Effective Methods For Diversity And Congruity Using Design Thinking

The Process of Design Thinking

Discuss About The Effective Method Diversity And Congruity.

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Design thinking can be defined as the creative strategies and methods that are used to design the program or some event. This design thinking is developed to resolve the problems faced by the professional and other persons.  Design thinking can be defined as the problem-solving approach that focuses on people to make their life simpler. Innovations often start with the solution to the difficult challenges. The innovator can be the designer of new ideas and strategies that used to implement the new changes in the plans and policies. The person who is creative in mind can use the concept of design thinking in its process (Qiu and Duan, 2014).

The design thinking process is given by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of design at Stanford. There are 5 steps from which the process of design thinking is used to solve the problems are as follows:

  1. Empathise

Empathise is the first step in design the thinking process. This step is done to get the thoughtful summary of the problem and tries to get the solution for the same. This step involves consulting the experts to get the solution.

  1. Define

In this step, all the information gathered during the stage of the empathizing stage is collected. This step will give assistance to designers to get creative ideas to start structures, purposes and any other element that allows solving the problems.

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  1. Ideate

During the third stage that is ideate in the process of design thinking designers are ready to start and creating the ideas. This ideate is done by the various techniques which include brainstorming, Delphi technique, brain write and scamper. In this team members are able to think out of the box to generate something new and innovative by viewing the problems.

  1. Prototype

The prototype is found to be the experimental phase in the process. In this phase, the goal is to recognize the greatest likely answer for each of the difficulties identified in the first three phases. The answers are applied inside these prototypes and one by one they are judged, improved and investigated.

  1. Test

Designers test the complete thought deeply to ensure that the solutions design identified for the problem is relevant or not. This stage is the last and final stage of the model. In this stage, the alteration and changes can be made according to the problem and requirements (Interaction Design Foundation, 2018).

Applying Design Thinking to Different Fields

Using the above steps, design thinking can be applied successfully to different areas and fields. There are some examples and documents to which it can be visible that the design thinking can be useful and can be implemented in the process easily without any difficulty. These include the design thinking for mobility, educators, social innovation, teaching kids and for social innovation. Every person can be involved in the solving the problem by using the design thinking. Using the innovation in the design of thinking makes the organization to integrate with the individual’s needs (Sternberg and Zhang, 2014).

The thinking style is the individual concept in which each and every person thinks differently in the same matter. All people in the world have a different perception to think and reflect their ideas. There can be different styles of thinking which include the pragmatic style, cognitive styles, idealist thinker etc. cognitive style is one of the styles in which there is a different view on perceiving and thinking about the things from which the decision and problem-solving can be done. Cognitive style is used to do the concept of making in the thinking style of the individual that what are the ranges and scope of thinking of an individual. This will be an effective method to identify the diversity and congruity in the cognitive style (Stoyanov, 2016).

Cognitive style is used in the thinking, perception and decision making in the group team members. In order to solve this problem of decision making, there is theory called the adaption-innovation theory given by the Kirton’s. This theory attempts to explain the difference between the c relativity and cohesiveness faced among the team members. In this model, the staff is given the training adopt the new changes which are don in the organization. This theory is adopted so that the individual can welcome the new changes done in the environment. In essence, this style denotes to the performance of a individual which is affected by the external conditions to make some changes in their way of working (Kai, 2018).

An adaptor may welcome the changes done in the organization but cannot able to work with the paradigm prevailing in the environment. An innovator is a person who innovates and generate the new ideas and welcomes the new opportunities to have the radical rethink to see the novel practices can now be introduced or not. Adaption- innovation theory reveals that there are three scales to measure the factors contributing to the adoption and innovation. This includes the ‘O’ for originality by finding the new ideas, ‘E’ refers to the effort or the habits at work and last ‘R’ to whether the person tends to obey the rules or are willing to break the rules followed in the organization. This theory is generally used to study the behaviour of group peoples, subgroup peoples and the teaching and the learning styles fooled by the organization (Ares, Mawad, Giménez and Maiche, 2014).

Cognitive Style in Decision Making

There are examples and situations where the cognitive diversity can be managed. The most useful insight of cognitive style is that it works across all the individuals’ differences. For example, both extremely innovative and extremely cognitive adaptive cognitive styles can be establish at the comparable level of the expertise, job roles, educational background, and professional experience and for both genders. Another insight can be seen as the evidence-based cognitive style theories can forecast or predict the individual behavior and can able to explain ten reasons for their differences. The suggestion can also be measured for managing the diversity in the groups and subgroups (Andreou, Papastavrou and Merkouris, 2014).

