Factors Influencing The Growth Of Apple Inc. In India


Discuss about the Factors Influencing Growth of Apple Inc.

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Apple Inc. remains to be the most valuable corporation in the world by the wide margin. It is the globe’s most visible as well as familiar client electronic products. Apple has remained as investor preferred because of its firm development on revenue along with high come back on asset. Although the company commenced its operations as customary computer organization, the company currently plans together with manufactures the broad diversity of electronic plans that comprise of Smartphone, tablets, TV sets, together with music players among other electronic gadgets (Cross, 2018). Therefore, in India, Apple has the exclusive model of business operations that it composes and plans restrictive programming and offers its working framework for the greater part of its gadgets. The corporation has remained successful in its operations because of its incredible innovating products along with different business strategies. Apart from all these factors, the growth of Apple Inc. is still affected by various factors in India. It is evident that Apple Inc is the global corporation that involved in processes of designing, developing, and distributing consumer electronics, computer software, mobile devices, and personal computers (Simon, 2018). The company is well established for different hardware that includes Smartphone of iPhone, Mac computers, media player of iPod, and software like OS X, the web browser known as Safari, along with the system of iOS of operations amid other vital software.

The company was established in early days of 1976 by Wozniak Steve, Wayne Ronald, and Steve Jobs with the significant purpose of developing as well as selling computers. From the time of its establishment, Apple Inc. has experienced consistency progress (Moren, 2018). Currently, Apple Inc. remains as the second biggest organization that arrangement with data innovation in the whole globe after Samsung Electronics in India as well as around global community. Much the same as some other global enterprise, Apple’s execution has been fluctuating every once in a while. The variance happens because of a few factors in the creating nations that rise up out of inside the association and those that show up from the outside association (Rachagan et al., 2013). A few elements in the developing nations have made Apple Inc. unsuccessful in its operations in India. For instance, in early days of 1996, Apple Inc. was declared bankrupt and Steve Jobs who was one of the founder ‘Steve Jobs of saving the operations of the company. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate studies to be conducted to develop the balance between operations of Apple Inc. in India and factors that impact its operations regarding external and internal factors in business operations (Al-Nimer, 2010). Therefore, this investigation is conducted with the target of different investigative factors that influence Apple Inc. operations in India.

Research Objectives

The organization of this research proposal paper will include examination of a detailed statement of the problem about different factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. in India. After that, it is followed by the exploration of varying research aims, objectives, and questions of the survey (Cross, 2018). The other sections illustrate justification of the proposed output of the survey project, conceptual framework, methodology and presenting secondary data, and finally exploring the organization of the study, project budget and schedule necessary to conduct the proposal efficiently.

The emergence of ever increasing the growth of new ventures in business operations of different electronic organizations like Apple Inc. has attracted much thoughtfulness regarding the scholarly studies in India. In any case, little consideration has been given to effectively develop firms compelled to battle firms forced to struggle against declining cases of turnover and operational failures. The need of different organizations of this kind to reevaluate them and accomplish the nonstop improvement it may be a more grave assignment than for new pursuits (Hulme, Groom, & Heltzel, 2016). Such vigorous assignment comes about in light of the fact that occasionally it is easy to explore new territory from beginning stage than really to change the effectively existing business activities given the enormous measure of endeavors routed to assess different advertising along with frameworks of production that the company needs to replace. Even though several investigations have been completed on multiple factors that affect operations of Apple Inc., there are almost none of the existing researches that can illustrate how various factors affect operations of Apple Inc. around developing countries (Molla & Asa, 2015). Therefore, this project targets at attaining out how different elements influence Apple Inc. in India.

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The principal target of this research paperwork is to find out factors that influence the growth of Apple Inc. in India. The primary concentration of this report work is on increase of Apple Inc. the analysis would be based on different issues while its attempts to find answers to how they affect the growth of Apple in India. Besides, this stud aim at to discover the conceivable variables influencing a brand like Apple in creating nations like India and also to comprehend the issues that have limited its development in such parts of the world

The principal investigative questions that will be applicable as a guide for this proposal include:

  1. What are aspects that influence growth of Apple Inc. in India?
  2. What are some of the internal factors in operations of Apple Inc affected by authorities and individuals in India?
  • Does the region have the different influence on the growth of Apple Inc. in India?

This research proposal remains to be substantially the investigative factor that impacts the growth of Apple Inc. in India. The study is not unduly concerned with the reason why Apple Inc. have located as they have in India, but rather in their experiences in India. The research on this issue revolves around the following objectives:

  1. To identify factors that impact on the growth of Apple Inc. in India
  2. To explore roles played by different authorities in India to influence the progress of Apple Inc.
  • To investigate how to come up with appropriate suggestion son how to promote as well as encourage Apple Inc. development in India.

