Current Workforce And Nature Of Work In The Age Of Globalization And Technological Advancements

Current Workforce and Nature of Work

Impact of Technology on HR Practices

Discuss about the Current Workforce and Nature of Work.

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Globalization refers to a new emerging concept or phenomenon. It is characterised by increased international trading, financial market boundaries and commodity culture internationalization promoted by the increased global telecommunication system (Sooet al. 2011, p 112). It goes beyond the socio-economic, political and cultural barriers that countries build around themselves. It integrates the economy, culture, technological, and legislation. It has given rise to a new business environment that is new markets, foreign exchange trading and capital markets connected globally through new tools of technology, internet links, easily accessible cellular phones, social media network, and new actors. One of the positive impacts of globalization is widespread of knowledge and information through the increased interaction of people from different backgrounds. In the globalized world, knowledge has assumed a powerful role in production led by increased innovations in technology. The paper focuses on rapid technological advancement and strategic management is the appointed topics for the analysis.

Technology is rapidly changing everything and impacting every part of business today. The human resource practices have adopted new practice processes(Francis et al, 2011 p 8). For example, the human resource management has innovated their ways of recruitment and hiring of new employees. There have been various hr capital challenges, geographical limitations, and mobilization. The hr has used the technology to change their functions drastically. For example, the human resource has changed how the employees and management team can access human resource data. Technology has changed the way the business market operates, and through globalization, the local market learned that they could not ignore the global market and competitors. In the past decade, the industries have learned that they have to understand emerging markets, technologies and different management approaches (Mamman et al., 2013 p 116).

With stiff competition from the global and local market, companies had to take up the need of the customer and ensure satisfaction in their environment to enable customer retention. Technology has led to different challenges for companies. Human resource team has to find solutions to address this challenges for the sustainability and growth of companies (Solari, 2012 p32). The technology in an organization has made it easier to access, gather and communicate information to others. The hr integrates technology to into their functions to ensure the smooth running and operations of the company.

Hr department has innovated some technological tools to assist in the operation of their duties. Technologies which are web-based plays a critical development role that enables HR to reduce transactional activities and focus its efforts and resources to increase customer and strategic services (Mura 2012, p121). Multinational organizations have to monitor and manage the global workforce required to achieve the sustainable growth. The employees of an organization are the most important component of HR department to sustain the results of the business.

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Changes in Business Environment due to Globalization

The technology developed to integrate the functions of Hr, but now, the new technology focuses beyond across the business, and to improve competitiveness. The HR current practices have gone beyond the physical, cultural barriers and geographical barriers and helped the human resources to move worldwide and to select and recruit the best talent to the right job in the market (Armstrong et al, 2015 p152).Below are some of the changes caused by globalization to the HR department due to technological advancement.

Globalization has led to the company of all sizes to now interact with customers from different cultural and social backgrounds (Soo et al. 2011, p 112). The trend is set to continue due to the internationalization of financial markets and free trading grounds all over. The work environment no longer hires people of the same background due to high rates of diversity from investors to customers. Companies involved in diversity recruitment recognizes the value of recruiting employees that customers can relate to and know what team of diverse people contributing to the range of idea and influence within the organization. The HR department has to adjust and consider hiring talents from all backgrounds to accommodate the different cultures.

Training has resulted to focusing requirements and improving professional competencies of employees in an organization. The company might lose insight on needed skills, and HRM comes in by offering training to meet the needs and professional competency of the employees. The training assist gives the company a competitive edge and also up to date with the changes in the market. Training helps develop the employee’s skills required to deliver quality work. With globalization, training helps the employees keep up with the constant change in the market.

Thebusinesses need to understand and apply the laws of different jurisdictions in operating globally. Business operating in a different jurisdiction must apply. The HR has to make sure to follow all the required policies to avoid lawsuits that can behave prevented. It is important to understand these laws for the organization to abide by them and also allows free trading in the market and enjoy financial well being and protect the business reputation.

Push for professional development in an organization is also another effect of HR management. Professional development of all the employees to provide an opportunity to achieve their work-related goals and improve when it comes to globalization and new technology they are up to date. Providing resources such as scholarship is offered to the employee for self-development and handle future tasks in the line of study. The organization focuses on providing a range of skills and gaining required competencies from employees to develop their professional portfolio.

Effects of Workforce Diversity

The globalization and information technologies have reduced the capacity for organization.  There is great capacity for the organization to adding value through core business and outsourcing non-core activities to other organization. The impact has led to the networked global economy where a single partnership is replaced with the partnership between multiple companies. Here are some of the changes HR department going to experience and affect their work.

