Cultural Safety, Diversity, And Human Rights: A Comprehensive Guide

Strategies for Cultural Safety

Cultural safety strategies (Almutairi et al., 2015)

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  1. Promotion of a strong sense of engagement and community between parents and their children
  2. Enabling the participation of families, communities, and children of an appropriate age in the decision making and the planning process
  • Exercising flexibility when dealing with matters that do not conform to our beliefs
  1. Encouraging mutual trust between parents, children and the entire family by championing for an open and honest communication

Cultural competence and importance to nursing practice

I may define cultural competence as the ability to communicate effectively with individuals from varying cultures thus ensuring that the issues of everyone within the community are addressed (Almutairi et al., 2015). It is important in the nursing practice because it gives nurses the skills, attitude, and knowledge they require to care for patients who speak different languages and practice different cultures. 

Use of guided imagery to support individuals

Nurses can use guided imagery to promote the physical and mental health of individuals. The nurse talks to an individual to lead them through an exercise of relaxation and imagery. The exercise helps to relax, control pain, heal or as a mental rehearsal to reduce anxiety.

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Importance of protecting and supporting diversity at a workplace

Diversity enhances the retention of staff at a workplace because everyone feels that their efforts are valued and appreciated. It also leads to an increase in productivity because of the cooperative environment that it creates. Furthermore, diversity in a workplace encourages creativity and innovation because the employees embrace different cultures and experiences.

Measures of improving self-awareness and social awareness

  1. Listening with genuine interest and avoid responding immediately even when the other person is still talking.
  2. Taking ownership of my behavior and always being ready to apologize for lapses in judgment.

This is an international document that highlights the freedoms and rights that all humans are entitled to. It is actually the foundation for the present human rights. It is based on fairness, equality, and dignity (Donnelly, 2013). The document has around 30 articles that all highlight the rights and freedoms of people and the obligations of all the member states. Some of the declarations in this document include the right to equality, freedom from slavery, the right to a fair public hearing, freedom from discrimination and a right to social security among others. The declaration has since been accepted in almost all countries worldwide because it highlights the universal standards about how citizens should be treated. It has a huge impact on the lives of people in conflicting societies as well as peaceful democracies. 

The right to equality and freedom from discrimination has been breached in some countries like Iran where women are prohibited from attending football games in stadiums. The best way to respond to a breach of human right is by making a complaint (Donnelly, 2013). But before making a complaint, it is important to make an inquiry to know the right procedure and then proceed with your complaint.

Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Human needs are located within an individual and thus can be said to be more rooted in single individuals. Human rights, on the other hand, are said to exist between people. The distinction between these two is that the approach towards human needs appeals to charity; on the other hand, the approach towards human rights converts the need into a matter of dignified entitlement (Donnelly, 2013).

Australia’s human rights framework

The framework is founded on five basic principles that include: reaffirmation of the commitments to the obligations of the human rights, the importance of educating the public on human rights and enhancing both the domestic and international human rights engagement among others.

  1. Resolution of complaints relating to discrimination and breaches of other human rights
  2. Holding public inquiries on matters of national importance regarding human rights

Rights of employers

  1. The right to design a salary and compensation plan that follows the business needs.
  2. The right to hire and fire workers by following the due process

Rights of workers

  1. The right to fair wages and compensation
  2. The right to be free from any form of discrimination

Rights of clients

  1. The right of a respectable and dignified treatment irrespective of age, gender or race
  2. The right to privacy and confidentiality

Responsibilities of employers

  1. The responsibility to provide a safe working place
  2. The responsibility to offer sufficient job training

Responsibilities of workers

  1. The responsibility to respect clients, employees and other workers
  2. The responsibility to inform your employer of any job-related illnesses or injuries

Responsibilities of a client

  1. The responsibility to respect the rights of other clients, workers and employers
  2. The responsibility to provide legitimate, valid and accurate information about yourself to enable you to be offered the best care 

It would be advisable to employ the structure known as performance management cycle. In this structure, the employer goes through five steps that include coaching, counseling, corrective actions, plans for progressive disciplinary and finally termination (Donnelly, 2013). During coaching, the employee is given the environment to improve his performance. If coaching does not work the worker is counseled to determine the root cause of underperformance. Corrective actions may soon follow and if this too does not work then a plan for progressive disciplinary is initiated and if the situation gets worse, then termination is the final option.

Ethnicity may be described as a group of socially defined individuals who identify one another on the basis of shared ancestry or social experience. People are classified on the basis of a common trait like heritage or culture (Almutairi et al., 2015). A characteristic of ethnicity is that it is territorially confined and socially mobilized.

