Emerging Issues In Organisational Behaviour
The Impact of Globalization on Organisational Behaviour
Discuss About The Emerging Issues Organisational Behaviour.
Due to globalization the external business environment has created such a climate in which every company is free to enter in any kind of business in which they are interested along with no boundaries for the international business. So, due to this it is not that only business source is being transferred by also the workforce also gets transferred which creates a situation which is full of diversity including different culture, values and believes. Change is of two types one is continuous change and other is discontinuous change. Continuous change is related with the change in which there is a connection between pre and post change and no sudden change is planned. Continuous change is actually the result of internal environment need (David, 2014) .while in discontinuous change is related to the change which is sudden and has no connection with the previous one and creates lot of problem to get adjusted because persons have no idea and have not planned for it in association with the external environment of business (Jermier, 2011).
Metaphor of organization the change has become the part of the organization in the form of uncommon, discontinuous and planned with an intention of resolving misalignment existing structure and the environment and without change no organisation cannot survive because today is the time of diversity where transformation of culture, learning, behaviour, attitude occurs and if the person is not able to adjust in this diversity, the person will not be able to handle situation (Cornelien, Oswick and Phillips, 2008)
Analytical framework is actually associated with analysing the problem, thinking critically on the problem and then gives the best solution for that problem. It is trend which is common in today world for the organisation and without it organization cannot run. As in change process many individuals may have to change their role and responsibility and in this case the pre-post of that individual can be related to making that person comfortable with the continuous change process while it will be difficult to adjust the individual in change process with the discontinuous process because sudden change does not give change to understand the individual properly (Pollack and Algeo, 2015).
The archetypal organization is known for its defining feature. They basically carry structure from simple, bureaucratic, divisional or flexible pattern to form a unique customized organizational that can easily hand the change forced from the environment. The archetypal organization allows the ease of change facility in both forms continuous as well as discontinuous form. Continuous change is a regular one while because of its customized pattern it can easily handle discontinuous change as it is all ready for any kind of external change forced from the business environment (Harris, 2018).
Types of Organisational Change: Continuous and Discontinuous
Intervention theory is also known as the theory of change which is related to the detailed step by step form of bringing the change. It focuses on right from filling up the missing elements within the process and how it will help in achieving the current goal. Intervention is more related to continuous change as compared to discontinuous change (Lunenburg, 2010).
Change agency role for any organization is of great importance when the internal members fail to bring necessary change. They basically overview the need of change related to the situation through their experts and provide the suggestion related to the pattern to carry continuous change or a need of discontinuous change is required (Karp, 2006).
As we know that British Airways was in the loss and was moving towards bank corrupt. So the government decided to sell its share to form it a private company. So, after owning the major portion of the company the organization had decided to go through change process by reducing the numbers of their employees from 70,000 to 30,000 because they have found that they have more manpower as compared to the operating work and should go. So, in this discontinuous change metaphor is not possible because it will lead towards strong opposition from the employees. But in case of continuous change metaphor, the employees are made aware of this change so that the employee willingly layoff from the organization which will secure the image of the organization. So, informing them and making them be ready for change is unfreezing stage and implementing the change and keep this change fixed means working with only 30,000 employees is the freezing stage which had given good result regarding their performance with high efficiency (Cumming, Bridgman and Brown, 2016).
