The Positive And Negative Impact Of Automation On Hospitality And Tourism Industries

Applications of Automation Technology

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Automation is a type of technology which is used to perform any task without human assistance. In another word, it is an application of innovation or technology which is used to control and monitor the production. There are many applications of automation such as tourism technology, robotics, hospitality automation, and. Automation and advanced technologies play an important role to develop hospitality, and tourism industries (Hotel executive, 2015). There are many applications of automation in the tourism industry such as online advertising, informative website, online booking system, and data transfer. Robotics is an advanced automation technology which is used in many hospitals and industries. According to the applications of automation, computer technology can be dividing into three areas such as operational, management, and services. There are many applications of automation in hotels, and hospitals such as an automatic door, motion detection, and automatic assign rooms, robots to transfer information, and mobile communication. This paper is explaining the positive and negative impact of automation on the hospitality and tourism industries. Many industries are using IoT technology to improve services and productivity of the operation.  Advanced technology for industries creates an efficient environment between customers and industry partners and increase the quality of services (, 2018).

The term automation was described in 1946 to improved use of automatic systems, devices, and controllers. Generally, automation is used in manufacturing but it is also applicable to different types of system that consist of electrical, electronics and mechanical components. It is defined as an innovation that performs a process in terms of commands, and a feedback control system. The main advantage of automation is that it can be operated or perform without human interference. The term automation evolved from mechanization, which is a replacement of human energy with mechanical power (Hospitality upgrades, 2014). Automation is a platform where another technology is developed such as robotics, which is a branch of automation that provides automatic devices and machines. There are many advantages of automation such as reduce efforts, improve efficiency, reduce electric cost, saving the cost of materials, and improve the quality of work. There are two types of feedback system such as open loop and closed loop feedback system. In open loop system, feedback from operator does not depend upon the output process. In a closed-loop system, feedback from an operator depends upon the output process (Research gate, 2017). The advanced automation technologies are using closed loop feedback system for aircraft, and communication industries. There are main three elements of automation such as power source, machine programming, and feedback control system. There are many types of power sources available in the market but generally, electric source is used in the automation industry. The main advantage of an electric source is that it can be easily produced from other energy sources such as solar, a hydroelectric system, fossil fuel source, and nuclear energy source. There are two types of activities performed by the automation industry such as processing and data transfer system. In the processing action energy source is applied to different processing operations such as shaping of an object, and sweeping of data in a digital system. The transfer system is used in automation manufacturing industry to perform work or task on a product. In this action product or data transferred from one location to another location using processing steps. In the automation industry term, a transfer is used to move data or signal from one state to another state using some processing steps and provide proper information or data at the receiver (Mayer, 2008). The feedback system is used in advanced automation technology, in which some part of output signal feedback to the input signal. In the closed-loop system feedback controlling is used and there are five components of feedback system such as an input signal, an output signal, controller, sensing elements, and mixer. Machine programming is a main part of automation that provides a platform to perform any task. Programming instructions are correlated to the feedback system (Conferinta, 2015).

