013).
Our organization is an NGO generally provide assistance during a national crisis. The name of our organization is “Mac Thomas Organization” located in the heart of America. As an approach to seek help from the nation, foreign location and the government bodies, a project was designed and the name coined for the project was “The MT Project.” The main components of the project were to promote better health and hygiene, provide living condition and adequate food to the deserted ones and most importantly seek help from various sources via effective communication (Grunig 2013).
As a part of the communication, three stakeholders were selected. The first stakeholder was the internal employees of the organization who have worked as an integral part of the project. According to Boyd (2015), they were the one who have executed the whole set of action and brought about the sign of victory for the whole organization. The second communication strategy was planned for getting the attraction and aid of the various government bodies involved in the welfare of the country. The government bodies were the vital stakeholders for serving this purpose since they were directly involved in providing fund and other necessities for the desolated citizens and the affected country. The third stakeholder to whom the message was conveyed was the general public. The general public might react emotionally and they have the capability to alter the situation. Their safety and kindness both the matters were a big concern during that phase (Habermas 2015).
To reach the three different stakeholders, three various media were selected. According to Rossi et al. (2013), all the communication cannot be done verbally since the aim was to seek help from a mass and convey the message to every heart. In order to communicate with the internal employees, computer-based power point presentation was used. As discussed by Dequan (2016), the power point presentation involved a lot of information, strategy, and plans that were executed by the internal members of the organization. This communication aimed at successful execution of the work done. The second mode of communication selected was a written report prepared in order to get the help of the government via fund raising. The international funding was also involved in this matter. The last mode of communication was daily newspaper involving national or international paper released by the press. This communication strategy aimed at attracting the public emotion and their consciousness. Moreover, such an approach expected to get the attention of public globally (Loebach 2016.).
- Employee Communication through power point presentation and Engagement December 22nd, 1998.
- This presentation is used as a visual tool to locate the areas affected due to the hurricane. To visualize the presentation again go to
- Key findings of the research: 8,00,000 people all over Nicaragua died, and 3,50,760 are admitted to government and private hospitals. Almost 5,00,000 people are desolated.
- The impact of the disaster on the political and administrative bodies: The spokesperson gave positive views and guaranteed about providing all types of support. The international ministry asked for help globally (Smith and Lasswell 2015).
- Duties of the employees: The role of the HR will be to communicate formally with the government bodies and the press. A, B and C will be under team 1, X, Y, and Z will be under team 2, and D, E, and F will be under team 3. Team 1 will be engaged in safety and sanitation in the Northern and Eastern part of Nicaragua, and Team 2 will be looking forward to aiding the Southern and Western part of Nicaragua. The Team 3 will be completely engaged in the raising of the fund from the government and the collection of public aid.
- 3 Basic things to remember: Listening along with speaking is important and also the oxygen to drastic change. Mobility and reach all the affected locations are important in order to provide help as much victims as possible. Lastly, working in coordination with proper communication is the key to reaching objective of the project (Segnestam 2015).
Key Message to Internal Employees
Hurricane M.T. report “To the Honorable, the President and Members of the Common Council.”
Hurricane M.T. arrived in the heart of America especially in Nicaragua with a devastating effect and punched unmatched with the last ten years disasters. The disaster left an imprint in the whole country’s economic and environmental status.
Two aspects of this Hurricane is focused upon is the sanitation and the health condition of the public and also providing help to the homeless. As M.T. hit Nicaragua around, 8,00,000 died, and 3,50,760 people were admitted to the hospital. Almost 5,00,000 people became homeless. The government and other local and political bodies have attempted to regulate change and development in the social condition of the nation, but the success was too little.
After hurricane had stricken the western regions of the country, it took around eight days for the “Disaster Management Center (DMC)” to establish their set up. Residents waited for several days for aid. Our survey shows the condition of the Southern part of the country is terrifying, and the condition of the resident is deteriorating day by day without proper treatment and other necessities. Moreover, the condition of the government hospitals is detrimental. The hospitals are overloaded with patients. Thus requires more set ups to be established in order to meet the health need of the patients. Around eighty percentage of the debris have been removed, and ninety percent of the general public has been rescued. Although all the levels of the administrative bodies have learned their lessons about the affects of the hurricane, no one has enacted “migration principles” (Moorhead et al. 2013).
The coastal region has experienced maximum loss and had to suffer a lot. In order to bring about a change our organization “Mac Thomas Organization” has taken the initiative to bring about an alteration in the environmental and social condition of the victims of this disaster. The employees in our organization have been divided into groups for the assistance of the citizens of our nation. The rescue team has already achieved success in submitting the victims to various hospitals and provides protection to the deserted public. Moreover, the teams are now concerned about raising fund from various sources and developing sanitation (Keller 2015).
The project M.T. developed in order to serve the nation and bring about changeable components in the social status of the country requires fund. The fund provided by the government can be utilized for establishing medical set ups to accommodate more victims and allocation of medical practitioners. Moreover, this fund will also be utilized in the rescue purposes. The accomplishment of the project requires the support of all segments of the marked community. It reflects there should be a number of initial actions of “community development mobilization,”social animation” or parallel society facilitation to guarantee all individuals of the affected society contributes to decisions relating to the “proposed project” (Norris and Reddick 2013).
Key Message to the Government
The hurricane M.T. struck the nation Nicaragua on Monday 9th May 2016 resulting in the destruction of thousands of buildings and killed around 8,00,000 people. Around 3,50,760 were admitted to the government and private hospitals in and around the country. More than five lakhs people have become homeless.
A prevailing storm surge pushed gigantic waves ahead of the terrifying hurricane, flooding most of the areas of Nicaragua, leading to destruction in the whole country. The James Street and other coastal areas were affected largely. The rescue team approached the affected areas, and many victims were rescued from those areas. Hundreds of men were suppressed under the debris, and thousands of dead bodies were recovered from the debris of the gigantic buildings. It is believed that many people were washed out into the ocean due to flood. “No one else was as fortunate as the Ben family of The Maiden Street,” stated the local councilor, Mr. X. The report states that the family sold their log house six months ago to another family and shifted from that place (Shahidinejad et al. 2014).
The government has approached the other nations for providing aid. The government itself has taken initiative in funding. Other sub-ordinate bodies have put on less effort in order to bring about change in the social condition of the country. Various NGO’s have been involved in the rescue program and developing better health in the community. The main objective at the present is to provide protection and safety to the citizens of the country. The government has of requested the citizens of the country to provide help that is possible from their side (Abraham et al. 2014).
In 1998, America experienced a terrifying hurricane named as M.T. The location named as Nicaragua was the country that was mostly affected. The NGO named as “Mac Thomas Organization” located in the heart of America was involved in the rescue program and also in evoking the inner emotions of the employees of the organization, the government bodies and also the general public. To reach the three different stakeholders, three various media were selected. As stated by Liu and Blake (2013), all the communication cannot be done verbally since the aim was to seek help from a mass and convey the message to every heart. The government was approached through a written report; the public was addressed using press media i.e. newspaper, and lastly the employees were explained about the plan of the approach using power point presentation. Although three different stakeholders were approached via three distinct media, the communication message was same for all the three stakeholders. The outcome of the communication was positive with a success o0f around eighty-five percentage. The power point presentation was self-explanatory and thus helped the various teams of the organization to understand their duties and responsibilities. The government bodies and global bodies provided a fund in response to the hurricane, and there were more set ups established for better treatment of the victims. The public were emotionally touched and thus provided aid and approached in the emergency rescue procedure (Napier and Stratton 2013).
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