Change management is defined as the regular process of upgrading an organization in the form of guidelines, structure, and ability to handle the changing wants of external and internal business environment. Change is present in the organization both at the process and strategic level. Therefore, the doubt should not be there related to the importance to the organization of its capability what needs is required in future and how change can be explored in the organization. Due to continuous organizational change, the need for management skill has been increased all over the world. Due to globalization, advance in technology, innovation lot of issues related to the workforce as well as shifting towards social trend has emerged and change should be done according to it (Weber and Reichert, 2008 ). As there is no restriction of the organization to carry out business beyond boundaries, this has motivated the domestic players to introduce their business on the international level and have also encouraged international organizations to go for the domestic level. So, for business market many organization are actually competing for the same product line which has caused very tough competition and only that organization will survive which has something unique it may be some advancement in the technology or it may be experienced workforce. But as we know that need for most of the changes is random which tends to be discontinuous and a rises alarming situation. As per researches study, it has been found that 70% of changes usually fail and they do not fail because they have not prepared well, they fail because change agent does not understand the situation and in case of continuous change, discontinuous change is being implemented and vice versa. It is found that most of the time their work frame of the plan is not made properly which results in the unexpected outcome (Neyens, Faems, and Sels, 2010). Old approaches and philosophies to change suggested that if organization does not adopt change then it cannot be effective (Rieley and Clarkson, 2001). It was also stated that people need practices to be operative and able to improve their performance with the help of continuous change. As per Luecke that continuous change can only become routine when perceives change as normal and respond naturally to internal and external business environment otherwise it will move towards discontinuous change where the change happened in a sudden way and a routine is very difficult to manage. Burnes (2004) refers to incremental change as individual part of organization related to one objective with one associated problem. A study was done of bringing change in a media organization. Data was collected, structured and interpreted. It was found that the organization is not ready to think out of the box they just want to remain in their own world as there is no such word external business environment and are standing still with their inertia (Langley, Smallman and Vandeven, 2013). So the need to pursue both continuous and discontinuous change is actually a challenging one. If the organization has to be succeeding then it to avoid inertia and it should remain open for the creativity and innovation. This need of doing the thing in a unique way will definitely give rise to the importance for change and will help in implementing change in the organization with full potential (Jarventie-Thesleff, Moisander, and Villi, 2014). Another study was done related to the change in the New Zealand police department. It was found that the vision and support of frontline officer were not considered in the change process which leads to the failure of the change program. It simply says that if change is to be brought then change agent must consider the total need of the situation and must communicate the need of the change with all the members of the department along with the consideration of all positive sides of the change . Change agent was not aware whether to use continuous change or discontinuous and instead of continuous change process had used discontinuous process by considering only one side of the situation for sake of bringing change, which resulted in unexpected outcome (Duncan, Mouly and Nilakant,2001).
The Importance of Analytical Frameworks in Change Management
The role of power in organizational change is becoming very impactful. Power is related to complexity and diversity which is the important source in the area of organizational development and change. The three main viewpoints related to power change in strategies, the role of change agent and inspiration behavior related to the decision making, resistance to change and impact of change on the process of organization. Munduate and Gravenhorst main focus was on the process of social power and influence as the base of the organization. It is connected to main three points for the 21st century (Berbes-Blazquez, Gonzalez and pascual, 2016). First is nature of the organization, second is the analytical framework and third is the change agent. This basically reflects two leadership styles one is of transformational and other is of transactional. Transformational deals with the change in the co-worker system while transactional remain untouched with the co-worker system and mainly focus on the value system of the co-worker and provide them the necessary benefit from this (Aguinis and Pierce, 2008).
As 21st century is the century of the combination of creativity, innovation, and globalization with the support of advancement in technology. Due to this combination, the business environment is always in dynamic mode. In this century change is not some kind of new thing; it is actually a necessity of the organization. It is impossible for an organization to sustain without change because the mood and taste of customer in to present time changes with the situation which means unpredictable. So if an organization wants to maintain its position in this 21st-century business market which is full of competition and risk, the organization must possess something creative or innovative which will differentiate the organization from rest of all organizations. Here bringing change is not only the duty of the organisation but it is also responsibility of the employee to support this change event with full efforts so that it will not only help the organisation to handle the force from the global business environment but also will develop the creativity and innovation in the overall thinking of the employee of the organisation (Yimaz and Kilicoglu, 2013).
A study was conducted on the impact of discontinuous and continuous change on the organizational. Finding from this study was mainly focusing on the facts that impact of continuous change on the social power related to change agent has most of the times failed as compared to discontinuous change and as per the growing trend the change is mostly focused on reactive and discontinuous change and it has been observed that discontinuous change has more impact on social power because of its sudden occurrence. Also, researches have focused on one of the most important points that success of both discontinuous and continuous change regarding social power mostly depends on the framework which is used for the process. It has been seen that if 70% of the change introduced in the organization failed due to its bad framework and not because of its process. So, if the framework is of good pattern then both change may have the good impact both but as per todays trend, discontinuous change is working more influential in case of social power related to change agent (Buchanan and Badham, 2008)
The Archetypal Organization: A Customized Approach to Change
As we know that change is the requirement of the present organizational world but implementing this change is not an easy task. It requires a lot of strategy framework because the change process has a direct impact on the operation and working method of the organization. A single change which is not related to the situation can create a lot of problems instead of solving the problem. So considering the changes, both for the continuous and discontinuous process will have a different impact. If continuous change process is implied in the organization the work design of the organization will not get disturb because continuous change process is a stepwise changing process which will little disturb the working structure of the organization and will surely provide the engagement of competency as it will give enough time to the organization to learn about the new process. While in case of discontinuous process the organization work design will get totally change with full disturbance because of the sudden change and it cannot be said that competency will be there or not because in few cases it has been seen that person is directly forced in the situation and that person has adopted the situation where another person was not able to adopt, there is always a risk for the change which can be in favour or in opposition (Morgeson and Humphrey, 2006).
