Integrated Business Management For Request Analysis
Change Request Analysis
Discuss about the Integrated Business Management for Request Analysis.
The report is about the change requirement that are made on the quasar communications management. The quasar communication is the world’s leading communication industry. In the report the analysis will be done as per the changes that are assessed in the previous part of the project. Several changes are mentioned that are necessary for the company in various part of the workplace. The details of the all management changes will be discussed further in the report. The integrated change of the controls will be analysed. The justification of the changes will be discussed that how the changes are affect the company. The project consists of a life cycle and the each part of the life cycle is important for the whole project and if any changes made in the organization then it will be reflect in the all steps of the software project life cycle. The changes involved three different areas, as the whole organization is formed into four sections, the project management had to be made for the each of the four sections, and the company needs to hire different employees for the training of the staffs externally.
The case study is defines that there are several situation arrived where the change in the management is became necessary for the quasar communication company. The changes that are required for the company are analysed. The first change is needed in the R&D project management. In the R&D project management the main issue that is raised is with the coordination and communication. The problem is with the department of the marketing where they cancel and rejects various projects without the permission of the project manager and this issue needed to be resolved and must be changed (Kerzner & Kerzner 2017). Another problem that is raised with the small customer project management where the project manager is not capable of doing multiple task at a time. The mentality of the project manager is different as he thinks that it is much easier to handle the big project rather that the projects that are small in size. There are problems that are raised with the line managers also that they are concluding decisions without consulting with the project manager as they thinks that they are the superiors of the company and of the project. As the line managers not directly associated with the project so it shows the lack of the communication between the project managers and the line project managers (Nicholas & Steyn 2017). Lack of an efficient leadership skill and lack of organizational structure is another problem that need to be addressed and change for the efficient and effective productivity. The change that is required is the conflicts between the department of the company where the character of the every different are having different mind-set and that creates the conflicts between the departments. The organizational is must for each and every company as it is the core part of the company to grow on long term. The problem with the capital equipment of the project management is proposed for the change. The project manager is conspires the project of his own as the low priority ad value (Serra & Kunc 2015). The project managers thinks that the small projects are less in value that is totally wrong as the projects that are small in size. By the help of the small projects the company is able to gain reputation and their delivery efficiency. The company will also be able to see the internal resources are working properly or not.
Change Details in the Project Management Processes
Many changes are made on the processes of the project management as in the above part the required change is already mentioned, that why the changes are required and for which purpose. The main change that the processes of the project management needed to change is to improve the communication and the coordination among the employees and of the different departments. The marketing department must discuss and communicate with the project manager before rejecting any project (Larson & Gray 2015). The marketing people must conduct meetings or discuss face to face about the project and then mutually plan the project accordingly. By the help of this communication the process of the project management will be improved and will be effective for the communication company. The project manager of the employee must have the capability to do the multiple task at a time so that the project will be get benefited from the project manager. The mentality of the manager of the project needed to be changed, the project manager must treat the small project as he handled the bigger project with high value and priority. The line managers needed to identify their roles that is given by the project manager and they must not give the conclusion of the project without the permission of the project manager (Marchewka 2014). The line managers are not directly appointed for the project they are just the subordinate of the project manager. The communication between the project manager and the line managers needed to be improved for the mitigation of the conflict between them and result failure of the project. The organizational structure is the main part of any company and the projects of the company. The leader of the company must have the leadership skills in order to control the employees of the company properly and make them work effectively and efficiently. The conflict between the different departments is needed to be solved by the project manager (Verzuh 2015). The conflict mainly occur because the employees that are working for the different department are having different opinion, the main role of the project manager is to give them their opinion on which they will do their job on their each department. As the business of the Quasar Communication Inc. is very large so that the organizational structure of the company needed to be well organized so that the company will grow in long term. To maintain the reputation of the company, the company must satisfy the need of the customer (Uhl & Gollenia 2016). The project managers must considered the project at high priority and of high value. The minor project are the main part of the company, and the project manager needs to understand that as well. The project manager must complete the project on time in order to deliver it within the deadline.
Integrated Change Control
The integrated change control is necessary for the integration management of the project. For each of the company change is a must needed aspect that must be implemented. The changes is made by the different superior people who are in the higher position of the company (Goldratt 2017). In this report many changes are suggested for the Quasar Communication Inc. that is already discussed in the above part. The integrated change control has three different process that are accept, reject or handled in different way. The integrated change management works from the change proposal to the application of the change. For successfully implementing the integrated change control a proper and accurate plan of the project management is necessary. If the plan of the project management plan have the scope then only the changes can be assessed in the processes of the project management for the further changes (Harrison & Lock 2017). The role of the project manager is to find the root of the cause that is needed to be changed in the project management processes. For the integrated change management several change request, change analysis, change approval and change implementation is used. First the changes needed to be identified then the members that are affected need to analyse the cause and then needed to implement the challenges. After the changes are requested the project manager will analyse the request and make decision that whether the request will be accepted or rejected (Lientz & Rea 2016). The changes can be initiate and implemented by the any member of the project and it will be presided by the project manager and the project manager will assign a date for the implementation of the project. After the implementation of the change the changes becomes a small project itself. In the change request the analysis is made that what is the required change and why it is needed to be changed. In the change analysis the impact of the change, scope and the resources are assessed. After the assessment, the project manager make sure that the documentation for the required change is made properly or not because the documentation stores the accurate details of the changes that are made in the processes of the processes.
Change is required for the each of the company to mitigate the issues in the company and to increase the productivity to gain the reputation. The company having less issues deliver good product to the customers and meets the customer satisfaction. In this report in the Quasar Communication Inc. several changes are made for the different purpose and in different area of the management. The different areas where the changes are made on the project management are in the R&D project management, small customer project management, large customer project management, and capital equipment project management (Kerzner 2018).
In the R&D project management the changes is necessary to improve the communication and the coordination among the project manager and the employees of the project. Changes are made to develop the relation between the marketing department and the project manager to make a proper decision for the project (Lock 2017). The project manager need to see the milestones of the project and aware each of the employees about the state by conducting any kind of meetings.
In the small customer project management several changes are also made. The project managers are trained for doing multiple task at a time for effectiveness of the company. The further changes made in the mentality of the project manager to treat the all projects equally whether it is small or large in size. The role of the line managers cleared for them to work according to their designation and allocated work. They do not have the permission to do the job without the approval of the project manager of the project.
The main change that is made is on the organizational structure as the organizational structure is the main part for any company to gain success in longer term. The leader of the project needed to change the style of his leadership as the leadership is important to motivate and encourage the employees who are working for the project under the team leader (Burke 2013).
The last change that is made on the processes of the project management is the mind-set toward the small projects as the small projects are the backbone for the company. Using the small projects and delivering them in the estimated time the company can meet the customer satisfaction and gain the reputation in the market.
From the above report it can be concluded that the Quasar Communication Inc. needed some changes and the changes are made on the processes of the project management. As the company is among the largest company so the issues within the company is needed to be solved as per the change requirement. In the above report the change requirements are analysed. The details of the all change that are made on the project management processes. The integrated change control is discussed in the above report that how the changes is made on the project management of the company. In the four area the change is addressed and the project manager then analysed the required change and as per that the project manager will make a decision whether the change will be granted or the change request will be rejected. All the changes are reflected on the each phase of the life cycle of the project. Justification of the changes also discussed in the above report that why the changes is made in the several area of the company. These change reflects in a good way for the betterment of the company so that the company will grow gradually.
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