Hospital Management System: Integration And Automation

Limitations of the Current Manual System

Discuss about the Patient Physician Relationship in Internet Age.

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Administration of clinical data in a doctor’s facility is an issue that no framework has possessed the capacity to deliver to the desire for the whole condition of a healing center. A portion of the regular restorative data frameworks for instance Hospital Information System (HIS) are ordinarily utilized however they are disengaged and heterogeneous [1]. The information necessities in the framework is deficient and disrupted, work process is spasmodic and the general administration isn’t uniform.

It has been the fantasy of the chief and partners of the healing facility to redesign the frameworks in order to incorporate each heterogeneous frameworks and make all the accessible information including lab reports and restorative pictures sensible and their stream persistent at whatever point they are required.

Numerous endeavors have been directed in incorporating these frameworks in healing facilities. Some of them give the meaning of the institutionalized interfaces in wellbeing focuses.

Because of presence of different assortment of heterogeneous frameworks, the three viewpoints are considered in the execution of the of the framework design and its capacity mix. Despite what might be expected, the vitality directed have not totally managed the issues in that. This has rendered the mix in the framework deficient and wasteful. In taking care of the said issues, this paper gives recommendations on the compositional plan that has one server farm with Interface Viewer for clients with various necessities to get help. This outline upon execution will see the doctor’s facility accomplish the point of full joining among heterogeneous frameworks inside the clinic.

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The hospital uses the manual method to manage the data that it collects. The system requires many paper forms, with information stores spread all over the hospital management areas. The information collected and stored is mostly incomplete and fails to meet the required standards. The documents are often lost on transit between departments which calls for a comprehensive auditing process to make sure that no important information is lost or land in the wrong hands.

The current manual system in the hospital is putting a lot of pressure on the user may they be doctors or nurses [15]. It also requires higher degrees of precision in collecting the details of the patients. On top of that, as it is known, to err is human and no one is perfect, many mistakes are done in the manual system which leads to distortion or loss of recorded information.

Benefits of an Automated Hospital Management System

The manual system services are dependent on individual capabilities and this puts a lot of pressure on the management to recruit skilled and experienced writers so that the system can run effectively. Also, they are forced to carry out a continued process of training to update on the upcoming trends in data collection methodologies. The workers of the hospital are always kept motivated to enhance quality work and also make sure they follow the correct procedures.  Taking a case example of less motivated workers, it will be easy to switch details accidentally and end up with totally wrong data that can be catastrophic. This can even lead to wrong medical procedure and to the wrong patients.

On top of that, there is the likelihood of the institution losing trust from the customers. It can also lead problems related to the quality of service making the information not to be used for giving reports and finding the current trends using data recovery. The system takes more effort and physical space keeping track of the documents, to find data and to keep the record secure. In the case of a mistake or any correction needed, the manual system transcription must be completely redone rather just updated. With such a system, information regarding the facility has to be written down ad copied a couple of times. Systemization which reduces amount of data duplication is unavailable.

Another concern of the manual system is that customer question can be challenging to respond to since that information is stored in different places that might take time to reach. 

On the other hand, the current manual system has an advantages as will be seen below. Data maintenance is simple and cheap. Since all the data are in form of document, they are safely stored where they can be accessed without the need of hiring people to manage them like in computer systems. The data stored cannot be corrupted easily [3]. The documents are more permanent and cannot be attacked by viruses or crushing of system which leads to massive loss of data.

Manual system has many disadvantage hence the need to migrate to a more stable and effective system. The greater risk of the system is that it depends hugely on individuals who are good.

Hospital management system is a computerized system that is well designed and programmed to do all day to day operations that takes place. The program can check after inpatients, outpatients, records, database treatments and other medical related details. The purpose of the project is to carry computerized actions in the desks where registration of new patient, update patient information, delete information, placement of appointments, vie patients’ information and generate reports for doctors take place.

Functional Requirements of the Proposed Hospital Management System

The management systems employed in hospital are powerful, flexible and easy to apply and are designed and programmed to give a real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. On top of that, the reliability of the information in the institutions is up to the mark. Hospital Management System is built purposely for multi-specialty hospitals so that they can cover a panoramic range of hospital management and administration processes therein [2]. The system is integrated end to end so that it provides needed information across the clinic to aid in proper decision rendering for patience treatment, administration and important accounting in a seamless path.

This system is a software product suite programmed to scale the quality and management of care rendered. This system will also help in development of organization, improve the efficiency and quality of the work delivered. Managing the important processes and procedures efficiently is a critical component if fruition is going to be realized in the hospital.

The system to be implemented is for the automation of hospital management. It consists of two main levels of management;

  • Administrator level
  • User level

The system software will carry out the following;

  • Report and billing development
  • Provide required prescription and dietary advice.
  • Provision and maintenance of all kinds of tests for patients.
  • Maintenance of patients details

The proposed system is the Hospital Management System (HMS). The core use of the system is to get the information from the patients and then storing them for future references. The manual system in use is paper based. It is slow and is unable to give updates of patients within the set time bracket. Systems are used solely to reduce the time wasted and increase the number of patients that can be cared for per unit time [5]. The requirements given in this paper are functional and non-functional.

