Accessing The Relationship Between Human Resource Performance And Training Program


Discuss about the Accessing The Relationship Between Human Resource Performance And Training Program.

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All the business organizations are currently focusing on human resource management. It has been found that, with the successful management of the human resources the issues with training and organizational performance can be completely mitigated. The human resources associated to the project are needed to be work in such a way so that the businesses can gain maximum amount of profit from the business. Basically, in order to increase the overall productivity the business can be increased accordingly with the development of proper training and development program of the human resources. For conducting the research work on “Accessing the relationship between human resource performance and training program” a research methodology is followed. In addition to this, in order to meet the research objectives within estimated time and budget the research limitations associated to it are also illustrated in this research report.

In this current era of technology it has been found that, in order to gain the project objectives and organizational objectives as well the human resources associated to the project team are needed to possess both the technical and non technical skills accordingly. Proper training and development program improves the performance of the organization itself. In order to train the project team members proper strategies are also required to be implemented by the project managers. For bringing highest input from the working employees the human resources are required to be trained appropriately.

With the changing time period the total project implementation process is also changing. Therefore it is necessary for the human resource managers to develop advanced training and development program so that the organizational performance level issues can be completely mitigated or resolved.  

  • To identify the issues that the human resource team members are facing
  • To develop proper business strategies before developing the human resource training program
  • To implement proper training and development program for the Human Resource managers

The aim of the research work is to access the relationship between human resource performance and training program.

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It is expected that if proper training and development program is arranged by the human resource project manager then the performance level issues will be completely mitigated.

According to Vaioleti, (2016), the traditional competitive mechanism has currently become less effective and efficient as the business life is becoming much complex with the changing time period. The business organizations are required to sea4ch for more competitive advantages. In this era the Human resource has become in one of the most important asset that is definitely requited to be considered by the researchers or the project managers to meet the project objectives or the organizational aim.  The HR investigates on different best prcatices so that the organization can meet the research objectives or the business objectives (Albrecht et al., 2015). It is expected that of the company follows the most suitable HR prcatices then the operational performance of the organization will surely meet the organizational objectives.

Problem Statement

According to the social exchange theory and the human capital theory extracted from the theoretical foundation for accessing the relationship between human resource performances and training program employee commitment is very much necessary (Bratton & Gold,  2017).

According to this theory the psychological contract that exists in between the employee and the employers is very important to determine the behavior those are demonstrated by the organization. This particular theory is founded on the basis of an agreement of implicit feature of the employers and the employees collectively (Miller, Xu & Mehrotra, 2015). This theory is completely based upon the reasoning which the workplace relationship includes the exchange of different kinds of resources those are named as social and economic resource types. Within the light of this particular theory all the resources of commercial feature which include budget and resources based on material resources when the social resources are respect and support from the external and internal employees and HR team (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). The reciprocity rule is emphasized by the social exchange theory when the employees are supported by the employers and the HR manager who are working for any business organization. If proper training a development program is arranged by the employees and the organizational team members then the employees will show all necessary commitments to their job roles. Proper technical and non technical training will improve the internal communication. In this case the program is referred to as training courses arranged for the employees. Organizational employees always look for maximizing their profit those they have achieved from the organizational association. 

The human capital theory proposed by different employees implies that, the business prediction and the employee’s performance will automatically increase if the necessary actions are taken by the project managers and the head of the organizations (Cascio, 2018). Proper training, development and additional investment will lead the organizations towards increased outputs. It has been found that the human resources can act as a substitute but these can never be transferred like the rest if the factors such as fixed capital, land, labor etc. In the perspective is this theory it has been found that, knowledge, skills  are very much useful for developing the performance if the employees and the overall business organization. the level of the training and development program is somewhere partly dependent upon the total investment that the company is making for the employees improvement (Kiruja & Mukuru, 2018). Moreover, it can be said that, the human capital theory is the employee development is involved as a way of investigating all the capital matters. Justified meant of capital investment is required to be done so that the knowledge and skills of the employee can be improved. 