The biggest challenge is the homeless people in Australia. According to the report recently published in the Census statics of 2016 that showed that there is 14% increase in the overall homelessness in Australia since 2011. To solve this problem or challenges brainstorming can be done. It will not help the homeless people but also give a solution to the betterment in the society. Homelessness is about the human r it was found that there are rights. People facing the problem of homelessness should be given some freedom and money to remain in the environment as they are lacking their basic necessities for food shelter. The foods are given to them by the people on streets. The reason for the increase in the homeless people is incremental long-term impacts of inadequate welfare indexation, lack of criminal justice policies and change in the social security system Australian (The Conversation. (2018).

There is a violation of a wide range of human rights. Every people have the right to have their own home. This topic should be brainstorm so that effective and creative ideas can be taken out of the activity. This will not only solve the problem of homelessness people but also contribute towards the welfare of the community as well as society. For this, the brainstorming strategy is used to develop the strategy (Brown, Gardner and Halweil, 2014).

The biggest problem found ion the homeless people is that whatever they are earning, the whole amount is spent on the alcohol which makes them homeless. They left with no amount to buy or give a rent for the house due to their habits of alcohol consumption. One of the measures is also taken by the government to ban the alcohol for their homeless people so that they can able to manage their living standards by having the home to live rather than consuming alcohol (Fink and Benedek, 2014). The properly taken care of children which are living on the streets should be given so that they can survive and had a better living. Education should be given to them so that they can earn a livelihood in the future.

Managing Cognitive Diversity with Adaption-Innovation Theory

The tools and methods should be developing to reduce the problem of homelessness. This tool can include providing the sufficient wages at their workplace so that they can able to have their own home. Another method that can be used by the government is that subsidies provided to these types of people so that they can sustain in the environment. Looking for the future, this problem will remain in the environment (Human Rights Commission, 2018)

To make it simple for the long span of time, the government can also make a provision to provide the house at low cost. The availability of affordable low rent housing continues to contract. To brainstorm on this topic this can be right time by looking the inspiration outside which area seating and sustaining their lives on the street (Kids news, 2017).


Andreou, C., Papastavrou, E. and Merkouris, A. (2014) Learning styles and critical thinking relationship in baccalaureate nursing education: a systematic review. Nurse education today, 34(3), pp.362-371.

Ares, G., Mawad, F., Giménez, A. and Maiche, A. (2014) Influence of rational and intuitive thinking styles on food choice: Preliminary evidence from an eye-tracking study with yogurt labels. Food Quality and Preference, 31, pp.28-37.

Brown, L.R., Gardner, G. and Halweil, B. (2014) Beyond Malthus: The Nineteen Dimensions of the Population Challenge. Oxon: Routledge.

Fink, A. and Benedek, M. (2014) EEG alpha power and creative ideation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 44, pp.111-123.

Interaction Design Foundation. (2018) 5 stages in designing the thinking process [online]. Available from: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/5-stages-in-the-design-thinking-process [Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

Kai. (2018) Adaption-Innovation As A Measure Of Cognitive Style [online] Available from: https://kaicentre.com/adaption-innovation-measure-cognitive-style/?v=c86ee0d9d7ed [Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

Qiu, H. and Duan, H. (2014) Receding horizon control for multiple UAV formation flight based on modified brain storm optimization. Nonlinear dynamics, 78(3), pp.1973-1988.

Sternberg, R.J. and Zhang, L.F. (2014) Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles. Oxon: Routledge.

Stoyanov, S., Jablokow, K., Rosas, S. R., Wopereis, I. G. J. H., & Kirschner, P. A. (2016). Concept mapping— An effective method for identifying diversity and congruity in cognitive style. Evaluation and Program Planning [Online] Available from: https://dspace.ou.nl/bitstream/1820/7609/1/stoyanov%20et%20al_GCM_cognitive%20style_accepted.pdf[ Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

Australian Human Rights Commission. (2018) Homelessness’ is a human right issue [online]. Available from: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/homelessness-human-rights-issue [Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

Kids news. (2017) Australian cities and towns struggle with thousands of homeless on the streets [online]. Available from: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/kids-news/news/australian-cities-and-towns-struggle-with-thousands-of-homeless-on-the-streets/news-story/4c3f31991d008647f9ba416cef5c1b99 [Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

The conversation. (2018) Homelessness: Australia’s shameful story of policy complacency and failure continue [online]. Available from: https://theconversation.com/homelessness-australias-shameful-story-of-policy-complacency-and-failure-continues-95376 [Accessed on: 23rd June 2018]

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