Atrocities Against Australian Aboriginals And Torres Strait Islander People: Analysis Of Media Reports

History of Atrocities against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Australia

Discuss about the Impact of Colonisation For Indingenous Australians.

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The Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people are considered as the Indigenous people of Australia. They were native to what is now, the present continent of Australia. With the advent of the European Colonial Expansion and Imperialist Policies, especially those of the British Empire, the Aboriginals were exposed to the outside world. The Colonial Masters unleashed a series of atrocities and hardships upon the Australian Aboriginal people. This resulted in the massacre of a large number of Aboriginal. The Aboriginals were denied the basic human rights, were subjected to the worst of human trauma and discrimination. Years of exploitation and discrimination resulted in the prevalence of a feeling of fear and depression amongst the Aboriginal community members. There exists a feeling of hatred and animosity amongst the Aboriginal community and the White Australian community. The Period wherein the stolen children episode happened became the worst experience for the Aboriginal community. The imprints and impacts of the episode can still be felt amongst the Aboriginal community. The Government of Australia has implemented a number of policies to promote and improve the conditions of the Aboriginal people in Australia. The report analyzes the conditions of the Australian Aboriginal people from the 4 media reports which were published by different media outlets. The analysis is done by using various models and approaches. The analysis is formulated by using the media reports of different organizations

Wahlquist, C. (2018). Map of massacres of Indigenous people reveals untold history of Australia, painted in blood. Retrieved from

The crimes and atrocities against the aborigines in Australia are a significant aspect of Australian history. Since the advent of colonial dominance in the Australian continent, the colonial masters were indulging in atrocious killings of the aboriginal community, which resulted in massive massacres. The aboriginals were subjected to mass execution and inhuman atrocities, which resulted in the genocide of millions of people. The aboriginal community was aware of these atrocities, but evidence revealed the exact number of people killed in these crimes. Although, research is yet to reveal more facts and the details are scant. The research revealed that the aboriginal community of Bediagal was the most affected as many people belonging to the Bediagal community were killed by the foreign settlers. The Bediagal or the Bidgigal as they are referred to are an indeginous community of indigenous Australians who are the original inhabitants in the area which now comes  under the New South Wales province in Australia. The lack of harmony amongst any two or more than two communities in any part of the world becomes a distressing and worrying factor for the internal affairs of the country. Any form of friction amongst the two communities might result in the escalation of conflict in the country. Similarly, in Australia, the indigenous community has suffered because the mainstream Australian community has subjected the aboriginal community to alienation and negligence. The negligence faced by the Aboriginal community has made them withdrawn and aloof from the rest of the Australian population. 

The Impact of Colonialization on the Australian Aboriginal Population

The impact of colonialization on the Aboriginal Australian population was immense. To this day, the history acts as a barrier towards the cordial and reconciliation efforts made by the Government of Australia and the White Australians to assimilate and include the Aboriginal Communities into the Australian Mainstream population (Elder, 2017). The colonial masters committed a number of heinous crimes and massacred the ethnic populations of the Aboriginals in the colonial period. This germinated the seeds of mistrust and animosity amongst the Aboriginal people regarding the White people of Australia. The Aboriginals are somewhat segregated and remain indifferent to the issues affecting the White Australians. This exclusivity is detrimental not only for the Aboriginals, but also for the nation of Australia as a whole. The Australian Aboriginals are unable to gain access to some of the most fundamental of human rights such as education and health care. This is due to the fact that they are segregated and live away from the major Australian cities (Hempel, 2016). As a result, they are outside the periphery of the health care services.  The most common fear among the Aboriginal people is that they fear that mixing with the culture of White Australians will lead them to lose their values and culture (O’Bryan, 2015). This mistrust has been implanted by the centuries of atrocities committed by the White colonial masters against the Native Australian Aboriginals.

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The long period of atrocities committed against the Aboriginal people has made them victims of racism and discrimination. Therefore, in my opinion, the Government of Australia must incorporate the policy to make the Aboriginals feel as a part of the Mainstream Australian Politics (Reading  & de Leeuw, 2014).