The system that will be employed consists of logins, patients’ registration and doctor registration. The hospital has mandated the patient to edit their personal information should the need arise. This personal information includes addresses, phone number and the illnesses they suffer. The system can be applied in any hospital, clinic or even pathology labs for maintaining patients details and their test results.

The system chosen is the Hospital Management System. This is a system to replace manual method in the hospital. This method of management of information has many advantages and upper hand in making an effective management of data. Bearing in mind that the information in the hospital is vital for future use, it is therefore important to apply the most efficient system architecture.

Front and Back-End Selection for the System

The system consists of online platform which gives storage, updates and retrieval means. This platform enhances less or no paper work and at the same time provides help to doctors and nurses. In the system, every document or information is stored in electronic form hence less amount of paperwork is required [5]. On top of that, information needed can easily be accessed.

The owner of the hospital wants an economically friendly system that can even be intact without funds.  The HMS does not require enormous amounts of funds to be implemented. The economic maneuvers can be tricky if the planners do not do it judicially. The cost of the project relies mainly on the number of man-hours that are required.

On top of that, the most vital issue about suitability of a project is to see whether it consist of front and back-end. The decision to develop the system came after feasibility study to determine its abilities and suitability [8]. The extensive research done on HMS has shown that it suits the needs of the hospital. Its front end qualities are;

  • Scalability and extensibility
  • Flexibility
  • Robustness
  • Platform independence
  • Easy to debug and maintain
  • It is in line with requirement and culture of the organization
  • Provide quality report utilities.

On the other hand, the back-end selection includes;

  • Multiple user support
  • Efficient data handling
  • Operating system compatibility
  • Availability of various drivers
  • Easy to implant with the Front-end
  • Provide vital features for security

As outlined earlier, the architecture of the system will be highly emphasized on the integration of key functional elements which are, work flow integration, data integration and function integration.

The key problem in many systems is keeping integrated data set.  When all clinical data is kept together, so many advantages arises for example easy accessibility. On top of that, there are challenges that accrue when large quantities of data are collected. There are many complexities in unifying the data from heterogeneous systems where it seems to be efficient in small hospitals [9].

Data integration enhances the movement of information to data centers. This ensures data security and ease of accessibility. To be ideal, any activity done in any medical field in the hospital should be recorded, including medical report, injection of prescribed medicine to patients and any test or measurement done [6]. All the issues concerning data storage and accessibility is scaled up by the integration of all the information available.

Hospitals require an efficient and affordable system. The systems should be able to carry out the expected tasks flawlessly in panoramic areas of institutions be it pharmacies, labs, physicians’ wards and others. The operations involved are interrelated hence function integration is key to aid in information distribution. In the design, the common activities done across the departments are recognized as a set of web services on an enterprise basis information center [10]. The function integration process involves data registry service where it emphasizes on virtual data center. It is important for all data in the systems to be registered through the service. Also it consists of patient identification service. Identification is a vital process that must be done to determine the identity of the person and whether he or she has been in the hospital again. The medical history is necessary when an ailment has hit back.

Key Functional Elements for Integration and Automation

Information reconciliation is essentially gone for making virtual server farm which helps in dealing with the whole dispersion of restorative data [13]. None of them center around work process, which is actually an innovative perspective that screens forms and furthermore permits the stream of work between offices or individuals to be characterized [7]. It is generally set up by information connections of the information base in the customer server demonstrate.

  • Data Flow Diagram

The data flow is structured as outlined by the administration of the hospital. The outline is as follows;

  • Register a new patient (Front Desk)
  • Update patient information (Front Desk)
  • Delete patient information (by Doctor)
  • Place an appointment (Front Desk operation)
  • View patient information (by Doctor and the Front Desk)
  • Generate reports for Doctor (Front Desk and Doctor)

Other key issue regarding the requirements of the administration will be shown in the data flow below.

The maintenance of the system focuses on the transition that comes hand in hand with error rectification, responsive behavior anticipated as the environment of the software changes [14]. Changes from the enhancements arising from changing customer requirements. There are for types of changes that are met in the mentainence phase. They are;

  • Correction
  • Adaptation
  • Enhancement

Correction involves rectification of an error made by the system or the person operating it.  Adaptation involves the response given after a problem is encountered. The system is required to adapt so that it can handle similar problems should they appear in future. Enhancement involves equipping the system with more preventive awareness [12]. Finally, Prevention is the use of system software that protect the software program from crashing and other effects that may lead to loss of data.


The bundle is planned in a way that it invites warmly any future headways in innovation as far as alterations. The accompanying conclusion can be produced using the improvement of the venture:

The computerization of the framework enhances in proficiency

Provide a cordial graphical client stage which is better that the manual framework that is right now in the healing facility.

It requires access to the approved clients relying upon their conceded authorization.

It requires refreshing of data.

System security, information security and unwavering quality are the significant striking highlights.

The frameworks clears courses for alteration when fundamental.


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