Impact Of Social Media On Entertainment Industry: Music, Films And Television
Social Media’s Impact on Entertainment Industry
Impact Of Social Media On Entertainment Industry
Social media has changed the framework of the entertainment industry. The mode of entertainment is technology oriented and people are attracted by the technologies in a dynamic way. There are many issues that sector of government health and safety has noticed due to the excessive use of this social media and the broadcasting advancement of this, that the percentage of the affecting situation is not so huge that can make a drastic change in social platform. Social sites also influence the positive posts rather than the negative ones and their post deliverance medium may be in music, TV shows, and movies or in video games. 82% music networking and 76% networking by television and 75% from the movies determine the broad way of entertainment process (Khan, Swar and Lee, 2014). 56% social networkers say that there are some sites, which are important to make decision-related to entertainment. On the contradiction, 44% of social networkers do not believe this thought. The mode of multitasking practice in social media has noticed in several times in section and that impacted a huge opportunity for people to move their entertainment in both the ways. 24% Facebook user use their Facebook at the time of watching anything and the same situation is persisted for the Twitter user also. 21% people are in multitasking mode and enjoy the movie or match with the essence of Twitter (Schein, Wilson and Keelan, 2011).
Hence, Social media is related to all the aspect of building the nature of entertainment and push them at the advance transformation where broadcasting content and entertainment experience will be seen in a different format. In this report, an in-depth analysis of social networking process has discussed and also urge about the use of practical verbal communication is analyzed in this report.
Social media is the new way of describing the World Wide Web, a particular place where contents are shared in a collaborative way. The use of technology and the creating and retrieving operations are important in that case. Web 2.0 is the productive and involving channel that provides simple information retrieval to interactivity, alliance and interoperability. In case of promotional use, social media is relevant and important to expand the product or service promotion of the company (Kim and Ko, 2012). Internet-based application and a user-generated controlling device is the best way that delivers the better way of promotion. In form of an interchangeable way in social media, social networking sites are important to promote the products in social media. Consumer loves the technology and uses their tools for achieving their product or services to the target market. Influence of television and movies and innovative programs are important for that session.
Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media on Entertainment
Actual communication like interacting with family or face to face communication is important in case of making proper bonding with the family. Virtual communication can make an interaction with whom those are staying far from family, but in case of better sharing and collective mannerism, actual communication is important. As commented by Bertot, Jaeger and Hansen (2012), Lack of communication in the household may be caused by the social networking sites. People are engaged with the social sites in an effective manner and their actual life has finished. In form of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, snap chat the available options are huge for people and they use this communication process for the virtual development of interaction.
Lots of impactful situation are prompted by the entertainment choice and social media work as the connective linkage between them. 79% of television viewers are visited in Facebook and multi-tasking mode is going on. The sharing of content and engaging their mood with the choice of deliverable channel is highlighted in that sector. As opined by Hutter et al., (2013), sharing operation in Facebook and visit a view on the match, broadcast in television is the major process of doing these jobs at the same time and attachment of the person with both social perspectives is considered in this case. 83% people are surfing their web while listening music and hat determine the importance of both the sectional view and their choice of having those sections. Television is the architect of virtual reality and entertainment is the word that related to all the programs broadcasted on television. There are different types of entertainment program and watching television to acquire this entertainment is the right way to relax the mind and freshen up for the new project.
Programs |
Percentage |
Comedy |
56% |
Reality shows |
45% |
Cable News |
27% |
Sports |
39% |
Table 1: Types of Shows
(Source: Bolton et al., 2013)
Digital influence in social media is important and viewers have changed behavior for that reason. Majority of the people love to laugh, so comedy shows, films and all other comedy programs are mostly viewed by the people. On the other hand, Oh and Park (2012), reality shows grab the attention of employees; in that case, some of the people are attracted by the aspect as well. The game is one genre that basically loved by the sports-loving men and women. To watch the entire play they need a lot of time, so the percentage has decreased as entire play is not watchable in every time. Segmenting channels and entertainment device for people in important in that case and the process justifies the people attention towards the entertainment. Some of the statistics are important in that case to understand the situation of the entertainment aspect and choice of people. Most of the people are on the live program share the incident and the percentage of the number of people is 76%, who post their live content and expressing that they are watching the live streaming and 51% of people feel connected with others when they are watching their television (Leung et al., 2013).
