Leadership Characteristics, Skills, And Methods Of Steve Jobs

Evaluate the leadership characteristics, skills, and knowledge of the business leader

1.Evaluate the leadership characteristics, skills and knowledge of the business leader A leader selected that allowed him or her to lead an organization in today’s economic environment.

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2.How have any past failures influenced his or her current leadership characteristics and skills?

3.When and how did the business leader develop these characteristics and skills? For example, did he or she learn them later in life from formative life experiences, or did he or she always seem to possess leadership qualities?

4.What leadership methods, approaches or concepts does he or she employ in his or her role as a business leader?

1.The leader in Focus is former Chairman, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple Inc. he is presumed to be among the best corporate leaders of all times having led Apple from an insignificant company to the biggest brand in today’s Fortune 500 companies. He was a business magnate and an inventor whose name will always be associated with the success of the company. This is highly attributable to his leadership skills, knowledge and characteristics.  Besides Apple Inc, he had a fair share of success in Pixar and NeXT, some of the other companies he founded and was the chief executive. In short, he was the creator, the leader and developer of the products that have made Apple Inc. the biggest corporate brand in the world (Abraham, 2014). . Steve Jobs had the ability to highlight the essence. The ability to understand the essence of complex ideas and to give them a simple form is the best of all intellectual tests that I know. A leader’s behavior should demonstrate: a few well-weighted words are preferable to an endless stream of eloquence. Ability to generalize. A leader constantly have to analyze the opinions of various experts and use a large arsenal of sources (Anderson & Sun, 2017). The ability to synthesize will be invaluable in a leaders search for truth. Inferences. It is to be hoped that A leader have an acute mind. Hence, a leader should be able to read between the lines, feel the nuances, hear unspoken words and recognize the hidden meaning. Naturally, a leader may have to transmit information in the same way. Intuition. Although it is often considered the opposite of rational thinking, I believe that this is an intellectual reaction to the world around us. I constantly use the term “judgment”, and perhaps judgment is the rational step that follows an intuitive understanding. Over the past few years, much has been written about “emotional intelligence,” which includes intuition. Psychologists describe various types of mental abilities. Steve jobs was a good leader, he was a pioneer and an inventor. In personal life, a leader is able to create strong and good relations with people of different ages and easily communicate with them, it will be very useful in professional interactions and will help to easily cooperate at different levels of the corporate hierarchy. 3. The influence of “Weights” is to a certain extent connected with the influence factor. Nevertheless, an uncovered love of power hardly guarantees a leader stay on top. As the head of the organization, a leader cannot act in isolation, but are part of a system of interests that require reciprocal concessions and a very delicate diplomacy. A leader will have to reckon with shareholders and partners and take into account the interests of even the conflicting parties. A leaders business will be under the close attention of political and fiscal bodies, and a leader will be forced to maintain close relations with international, regional, national or local authorities. These are all good qualities in which (Arnold & Martin Ginis,2015)

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How have any past failures influenced his or her current leadership characteristics and skills?

2.Past failures in Apple Inc. led Steve Jobs to quit on the company and founded other companies like Pixar and NeXT. However, he came back to manage apple and engineered its turn around. 

Tactical leadership

At this stage, jobs had to set tactical goals for the participants of his own group, distributes roles, builds interaction and communication based on his vision of the situation, determines the rules and norms of behavior (Bell & Taylor,2016). An important element at this level is the ability to inspire trust and loyalty with side of the team, as well as the skills of retaining the motivation and structure of the group for a large amount of time. In business at this stage, it is especially important to take into account the basic elements of management: setting the task, the distribution of roles and areas of responsibility, the function of motivation and control. Since the level of team leadership includes internal and situational leadership, it is worth remembering that, especially in critical situations, the team leader must have all the qualities inherent in internal leadership in order to first find support in himself, and also have the capabilities of a situational leader to be able to moments of loss of confidence of the group to restore their leadership status.

Strategic leadership at the level of system or strategic leadership the size of the team increases, the team appears more and more people deeds with claims to leadership of different levels and scales. In this regard, the system leader needs to be able to manage a team consisting of ambitious people with developed leadership potential. And the talent of the leader of this level is to be able to manage such a team without suppressing the ambitions and inclinations of its participants, but developing and supporting them, while maintaining their status (Goleman, 2017). The necessary tools at this level are: setting strategic goals, skills of system thinking, the ability not just to motivate team members, but to inspire them. Thus, the system leader needs to see the development trends of the system, society, culture, the market in which he is included a few steps forward, having a good vision of the situation. And, of course, you need to be a strong personal example, be able to do things, have the charisma to be able to inspire people. When, thanks to his personal strength and charisma, his intellect and system vision, his communicative skills and the ability to inspire, the leader is the legislator of rules and the guide for the entire system in which he is included. Thanks to him, the world in which we live is just that, and does not look any different (DuBois & Kerr, 2015).