In order to conduct any research work the researchers are required to develop proper training and development program for the business organization proper research methodology is needed to be followed. It has been found that if proper methodology is followed by the developers then the issues those may interrupt the success of the research will be completely resolved.  It will give the researcher a wider range of opportunity in terms of deeper analytical resultants.

There different types of research philosophy are there such as positivism, realism and interpretivism. It is expected that if one of these philosophies are followed by the researcher the all the hidden facts associated to the topic will be completely resolved. Research philosophy gives wider thinking opportunity to the researcher so that they can evaluate the research topic much efficiently. However, it is necessary for the research to choose such as research philosophy which is absolutely aligned to the research topic. For different logical application the positivism research philosophy is very much helpful. It helps the researcher to exploit all the hidden facts in a scientific manner. In order to enable the detain observation and knowledge collection the positivism research philosophy rejects the metaphysics. On the other hand, realism is a mixed research philosophy which is comprises of the feature of both the realism positivism and interpretivism. For “accessing the relationship between human resource performance and training program”, the researcher are required to apply the positivism research approach. It will help the researcher to exploit al the research level hidden facts from the research resultant.

Two different research approaches are available for the researcher. Based on the research topic the researchers are required to select the mist suitable research approach. In order to study the research topic from its root, the inductive research approach is very much helpful.  However this particular approach is applied when enough data are not available to the researcher. On the other hand, whenever the researchers have enough data the deductive research approach should have to be used. It gives the research a proper direction or path so that they can meet the preliminarily set project objectives. It has been found that the deductive research approach is used as a process which describes all necessary theories to gain access of the research topic” accessing the relationship between human resource performance and training program”.

For this particular research topic the researcher should select the deductive approach and should avoid the inductive approach. The aim of the research is to access the relation between the human resource performance and the training program.  It can be said that if proper training and development program is arranged by the employees or team members then their performance will automatically improve. A successful research approach will give the researcher precise details to the HR team members. The theories and overall concept of improved human performance due to proper training and development can be revealed with the successful application and implementation of the research approach.

Critical Literature Review Overview

There are three different types of research designs are there such as explanatory, descriptive and exploratory. Based on the research topic the researcher is required to choose the most suitable research design. The overall framework of the research topic can be completely explained with the successful implementation of the research design.  It has been found that successful application research design will help the research to collect and analyze all the necessary data in a mannered way. The explanatory design helps the researcher to acknowledge different kinds of thoughts for the successful completion of the research topic. Based on the occurrence of the incidents the exploratory design is used by the researcher. On the other hand, the descriptive research design offers the research details of the research topic.

For this particular research topic the researcher should choose the descriptive research design so that all the hidden facts can be exploited and all the other effects can be revealed accordingly. The longitudinal study is supported by the descriptive research design thus, for this topic this design is nominated and applied by the researcher. It is expected that, the details research can be defined much easily with the help of the descriptive design.

Two different types of data collection processes are there such as primary and secondary. Based on the details of the research topic the most suitable data collection process is required to be selected by the researcher. In order to collect raw data the primary data collection is very much helpful. With the development of questionnaire survey the primary data can be collected. On the other hand, considering the content of the journals, blogs and articles the secondary data can be collected. These are the sources of the secondary data. For this particular research topic the researcher is required to choose the secondary data collection approach. The first hand data collection however requires clarification of validity and reliability. Literature survey is another secondary resource for the data collection. It is necessary for the researcher to consider secondary sources so that to meet the research objective. The primary sources needs interaction sessions with the participants on the other hand the secondary resources does not require any direct interaction. The secondary data source considers both the offline and online secondary data sources.

