Edward Snowden Ethical Issues For ICT Professional Practice

Analysis of the Situation by using Doing Ethics Technique

Discuss about the Edward Snowden Ethical Issues for ICT Professional Practice.

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Along with the popularity of technological advancements, the importance of ethics has grown between enterprises as well. Most companies are dealing with the private data of people in the technology field, and they use such data to implement business policies. However, most enterprises collect and mine the data of people in order to gain an unfair advantage. Due to which the importance of information ethics has grown. It establishes a relationship between the ethical and moral actions of a company which are associated with the collection, use and process of public data (Floridi, 2013). Technologies such as open data and big data have increased the ethical issues relating to collection and using of private data of people which have become a primary concern in the past few years. In this report, the case study of Edward Snowden and the data leak of NSA data mining program will be discussed.

The report will analyse the case from the perspective of Edward Snowden while evaluating the situation of other stakeholders as well. The ‘Doing ethics technique’ will be used in the report for identifying different ethical issues in the case study and different alternative recommendations will be given as well. Furthermore, the report will evaluate the case study from a perspective of an ICT professional regarding the codes of ethics issued by the Australian Computer Society. These codes of ethics are issued by ACS which is required to comply by all the ICT members of ACS in order to ethically resolve issues faced by them while discharging their duties. Various recommendations will be included in the report which might be suitable for addressing the ethical dilemmas in the respective case study. 

The case study of Edward Snowden deals with the leak of classified information about a data mining program of NSA. The National Security Agency was collecting the personal data of people from their phones and internet traffic records. The data was collected by the agency to find any potential link to terrorist groups which might be active in the United States. Edward Snowden leaked all the data by himself while working as a defence contractor for NSA. He was an employee of Booz Allen Hamilton and an ex-CIA officer. The data was leaked to the newspapers which include the Guardian and the Washington Post (Greenwald, MacAskill and Poitras, 2013). After the leak, the citizen of the US became furious because their government were collecting their personal data without their permission or knowledge. It raised a number of ethical issues regarding collection and mining of data.

Stakeholders Affected by the Case Study

Before the leak of the information, Snowden went out of the country in order to protect himself from the charges. The government finds out about his actions, and he was charged with three criminal felonies. Two of the allegations were under the Espionage Act 1917 based on which he was considered as a traitor against the US (Gellman, Blake and Miller, 2013). He was not protected under the Whistle-blower Act because he was considered as a traitor. People were considering his actions as heroic because after the leak the program was terminated by the Obama administration and a rule was passed which prohibits any governmental authority to collect or mine the personal data of people without prior permission (NBC News, 2013). Many people and authorities were criticising the actions of Snowden as well because he risked the national security by leaking classified data publicly.

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What are the facts?

  • Snowden leaked the data regarding data mining program through which the NSA was unethically collecting the private data of public.
  • Due to his actions, Snowden was charged with three felonies, and he was considered as a traitor under the Espionage Act (Lee, 2015).
  • Snowden flew away and got asylum in Russia in order to protect himself from the criminal charges.
  • People have mixed opinion about the actions of Snowden because they were praising his actions which protected their privacy while at the same time his actions were considered as a threat to the national security.
  • Later he made a statement that he intentionally joined as a defence contractor at Booz Allen Hamilton to learn about their security system in order to leak the classified data.

What are the issues?

  1. Firstly the issues are regarding unethical collection and mining of private data of people without their permission or knowledge (Childress, 2015).
  2. Another issue is that Snowden leaked the classified information which risked the national security of the US.
  3. Snowden was charged as a traitor, and the government imposed three criminal allegations against him, two of which were under the Espionage Act.
  4. There were mixed feeling about his actions because he did protect the privacy of millions while at the same time risking the national security by leaking classified information.
  5. He flew away to Russia and got asylum there rather than confronting the government and facing his charges even when he argued that he considered his action to be absolutely 

One of the main stakeholders in the entire scenario is Snowden because he risked his life to leak the data to the public. Due to his actions, he was charged with three criminal felonies based, and he has to live the rest of his life like a fugitive. He leaves his family, friends, job, and personal life in order to save the privacy of millions (Simpson and Ohlheiser, 2013).