This is our national shame, but it can be fixed. (2018). Retrieved from

A decade ago, the Government of Australia decided to improve the conditions of the Australian indigenous communities by introducing the policy of Closing the Gap. Closing the Gap is a Government strategy, which attempts to improve the figures of the Aboriginal communities in the aspects of life expectancy, child mortality, access to early childhood education and employment outcomes.  The decision to improve the conditions of the Aboriginal communities was agreed upon by both the government of Australia as well as the people of the Aboriginal Community. Even after implementing the strategy with an honest intent, the strategy has failed on some aspects to deliver the desired outcomes. The life expectancy gap amongst the indigenous communities as well as the mainstream Australian population has widened. The Australian leadership admitted to the fact that six out of the seven Closing the Gap objectives have not been achieved (“Close the Gap: Indigenous Health Campaign | Australian Human Rights Commission”, 2018). The schemes and policies launched by the Government of Australia failed to achieve some of the targets because of the fact that the Australian Aboriginals were not actively participating in the development initiatives. The reason ranged from the dark episodes of atrocities and discrimination, racial prejudices as well as feeling of being left out from the mainstream population (Das, 2016). The Government of Australia needs to implement the policies to improve the conditions of the Aboriginal people as well as uplift the socio-economic conditions of them. Doing so will be beneficial for not just the Aboriginal people, but for the Australian country as a whole.

The Policy of Closing the Gap and Needs for Its Improvement

The health of the Aboriginal people in Australia has been a concern for the Government of Australia primarily because there exists large gaps in the life expectancy along with increased rates of diabetes, kidney diseases and asthma. The Government of Australia termed the last decade as a Wasted Decade due to the negligible improvement in the lives of the Australian Aboriginals. The Statistics from the Government plans reveal that the majority of the indexes involving the Aboriginals are on a downward slope.  This is because the majority of the Aboriginal people are not availing the services of the Australian Health facilities as they are outside the periphery of the Australian healthcare facilities (Hart, 2014). The inability to assimilate and incorporate the Aboriginals into the mainstream Australian community also affects them in a negative way. One of the causes for which the Aborigines keep to themselves and avoid mixing with the White Australians is due to the history of the stolen generations. The Stolen Generations is a term, which is used to refer to the children from the Aboriginal families who were snatched away from their families and placed under the protection of the Australian Federal and State Government Agencies as well as the Church Missions. This phase of the Stolen Generation has made the Aboriginal Community skeptical about the intentions of the White members of the Australian society (Hughes, 2014). The Australian Government despite taking steps to improve the conditions of the Aboriginals ,are not able to win the trust of the Aboriginals. It will take many more dedicated efforts to incorporate and assimilate the Aboriginal community into the fold of the Mainstream Australian population.

In my opinion, the Government of Australia needs to undertake more dedicated efforts to improve the health conditions of the Aboriginal community. The Australian Government must clarify and address the fear regarding the past atrocities. The fear which is instilled in the minds and hearts of the Aboriginals need to be removed in order to make them participate more actively in the running of the country (McCallum & Waller, 2014) .The Aboriginals are an essential part of Australia and they must be made to feel important and worthy in order to foster a feeling of trust and harmony in them.  The Australian establishment needs to take more steps to uplift the conditions of the Aboriginal people so that they are able to join the mainstream population. The Aboriginal people are also an integral part of Australia and it is important to include them in the decision making process. 

The Negligence of the Australian Government and Rebuilding Trust

Mental health services for Aboriginal Australians ‘inadequate, inappropriate’. (2018). Retrieved from

The Close the Gap initiative reveals the fact that the Aboriginal communities fare worse when it comes to mental health and mental health remains inadequate and inappropriate for the Aboriginal community members. The poor showing in the mental health of the Aboriginal Communities has led to an increased prevalence of mental health issues, increased rates of suicide, anxiety and depression, decreased cognitive ability and mental health disorders (Parker & Milroy, 2014). The Government of Australia despite, putting in their best efforts, failed to improve the living conditions of the Australian Aboriginal community members. Mental Health being a very important issue in today’s world, therefore, the issue of mental health requires in-depth understanding and prolific research. The Government has made it clear that the issue of Mental Health among the Aboriginal Communities will be analyzed based on a holistic approach such as viewing the problem from a social as well as cultural viewpoint. The determinants of health such as overcrowding, unemployment and unavailability of education opportunities for the Aboriginal communities will be taken into consideration.

