Analyzing The National Mental Health Policy 2008 Using The Social Policy Framework
Socio-Political Context of National Mental Health Policy 2008
Discuss about the National Mental Health Policy Analysis for SPCC.
In order to have an effective understanding of any policy and its success taking into consideration framework for analysis may turn out to be effective. It helps in gaining an in depth understanding of the alignment of chosen policy with aims and the extent to which it has been successful.
Considering the above made discussion, the present assignment would focus on analyzing National Mental health policy 2008 that would be analyzed with the help of Framework for analyzing the effect of social policy which has been provided by Social Policy in a Cold Climate (SPCC) (sticerd, 2012). In the process of this analysis, the socio-political context of the policy development and the implementation of the policy would also be examined.
The steps associated with the analytic chain of the chosen framework are as follows:
[Source: sticerd, 2012]
the main goal associated with National Mental health policy 2008 was promoting mental health and well-being across Australian Community. The policy further aimed at preventing, in cases in which it is possible the increase in mental health issues and illness. The policy had also aimed at minimizing the impact of mental health issues and problems along with eradicating the impact of stigma on families, individuals and communities who are experiencing metal health issues. Promoting the recovery of mental health issues and illness has also been associated with the goals of the chosen policy. It further aimed at ascertaining the rights of individuals suffering from mental health issues. It has also focused on enabling and empowering the individuals suffering from mental health issues for participating and makes meaningful contribution in the society.
In context to formulation of the policies associated with National Mental health policy 2008, the underlying essence of socio-political context is clearly visible. It can be clearly observed with the help of the fact that at the background for the formulation of policy, it recognizes the reality of the situation wherein it is seen to acknowledge the fact that most individuals would be impacted directly or indirectly at certain point of their life with mental illness. It clearly reflects the fact that the social context associated with mental health issues have been addressed under the policy. In addition to that, the fact that mental illness is a common social and health issues with 45% of the Australian population experiencing the issue at some point of their life and 3% of the population experiencing the issue at a severe level that results in impacting the carers, families along with having major impact on the Australian community can be seen to be well addressed in the policy (health, 2009). The political context associated with the policy can be clearly observed with the help of the fact that on consideration of the social context associated with mental health and issues within the community, resulted in revision of National Mental Health Policy. It is with the help of the revision which resulted in revision of Mental Health Policy wherein it demonstrates renewed commitment on the part of all Ministers and Health Ministers for enhanced mental health system with in the nation (medibank, 2012). Thus on taking into consideration, the social aspect associated with mental illness in Australia, it can be clearly observed that political aspects associated with the condition got revised to meet the social needs.
Analysis of Enacted Policy and Alignment with Policy Aims
For the purpose of analyzing the chosen policy it is also needed to evaluate the alignment between the enacted policy and the policy aims. In this context if the aim of the policy to include the carers/service uses in formulation and review of the policy is analyzed as compared to enacted policy it may be observed that the policy has been successful to a great extent in formalizing the inclusion of carers and service users in working committees. This clearly establishes the effectives of the policy in meeting the specified aim to great extent where in formalized participation got enhanced (Bickman, 2008). This establishes the success of the policy to be in alignment with the objective of the policy and exact the needed policies to meet the goals of the policy. The policy had also aimed at mainstreaming mental health service management. In this context if the enacted policy is analyzed it can be clearly noticed that mental health has been merged into mainstream health management. It is with the help of the enacted policy that resulted in mainstreaming management arrangement which got adopted across all jurisdictions. The effectiveness of the enacted policy in substantively meeting the mentioned goal of the policy can be noticed with the help of the fact. In context to the goal of enhancing the accessibility to community crisis services, the increase in ambulatory workforce establishes the effectiveness of the enacted policy in meeting the mentioned goal of the study (Morgan et al., 2011). The policy had also aimed at minimizing discrimination and stigmatization experienced by mental health services users. Reviewing the anti-discrimination legislation establishes the success of the policy in subsequently meeting the goals of the policy.
Basing on the above made discussion it may be stated that National Mental health policy 2008 embeds totality of the governmental approach to the nation’s Mental Health Strategy. The underlying reason being the acknowledgement of socio-political context associated with mental health across the nation (Bickman, 2008).