The government had to face many allegations after the leak of classified information about the data mining program of NSA. People were criticising the unethical behaviour of the government, and it faces global humiliation as well. Many of the commercial treaties of the US government with other countries such as Germany, Russia and Brazil were cancelled. The government of Germany called the actions of the US government as unethical and asked for further reinvestigation. The President of Brazil cancelled his trip to the country which would have resulted in creating new treaties between the two countries (Malkin, 2013). Russian government gave asylum to Snowden and criticised the actions of the US government (Kramer, 2017).

A large number of US-based cloud computing services providers faced serious financial loss after the leak. People and organisations were concerned about their data which they store on the servers of CSP. After the incident, they cancelled their subscription with their respective CSPs which caused billions of loss (Stern and Armitage, 2013). 

The primary goal of NSA is to ensure the security of the nation and the agency faced criticism from the people for collecting their private data without their knowledge and permission. After the termination of the program, it becomes difficult for the NSA to collect the information about active terrorist groups in the country.

Analysis of the Situation by using ACS Code of Ethics

The company failed to identify the true intentions of Snowden and its reputation was reduced after the incident. Many organisations cancelled their contract with the company after the leak.

The terrorists can use the classified information leaked by Snowden to plan their next attack in the country. The use of mobile and internet has become easier for them as well because the NSA can no longer collect their data which increases the risk of national security.

People were devastated to find out that their government is collecting and mining their private data without their knowledge and permission which reduces their trust in the government (Ray, 2018). 

  • Utilitarianism theory – The unethical collection of public data was a key issue and actions of Snowden protected the privacy of millions of US citizens living in the country.
  • Deontology theory – The motive of Snowden was ethical, but his actions were illegal based on which the government charged him with three criminal felonies.
  • Contractarianism theory – The illegal actions of Snowden were wrong however they protected the privacy of millions based on which they are justified.
  • Virtues theory – Snowden’s actions were illegal however he was honest, and he had taken an illegal route to protect the privacy of millions.
  • The issue is rather than giving information to a government authority, Snowden leaked the information to the public which resulted in risking the security of the nation.

There are a number of actions which can be taken in this situation. Snowden can come back to his home country in order to accept his charges because terrorist groups could capture him outside the US, and they can torture him to leak confidential information about the country. The government should consider the actions of Snowden as an act of Whistle-blower and remove all his charges. Donald Trump can use his position relationship with Russian President, Putin, to terminate the asylum of Snowden and bring him back. The government can also bring Snowden back to the country by ensuring him that a valid hearing will be held in the Supreme Court will his actions will be judged based on ethical principles.

  • The government can make changes in the Whistle-blower Act to remove the allegations of Snowden and remove his charges to bring him back to the country.
  • Trump can request Putin to end the asylum of Snowden and sent him back to the US.
  • Snowden can surrender himself and accept the charges of the government.
  • The government can ensure Snowden that the Supreme Court will judge his actions from an ethical perspective.

The last option is the best because in this way Snowden will come back to the country which will reduce the risk of terrorists collecting classified information through him. It will also make Snowden happy because his charges will be removed and his actions will be judged based on ethical perspective.

The Primacy of Public Interest

An ICT professional must prioritise the interest of public above all. The actions taken by an ICT professional should focus on the interest and benefit of the public rather than personal interest or the benefit of the organisation (Burmeister, 2013). Snowden leaked the classified information in public for protecting the privacy of millions of US citizens. Thus, he prioritised the interest of public above all.

While discharging his/her duties, an ICT professional should ensure that the actions are focused towards enhancing the quality of life of people who are affected by his work (Clarke, 2016). Snowden was working with NSA, and he leaked the classified information about their data mining program. After the leak, a law was passed by the government that no authority can collect or mine the private data of public without prior permission. Thus, the actions of Snowden resulted in enhancing the quality of life of US citizens based on which he complied with this principle.


Honesty is a key element which is required to be fulfilled by an ICT professional while doing his/her job. An ICT professional should be honest while giving professional advice, services, or performing the job (Kovac, 2015). The actions of Snowden breached his honesty towards Booz Allen Hamilton and NSA; however, he had taken such actions based on his honesty towards the people of the US. Thus, Snowden was honest towards the public because he protected their privacy.