Mental Health remains one of the major issues, which affects the Australian Aboriginal community. The statistics regarding the Mental Health of the Aboriginals reveals horrifying data. The Mental Health report in 2014 revealed that there has been increasing trends of youth suicide,, anxiety and depression among the Australian Aboriginal community. Cognitive disability and mental health also remains areas of concern for the Australian Aboriginal community (“Our Reports | National Mental Health Commission”, 2018). The reasons as for which the mental health is at such a poor situation for the Aboriginals is because there is a mutual feeling of grief and loss amongst the Aborigines. The episode of the Stolen Children has traumatized the entire Aboriginal Community and it has left a painful impression amongst the Aboriginals. Majority of the Aboriginals are traumatized and the reasons for these traumas are still not resolved by the Australian Government (Parker et al., 2014). The Aborigines have been victims of discrimination and racism, and as a result, the majority of the Aboriginals suffer from depression and anxiety. The Aborigines are also subjected to being convicted and incarcerated. Living in the fear of being incarcerated, increases the risk of suffering from mental disorder and anxiety. The Aborigines have been subjected to feel culturally and socially inferior to the white Australians. This inferiority feeling develops into depression and insensitivity among the Aboriginals (Atkinson et al., 2014). The poor mental health among the Aboriginals has also made the problem of drug abuse and substance abuse prevalent among them. Research has revealed that depression and drug abuse are correlated to each other.

Mental Health Issues within Aboriginal Communities

Mental Health of the Aboriginals can be improved by addressing the concerns of the Aboriginal community. The Aboriginals need to be assured that no atrocity or discrimination shall be tolerated against them. In my opinion, the Government of Australia needs to put in more strict action against any offenders who commits discrimination against the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals who have been wrongfully convicted must be released with due respect and justice (Banki et al., 2016). There are numerous instances when women aboriginal members have been discriminated and convicted on wrong charges. The perpetrators of such crime must be brought to justice (Grant & Paddick, 2014).  The Aboriginal people , especially the youth must be provided ample opportunities for growth and development.

Indigenous health isn’t all bad news. (2018). Retrieved from

The Statistical reports from the analysis of the last decade revels that the prevalence of diabetes, kidney disease, asthma and osteoporosis as higher among the indigenous community. The indigenous community also has an 11-year gap in the life expectancy with the mainstream communities (Watch, 2014).  The last decade has been worse for the indigenous community as they have fared very poorly in the basic parameters of health and well-being. Despite these setbacks, there are a number of positives as well which reveal the improvements in the health related aspects amongst the indigenous communities. The new data reveals that the number of indigenous people who prefer smoking is less as compared to members of the mainstream population. The statistics also shows that the number of smokers is giving up smoking despite nicotine being addictive in nature. 

Smoking is often related to a feeling of sadness and depression. Often, it is observed that people, in order to relieve themselves from stress, indulge in smoking (Keizer et al., 2016). The earlier generations of the Aboriginals were actively participating in the act of smoking due to the fact the colonial masters introduced them to smoking from a very early age. The sad realities of living in extreme poverty, not being able to attend school and have any employment opportunities made them to resort to smoking in order to overcome the ordeal. The Phase of Stolen Children traumatized the entire Aboriginal Community therefore; there was a prevalent mutual feeling of grief and loss amongst the Aboriginal Community. The Aboriginal community believes in the culture of sharing therefore smoking became a widespread practice amongst the Aboriginal community (Bond, Spurling & Askew, 2014). Despite, these factors, the recent data reveals that the youth members of the Aboriginal community are restraining from smoking and many of the active smokers from their community have quit smoking altogether. This is a significant progress, considering the fact that addictions are difficult to let go of. The restraint and the decision of not to indulge in the practice of smoking means that the Aboriginal community has decided to let go of the worries of the past and look forward to a bright future and prosperity. The Aboriginals knew that smoking is harmful for the health but were indulging in smoking due to the depressing past memories of the atrocities and turmoil (Thomas et al., 2015).

