Ecological Relations And Political Factors In Agricultural Development
The Impact of Decline in Agricultural Returns
Discuss about the Political Science and Factors Overpopulation.
The lectures of the second week were focused majorly on the areas that pertain to the wherein the ecological relations might fit in with the political factors. The experts on this issue have put forth the viewpoint that the decline in the agricultural returns might lead to the conditions wherein the agricultural demands might exceed the supply that is being supported by the growers and the farmers. This might lead to the overpopulation that might face conditions like starving. The activities that refer to the feeding of the total population of the world might pose to be a huge challenge for the community that is responsible for the dealing with the issues that are related to providing food to the concerned sections of the world population. The course has helped me to learn the fact that the life of the peasants lacks dynamics and is hugely static in nature. The course has helped in the understanding of the fact that there exists a number of barriers in the matters that pertain to the matters that deal with the ecological problems that might affect the environment. These might refer to the theoretical ideas that relate to the ways in which the nature and the natural habitats of a region might affect the agricultural aspects of the area. The course has helped me to acknowledge the fact that the interference of science in the relationship between nature and mankind might lead to the conditions of a deepened dehumanization within the social structure.
This part of my course dealt with the economic development and the class structure that existed in Europe prior to the industrial era. The concerned article that was used within the materials for the course refers to the dealt with the class structure and majorly the two different aspects of concept that are unified in the historical aspects while being different in the analytical sense of the concept. The course has further helped me to understand the fact that the economic building of the social structure of the country are dependent on the structure that is followed by the concerned society in the matters that pertain to the relations that are maintained by the various classes that are present within the concerned society, and the power relations that exist among the various classes that are present within the society. These factors tend to put froth an analysis of the ways in which the concerned society might be affected by the changes in the commercial matter as well as the demographical matters that are prevalent within the society. The studies on the socio-economic changes that have taken place within the medieval Europe. The demographical model that had been put across in the course has helped me to gain knowledge on the matters that deal with the relationship that exist within the various classes that had been present within the then society. The course has helped me to learn about the class structure and the development of the economy in the agrarian society.
Barriers in Ecological Problems
This part of the course dealt with the societal advancements from the viewpoint of the industrialization of the agricultural aspects and the matters that deal with the matters that pertain to the food that were available to the residents of the society. The readings also helped me to gain knowledge on the inequality that was prevalent within the ecological exchanges that were present within the then society. The ecological exchanges were related to the shift that had occurred from the mercantilism. This shift led to the conditions wherein Britain became the major gateway for the integration of the industrial capital into the global market and thereby facilitated the reorganization of the global economy on the political grounds. The course also helped me to gain more insight into the factors that pertain to the ecological footprint of the measures that were needed for the production of the consumer goods. The unit further helped me in understanding the fact that the foundations of the industrialization of the agriculture and the food industry has stemmed from the openness of the markets and the construction of an internationally acclaimed method of labor that had been present within all the operative markets of Britain. The other factors that were responsible for the afore-mentioned advancements are related to the colonial expansions that were maintained by Britain. The course has also helped me to maintain the matters that competition that has been existent among the traders in the capturing of the export markets that were present in the then society.
The unit that of the concerned week had helped me to learn about the ways in which the surpluses of the US food industry were implemented in order to build the concerned states that were in the need of the development. The unit has further helped me to strengthen my knowledge on the facts that were related to the sustainability of the developmental practices that helped in meeting the then needs of the society while looking out for the needs of the future generations of the then society. The major source of these practices was related to the erosion of the naturally available base of resources. The unit further helped me know about the fact that the poverty was one of the major causes as well as the effect of the multitude of environmental problems that existed within the country. The sustainable development might be referred to as one of the mainstream discourses in the field of political studies that exists within the global economy and politics. The unit in discussion has further helped me in the matters that are related to the concept of the theories on the modernization of the ecology of the world. The Ecological Modernization Theory majorly throws light on the contributions that might contribute in a positive manner to the mitigation of the degradation of the environment with the help of the changes in the technological aspects and the enhancement of the efficiencies. The unit also assisted in the knowledge on the fact that the economic developments have impacts on the environment that increase in the initial days and decrease with the course of time.
