Cloud Based Solutions For My Health Record Project
Vendor Solutions
Discuss about the Cloud Based Solution Of My Health Record Project.
The project on My Health Record supported by Commonwealth Government is a valuable project that records information of patients, doctors, healthcare providers and hospitals. This project is useful in healthcare industry and driving the performance and facility towards the patients and people related to healthcare (Mendelson & Wolf, 2017). The project is now considering adopting cloud based solutions due to facilities of cloud based solutions like data security. Hence, the purpose of this project is to analyze the cloud based solution through different aspects to meet the requirements of My Health Record project.
The structure of this report is as follows. The vendor solution including different types of vendors, review of cloud based solutions and SDLC approach towards cloud based solution.
The three vendors that are going to be described in the below paragraphs are Microsoft, Amazon and IBM that provide cloud based solutions. These three vendors provide systems to meet the requirement for My Health Record system in terms of data security, availability, seamless integration and others (Shawish & Salama, 2014). The below paragraphs will discuss the features of each vendor that will be suitable for the Information System.
The first vendor solution is Microsoft Azure which is widely used and it is the top player in the market and provides various beneficial features suitable for My Health Record (Pohekari, Patel & Shrivastava, 2017). The features are as follows and why it is suitable for My Health Record.
- Microsoft Azure files- This feature provides advantages to share files across the organization and systems without any need of hardware.
- Microsoft Site Recovery- Microsoft site recovery provides disaster recovery easy and secure with no other system required additionally.
- Malware protection for Azure VMs- The malware protection feature provides monitoring of malware and blocking them (Shrivastava, Sondhi & Kumar, 2017). The feature provides protection from latest threats and malwares are collect to store in Azure.
- Azure AD Premium- This feature provides capabilities of identity management and access management to access the services of Information system seamlessly.
- Azure ExpressRoute- This feature provides high security, reliability and lower latency as the data center connects with Azure through private link that is no Internet is required.
- Microsoft Azure keys- This feature provides high level of security through 256-bit encryption. This feature provides encryption that ensures that the data is safe and secure.
The second vendor solution is Amazon Web Services which is a highly reliable and scalable platform for My Health Record. The features are as follows.
- Amazon Inspector- This feature helps to automatically scan and identify customers accessing the system to improve the security and compliance (Narula & Jain, 2015). The security findings are provided through this feature.
- Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration- This feature helps to provide secure transfer of data into cloud and movement of data around the cloud. The transfer of data is highly secure and efficient.
- Cognito sign up- This features helps to authenticate, manage user requirements and synchronize data. This feature ensures secure authentication of people who are authorized to access the system.
- AWS Device Farm- This feature helps to allow access and control of the Information System remotely that is the system can be accessed from anywhere at any time.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk- This feature helps to automatically deploy and run apps on cloud infrastructure of Amazon (Varia & Mathew, 2014). This feature provides automatic configuration and monitoring health of the system.
- Amazon Kinesis-This feature helps to provide various tools for processing and analyzing the data in the system to utilize them efficiently.
The third vendor solution is IBM cloud is an appealing platform that provides seamless migration and methods to identify value in unstructured data suitable for My Health Record. The features are as follows.
- Mail- This feature provides efficient management and sending of email including spell-check, conversation threads and type-ahead.
- Calendar- This feature helps to clearly manage time to achieve proper scheduled meetings, reminders and appointments providing different time zones (Van et al., 2016).
- Mobile access- This feature provides access to all Smartphones and Iphones to access the system for sending and receiving data from anywhere at any time.
- Web Meetings- This feature helps to host meetings online if physical meeting is not available through chat, polling and others.
- Collaboration- This feature provides exchange of interactions among the people associated with the system where all kinds of data such as folders, documents and others are securely accessed.
- Encryption- This feature provides full featured encryption that includes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and recovery of password securely (Alharthi et al., 2015). The data is safe with this feature where every information is encrypted.
The strengths and weaknesses of cloud based solutions, discussed in the above paragraph, are given in the following paragraphs by considering its deployment in My Health Record.
Microsoft Azure
- User-Friendly- This cloud based solution provides user friendly platform where the system is easy to navigate, migration from prior system is easy and applications are managed.
- Complaint and security- The secure environment is provided within which the system can design, plan, build and manage applications of their systems (Philip & Bharadi, 2016).
- Flexibility and Scalability- There is flexibility and scalability to choose the framework, architecture, operating system and tools to provide cloud solutions.
- Network isolation- The network is isolated physically where it provides prevention of unwanted communications and unauthorized people are blocked.
- Encryption- The encryption is provided which is inbuilt in Azure and provides high level security to data (Jararweh et al., 2016).
- Identity management- The only people who are authorized are allowed to access the cloud based solutions.
- Management is required- The management of Azure requires monitoring of server and patching that need expert requirement and all computing data are moved to cloud.