The Aboriginal people have been victims of crimes against humanity for ages. They have faced a lot over the years. The members of the Aboriginal community are victims of trauma and depression. Despite these facts, the aboriginal youths are showing signs of resilience and mental strength by quitting smoking. This shows that the Aboriginal people are looking forward to progress and development. In my opinion, the Government of Australia must ensure that the Australian Aboriginals get access to basic education, health and employment opportunities (Nielsen, 2014). 

from the above analysis, it becomes clear that the aboriginal community have been victims to a large number of atrocities and discrimination. the long period of colonial atrocity and discrimination, followed by the racial and ethnic prejudices by the white people has instilled a feeling of mistrust, hatred and animosity in the minds and hearts of the aboriginal community members. harsh impacts of the episode of the stolen generations have further made the aboriginals skeptical about the motives of the government of australia. because of which, any policy that is passed by the government of australia in the best of intentions, is seen through the prism of doubt and caution.  the aboriginal community are lacking behind in the aspect of health and education. the majority of the members of the aboriginal community are suffering from the physical or mental diseases, and most of the members of the community are indulging in substance abuse and drug abuse. smoking remains a common feature among the aboriginal community, although recent date reveals that the youth are quitting smoking. the australian government needs to implement more strategies and policies to improve the lives of the aboriginal people. a common feeling of goodwill, friendship and trust needs to be instilled amongst the members of the aboriginal community towards the white australian community members. the government of australia needs to take stern action against any offender of crime against the members of the aboriginal community. the aboriginal community members must be incorporated into the decision making process so that they feel represented and important in the task of nation building. the incorporation of aboriginals is also necessary for the proper running and exercise of the democratic institutions in the country. the government of australia must make sure that the aboriginal community is given proper employment opportunities to prosper and flourish as a community. the aborigins have been subjected to a lot of atrocities and crimes against humanity. it would be better to organize events and festivals, which foster a spirit of goodwill and friendship among the diverse ethnic communities of australia. doing so, will be beneficial not just for the aboriginal people, but for the entire country of australia in the overall long run. the countries which takes all the diverse ethnic communities forward in the process of nation building prospers while those countries which promote exclusive growth are torn with strife and conflict among the ethnic communities. 


Atkinson, J., Nelson, J., Brooks, R., Atkinson, C., & Ryan, K. (2014). Addressing individual and community transgenerational trauma. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, 2, 289-307.

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Bond, C. J., Spurling, G. K., & Askew, D. A. (2014). A different kind of treatment. The Medical Journal of Australia, 201(1), 10-11.

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Das, A. (2016). White (washing) Australia and Nationalism Theory of Ernest Gellner.

Elder, C. (2017). Unfinished Business in (Post) Reconciliation Australia.

Grant, E., & Paddick, S. (2014). Aboriginal women in the Australian prison system. Right Now: Human Rights in Australia online, 11.

Hart, B. (2014). Aboriginal Health. Has there been any progress-yet?.

Hempel, D. (2016). Utopia and Ideology in the Vision of the Jindyworobaks. The Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 7, 4-14.

Hughes, K. (2014). 6. Stories my Grandmother Never Told Me: Recovering Entangled Family Histories Through Ego-Histoire1. In turn in turn: Ego-histoire, Europe and Indigenous Australia, 75.

Indigenous health isn’t all bad news. 2018. Retrieved from

Keizer, I., Gex-Fabry, M., Croquette, P., & Khan, A. N. (2016). A Short Motivational Program Based on Temporary Smoking Abstinence: Towards Increased Self-Efficacy to Quit in Psychiatric Inpatients. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 7(4).

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Mental health services for Aboriginal Australians ‘inadequate, inappropriate’. (2018). Retrieved from

Nielsen, J. (2014). Whiteness and anti-discrimination law–it’s in the design. Critical Race & Whiteness Studies, 10(2).

O’Bryan, M. (2015). Compelled to innovate: facilitating partnerships in cross-cultural education. UNESCO Observatory Multi-Disciplinary Journal in the Arts, 4(1), 1-22.

Our Reports | National Mental Health Commission. 2018. Retrieved from

Parker, R., & Milroy, H. (2014). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health: an overview. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, 2, 25-38.

Parker, R., Balaratnasingam, S., Roy, M., Huntley, J., & Mageean, A. (2014). Intellectual disability in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice (2nd ed., pp. 373-382). Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.

Reading, C., & de Leeuw, S. (2014). Aboriginal experiences with racism and its impacts. Technical Report. National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health.

This is our national shame, but it can be fixed. 2018. Retrieved from

Thomas, D. P., Davey, M., Briggs, V. L., & Borland, R. (2015). Talking About the Smokes: Summary and key findings. Medical Journal of Australia, 10(202), S3-S4.

Wahlquist, C. 2018. Map of massacres of Indigenous people reveals untold history of Australia, painted in blood. Retrieved from

Watch, S. (2014). Means and ends. The messages from the country reports. Social Watch Report.

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