Best Therapeutic Treatments For Depression And Anxiety In Australia

Research Objectives and Questions

Discuss about the Successful Therapies for Working with People those Experiencing Anxiety and/or Depression.

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Depression or anxiety among people is observed to be a mental condition that is characterized by drastic feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy that is accompanied by absence of energy and interest in life (Alston & Bowles, 1998). There are several therapies available in treating depression related with poor academic achievement, social dysfunction and depressive disorder. Certain effective therapies are observed to be present in treating depression and anxiety in people that include cognitive behavioral therapy, antidepressants and e-therapies. These are the range of treatments and health professionals to support people dealing with anxiety so that they get rid of symptoms. This is observed to accomplish through getting regular exercises and self help strategies (Amen, 2015).

The rationale of this research is to analyze the best therapy for treating patients experiencing depression or anxiety in Australia. The research will focus on explaining the therapies or treatment that can be offered based on the condition, circumstances, needs and preferences of the patients dealing with depression or anxiety (Pennant et al., 2015). The current study also has helpful implications in explaining the ways in which most patients experiencing depression or anxiety attain advantages from lifestyle changes, social support, psychological and medical therapies. The short and long term effects related with symptoms of depression will also be analyzed. The research outcome will have significance in explaining various types of therapies or treatments for depression and anxiety experienced by Australian people.

The aim set for this research is to analyses the successful therapies for the people those deal with anxiety or depression. The objectives set in this research are explained under:

  • To analyze the successful therapies in treating people with anxiety or depression
  • To analyze the possible causes of anxiety or depression among Australian people
  • To evaluate the new therapies that can be implemented in treating people with depression or anxiety

The research questions that are to be answered through the completion of this research are explained under:

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  • What are the successful therapies in treating people with anxiety or depression?
  • What are the possible causes of anxiety or depression among Australian people?
  • What are the new therapies that can be implemented in treating people with depression or anxiety?

Sampling Procedure

Process of simple random sampling is used in the research on successful therapies for people dealing with depression and anxiety (Beck, Davis & Freeman, 2015). This sampling process is used in this study for the reason that in this technique there is equal chance for all the respondents to get selected in the process of survey. This sampling technique will be used in this research for the reason that the research will use quantitative data analysis technique and it is the best suitable sampling method in gathering suitable group of respondents. The selected sample for this research will be 51 patients undergoing treatment for anxiety or depression those are the residents of Australia.

Data Collection Procedure


Qualitative as well as quantitative data collection method will be employed in analyzing the best suitable therapies in treating anxiety and depression faced by Australian population. In carrying out qualitative research exploratory research will be carried out (Idusohan?Moizer, Sawicka, Dendle, & Albany, 2015). This method is deemed to be suitable for this research for the cause that it supports realizing the related reasons, opinions and the motivations in providing insight on issues related with people facing depression and anxiety and related therapies to deal with them. Qualitative data collection will center on collecting data through focus groups, observations and surveys. Primary or quantitative data collection will be done through questionnaire survey method that will include questions regarding their therapy use in treating their depression or anxiety issues (Kumar, 1996).

Research Instrument

Questionnaire research instrument will be employed in understanding the therapies those are successful in treating people experiencing anxiety or depression within Australia. This research instrument is employed for the reason that it can facilitate in attaining reliable as well as patient data regarding the success and failure of various therapies on controlling anxiety or depression (Payne, 2014). The questionnaire will have both the open and close ended questions and will have questions in three segments. The first segment of the questionnaire will have demographic profile based questions for the patients, second section will have the types of depression or anxiety faced by people and the third section will have questions regarding different therapies that are used in treating such conditions. This can facilitate in gathering viewpoints from respondents on the best suitable therapies to treat depressive or anxiety conditions.

Data Analysis Process

The data that is gathered from employing the data collection process will be analyzed through employing suitable statistical tools and procedures (Pennant et al., 2015). Correlation and regression analysis will be carried out in attaining suitable answers for the research questions. This will also facilitate in reviewing and analyzing the viewpoints that are gathered from the patients experiencing depression or anxiety. MS Excel application will be employed in data analysis as it is observed to offer highly reliable findings. The findings gathered will be analyzed through representation of results in graphs and in table format. This statistical tool can also facilitate in analyzing the relationship between proper therapy implementation and feeling on depression or anxiety of people (Walter, 2013).

In attaining suitable research outcomes, the researcher attempts to follow suitable code of conduct in carrying out tasks in an ethical manner. The secondary data has been gathered ethically from numerous valid and reliable sources in order to make sure the trustworthiness of this research (Worden, 2018). Moreover, the researcher has also made sure that this study is the sole work of him. The research has also avoided asking delicate questions to the survey respondents and has taken mutual permission from them in answering survey questions. Identity of the survey participants has also been kept confidential and no such business use centered on research statement has been entertained from the researcher’s side.

The research will have significance in explaining the best suitable therapies for Australian people suffering from depression or anxiety (Beck, Davis & Freeman, 2015). It will also explain the adequate treatments along with anti-depressants based therapies in limiting the persistence of such disease. Though there are several research implications, there are also certain limitations of this study that needs to be dealt with in the future research. As the secondary data has been gathered from the patient’s reports and the data gathered can be out of date that is one of the major limitations of this study (Beck, Davis & Freeman, 2015). Moreover, as the study is just centered on collecting primary data from the patients experiencing anxiety or depression, the relevancy of collected data from the survey might have limitation as the respondents might be biased towards explaining their real anxiety or depressive feelings and might not disclose their real issues based on which successful therapy recommendation can be provided.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Selection of topic and search for justification

Constructing literature

Selecting appropriate methods

Data collection

Data analysis and representation

Reviewing the outcomes

Conclusions and recommendations

Submitting draft of the project

Printing and final submission



Alston, M., & Bowles, W. (1998). Research for Social Workers: An Introduction to Research Methods. Crows Next, NSW: Allen & Unwin 

Amen, D. G. (2015). Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Revised and Expanded): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems. Harmony.

Beck, A. T., Davis, D. D., & Freeman, A. (Eds.). (2015). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Guilford Publications.

Idusohan?Moizer, H., Sawicka, A., Dendle, J., & Albany, M. (2015). Mindfulness?based cognitive therapy for adults with intellectual disabilities: an evaluation of the effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59(2), 93-104.

Kumar, R. (1996). Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners. Melbourne: Longman Australia. 

Payne, M. (2014). Modern Social Work Theory (4th Ed.) Basingstoke UK: Palgrave McMillan 

Pennant, M. E., Loucas, C. E., Whittington, C., Creswell, C., Fonagy, P., Fuggle, P., … & Kendall, T. (2015). Computerised therapies for anxiety and depression in children and young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Behaviour research and therapy, 67, 1-18.

Turner, F.J. (1996). Social Work Treatment (4th Ed). New York: Free Press

Walter, M. (2013). Social Research Methods (3rd Ed.) South Melbourne: Oxford University Press 

Worden, J. W. (2018). Grief counseling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner. springer publishing Company.

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