Influence of Social Media on Decision Making and Multitasking
The range of social media is upgrading in that much manner 76% of business are using this social media for the development of their networking in business. Among them, 11% of organizations are using the social media for more than four years and 9% are using less than one year. The marketing advertisement and revenue generating cases are enhancing in that case when the media marketing is enhancing the development of business and value of promotion augment the process (Leung, Bai and Stahura, 2015). Consumer response is impressive in case of small and medium business and these responses are coming in promotional aspect of social media uses like LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Blogs and other social networking sites.
There are some threats that come up at the crucial moment when important of social media is highlighting in this manner. There are some organization and personal threats as well to understand the situation of social media. There is the low barrier for new opportunities and social media can create legal risk for the organization as well. It is hard to measure the results and in that case, new layers of opportunity will come for the new entrants in business. It is hard to control the brand image of the company. In most of the cases, social sites very informative about the company to handle their brand image are important (Hudson et al., 2015). Visiting social networking and endless entertainment from television programs are the main aspect of social media attraction. The activities are related to the new generation interaction and engagement of people mindset with the radio, television, internet or such other devices.
The new generation is very much focused on the technological appliances and that is the reason profound multitasking works are processed by the viewer. Television, music from any devices and movies are the three concerning genres that are highlighted in this section and these social media users are the main motive in this case.
In television, 60% of the people watch movies and rest of the people are gone for the silver screen. 11% people are acknowledged that they used to go to the theatre when the networking system for downloading the movie does not happen (De Vries, Gensler and Leeflang, 2012). Effects that can be drawn from the multitasking arena are related with the all sorts of social media platforms at the same time. The impact of television is important, as three out of ten people are watching television just to see or read the news that comes from the social networking sites. Sharing any news has got from the television and made conflict and controversy over the news is the best part of social networking sites. 72% people are criticizing their personal platform about a recent movie (Ashley and Tuten, 2015). The entertainment process is impression over the situation is important in that case as these are the situations evaluate the person and their understanding of the social networking.
Importance of Social Media Networking for Small and Medium Businesses
Music is one of the ways to relax the situation for listeners and to state as a mode of entertainment. Artist based music and songs available in social networking sites are also important in that case. Some of the applications have this kind of facility where people can interact when they enjoy music. The positive influence of music, as well as the posting their support to the artist or the song on Facebook and Twitter, is important in that section. 82% people are influenced by music and that is the reason positive entertainment respond has come from the listener’s side.
In case of movies marketing and entertainment, the balance in shared experience and significant impact of movies are the right aspects to judge the interest of mass people. In case of the movie-going decision, trailers are the most affecting factor that pulls some number of audiences. The protagonist character of the movie may increase the percentage of people. 40% of the viewers are making their decision by seeing the trailer for the movie, so a significant impact of the trailer is there over the viewers (Leftheriotis and Giannakos, 2014). Promotion on the television, web and another social networking channel also pull 20% of the audience. 9% audience will come after the review of the movie and 18% people believe the view of real-world people; those have already seen the movie. So, the attachments with the entertainment are different but the influencing decision to see the movie is there and that impacted on the big screen entertainment that people want from this theatre.
Figure 1: Social Media model
(Source: Proposed by the Author)
Social connectivity is related to the consumer behavior. The behavior is related to the entertainment factor and proposed the choice of the entertainment that delivered to the consumers. In simple words, viewers like to see what they want, if this process can be cherished and fulfilled by the organizers then the entire situation supports the customers’ to be in satisfied form. In case of movies and theatre social involvement has happened and on that time communication and interaction is the huge process of understanding the taste of the customer and delivers the performance related deliverance to the audiences (Turri, Smith and Kemp, 2013). In case of information attainment, social media can be used as the form of positive knowledge gathering, however, all these terms are signified as under the belt of entertainment. Another model of social media also states the same issue of people understanding.
Figure 2: The Social Staircase Model
(Source: Turri, Smith and Kemp, 2013)
At the initial stage strategy to support the entertainment process and if the entertainment process is getable then the value presence situation for the targeting audience has applied in the section. After the target audience has set, communication or the promotional tools need to be used to the brand value of the section justified and persisted (Leung, Bai and Stahura, 2015). After the process, initiate the conversation and set of viral social spiral and intervene the process of content deliverance for the mass audience happens.
Therefore, the report can be concluded that all the social media performances are impactful and that influence over the entertainment process of people. In case of movies, music the thing are quite similar as they deliver satisfaction and make them updated with the social platform as well. In case of television, the prospect is even bigger and product or services can reach to huge amount of people at one time and through this process factor of other social networking is simultaneously going on. Facebook, Twitter and all other social media platforms there to entertain people as the technological upgradation in this modern world is significant and relevant in all cases.
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