A Study On The Perspective Of Potential Buyers Over The Idea Of Green Building

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A study on the perspective of the potential buyers over the idea of Green Building

Green building is the demand of the time. As discussed by Gibbs and O’Neill 2015, “Green property development leads to positive effects for nature and the environment. The application of green technology may reduce the effects of pollution towards earth. Since the green building concept has been introduced, it is important to ensure that the implementation of the green building concept receives positive feedback from users”. As opined by Sharp 2014, the idea of green building therefore, in various countries, is getting the tax benefits from the state authority. However, “the demand for green residential buildings is very low among the buyers. Therefore, this study will be focusing on the perspectives of buyers on this particular issue (Marker et al. 2014).

However, many studies have shown that people have not accepted it largely (Eichholtz et al. 2013). Therefore, the researcher wants to dedicate his study to explore the level of awareness, the recognition and recognition of the idea of green building while adopting the particular perception in construction (Construction 2013). Not many studies have been done on the vary topic.

There are a number of studies and scholastic articles to discuss the utility of this particular construction pattern, but not enough literatures have been found for review on this topic. While the customers are not responding to it and the causes are not clearly known, it makes the research relevant enough to be conducted (Construction 2013). The researcher wants to make a primary research with the survey methodology to obtain the data and thus achieve the aim of the research.

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Data collection can be termed as a process of preparing and collecting data and information (Savin-Baden and Major 2013). It advocates the methodical gathering of data to achieve the set purpose from a collection of sources. The purpose of it is to obtain information and making inferences and decisions based on them. Here, the researcher is proposing to follow the primary research method to collect quantitative data (Farooq and O’Brien 2015). To obtain quantitative data, the researcher is proposing to follow the survey method. Through personal interviews, the researcher wants to execute the whole process of data collection (Neuman and Robson 2012).

The causes of selecting the primary research method, the advantages of this particular method can be described. As opined by Blumberg et al. 2014, the primary research methodology is the best technique of data collection as it directly targets and addresses the topic. The help of this research methodology can do the data interpretation done with more precision (Farooq and O’Brien 2015).


About the selection of the survey method, the following advantages of this particular data collection technique can be cited.

The representativeness:

This particular data collection style provides a higher level of capability to represent the larger population. As discussed by Neuman and Robson 2012, “As compared to other of data gathering, surveys are able to extract data that are near to the exact attributes of the larger population. Here, in this research, this method will provide good response rate and the better chance provide the respondent to answer with his own pace (Bryman and Bell 2014).

Less costly:

As discussed by Matthews and Ross 2014, the survey method is easier than any other research methods. It does not include the confusing and haphazard steps of other data collection processes. Now, while collecting information, which directly connects, to the perception and viewpoint of the respondents, it is better to make an online interview (via email) with a structured questionnaire (Dumay and Cai 2015).

Convenience in data collection:

Surveys can be done on the respondents through a multiplicity of ways. The feedback form can simply be mailed via e-mail or fax, or can be managed through the Internet (Matthews and Ross 2014). The option of face-to-face interview is also available. However, for this particular research, the researcher wants to conduct the survey on the online basis. In today’s world, it is very much irrelevant and time consuming to execute the face-to-face interviews. As discussed by Bryman and Bell  2014, online surveys provide the respondents the comfort of answering which a face-to-face interview is unable to provide.

Superior numerical implication:

As opined by Dumay and Cai 2015, based on the high representativeness, “the survey method, it is often easier to find  results than other data gathering methods. Multiple  can also be effectively analyzed using surveys.” Here, in this study the researcher thinks that this method will be more helpful to interpret the collected data, than any other methods (Wiek and Lang 2016).

In addition to this, the researcher suggests to conduct the research with the help of the questionnaires. The process of data collection through the questionnaires is always easy to observe (Dumay and Cai 2015). The questionnaires are a list of pre-determined questions. It is a useful technique to conduct surveys, as it can be utilized to collect data from a large number of populations. Here in this study the researcher wants to include both the close and open-ended questions to the questionnaire. It will provide the respondents the freedom to express their feeling (Roberts 2013).


The researcher feels that the model of questionnaire will produce more valid data than other models. As opined by Farooq and O’Brien 2015, the questionnaire is useful to make attitudinal surveys. It makes easy to produce uniform statistical data and they are reliable. It will also provide the researcher of this study the unbiased result. As the researcher want to make it an email based survey, the confidentiality can also be maintained (Savin-Baden and Major 2013).