- Platform expertise is required- The expertise is required to manage all the parts of cloud based solutions to manage them and if not handled properly then it will cost huge amount (Jararweh et al., 2016).
- Operating system inbuilt- Only the inbuilt Operating system will run and no other Operating system will be installed.
Amazon Web Services
- Security- The infrastructure is highly secure both physically and all over the Internet. The data centers are managed 24/7 by security guards and authorization is strict.
- Flexibility- The needs of infrastructure are analyzed and automatically scaled up to manage the infrastructure. The need to repeat every step of scaling is eliminated (Newcombe et al., 2015).
- Best PaaS offering- The overall time and effort spent is decreased to manage the services for database and infrastructure management.
- Efficient delivery care- The long-term contracts is another benefit that this cloud based solution provides where health record system will function on long term basis and whenever needed.
- Reliability- The reliability is provided by this cloud based solutions where they provide set of tools to their customers so that they can use the tools to design systems which are reliable.
- Ecosystem- The ecosystem of Amazon Web Services is proved to be a con as it provides various options which presents confusion for users in beginning of cloud based solutions.
- Training of users- The proper training is necessary to the users so that they can easily use the system without any hassle (Newcombe et al., 2015).
- Focus on public cloud- It is dependent specifically on public cloud instead of hybrid cloud which is the most dominant cloud for every system. The hybrid cloud solution is not specific in this cloud based solutions.
IBM Cloud
- Simplicity and speed- This cloud based solutions provide simplicity and speed in functions and operations of the system by reducing the downtime of applications redeploying.
- Agility- It manages the system by allowing users to understand the services easily and how much memory is related with each applications associated with the system automatically.
- Source Control- The system is managed with integration to various source control systems (Van et al., 2016). The system environment is configured automatically with the applications changing continuously.
- Real-time reporting- The data in the system is continuously monitored and reporting is done in real-time to address the information provided in the system.
- Security of data- The data is secured with encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) where every data is encrypted with high security.
- Use of IBM cloud without locking-in- The IBM cloud can be used by anyone without locking-in the cloud platform. This can cause data loss resulting in data breach.
- Used by developers- The IBM cloud features can only be used by the developers. This means if there is a need for any change then only the knowledgeable developers can manage the cloud (Alharthi et al., 2015).
- Internet dependency- It is dependent on Internet which makes this cloud based solution not reliable. If the network losses or there is any crash then it can negatively impact the deployment and usage of the system.
The SDLC approach to the project is discussed in this project using Predictive SDLC and Adaptive SDLC. The pros and cons of Predictive SDLC and adaptive SDLC are given below and recommendation of which SDLC approach for the project is suitable and why.
- The projects goals and objectives are clearly understood and defined for the project.
- The project requirements are steady and allows measurement of the project in progress (Malik et al., 2017).
- There is less chance of technical risks in this approach and hence the overall project is managed efficiently.
- The project is planned and structured with end result pre-determined within a particular time frame (Matharu et al., 2015).
- The outcome is pre-determined and knowable where the project has determined outcome.
- The predictive approach is time consuming because the project planning requires outlining of project in the beginning.
- This approach cannot be carried out backward and hence it is traditional up to some extent for the project management (Matharu et al., 2015).
- This approach does not provide space for iteration and hence not capable for responding to any changes in project.
Microsoft Azure
- This approach helps to accommodate varying approach related to the project where addition of necessary functionality at any time of the project phase can be done without any hassle.
- This approach mainly focuses on project implementation instead of functionality of the project (Kirmani, 2017).
- This approach has flexible timeline that helps to add functionality that can be added later in the project.
- The project is broken down into small components to suit the flexible timeline to allow addition of changes in the project.
- The high customization of this approach restricts the re-usability of the project at any stage of the project development.
- The application of this approach is done in different ways for each level of application in the project (Kirmani, 2017).
- There is high chances of technical issues or risks in project development and there is high chance of exceeding the limit budget of the project.
The recommended SDLC approach for the project is adaptive approach as this approach will be helpful to accommodate addition of various applications and terms in the project development (Noureen, Amjad & Azam, 2016). The addition of various users, doctors and others are accommodated through this approach. The policy requirements can also be applied for system benefits and this approach will easily accommodate these requirements. The flexibility and adjusting feature of this approach makes it suitable for the project.
Therefore, this report concludes that the vendors for the cloud based solutions discussed in this report are the suitable vendors for My Health Record project. The report briefly describes each of the vendors with suitability for the project and cloud based solutions brief description. The cloud based solution description with its benefits and limitation are described thoroughly. The SDLC approach shows that adaptive SDLC approach is suitable for the project due to its benefits of providing accommodation for adding requirements in any phase of project development. Hence, the report shows the brief analysis of cloud based solutions and its aspects.
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