Functions And Structures Of Human Body Systems
Functions of the Musculosystem
Discuss about the Case Study on Musculosystem.
The musculosystem of the human beings plays a vital role to enhance the wellbeing of all the individuals. Some of the functions carried out by the musculosystem include;
The musculosystem offer a protection to internal organs of the body
Supports the body weight
Facilitates the movement of the body
The musculosystem determines the flexibility of the body
It offers the framework of the body.
The following are the functions of the integumentary system in the human beings
- The integumentary system offers protection and the detoxification of the body
- Integument system facilitates the defense mechanisms of the body by producing of vitamin D essential to immune system (Eliopoulos,2013).
- The integument is essential in controlling body temperatures
- Osteoarthritis is a very global common condition that has affected a large number of the individuals. Following are the signs and symptoms associated with the disease.
- The pain within the affected joints leading to pain in knees, hips, ankle, foot, shoulder and the wrist.
- Swelling joints
- Creaking of the joints
- The chronic psoriasis is a skin disease that interferes with the life cycle of the cells within the skin.
There are various signs and symptoms associate with the psoriasis condition. Among them is the symptom presented by the Daisy which the pain in joints.
The symptoms associated with psoriasis are;
- The red patches usually covered with a thick, silvery skills.
- Small spots of scales
- Dry skins with the cracks that can breed.
- For instance, these red patches appear on the skin of Daisy when she is stressed and physically tired (LeMone, Burke, Dwyer, Levett-Jones, Moxham & Reid-Searl, 2015).
- The role of the digestive system is breaking down the food particles taken in the body through the mouth. The digestive system then releases the nutrients from these food particles and enabling the absorption of these nutrients by the body (Odell, 2017).
- GORD is a condition associated with the leaking back of the stomach acid in the oesophagus.Its initials are the Gastro- Oesophageal Reflux disease.
The symptoms are; pain in the chest lasting for few minutes.
Continuous coughing that could be more worse at night.
Decaying of the teeth and the gum infection(Nebylitsyn& Gray,2013).
- The ibuprofen causes irritation within the lining of the Oesophageal resulting to heart burn.
- Three health professional should be involved with the treatment of Daisy. The Gastroenterologist to monitor her GORD condition. The psoriasis doctor because of the psoriasis condition that flare up when she is stressed or even physically fatigued. Daisy also require a medicine physician to monitor the way she takes her medication.
- The heart which receives the blood from all parts of the body and the pumps it into other parts of the body through various blood vessels.
The other cardiovascular system if the blood whose main functions is to supply nutrients and the oxygen, removal of the waste products like the carbon dioxide, offer the body with immune defense and control the temperatures of the body.
10.The Angina also know as a chest pain or a discomfort that results when the heart muscles receives insufficient oxygen within the blood. The effect can as well be felt on arms, neck, jaw and the shoulders (Stanfield, 2012).
- individuals diagnosed with the Angina will always experience pressure and the burning within the chest.
The person affected experiences attacks like pain of the Centre of the chest that spreads to the neck, jaws, arms and the upper or back of the abdomen. John experiences pain in the chest while walking this morning.
The might also experience breath shortness especially when doing physical activities followed by the fatigue, nausea, sweating and feeling weakness of the body
- Respiratory system is made up of three parts that include the airways comprised of the mouth, nose, the pharynx, larynx, and the trachea. The airways form a passage of the oxygen from the atmosphere into the body and the carbon dioxide from the human body. The lungs allow the expansion and the contraction space to allow the exchange of the air.
The other structure of the respiratory is the muscles that facilitates the contraction and the relaxation of the lung hence the air is inhaled out of the lungs.
One of the substructures of the respiratory system is the alveoli at the anterior of the lungs. The structure is lined with the simple squamous epithelium to allow the exchange of the air that is entering into the blood through the blood capillaries (Winters & Woo, 2012).
- Changes that occur in the respiratory system of the ageing person are the following
Decrease of the supportive tissues whose outcome is the closure of some of the airways during the usual breathing
The degeneration of the elastic fibers located within the alveolar and begins ate the age of 50 years and results to the enlargement of the airspaces.
Functions of the Integumentary System
The changes that occur within the cardiovascular system for the ageing individuals are the following.
The heart pumping capacity of the heart reduces due to a number of the changes that occur to the heart muscles
The other change that occur is the increase of the circumference of the valves within the blood vessels.
- One of the health professional to be involved in the treatment of John is the nurse who should be there to diagnose various signs in John like the blood pressure, check body temperatures, check the breathing rate and the heart rate. John also require a food nutritionist to monitor and give advice on how to deal with his poor diet. The Angina condition of John will require a cardiologist to check his state that is the pain in the chest.
