Determinants Of Outsourcing In New South Wales Hotel Industry

Methods of Analysis

Discuss about the Activity Outsourcing and Competitive Strategy.

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Outsourcing and hotel industry have been in continuous contact since the beginning of the times and with the increase in the services and demand for better treatments from the hotels, to cater to the needs of extensive profitability, hotel industries and hoteliers are continuously opting for outsourcing of their employees (Espino-Rodríguez and Lai 2014). This research is done in order to analyse the determinants of outsourcing of the hotels of New South Wales. The following paragraphs highlight on the different methods of analyse and along with the Qualtrics Survey Questionnaire.

Like any service industry, the principle aim of hotel industry is to provide services that cater to all the customers and provide them with ultimate satisfaction. For the implementation of the same, the hotel managers and owners need to perform to the best of their abilities by their own effort instead of depending on candidates belonging to third party payroll. However, the competition prevailing in the modern world influences the companies to undertake the process of outsourcing in order to attain more employees at a considerably less cost. Inspite of the lucrative advantages that outsourcing provides, hotel business have long restrained from implementing the objectives due to various reasons. The following study will answer to the reasons that disable the hotel industry to take the path of outsourcing.

The research seeks to establish two questions, which are as follows:

  1. What are the determinants that outsourcing of service faces in hotels of New South Wales in Australia?
  2. How to assess suitable outsourcing strategies regarding the service of hotels in New South Wales in Australia?

The research objectives therefore are as follows:

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  • To analyse the determinants of outsourcing of service that is faced by hotels of New South Wales in Australia
  • To assess suitable outsourcing strategies regarding the service of New South Wales hotels.

Every research can be divided into three stages depending on the purpose that the research serves. The kind of researches can be of – exploratory, descriptive, explanatory research.

One of the main types of research is the exploratory form for research in which the aims and objectives of the research are evaluated other than collecting accurate statistical data. It is one of the best plans when one is at the first phase of the research. Descriptive type of research is done in which an in-depth analysis of the quantitative data is done along with the findings of aims and objectives (Zikmund et al. 2013). Explanatory research is done for a subject in which not many researches are done before and which demands deep intervention with priority.

Like every research, the descriptive method of research is opted for in this proposal because of the following reasons:

  • Descriptive research is able to analyse both the qualitative and quantitative data without any issue.
  • The benefit of assessing a situation without any diversifications and disruptions
  • By this method, the amalgamation of both qualitative and quantitative method is done
  • Time consumption is way less

There a number of methods, that can be used to determine a research data namely qualitative, quantitative and mixed data. Qualitative data analysis method is used for determining hypothetical assumptions and make predictions by combining the the descriptive facts stated (Miles, Huberman and Saldana 2013). Quantitative data analysis method is used to measure the numerical figures and statistical analysis without any hint of hypothetical assumption and descriptive figures. Mixed methodology of data analysis is a mixture of both the methods and is used by combining both the qualitative and quantitative method of data analysis.

Selection of Descriptive Method of Research

In this research proposal, the mixed method is being used due to the following reasons (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015)

  • Mixed research methods help to determine the benefits and problems of both the qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis.
  • Provides a complete and better understanding
  • The findings are more content specific and better explained

The method used for Quantitative Data analysis can be stated as under

A general view explaining or describing a particular event mostly by using the form of questions and interviews.

Advantages of surveys includes the factors like low cost, reliable first hand data gathering, easy way of collecting data, precise data and little or no discrepancy in data.

Disadvantages of surveys include the factors like inflexible designs, unfit for major or controversial issues and deviation from facts.

This is one of the important methods of quantitative data in which the survey questions are presented in the exact same manner like presented at the time of survey (Kallio et al. 2016)

Advantages of the method includes high response rate, standard questions for all the people and less interpretation of the questions due to the presence of the interviewer.

Disadvantages of the method include manipulation by the interviewer, high time consumption and change of answers by the people due to bias.

The concept of longitudinal studies can be defined as the studies that is made up of different touch points and the analysis through them.

Advantages of the study including the positive effects in determining variable effects over time and the process has a clear focus with accurate objectives, better than cross sectional studies.

Disadvantages of the study include the time factor, requirement of a large sample size and data collected are not reliable.       

Case study is defined as the studying of various issues and objectives that has been done using sufficient evidence and methods (Catherine Houghton et al. 2013)

The advantages of using case study includes intensive study without sampling, comprehensive and includes comparison.

Disadvantages of using case study includes the process being not simple, involves errors and bias.

The method used for Qualitative Data Analysis can be stated as under

This is a qualitative method of research technique that involves individual interviews and in depth analysis of the answers provided.

Advantages of the method include the possibility of better understanding, face to face conversations which make the process easier, requires less time and involves more accuracy,

Disadvantages include the bias that the method involves, reliability of the interview and the amount of manipulation done.

Focus group methods include taking a small section of the potential customers of the market and doing the analysis based on them.

Mixed Method of Data Analysis

Advantages of the method include the expectation of more accurate and better results along with less time with less bias.

Disadvantages include the reliability of the data as collected from a very small section along with biasness and manipulation done by the company.

The method selected for Quantitative Data Analysis is Structured Interviews and In-depth Interviews

There are two forms of questions that can be used in the Qualtrics Survey of Questionnaire which are open ended and close ended questions. Open ended questions are those which does not have any specific answers to them and are exploratory in nature (Ozuru et al. 2013). Close ended questions are those that have specific answers in them and can be answered by the participants often by looking at the answers.

The questions that will be taken in this research proposal is the Close Ended Multiple Choice Type of Questions. The reasons for the stated choice is the fact that close ended multiple choice question will help to make the participants patient in their answers to the questions given and also will help to make the participants answer to the questions with probable answers. The use of close ended multiple choice question also makes sure that the answers are not abrupt.

Probability sampling is a form of sampling that employs equal opportunities for the population of the survey to take the rights. There is equal chances for each of the participants for stating their views. Non probability sampling is used where there is an unequal chances of the participants for their views to be considered.

In the selected method, random probability sampling technique is taken so that all the participants have an equal chance of participation with equal chances of views (Acharya et al. 2013). The benefits of using this sample technique is to make sure that there is no or less bias among the participants and the population taken has interest in the subjects mentioned. Radom sample with equal probability helps to make sure that the results are ethical without any discrepancy.

In any research, it is mandatory to obtain important data and information from the participants by using the mode of ethical consent. The term is defined as the consent or approval that is obtained from the population by telling them in details of the study and giving accurate and required information for the task (Cox et al. 2014)

According to the Data Protection Act, 1999, the data and information given by the participants in times of research should be kept under wraps and be anonymous to public eyes. The act also upholds the importance of this in the ethical consideration of the task.

The anonymity of the participants will be maintained by storing the data obtained in the locked computer files that would not be accessible to all. The data can also be made anonymous by shuffling and reshuffling of the data without any particular order.

Univariate data is defined as the data analysis technique that involves the use of a single variable. Bivariate data is defined as the data analysis technique that involves the use of two variables.

In this analysis, bivariate data has been taken and used as it has two variables in it making it more reliable.

The analysed data can be represented by using the forms of bar graphs and pie chart, which are more visually appealing and can be in easy representation of quantitative data. The diagrams attract more attention to the matter and help to make the research more easily understandable.

Reference list

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Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013. Business research methods. Cengage Learning.

Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013. Qualitative data analysis. Sage.

Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

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