Advantages of Automation Technology

Technology is the main part to develop the hospitality and tourism industries, advanced software’s, and automatic devices improve the quality and efficiency of tourism industries. Automation is an advanced technology that provides many benefits to users or customers of any tourism industry such as order food, online booking, e-commerce, data communication, check-in and check-out system for users, and automatic assign rooms. There are many advantages of automation and information technology such as improve productivity, reduce time, increase services, reduce human errors, reduces queues at reception, and improve communication system for customers (Munir, Kansakar, and Khan, 2017). Automation and mobile technologies play important role in tourism industry such as customers can search or book a ticket online with the help of e-commerce, order food online, and automatic assigning room in hotels. There are some negative impact of automation and information technologies on hotels, and hospitals such as the use of online payment method in a wrong economic transaction, rating from social websites, data hacking, and lack of security in hospitals and hotels. In hospitality automation can improve the efficiency of the process, various hotels and hospitals create pages to interact with customers. Automation has helped to reduce time, cost, and improve productivity, increase services and efficiency. Through this technology, both customers and owners of hotels can take benefit from a reservation, communication system, and service system. Using of mobile communication, computer system, internet connection, automation, and software in hotels are not for improving services but also a part of survival in the society (Mohanty, Choppali, and Kougianos, 2016). The main advantage of automation in the tourism industry is that it reduces human efforts, and replace humans with robots. The impact of automation on the hospitality and tourism industries is that all customers can compare the information about them through the internet. There are many advantages of automation in the hospitality and tourism industry such as reduce time, immediate response, reduce cost, provide self-service, and reduce human efforts. Automation improves productivity that means it increases production rate and reduces human efforts. Many companies and industries use automation technology and computer systems, therefore it reduces jobs for workers (Adelson., 2016). There are some drawbacks of automation technology such as less versatility, required a large investment, reduce jobs for workers, and high maintenance cost. Robotics is a part of automation technology which is used by many industries to improve efficiency and productivity. Automation system contains many sensors that detect motions, and when a customer entered a room than it activates lights and control temperature of a room. The internet of things is an advanced technology for industries and it is a part of automation technology. There are many technologies used in automation such as cloud computing, IoT, mobile communication, and machine learning (Lee, and Cheng, 2018).

Disadvantages of Automation Technology

According to the research, automation is increasing day by day through which the future of human workers reduced. Many workers are affected by automation and many industries are using automation to improve the quality and efficiency of operation. However, automation could impact on humans in positive ways such as reduce human efforts, low cost, more efficient and improve services. People things that automation or robots are a strong part of any industry but the main difference is that robots are machines they can improve productivity and workers are the ones who utilize these machine in the best way to increase the quality of any product. In automation technology, robots can detect problems in a certain area according to the code and found a solution to that problem (Hsiao, Chuang, and Huang, 2018). Many hospitality and industries are using robots to handle a difficult task where a human cannot provide efficient output. The negative impact of automation is that unemployment because new technologies are very efficient as compare to workers or employees. In the future of automation, robots can do all things similar to workers or employees. According to Stephen Hawking, automation is the future of artificial intelligence in human history, through which many industries and hospitality can develop productivity of the operation. But the main disadvantage of this development is that it reduced jobs for workers.  The automation can transfer a high quantity of visions to workers, human generate new ideas, and develop new technology to reduce human efforts. Automation technology provides a high quality of production in the tourism industry, handle more tasks at a time, can work 24 hours a day, and improve the flexibility of work. There are many drawbacks of automation and information technology such as system errors, complex to implement, required training system for workers, increase the rate of unemployment, and reduce traditional skills (Wang, So, and Sparks, 2017). The future of hospitality and tourism industry is that use of advanced automation technology such as internet of things. IoT is a part of a communication system that provides direct and indirect communication between customers and industries. There are many tourism industries that are using automation in a different way such as room technologies, automatic door system, order food online, and mobile communication system. Many tourism industries are developing their productivity by using automation technology, through which they reduce security by sharing data from user’s profiles. Hospitality provides high-level services for customers but it is necessary to detect customer’s behavior and location (Hotel online, 2016). Hacking system is a big problem for the tourism industry; there are many online websites that provide training for hacking. To protect data or information from customers, many industries are using advanced security system which is based on automation technology. In the development of robotics and automation, robots can perform many tasks at a time without considering any employee or worker (Ukpabi, and Karjaluoto, 2017). 

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Impact of Automation on Hospitality and Tourism Industries

According to the above research, the automation technology plays an important role in the development of hospitality and tourism industries. Many industries and companies are using new automation technology such as IoT, communication system to develop productivity, quality of operation. The effect of automation on society and industries are very critical, it reduces jobs for employees, and lack of security. Many hotels use advanced technology to improve services by sharing details on user’s profile through which they reduced the security of information. Many hospitalities and tourism industries improve their services by using modern technologies; in this paper, some of them are discussed. This paper identified the positive and negative impact of automation technology on hospitality, and tourism industries. The most negative impact of this technology is that it reduces job for employees. Many industries are using robots to reduce human errors, and improve the efficiency of work but the use of robots in industry reduces the number of employees. The future technology for tourism industries is a geo-transferred system which is capable to track the location and provide services online to customers. 


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