Understanding The Correlation Of Cultural Factors With Company’s Financial Performance
Key Factors to Analyze for Effective Cross-Cultural Management
The assignment helps in understanding the different cultural factors that is correlated strongly with the financial performance of the company. The analysis of the key factors has to be analysed in an effective manner as this will help in understanding the different issues in an effective manner. The reasons have to be stated wherein cultural experiences of the managers who are returning from abroad has to be analysed that will provide benefits to the company.
Furthermore, the contemporary examples have to be analysed as this will help in understanding the different issues related to cross-cultural management with the help of different relevant kind of theories. This will help in analysing the different opportunities, challenges and solutions for such cross-cultural issues to the management.
1.The major dimensions were the different creation of the consistent evaluation of talent procedures, management of the cultural kind of diversity and flexibility of the different comprehensive kind of leaders. The multiplicity and cultural kind of cognizance are the different factors for the entire successful development of the entire business. This kind of approach will help the different managers and workers of the company to understand and analyse the different kind of cultures along with gaining international experience as well. From the survey, it can be analysed that the company needs to take cultural diversity into consideration as this will help the company along with the employees to understand the views of other individuals in an effective manner (Nolan and Morley 2014).
These kinds of diversity will help the managers in searching the right and appropriate path to search an appropriate organization to work in an international level. The cultural factors will have a strong correlation with the financial performance of the respective company as the employees of the company will become efficient and effective in nature to perform their tasks and sell the different kind of products and services to the abroad as well. The cultural diversity among the different individuals will help in organizing the process of work inside the company and this will help the employees and the other representatives of the company to process their work in such a manner that will sell their product in the multinational level.
2.The respective kind of investigation that has been done from the findings of the survey has helped in understanding and analysing the gaining of the entire international kind of experience. This kind of experience will help the employees to be free from different kind of national barriers and they will become more confident in performing their tasks in an effective manner. The respective investigation will make the employees more confident and this will provide high level of flexibility for their own company (Thomas and Peterson 2017).
Impact of Cultural Experiences of Managers on the Organization
The different kind of cultural experiences of the different managers who are returning from abroad working there for few hours, this will help the company in gaining huge competitive advantage in the competitive market (North and Fiske 2015). The managers will who have gained experience from the overseas, it can be analysed that the managers will help in using the global practices of flexibility in their organization and they will be sharing knowledge about their different experiences that have gathered from different kind of sources. The human resource management of the company has to be effective and flexible in nature that will discover different kind of approaches, techniques along with methods in such a manner that will make the company effective in nature in performing effectively (Samovar et al. 2014).
The experience of the managers that has been gained from abroad will help in making the different employees open-minded and they will be able to understand and cope up with the different changes in an effective manner (Kim and Ritchie 2014). The knowledge that will be gained by the managers from abroad will help them in managing the organization in such a manner that will help them in motivating the employees and develop creativity in the performance of employees as well (Cerdin and Brewster 2014).
The knowledge gained by managers in the organization will help in isolating the different changes in such a manner that will reduce the kind of isolation in the workplace faced by employees and bring creativity and this will help the employees in progressing appropriately. The cultural experiences of the different managers will assist them to bring on few motivational practices that will help the employees to perform tasks more and they help in facilitating cooperation and collaboration (Stahl and Tung 2015).
The importance of different cultures plays a strong role in lives of the individuals that will assist the managers to influence the views along with hopes of the individuals. The managers will require to make employees understand the values, cultures and beliefs of the individuals as this will help in maintaining diversity management. The diversity in the workplace will help in bringing and manifesting to build great image and reputation for the entire organization. This will help in increasing profitability and create more opportunities for the employees who are working in organization (Tjosvold 2017).
The managers who have cultural experiences while working in abroad will provide the entire organization will include the flexibility kind of practices with the help of human resource management team. The experience gained by the managers from abroad will help in bringing different techniques and policies that will help in implementing changes in the organization along with different employees (Gilson et al. 2015).
Cross-Cultural Management Issues and Solutions
3.There are different kind of cross-cultural management issues that are faced by different kind of organizations. In the present scenario, it has been seen that the managers of different organizations face different cross-cultural issues that can have huge interference on the completion of different tasks. The different kind of theories will help in illustrating the cross-cultural issues that has been conducted by Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. These are the different approaches that help in proposing set of different kind of cultural dimensions that can affect the thinking of humans.