The studies done on the topics relevant to the subject and aim of the topic of this particular research have also used the survey method of research (Neuman and Robson 2012). Somewhere they the researchers of those studies have used the techniques of face-to-face interviews; somewhere they have utilized the techniques of questionnaires. In the study of Ezanee Md. Elias, Azizi Abu Bakar, Ahmad Yusni Bahaudin, and Fadzil Mohd Husin, titled “Green Residential Buildings: The Perspective of Potential Buyers”, they have used the both the primary and secondary research methodology (Mohamed Elias et al. 2013). In the study of Mi Jeong Kim, Myoung Won Oh, Jeong Tai Kim named  the researchers have used the primary research method (Kim et al. 2013). This evidences made the claim of the researcher of this study the survey method to be the best fit for this study relevant.

Here the researcher wants to conduct the survey methodology of data collection. According to the researcher, the survey method with a structured questionnaire will be the best suited method for the data collection. The researcher will follow the survey based on emails. In this method the researcher, have to construct the survey questions for the questionnaire (Wiek and Lang 2016). Then on the next level, the researcher has to decide the respondent categories. Then the researcher has to design the layout of the questionnaire (McGivern 2013).

In the next step the researcher, have to decide the target population. Then the sample size has to be selected. In the following step, the researcher will select the samples (John Kuada 2012).  Then the researcher will locate the respondents talk to them and inform them about the interview and its objectives. Then by obtaining their permission, emails have to be sent to their mailboxes (Kim et al. 2013).

The survey method is chosen by the researcher as the best possible method to conduct this research. However, it has a few loopholes too. These are:

Timeline for the Conduction of the Whole Process of Survey

As discussed by Matthews and Ross 2014, it is inflexible. The process of survey does not allow any change in the process of administration. On the other hand, it also provides the precision. It can also be possible for the researcher to construct inappropriate questionnaire. It will make the whole process go in vain. Therefore, it is important for the researcher to concentrate upon it (Wiek and Lang 2016).


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Week 11

Write survey question




Decide the response category


Design the layout


Deciding the target population


Deciding the sampling size


Selecting the sample



Locate the respondents



Introduction and conversation



Mailing the questionnaires



Collecting the answers


Sorting the data and uploading them to the system






Interpretation and conclusion




 A study on the potential factors that are influencing the customer behavior while buying the Green Buildings

As discussed by Eichholtz et al. 2013, the idea of the green building construction is evolved with the aim of making residential sites, which will affect the environment the least. Green building is a construction process that also provides the people a healthy and environment friendly habitat to the urban people in this world of ever widening pollution level. As opined by  Hwang and Tan 2012, “Green buildings are preferred than conventional buildings because the latter consume more natural resources such as energy, water, woods and others as opposed to the former which consume less natural resources.”  Moreover, the construction of the green building offers the potential buyers many more advantages to the buyers (Hwang and Tan 2012).

On the other hand, the govt. of various countries has understood the utility and necessity of adopting this new construction style (Mohamed Elias et al. 2013). Therefore, it is needed to make an extensive study over the issues that are exclusively related to the usage and utilization of the sustainable building projects. The buyers are presenting a diversified attitude towards this eco friendly project (Gibbs and O’Neill 2015). Therefore, this research will make an analysis over the issues those are influencing the buyers to purchase the green residential buildings.  Here the researcher will follow a structured research method with a dedicated consultation with the other papers related to this study to explore the factors those are being instrumental in shaping the behavior pattern of the buyers.

As discussed by Ye et al. 2015, “Green buildings are committed to create an acceptable standard of living as well as to preserve nature from destruction.” They are cost effective, energy efficient, provides good air quality, material efficiency and it is endowed with the power of temperature regulation (Gibbs and O’Neill 2015). Now the researcher wants to discover and discuss the factors those are influential to the customer choice for the sustainable building project. Here, the researcher will use the secondary research methodology. As discussed by Bryman and Bell 2014, secondary research methodology is always helpful while the researcher wants to make an in-depth study and explore the root factors. Here the researcher will use the data collected in the other studies to explore the potential influential factors. In the case of this research, the researcher does not have much time. Over 11 weeks he/she have to conclude the whole process.