Literature Review

Investigation of the factors that influence the growth of Apple Inc. in India remains to be vital for the operations of this corporation for various reasons. This survey will aid the management of company to recognize relationship of different external as well as external factors in India that affect their operations as it recorded from the outcome of this study (Ismail, 2011). The idea of understanding various factors that affect the operation of multinational companies in India and their result in operations of different production, distribution, and retail sectors can help in disclosing the underlying rationale for Apple Inc. to either allow their services to continue or to stop in those developing countries. Moreover, the research and its outcomes can help Apple Inc. to focus on how to focus on understanding different factors in India in enhancing their productivity, job performance of workers, and profit earned by the company in India (Alozairi, 2018). If various factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. are well address then the management of the organization will be able to focus on the best way to focus on improving their operations to increase their competitive advantage and productivity in the competitive marketplace that deals with electronic gadgets. Besides, this investigation contributes to the development of operations of Apple Inc. by ensuring that management has to follow so at it can increase their operations (Yeung & Coe, 2015). Therefore, this proposal aim at assisting in broadening the understanding of people and management of different operations on the effects of various factors that either positively or negatively affect the growth of Apple Inc. in India.

By reviewing several research articles, it is evident that different investigators focused on how various factors affect the growth of Apple Inc. regarding its innovation, the satisfaction of customers, and solving operational problems. Besides, there have been limited studies on the impact of different external and internal factors on development and advancement of Apple Inc. in India. An investigation conducted by Wang & Wu (2014) explores the growth of Apple Inc. in developing elements by illustrating how different factors boost its operations. Therefore, there still exists a significant gap in the literature work concerning whether investing on India is profitable for services and growth of Apple Inc or not and this remains to be the significant rationale behind this critical investigation (Simon 2018). Therefore, this study will be essential for further research as the outcomes can help in addressing the gaps on different factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. in India.


Different factors in India have the massive influence on the growth of various prominent organizations that operates in such regions. Different factors both in external as well as internal factors in operations of companies have different impacts on growth and establishment of procedures of Apple Company (Bodle, 2017). It is clear that various elements have the significant effect on the growth of Apple Inc. and how they manage their operations. Accordingly, this investigative proposition will be finished with the help of broad writing survey and achieve diverse criticism from the management of Apple Inc. that operates in India with the aim to achieve the list o various factors that affect their growth both positively as well as negatively. The explanation shall be performed by the use of survey and well-structured questionnaires as the best method of collecting the data for analysis. The feedback received from the involved parties in this research will help in offering different factors that have the massive impact on the growth of Apple Inc. around India (Cross & Simon, 2018). The case of various factors that affect operations of a multinational organization around developing countries will remain to be entirely utilitarian for services of all Apple Inc. around India.

The company is well known for the activities that deal with sales of expensive products to targeted clients, but because of their high quality, the products remain to have high consumer demand in India than developing nations globally. The company was established in early days of 1976 by Wozniak Steve, Wayne Ronald, and Steve Jobs with the significant purpose of producing as well as selling computers. From the time of its establishment, Apple Inc. has experienced consistency progress (Childes et al., 2017). Currently, Apple Inc. stands as the second largest company that deals with information technology in the entire globe after Samsung Electronics. The crisis in the growth of Apple Inc. in India exposed the weaknesses in the financial systems in these nations while demonstrating how interconnected as well as interdependent economies are present in exposing vexing policy dilemma in operations. Different factors that affect operations of Apple Inc. in India include cases of joblessness and the vicious recessionary spiral, inequality, size of company and deregulation, misguidance corporate structure of incentive, and globalization (Simon, 2018). Much the same as some other worldwide organization, Apple’s execution has been fluctuating every now and then in operations. The fluctuation occurs due to several factors in the developing countries that rise up out of inside the association and those that show up from the outside association. Several factors in India have made Apple Inc. unsuccessful in its operations (Ifinedo, 2012). For instance, in early days of 1996, Apple Inc. was declared bankrupt and Steve Jobs who was one of the founder ‘Steve Jobs of saving the operations of the company.


Operation of Apple Inc. in India suffers from different factors and there has been the drop in demand for their electronic products and the tightening the operations in the competitive marketplace. Recent literature articles indicate that factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. have enabled people to come up with various strategies for survival but more so only in the past decades since the impact of these factors had much severe now than previous years (Mbayo & Romeo, 2015). Some of the strategies used by management of company include external factors and internal factors of these external factors that affect the growth of Apple include pricing, competitors, and availability of the products that the company offers. The company has concentrated on appropriate strategies as a correct approach to both factors in establishing the reputation of the technology leader in India.

The following research methodology will be applicable to examine the principal targets of this investigative proposal efficiently. They include literature review, data series, and well-structured questionnaires as a method of gathering essential data. The other way for analysis of this topic will consist of the need of observing fundamental factors that affect operations of Apple Inc. in developing countries (Fons, 2015).