VPM actually generates oversees and organizes the dream program which is the base of the organization. Both the changes will make VPM to change the strategy base of the program so that it can suit the vision for the organization. But discontinuous change will impact more on the VPM because it will force the VPM to sudden change strategy which may or may not suit the workforce.
It has been experimented and proved that healthy employees are more productive workers as compared to workers which are ill form both mental and physical shape. As the organization works in the dynamic environment which has the direct impact on the health of employees. From the study, it has been found that employees are regularly facing health-related problems like heart disease, obesity, and mental stress. Most problems are related to mental illness
So, in such case if the continuous change is applied the employee is already ready for the change through mind state and it will have very less impact on the health of the employee and in case of discontinuous change as the change is sudden then it will directly have a major impact on the employee and employee will surely suffer from mental stress which will not have bad impact on the health but also on their performance (ILO, 2018).
Intervention Theory: A Step-by-Step Guide to Change
One of the biggest effects of the 4 IR is increased human productivity. By making use of AI and other automation the life of the human being is totally changed.The professional life of the employees have changed a lot, now they are able to make choices which are very sharp as well as very quick. Now, the world is all on numbers. Every single day, billions of data are shared by people with the help of technology. Every organization wants its employee up to date with technologies which will help the organization to remain sustainable in the business market (Trailhead, 2018).
The role of human resource has changed a lot in the present time. It has become the duty of HR to make the human capital of the organization to be ready for the change and also it has become their duty to make the business partner understand the need for change in the organization. It has become the duty of HR to increase the efficiency of operation for both organizations wise as well as the business partner with the help of advanced technology. It has also become the duty of HR to make the arrangement for the training of their human capital along with their business partners and make sure that the outcome of the training program must match with the expected outcome (Varekanp and Van Dijk, 2010).
Outline matrix is actually a competency in the hands of HR through which it can measure the success rate of the organization with the help of measuring the values, objectives complication and the proper utilization of the available resource. HR outline matrix gives a valid proof in the form of data with the help of analytics, which HR can use as an opportunity for the further growth of the organization. One of the important points of outline matrix is that it actually aligning the change process with the organizational goal through organizational performance.
Ulrich and Brockbank’s HR perspective is that if HR persons have to maintain themselves with the changing conditions of business, they must possess some unique quality because HR persons who were successful in their old time would not be impactful today. The unique quality which every HR person should carry with them is the values, Knowledge, and abilities of Human resources. HR person which possess these qualities will be more successful as compared to other and will be able to engage more employees and create wealth for shareholders. It is to be believed that HR persons have to play new roles along with new responsibilities and these new roles should be updated time wise or according to the consideration of present and predicted future situations (Ulrich and Brockbank, 2007). As the world is moving towards numbers so HR also has to follow up with the new trend of analytics framework which is also known as HR analytics. HR analytics is actually the combination of logical and statics. Previously it was believed that HR analytics is all about statistics as it is related to the number but all these myths were cleared and its logical reasoning came into existence. Although applying HR analytics in present time is not easy because it requires a lot of investment due to its data mining connections or we can say automation in gathering data. With the help of HR analytics, the organization will not only able to improve its present but will able to get a lead over the other organization in the same market.
The Role of Change Agents in Organisational Behaviour
Single-loop and double-loop are actually learning models. Single loop learning impacts on changing the tactics without inquiring the original goals or expectations. It modifies the act of persons, organizations, and group according to the variance between predictable and reached outcomes. It supports to resistor individual performance within current decision-making procedures, delivers short-term answers to operation problem and deals with indications more than origin causes (Tagg, 2010)
Double-loop learning impacts on goals and expectations; one inquiry into the procreative mechanisms of problems, their fundamental causes, and their significances. This direct to changes in strategy and to improve mid and long-term development corrections in response to background changes. It actually forces to think about the act in the outline of our working supposition. Things should be considered what is happening here and what kind of pattern is this. This information will help in understanding the pattern (Clow, 2012).
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