Hence, it is judicious for him/her to follow the secondary research method. Moreover, as discussed by Dumay and Cai 2015, the secondary research methodology will be more useful in clarifying the research question i.e. exploring the influential factors of the buyers behavior towards the green residential buildings. Here the researcher wants to focus on the secondary data sources and the secondary research methodology to align easily the focus of the primary research in a superior degree and to categorize the answer of the research question (Matthews  and Ross 2014). Here the researcher will make both the collection of the “Internal Secondary Data” and the “External Secondary Data”. In the internal data there will be information collected within the researcher’s control (i.e. customers’ record and reports from previous primary research) (Dumay and Cai 2015). On the other hand, in the external secondary data there will be information drawn together outside from the sources like statistics published by the state authority or data from media resources. As discussed by Farooq and O’Brien 2015, this secondary research methodology is very much useful as it consumes low time and decreased cost in comparison to the primary research methodology. As the data collection process, in the secondary research methodology is rapid and easy it will typically be helpful in exploring the answers of the research question of this study. As opined by Wiek and Lang 2016, unlike the primary research, this particular research methodology will help the researcher to make any alteration in the method (Wiek and Lang 2016). It is flexible enough to make necessary changes. The researcher suspects that in the course of this study, specific pieces of information will be needed which will only be collected through the secondary research methodology (e.g. Govt. data or reports of construction companies). As opined by John Kuada 2012, while conducting researches over the customer behavioral pattern and the influencing factors or most of the other market related studies, secondary research is more helpful than the primary research methods as it provides more precise and concise data.

The study designed by P. Manivannan and Dr. M. Somasundaram, named “Purchase of Residential Flats – Factors Influencing the Decision of Buyers in Selected Cities in Tamil Nadu”, the researcher have used both the primary and secondary research methodologies (Manivannan and Somasundaram 2014,). In the study of Michael H. Hu, M. Y. Ku, C. K. Liao and P. Y. Ding named “Evaluation of Green Residence Using Integrated Structural Equation Model with Fuzzy Theory”, the researcher have also used the secondary research methodology for collecting the relevant data (Hu 2013). Hence, it can be relevant and appropriate enough for the researcher of this study to use the secondary research methodology to achieve the aim of this particular research.

However, this particular research methodology has some inherent limitations too. As discussed by Savin-Baden and Major 2013, here the data lacks the specificity, as it does not directly address the concerned question of the research. There is also a chance of acquiring an outdated or irrelevant data. Here, in this study the researcher may find the data which will totally concentrate the existing the customers (Neuman and Robson 2012). Thus, his research will not include the information regarding the factors that are influencing the potential and future customers (McGivern 2013). It has also been noticed that not many research papers are there which are addressing the exact research question of this study, hence, it would be difficult for the researcher to collect end exert the right and relevant data from other previous studies (Wiek and Lang 2016). Therefore, it will be a challenge for the researcher while conducting the data collection and interpretation and he/she has to be careful about these challenges during the process of the research. 

The secondary research methodology is not hard and it does not include many and multi layer execution process. As discussed by Neuman and Robson 2012, the secondary research methodology uses the research sources that includes the library and web databases. Here, in this particular research methodology, the researcher has to follow the research method of literature review. As opined by Matthews and Ross 2014, the secondary research methodology will include much less steps in the process of data collection, evaluation, interpretation and the conclusion of the study. On the other hand, this particular research methodology the researcher has to invest his time and extensive concentration on the literature review (Bryman and Bell 2014).

In the first step, the researcher has to constitute the problem definition. As opined by Neuman and Robson 2012., it is typically important as it will help the researcher to lead his whole study to the right direction. If defines the problem wrongly, the literature review will be wrong too. Then he has to identify the right subject domain and determine the sources from where the data and the information have to be collected (Matthews and Ross 2014). Then the next step includes the gathering the data from the selected sources. Subsequently the researcher has to follow the step of comparing and sorting the data, which he/she has collected from various sources (Farooq and O’Brien 2015). In the next step, the data have to be analyzed. Here, the researcher has to inquire about some actionable and understandable findings, so that the research process can move further. In this very step, the researcher should investigate whether the aims are met or not. In the next and the final level, the interpreted data have to be presented and concluded.

During the process of collecting data, researcher has to verify the credibility of the information especially consulting Internet (Neuman and Robson 2012). To ensure the credibility of the reports and the statistics, the researcher will provide special focus on the references.



Week 1

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Week 10

Week 11


Construction of the problem definition








Identifying  the subject domain and determining the source of data collection





Gathering the data from the selected sources





comparing and sorting the data






Analysis of the collected data





Interpretation of the analyzed data




Presentation and conclusion


 he annotated diagram of the whole process of the secondary research:  


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