In order to record narrative data the qualitative data are very much helpful. In addition to this, it can add more accurate data to the research topic. In order to apply the theoretical concept with the practical fields the qualitative data also very much crucial. Moreover it can be said that for the better understanding of the research topic the qualitative data are helpful. On the other h-side, the quantitative data applies only statistical data those are helpful for recording information in the sample size. For this particular research topic mixed approach for both the qualitative and quantitative are applied by the researcher. The HR manager who will develop the training and development program for the employees consider the qualitative data on the other hand the members of the project team of the employees will consider the quantitative data.

Theoretical Foundation

In order to conduct the research topic “accessing the relationship between human resource performance and training program”, all the ethical considerations are also required to be consider by the researcher. It is the responsibility of the researcher to nit not to violate any research ethics. While considering this particular research the ethical facts those are to be considered by the researcher are as follows:

Data application: In order to understand the current trends of data the proper application of data is very much necessary. In order to keep the study limited within the academic arena all the commercial application of the data should be completely avoided by the researcher.

Involvement of the respondent: All external influence or pressure on the respondents should be avoided while conducting the research work. It will help the researcher to process an error free research work.

Respondent’s anonymity: The researcher should ensure that no such mental or physical harassment was involved with the respondents. Therefore, the identities of the respondents were concealed according to the participant’s request.

While conducting research over the research topic it has been found that certain limitation are associated to it. It is necessary for the researcher to avoid theses imitation so that the researcher can meet the research objective. The enlisted research limitations are as follows:

Reliability: The respondents who are associated to the research work must not be influenced through any external factors. Rather it can be said that, issues related to reliability are present in this research work.

Time constraints: For the cross sectional nature of the research studies the researcher faced time limitation. Due to this cross sectional nature deep analysis of the details research was not done. The research result was erupted due to limitation in time.                                                                                      

Budget constraints: The budget associated to the research work was absolutely limited. The quality analysis was somewhere interrupted as the research required statistical tool fo successful application.

In order to conduct the research work on “accessing the relationship between human resource performances and training program”, a time horizon is prepared. With the help of a Gantt chart the schedule or the time horizon for the research topic can be represented much effectively and the time horizon is represented in the below section:

Research activity

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th  week

5th  week

6th week

Selection of research topic


Secondary resource identification


Developing research outline



Literature review



Forming research plan


Selecting research tools and techniques


Secondary data collection


Analysis of the data


Research limitation


Findings and analysis


Draft submission


Final report submission


After finding the secondary data from different resources it has been found that there is a close relationship between the human resource management practices and the organizational performance. Moreover, it can be said that, with the successful implementation of the research result the impact of training and development program in the employee performance improvement are obtained from the secondary data analysis. For this particular research topic “accessing the relationship between human resource performances and training program”, the researcher has consider positivism research philosophy, deductive research approach, descriptive research design and secondary data collection method are applied by the researcher. It is determined that if any one of this factors are not considered or failed to consider then the entire process will be a failure.

Social Exchange Theory

The performance of any employee is partly and sometime completely dependent on the training and development program that the employees are attending. It is the role of the business organization to arrange proper training and program for their employees so that they can meet the objectives of the organization. The commitment of the employees will automatically increase with the training a development program. The communication among the employee who is working for an organization will become roe convenient. With strategic Human Resource Planning (HRM) the co-relationship between the employees and the HR manager will automatically improve. There are certain performance measurement matrix and some critical success factors those are used to evaluate that whether the employees are trained enough or not. The best HR prcatices are needed to be implemented by HR manager to make the employees familiar to the project needs. 


From the overall discussion it can be concluded that with the successful implementation of professional training and development program the employees working for any business organization will become more trained and skilled. The skills and knowledge that they will be gained are found to be very much effective. It has been found that with the successful application of training and development program the employees of the organization will become much trained and successful in their professional sector. The organizational commitment and the HRM literature are completely reviewed for identifying the organizational commitment dimensions and human resource management prcatices.  It is the role of the HR manager to consider all best possible training practices so that the employees cab meet the organizational objectives. It is the role of the HR manager to choose the most suitable practice so that the employees can give their cent percent to meet the project aim and objectives. 


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