Culture may be defined as arts of human intellectual achievements that are collectively regarded. Culture may be regarded as being a microcosm of ethnicity (Almutairi et al., 2015). It, however, differs from ethnicity due to the fact that it is dynamic meaning that cultures interact and change.

A race is more biological and often relates to the appearance of an individual mostly by their skin color. The main difference with ethnicity is that race presumes a common genetic or biological trait (Almutairi et al., 2015).

Effects of disabilities on an individual (Donnelly, 2013)

Physical disability

An example is spinal cord injury which may affect the movement of the limbs and the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Using Guided Imagery to Support Individuals


An example is a depression that causes insomnia and may corrupt the mind of an individual with thoughts of suicide.


An example is an autism that may affect an individual’s social interaction and communication as well as their sensitivity to sensory experiences such as touch and light.

Spirituality can be defined as having a feeling of connection to something divine involving the search for meaning to life.

Religion can be defined as the beliefs and practices that describe the relationship between an individual and divinity.

Transgender is a term used to describe individuals whose gender behavior or gender identity does not conform to the sex that they were assigned at birth (Donnelly, 2013).

Intersex can be defined as a disorder in which there exists a discrepancy between the inner genitalia and the appearance of the external genitalia.

It is important that everyone in the society accepts that gender diversity exists. This can be demonstrated by offering equal opportunities to all genders without discrimination and understanding them for who they are (Donnelly, 2013). This will help in improving social acceptance.

Generational factors increase diversity in a workplace because people from different age groups are brought to work together. It may, however, affect the interaction between workers because some individuals particularly the young employees may not feel comfortable interacting with their older counterparts.

Sexual orientation is an expression that might be used to explain an individual’s pattern of romantic, emotional or sexual attraction depending on the gender of the other person (Donnelly, 2013).


This is a male individual, who is sexually attracted to a fellow male individual.


A lesbian is a female who feels a romantic, emotional and sexual attraction to another female.


Bi is an individual who is attracted to both male and females.


An individual who feels a sexual attraction towards the opposite gender, for example, a man being attracted to a woman will refer to themselves as straight.

Physical factors

People marginalized due to this factor need education on physical disabilities so that they can understand and accept to accommodate their condition.

Mental factors

People marginalized due to mental factors need protection against stigma and stereotyping.

Emotional factors

People marginalized due to emotional factors need therapists who can counsel them on how to get over their emotional problems. 

Physical protective factors

Reliable support from caregivers

Emotional protective factors

  1. Self-regulation
  2. Making friends and getting along with other people

Mental protective factors

Protection from fear and harm


The reluctance of interacting with other people


Depression and isolation


Feeling invisible and self-doubt

Negative attitudes

Resentment and self-blame

The core international human right treaties are nine in number. These treaties are applied to promote and protect human rights. The treaties have a committee of experts that is tasked with monitoring the implementation of the provision of the treaties by the member states (Donnelly, 2013). These conventions are agreed upon by states from across the world based on the principles of mutual respect, dignity, and equality. It is also important to note that some of the treaties are augmented with optional protocols that aim at addressing specific issues.

Federal laws that protect people from discrimination and harassment (Donnelly, 2013)

  1. Age Discrimination Act 2004
  2. Sex Discrimination Act 1984
  • Disability Discrimination 1992
  1. Racial Discrimination Act 1975

Australian Capital Territory: Discrimination Act 1991

How it affects work

The above legislation protects people from discrimination in employment based on sex, gender identity, religion, race or sexuality among others (Donnelly, 2013).

Response to breach

The best way to respond to a breach of this legislation is by making a complaint. But before making a complaint, it is important to make an inquiry to know the right procedure and then proceed with your complaint.

Diversity can be defined as the ability to exhibit differences in socioeconomic, geographical, academic, racial and ethnic background. Diversity is very important in a workplace because it brings employees from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds together thus creating an all-inclusive environment (Almutairi et al., 2015). Additionally, it is a good experience because it promotes positive working relationships and brings new perspectives to the workplace. As a result, the employees get to interact and share ideas and knowledge that can help to increase productivity.  


Almutairi, A. F., McCarthy, A., & Gardner, G. E. (2015). Understanding cultural competence in a multicultural nursing workforce: Registered nurses’ experience in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(1), 16-23.

Donnelly, J. (2013). Universal human rights in theory and practice. Cornell University Press.

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