According to the Hofstede’s theory it can be analysed that:
- Relations among individualsis the first step wherein two kinds of cultural differences have been identified. Hofstede helped in distinguishing the collectivism and individualism approach; however, on the other hand, Trompenaars breaks the distinction into two kind of dimensions that include particularism and universalism along with amount of uncertainty and power distance (Van Dyne, Ang and Tan 2017).
- Attitude towards the timeis the second category wherein Hofstede differentiates between short-term and long-term orientation; however, on the other hand Trompenaars identified dimensions that include inner and outer time along with synchronic and sequential (Tarhini, Hone and Liu 2015).
The cross-cultural management helps in examining the human behaviour from the international kind of perspective in an effective manner. There are issues in different organizations that include misunderstandings and conflict among different individuals of different cultures. The socio-cultural issues and problems that can affect the management of the organization are as follows:
- Power Distance is the first criteria wherein the extent to which the different members of the organizations who are less powerful. The main issue in this is the degree of the inequality among the different individuals that helps in underlying the different functions in an inappropriate manner.
- Uncertainty avoidance is the actual extent to which the culture programs that creates uncomfortable situation that are structured in nature. The main problem is the degree to which the society controls the uncontrollable situation. This will create huge cross-cultural issues in the organisations.
- Individualism versus collectivism is the degree wherein there is distribution of different emotional roles between different genders. The main issue in this theory is the masculinity is provided with more importance than the feminism. Hofstede tried to call this theory as masculinity index that helped the individuals in understanding the position of women in the different countries in an effective manner.
- Short term versus long term orientation is the degree to the extent wherein they culture the programs along with the members as to accept gratified social, emotional and material needs. The main issue is the different kind of countries, the different kind of issues are given preferences accordingly.
There are different kind of motivational theories that can be adopted by the organizations as this will help in solving the different issues faced by employees in the organization. Proper motivation and training has to be provided to the multi-cultural teams of the organizations as this will help in analysing their views in ab effective manner. The Maslow’s hierarchy theory along with Herzberg’s two factor theory can be applied by the organizations as this will help them in motivating individuals in an effective manner. The multi-cultural issues can affect the morale of the employees in a negative manner that can cause huge issues in the organizations.
The effective kind of training is essential in nature as this will help in solving the different issues as this will help in understanding the cultural aspects of the individuals. The different impact of the attitudes has to be analysed in an effectual manner that will help in understanding the issues and help them in continuous learning. Proper motivation of the project team members that encounters different kind of cultural barriers in the organization. The cultural diversity in the workplace has helped the workforce that will help in improving the individuals’ morale and the employees are trained on the cultural sensitivity.
The other advantage from the Hofstede’s cross-cultural theory helps in providing broader prospective that will help in increasing the quality of perspectives and quality of decision will be improved in an effective manner (Barak 2016). The cultural diversification is essential in nature as this helps in improving the international business that helps in developing services and products and this helps the company managers to communicate and interact with the foreign business partners (Almutairi, McCarthy and Gardner 2015). The teamwork is essential in nature as this helps in removing the issues in an effective manner that helps the employees to cooperate in an effective manner to achieve the organizational goals that is common in nature.
In order to reduce the different cross-cultural barriers in different organizations that will help in training to the individuals in an effective manner. The incentive and guarantee have to be provided to the different employees in different organizations as this will help in mentoring the employees to perform well in an effective manner. The different managerial guidelines have to be incorporated in an effective manner as this will help the company in managing the differences in an effective manner. These kinds of cross-cultural differences have helped in solving the create advantages for the entire organization to solve the complex issues and deal with them in an effective manner (Ahammad et al. 2016).
Conclusion and Summary
Therefore, it can be concluded that there are different kind of cultural factors that has been correlated with the financial performance. The key factors have been identified as this helped the managers of the organization to provide the employees different views on the cultural influences on the organization.
The different issues have been identified that has been faced by different organizations due to cross-cultural issues in the entire management. The managers who had gained different knowledge on cultural balance helped the employees to indicate the different importance of diversification of culture in the entire organization. As there is increase in globalization, there will be huge kind of differences in the culture that is affecting the entire workforce. The employees along with managers has provided focus on implementation of strategies that will improve the work of employees in an effectual manner.
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