Under the aspect of resources, the resources that have been mobilized on the part of the government in order to achieve the goals associated with a policy gets analyzed. Followed by the formulation of the policy it may be observed that in the period of 2008-09 the government has made a total national recurrent expenditure of $5.8 billion associated with all the mental health services during this phase across the nation. Within this total amount of expenditure of $5.8 billion, 59.3% i.e. $ 3.5 billion was received from state and territory governments. The other remaining 36.7% i.e. $2.2 billion was received from Australian government and the remaining 4.0% i.e. $234 million was received from private health insurance funds. It is worth mentioning here that as compared to 2004-05 with 2008-09 the total expenditure associated with mental health services on the part of territory and state governments increased with an average annual rate of 6.1% [adjusted for inflation] (aihw, 2010). On making the same comparison for Australian government it may be observed that the annual rate of increase on the part of the government was 7.5% [adjusted for inflation]. Thus the total expenditure associated with mental health services which in 2005 were $225/ Australian that increased to $272/Australian in 2008-09. It equates to average annual increase to mental health services at the rate of 4.8%. The above made discussion clearly reflects the fact that followed by formulation of National Mental health policy 2008 significant increase in the expenditure on the part of the state as well as central government can be clearly observed which demonstrates the effort on the part of the government towards achievement of the set aims and goals in National Mental health policy 2008.
Resources and Inputs to Meet the Goals of the Policy
In terms of funding it may be observed that most of the funding for territory and state i.e. 94.1% or 3.4 billion specialized mental health services. In this context it may be observed that this funding was from state or territory governments during the period of 2008-09. On the part of the Australian government an increased 4.0% i.e. $145 million was provided to the state and territories. Additional 1.9% i.e. $ 67 million was also received on the part of the territories and state from patients and other revenues and recoveries (aihw, 2010). Thus, the above made discussion, reflect the increased expenditure and funding on the part of the government for mental health services followed by formulation of National Mental health policy 2008. This helps in establishment of the fact that constant effort has been given on the part of the government in order to address and met the set criteria of National Mental health policy 2008.
One of the mentionable inputs that has been provided on the part of the government for successfully addressing the goals of National Mental health policy 2008 is providing the care users with connected care system. These connected care systems provided care users with mental health issues with care users focused and recovery oriented care services. This acts as a contributing factor in providing within support to care users in ascertaining involvement and engagement of participant and community to their complete potential (Groom, Hickie, & Davenport, 2007). This also acts as a contributing factor in identifying the attention for prevention, promotion and early intervention in their life span that would turn out to be beneficial for community in large. In this regards it can be mentioned here that the policy also provides the community with the needed services associated with early intervention and prevention of such condition. In order to achieve the set goal for this policy, under this policy inputs associated with training can also be seen to be provided to the care users (Slade, Teesson, & Burgess, 2009). To get in depth of the mater, under the services provided in National Mental health policy 2008 focus is given on ascertaining that individuals with mental health issues have access to vocational training program along with peer support. Thus the policy can be seen to emphasize on vocational training program for empowering the care users. It also highlights on providing the care providers and professionals with needed training so that they may provide the care users with quality care services. In terms of workforce or labor the policy is also seen to highlight on employment support so that quality care providers get recruited there by providing the care users with quality care services. Apart from hat, different financial and funding input has also been made on the part of the government which has been specified in the resource portion. Thus there are various impute may be seen to be made on the part of the government in order to successfully address the aims or goals of the policy.
Followed by the formulation of the policy and the input given for the achievement of the goals the policy provides with certain output which is also needed to be analyzed. One of the mentionable output of the policy is to provide the care users along with the community in large in having an enhanced understanding of the significance and role of mental wellbeing and identifying the effect of mental illness. The underlying reason being the enhanced services and community attitudes and understanding with the help of national stigma reduction strategy. Another mentionable output of the policy is keeping the members of the society well-prepared for seeking help in order to provide support for intervention and recurrence of the symptoms associated with mental illness (Grace et al., 2017).. It is also seen to result in enhanced access to needed and appropriate care which helps in minimizing the relapse rate associated with such condition. Another mentionable output of the policy is providing the community with enhanced accessibility on service delivery and outcome on a local or regional basis. Other than that, the policy has also resulted in making informed judgments regarding mental health reform. Thus, there are different outputs associated with the policy which has been discussed the underlying reason behind which being the effective input in the policy.
There exist two different opinion regards the outcomes of the policy. On side of the argument states that, it is the outcome of the policy which has resulted in providing the care users ad carers with increased accessibility to information, collaborative functioning of service providers and government for providing the care users with effective care services, enhanced understanding of the community regarding mental illness and problems and enhanced outcomes in employment, housing, income, on the part of the community (health, 2014). However, another side of the argument states that the outcome of the policy has not been a success. In this regards it has been stated that no clear reasoning associated with the reason of dedicating to early intervention and promoting prevention, $ 483.9 million approximately of which in 2006-11 National Action planning no significant expenditure was done establishes this fact (Cresswell, 2012).
Thus in the conclusion it may be stated that National Mental health policy 2008 has played an integral role in enhancing communities understanding of mental health and issues. In this regards, though the fact that no significant expenditure on mental health services were done during 2006-11 national action planning, out of the funding of $483.9 million is needed to be considered, this cannot take away the significant role of the policy in minimizing stigma associated with such conditions along with increased the level of awareness among the community.
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