- The blood component of the cardiovascular system is made up of four components that include; the white blood cells, the red blood cells, platelets and the plasma (Young, Woodford & O’Dowd,2013).
- The acute leukemia is the blood cells’ cancer that results suddenly and the progresses very quickly if the condition is not treated as early as possible. The leukemia cells can not mature in a proper manner Eriksson, J., Bolger, A. F., Ebbers, T., & Carlhäll, C. J. (2012).
- The two possible environmental factors linked to the cause of leukemia are the smoking and the genetic abnormalities (Barbaresko, Koch, Schulze & Nöthlings,2013).
- The iron is very essential part of the hemoglobin. The hemoglobin is a component within the red blood cell which takes oxygen from the lungs. The iron required by the body can not only come from the animal products but also in the vegan diet. Therefore, taking the green vegetables will ensure the blood is rich in iron (Eriksson, Bolger, Ebbers & Carlhäll,2012).
- As a nurse in charge of Sita, I will use the following nursing interventions to manage her oral care. The first intervention will be examining her discomfort with her mouth after every single shift until when she reports no or less distress in her oral cavity. Then I will take much of time to educate Sita on how to wash her mouth especially making use of mouth washes of low alcohol contents and also long use of the hydrogen peroxide. Lastly, I will advise her on rinsing her mouth with the solution of saline and encourage her to suck free sugar candies since this will help in maintaining the dryness of her mouth.
- The human body is made up of six levels of the structural organizations. These levels include; the chemical, cellular, the tissue, organ, organ system and the organismal level.
- The homeostasis is all about the properties of the tissues, organisms and the cells. These properties facilitate the regulation and the maintenance of the constancy and the stability required for them to function in a proper manner. This achieved by the adjustment of physiological and the biochemical pathways. For instance, the Constance body temperatures and the blood pressures.
- Homeostasis imbalance is caused by the deficiencies or as a result of exposing cells to toxins. An extended range of the homeostasis imbalance within the internal system of the body causes the diseases within the body (Chovatiya & Medzhitov, 2014).
- A pathogen can be described as the microorganisms that cause the disease or the diseases. It can also be explained as a microbe that can cause injuries within the body of the host. The host ranges from the single celled organisms to multicellular organisms with the kingdoms of the biology (McCance & Huether,2015). However, in some organisms like the human beings, their bodies have a defensive body mechanism against to different pathogens. On the other hand, a disease can be described as any harmful variation from the normal functioning of the body structures linked to various symptoms, signs and varying in nature from the physical damages. For instance, if an organism is affected by any disease, it will exhibit different signs from the normal state to indicate the presence of any harmful substance within the body. Pathology is the term used to describe the study of the diseases. This helps in determining the cause the cause, it development, change in structures linked to the disease and the functional consequence. Therefore, pathogen for example Treponema pallidum causes the diseases while the diseases is as the result of the pathogen for instance, Treponema pallidum causes syphilis.
- One of the diseases caused by a pathogen is syphilis. Syphilis is a sexual transmitted disease that can result to serious problems in case there is no intervention. One can acquire the disease through the vaginal fluids of the infected individual. The disease is caused by an organism known as the Treponema pallidum. Syphilis can be treated with the appropriate antibiotics from the healthcare professionals.
- The nervous system is divided into 2 parts. The first part is the central nervous system constituted by the brain and the spinal cord. The second part is the peripheral nervous system (PNS) constituted by the nerves that are outside the central nervous system.
The brain is one of the complex structure within the central nervous system and helps in controlling the module of the human body from the physical motions to the hormone secretion, memories creation and the emotion sensation (Russell, 2013).
Spinal cord runs from the complete length of the back. The spinal cord conveys the information between the body and the brain. It also connects with the small nerves of PNS (peripheral nervous system) that connects with the muscles, joints and the skin.
The glial cells are contained within the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The cells facilitate the development of the cells and the functioning of the synapses (Ombregt,2013).
The substructure is the ependymal cells are the cells that line the spinal cord and the ventricles of the brain. The ventricles are the spaces filled with fluid. They secrete and create the cerebral spinal fluid and maintains it circulation (Hansen, 2017).
- The special senses of the five sense organs of the human include; the smell, sight, touch, taste and the hearing (Chiras, 2013).
- The main nerve involved in hearing is the auditory nerve (Seikel, Drumright & King, 2015). The nerve facilitates the transfer of the information from the inner ear to the brain for the interpretation. Auditory nerve is sensitive to many disorders which can result to hearing problems (Caon,2016).
The main nerve involved in the vision is the optical nerve. The nerve is as well known as the cranial nerve II and its main function is transmit the visual information the retina to the brain (Elliott, 2013).
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