The use of in-depth investigation along with the analysis of relevant literature as well as data available from different sources that comprise of Science Direct, Google Scholars, along with journals by various authors will be used to gather essential data on the topic. The thematic content analysis of these useful documents will be the primary point of focus to examine the extent that different factors within India affect the growth of Apple Company (Snell, 2018).

Several gathered data from a range of studies and data will be well scrutinized to offer the idea concerning the growth of Apple Inc. when they operate in India. Factors like pricing, competitors, and availability of the products that the company offers are the major factors that affect the growth of this company in India. Additional to the above ideas, the well-structured questionnaire will be prepared as well as handed out to Apple Company stakeholders to gauge how various factors in India affect their operations (Hargis et al., 2014). The survey will help in understanding what some of the critical factors that impact operations as felt by Apple Company management as well as what are some of the strategies the company has been undertaking to overcome and survive in different marketplaces in India. For instance, research respondents can be asked to determine to what extent business of Apple Inc. in India had experienced the shift in their growth (Moren, 2018). Eleven materials can be applicable in measuring different factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. using the five-point Linkers scale. For instance, numeric figures will mean various opinions such as 1 = ‘solid constructive outcome’ to 5 = ‘solid negative impact. The use of these effects shows that different factors related factors in the growth of the company to be pricing, competitors, and availability of the products that the company offers.

The method can be applicable for examination of vital data from the international Bureau of Economic Investigation that concentrates on the research and communication of different factors that impact the growth of Apple Inc. in India. The use of such statistics can have specific fundamental indicators that assist in affecting the growth of Apple Inc. in advance (Gilson & Gordon, 2013). These ideas can be applicable by the company in India to develop essential strategies to counter the influence of different factors in the development of this multinational corporation.

Two different ways used to analyze data of this research on factors that influences the growth of Apple Inc. in India. For instance, this study will use both qualitative as well as quantitative methods. Qualitative analysis method will make application of varying website forums and surveys with economic advisors on factors that affect the growth of every multinational in India especially while focusing on Apple Company. Besides, quantitative analysis approach will make appropriate use of various figures excel sheets, pie charts, mathematical together with statistical techniques of modeling present in online and through scholarly articles (Al-Nimer, 2010). Moreover, methods applicable for analysis of data of quantitative approach will be descriptive statistics that focus on obtaining the descriptive statistics for the median, standard deviation, mean, and distribution of essential variables to focus on how individuals clusters of values around the mean. This survey will consider the mixture of all above research methodologies to land at correct result for issue illustrated in problem declaration. From detailed research comprehension of literature review on topic as well as the responses obtained through research and administering of well-structured questionnaires (Mbayo & Romeo, 2015). It will also help in attaining vital facts that show different factors that influence the growth of Apple Inc. around developing nations.

The detailed organization of the research on examination of the topic will be as follows;

First Section will examine Research suggestion as summarized in this presentation

Second Section will focus on describing case examination of different factors affecting operations of Apple Inc. in India in depth

Section Three will comprise of the details of essential research methodologies, the literature review of the issue, data series along with surveys of collecting critical data, observing fundamental indicators of factors affecting the growth of Apple Inc., and methods of analyzing the received data.

Section four will report different Findings along with Analysis of the proposed survey

Section Five will tend to summarize the important outcomes and discuss their implications in making Apple Inc. better prepared to survive different factors on India by majorly focusing on fundamental strategic adoptions of Apple Inc. for survival.

Table below illustrates duration for entire plan to be finalized

Name of Task

Day of Starting

Final Day

Duration (Days)

Project Proposal




Literature Review




Data Collection




Data Analysis




Final Submission of Report




Project Proposal

Literature Review

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Final Submission of Report






The budget of the project as well as the justification of budget

  • The budget for the proposed survey is around four thousand dollars to complete the study within the time frame as presented in the Gannt Chart. The research budget has been specified for the following grounds:
  • The literature review of this research needs to be undertaken through the use of essential journal articles, use of different textbooks, along with online resources that are not free of charge. The estimated cost of these articles can be about one thousand dollars.
  • Collection of data in the form of well-structured surveys along with questionnaires comprise of printing, traveling, along with posting charges. If e-mail addresses are applicable, there is an opportunity of it ending up in the section of Junk Box of mail. Besides, this remains to be the best approach that Apple Inc. can use in the collection of data regarding the effects of factors in developing nations in the growth of Apple Company. In cases where traveling in individuals might be impossible, the application of posts can be availed that might cost approximately two thousand dollar

For appropriate accessing to charts, tables, Indian government figures for analysis of data, some of the budget needs to be allocated to attain different factors that affect the growth of Apple Inc. in India.


Estimated value to be Spent

Review of Literature


Collection of Data


Analysis of Data


Sum of Estimated Budget



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