It is necessary that an ICT professional should discharge his duties diligently, and he/she must be competent to perform the job which he/she is assigned. Snowden is knowledge and was good at his job as a defence contractor. He joined the job at Booz Allen Hamilton to learn about their security system which assisted him in leaking the data of NSA (Rowen, 2018). No one knew about his actions until it was published in the papers. Thus, he was competent to perform his job effectively.

An ICT professional should always strive for personal and professional development and the development of his/her colleagues. In order to develop professionally, an ICT professional should learn about the latest advancements and developments in the IT field to ensure that he/she is able to perform his job effectively (Pease-Carter and Minton, 2012). Snowden learned about the security system of Booz Allen Hamilton by joining as a defence contractor and was able to collect the confidential data of NSA carefully and without anyone knowing. He was aware of the latest advancements and developments in the IT field. Thus, he complied with this code as well.

It is a duty of an ICT professional to enhance and maintain the integrity of the society and respect other ICT members while working with them. An ICT professional should maintain a high level of professionalism while performing his/her job to ensure that people’s trust in the ICT professional is maintained (Boughton, 2013). Snowden could have given the classified information to a governmental authority which would have resolved the issue while maintaining the integrity of NSA and the US government. Thus, he breached this code by acting unprofessionally.


It can be concluded that there are a number of ethical issues in the case study of Edward Snowden. Firstly, the collecting and mining of personal data of people by NSA were unethical and wrong. Snowden was charged for his actions by the US government, and he has to live rest of his life as a fugitive. Although the actions of Snowden protected the privacy of millions, however, his actions were not protected under the Whistle-blower Act. There are a number of alternative solutions in the situation such as removal of Snowden’s charges, bring him back to the country, and judging his case on an ethical level. The best option is removing his charges and judging his actions by the Supreme Court on an ethical level. Snowden complied with most of the codes of ethics issued by ACS; however, his actions were not professional because he could have leaked the information to a government authority or the court. Following are various recommendations for this case:

  • The US government should establish a separate authority in which people such as Snowden could disclose government secrets that are affecting the interest of people. It will protect them, and their actions will not be considered as ethically wrong.
  • Rather than focusing on punishing Snowden, the US government should focus on bringing him back to the country in order to ensure that terrorists do not capture him because it could leak government secrets. 


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Childress, S. (2015) How the NSA Spying Programs Have Changed Since Snowden. [Online] Frontline. Available at: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/how-the-nsa-spying-programs-have-changed-since-snowden/ [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

Clarke, R. (2016) Big data, big risks. Information Systems Journal, 26(1), pp.77-90.

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Kramer, A.E. (2017) Russia Extends Edward Snowden’s Asylum. [Online] The New York Times. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/18/world/europe/edward-snowden-asylum-russia.html [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

Lee, T.B. (2015) How did Ed Snowden change the debate over the government spying?. [Online] Vox. Available at: https://www.vox.com/cards/nsa-and-ed-snowden/what-is-the-national-security-agency [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

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Pease?Carter, C. and Minton, C.A.B. (2012) Counseling programs’ informed consent practices: a survey of student preferences. Counselor Education and Supervision, 51(4), pp.308-319.

Ray, M. (2018) Edward Snowden. [Online] Britannica. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-Snowden [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

Rowen, B. (2018) An overview of the NSA surveillance program leaked to the media by Edward Snowden. [Online] Inforplease. Available at: https://www.infoplease.com/current-events/nsa-edward-snowden-and-surveillance [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

Simpson, C. and Ohlheiser, A. (2013) Why Edward Snowden Leaked the Secret NSA Information. [Online] The Atlantic. Available at: https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/06/why-edward-snowden-leaked-secret-nsa-information/314449/ [Accessed on 24 May 2018].

Stern, M. and Armitage, J. (2013) IT Firms loss billions after NSA scandal exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden. [Online] Independent. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/it-firms-lose-billions-after-nsa-scandal-exposed-by-whistleblower-edward-snowden-9028599.html [Accessed on 24 May 2018]. 

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