Economic Development and Social Class Structure
The unit that had been discussed in this week relates to the political authorities that are related to the environmental issues that were present in the recent society. This unit of the course throws light in the present conditions of the environment that is prevalent in the Australian society. The unit helps the concerned readers to reflect on the matters that are related to the co-existence of the natural aspects within the territories of the state of Australia and the technological advancements that are followed by the various members of the Australian society. The concerned unknit also sheds light on the matters that are related to the various theories that pertain to the social movements that were present during the recent times within the society. The unit has helped in the matters that pertain to the sociological responses that might be put forth against the concept of environmentalism that exists within the society. The unit has also helped me in gaining knowledge on the fact that the relational approaches might help in the exploration of the ways and manners that are implemented through the localized practices that are related to the networking activities that are practiced through the various social movements that are implemented in the matters related to the theories of environmentalism. The unit further increases the credibility and rationality of the uses of the chemical ingredients over the use of the natural ones.
The unit of the seventh week related to the relationships that exists within the political communications, the regulations and the political market that is present and active within the Australian territories. This unit discusses the impact on the environmental matters and the political factors. This unit helped me to realize the relationship that exists between the sustainable development of the country and the energy sources that are active within the country. The study on this unit has helped me to understand the differences that exist between the concepts of the security factors that are existent within the territory. The unit further throws light on the factor that deals with the energy poverty or the factor that deals with the inability of the household that deals with the inability of the concerned family in order to secure a certain level as well as the quality of the energy services that might prove to be sufficient in the dealings with the various needs that pertain to the materialistic as well as the static nature of the concerned needs. The unit further throws further light on the type of fuel that is present in the Australian markets and are popular within the society of Australia. This unit has helped me in the matters that deal with the present status of the sources of energy that have been in use in the Australian society. The unit helps to focus on the alternatives of the primary energy sources that are present within the Australian society.
Industrialization of Agriculture and Ecological Exchanges
The unit that has been put forth for consideration deals with a case study that is based on the various types of natural gases that are present as well as widely used in the Australian society. The materials that were studied in this unit deals with a case study on the coal seam gas that is being used within the territories of Australia. The Coal Seam Gas or the CSG is an unconventional gas. The unconventional gases might refer to those gases that might need the employment of the advanced methods of production that are implemented in the production of the natural gas. The production of the Coal Seam Gas or the CSG might involve the method of fracking. The fracking method refers to the methods related to the fracturing of the layers coal that is found below the surface of the earth. The process of fracking deals with the creation of wells that are used to collect the natural gas that is formed due to the high temperature below the earth surface. The study of the unit has helped me to gain knowledge on the fact that though the creation of the wells and the establishment of the system do not take up much time, the wells are capable of producing a huge amount of Coal Seam Gas or the CSG that might last for years. This unit has helped me to gain knowledge on the various alternative energy sources that might be utilized in the future.
The study materials of this unit cover the issues that pertain to the acceptance of the genetically modified crops among the residents of the society who dwell below the poverty lines. The acceptance of the genetically modified cotton in the Makhathini Flats area of South Africa has resulted in the conditions wherein the advocates of the production of genetically modified crops could back the fact that the field of agricultural biotechnology might prove to be beneficial for the farmers who own smaller holdings. The acceptance of the genetically modified cotton was further used by these advocates in order to inspire the farmers residing in the other parts of the continent to follow the concerned technique in the production of the crops. The adoption of the genetically modified cotton has helped in the matters that dealt with the access of the concerned farmers to the varied amounts of credits and the markets wherein the products might be sold to the concerned clientele. This has helped me to gather knowledge on the benefits of the interventions of technology on the matters that pertain to the agriculture. The genetical modifications on the various crops might help in the conditions that pertain to the economic contracts that are based majorly on the political and the social aspects that are involved in the matters that pertain to the needs and the demands of the crops in the concerned area. The political economy that is gained from the agricultural biotechnology also helps in the improvement of the social conditions of the residents of the area.