Effective leadership is critical to the management of any workforce. The work has already transformed itself; technology increases productivity and also leads to the replacement of low performances. Workforce diversity in companies is characterized by diversity from human resources in the organisation. Right from ethnicity, culture, religion and race differences. HR mangers in multinational organisations focus on creating a positive working environment for all workers to ensure effective development. Modern trends has acknowledged and valued workforce diversity as the employment world is headed towards companies having diverse workforce. HR with no multicultural background has it difficult to manage different employees and globalization is heading towards diverse work environment. HR should go through training to be versatile and flexible changes.  Researchers state that workforce diversity helps increase the level of creativity among employees (Hunter & Katz 2012, p1994).

The expansion of the tendencies which connects with workforce diversity signals about the great impact of this phenomenon on the development of organizations and their effective performance. It is possible to speak about positive and negative effects of the process. In spite of the fact the negative effects are less obvious, and they can rarely be observed while analyzing the peculiarities of the organizational performance, it is possible to determine them with references to unsuccessful work of the HR manager in the definite company (Quang 2010, p 82). Thus, workforce diversity involves effective recruitment of professionals capable of managing diverse human resources in the organization and creating positive work atmosphere.

With technology, employees have access to email and the internet raises concerns among the employers. Mostly what are the ethical implications for surfing the web of work? Is the internet restricted at per what websites one is allowed to view? These are some of the measurements HR has to take to ensure employees do not stray into other websites and leaving work. Is olay to visit other websites after work hours? The HR has to harness emerging technologies to make the workplace and their duties/work more effective. The technology is also helpful to the employees as they keep monitoring their working, for example checking emails and work website for business growth. The monitoring of the internet is what keeps the employees from working as otherwise they would be on a different website and doing other personal things. Hence the internet in a workplace is restricted to certain sites.

Effective Leadership in Managing Diverse Workforce

Telecommution has gradually become more popular among employers and employees. Both the employer and the employee would be able to reduce cost regarding space and transport cost respectively. Shortly, most companies would go virtual. There would be a severe shortage of labor making other companies become global and employing skilled workers from all over the world and working over the internet (Bredin & Soderlund 2011, p 2019)The HR has to come up with technology to keep track of all the employees and monitor their performances. Employees will start working remotely and do not need to relocate.

Telecommuting leads to disconnect between employees as there are no physical interactions and that is one of the main challenges HR needs to address. Managing telecommuter is challenging as supervisors lose the ability to oversee their employees work and help develop them. Though telecommuter is still not widely used, it will explore and HR needs to be innovative and come up with ways to manage it when the time comes.

The HR is expected to change drastically in the next few years. Due to constant changes in technology and it is one of the few departments that require the human personnel. The HR plays a special role in dealing with the expected changes and come up with strategic competencies to deal with them. HR accommodates employees in their virtual work locations and come up with strategies on how to manage corporate cultures.They have to act as companies performance experts and monitor behavior without meeting the employees.

HRM in organizations face challenges in managing and implementing effective training and development of employees, particularly in this climate of globalization and the new technological revolution which begins with the importance of human capital in HR department practices, Also their education and technical background training and communication and language skills (Sullivan 2014, p8). Learning and motivation also play an important role in the effective practices of human resource department.

In the ever innovative and globally changing world, HRM may find themselves obsolete in future if they do not update their practices due to the changes in the environment. Some of the skills that HR personnel need to develop to face the ever-changing business environment are collaboration with line managers. They are responsible for all the managers within the organization. With no strategy execution, the managers will plan with HR and no impact in the marketplace. Hence, the HR needs to ensure that the impact felt in the marketplace. Multi-Skilling Process is also necessary due to the high rate of change in this era of globalization requires HR professionals to be multi-skilled. They must commit to core strategic issues and facilitate change initiatives and internal consultant to the organization.

HR must exhibit expertise in their work. The HR department has to explore and design means of conducting its functions in a better, faster and cheaper way to reduce the cost of operations and at the same time maintain the quality of service. The HR manager has a duty of making good use of what information technology offers and capitalize on it in the work setting and tool (Mishra & Akman 2010 p216). Globalization has introduced new challenges to businesses, and the HRM is required to come up with new capabilities and meet the competitive challenges and to work to initiate change and focus on creating high performances from team members and reduce cycle time for implementing new technology. It is commendable to upgrade the HR professional skills to be able to cope with the global challenges and remain relevant and improve the quality of service offered (Liang 2012, p340).


In conclusion, the effect of technology on HRM will be profound. The technology is changing the world faster, smarter and better and it would change the face of human resource entirely and reinvent the department. The HRM department would be expected to be an agent of change within the organization. Previously, HR dealt with automated delivery of benefits, keeping the record and general employee services. With the change in technology and globalization, the hr is expected to start take up challenging human resource functions such knowledge and information management, strategic redirection, managing different cultural changes and developing employees over the internet and the telecommuters.

List of References

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