When and how did the business leader develop these characteristics and skills?

Steve jobs become assertive due to failure. He was a little bit more cautious in his ability to make decisions. He became the trend setter in the industry. To successfully master a new role, he needed to revise the usual ways of communication and even self-identity. In addition, it was important not to forget about self-observation and self-evaluation in the early stages of developing leadership qualities, since it was only possible to develop leadership qualities in oneself, analyzing their failures and successes.

3.Jobs was born a leader. According to many of the team mates and colleagues he worked with, he always had a plan.  He developed and furthered his skills through the experiences that he had passed through in failures and success within Apple (Javed & Rahim, 2014). A series of losses ate Apple and a dominant competitor were the reasons why jobs was almost quitting on the position. There was also internal factors that were playing part in the failure of the company. Too many boardroom politics gad made the company more of a wrestling ring than a good profitable company. He had to act. However, some of the characteristics and skills have been developed in the later life from formative experiences. Some characteristics included, intellectual skills and problem solving tools to improve his mental toughness. Intellectual readiness for training and humble recognition that a leader do not know much are signs of an intelligent candidate. Within the category of “intellectual development” there are several subcategories in which a leader also have to show a leader strength: Rapidity of understanding. Time is a scarce commodity for any head of the company ( Lehman, 2015). Therefore, it is extremely important that he is able to quickly assess the situation from day to day and develop an appropriate response or new understanding, being within a limited time frame. The main thing for them is the interests of the cause. This quality of a good leader can also be a product of the influence exerted on a leader in the early years. The strength with which a leader were loved and respected in the leader. He determines the level of self-confidence. A leader early childhood experiences also talk about a leader predisposition to have a personal “weight”. However, quality becomes obvious to others only when a leader grow up. But if a leader are already thirty and  leader see that A leader have few chances to repeat the success of some of A leader colleagues and superiors, do not despair.

What leadership methods, approaches or concepts does he or she employ in his or her role as a business leader?

4.As a business leader, Steve jobs had to develop almost three leadership methods that helped to improve the standings of Apple Inc. in the world. The methods include;

Strategic Leadership style

Strategic leadership At the level of system or strategic leadership the size of the team increases, the team appears more and more people deeds with claims to leadership of different levels and scales. In this regard, the system leader needs to be able to manage a team consisting of ambitious people with developed leadership potential. And the talent of the leader of this level is to be able to manage such a team without suppressing the ambitions and inclinations of its participants, but developing and supporting them, while maintaining their status (Romager & Jones, 2017). He started to strategically improve and develop products that were more superior than the competitors. He produced a brand.

Situational Leadership

The first level of leadership is directly related to the previous one and is called situational leadership. Situational leadership is manifested in the context of interaction with the immediate environment and is characterized by the fact that a person takes the initiative for a while and shows the whole set of leadership qualities. Most often it occurs when necessary or in extreme situations, when it is extremely necessary (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016).

Transformational leadership

Steve jobs transformed Apple to the best company that ever existed. He transformed the way people interacted using their gadgets and communication tools.

Team leadership

In history, we know both positive and negative examples of such leadership that can be seen in almost. Apple is a big team. He was the overall leader and the face of the company, however, behind him were the thousands of creative who looked and did what was necessary for the brand (Yoffie & Cusumano, 2015). That is leadership.


Abraham, M. (2014). Five Leadership skills that made Steve Jobs transform Apple. GRIN Verlag.

Anderson, M. H., & Sun, P. Y. (2017). Reviewing leadership styles: Overlaps and the need for a new ‘full?range’theory. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(1), 76-96.

Arnold, K. A., Connelly, C. E., Walsh, M. M., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2015). Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20(4), 481.

Bell, E., & Taylor, S. (2016). Vernacular mourning and corporate memorialization in framing the death of Steve Jobs. Organization, 23(1), 114-132.

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Goleman, D. (2017). Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press.

Javed, H. A., Jaffari, A. A., & Rahim, M. (2014). Leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction: A case from the private banking sector of Pakistan. Journal of Asian business strategy, 4(3), 41.

Lehman, D. (2015). A Case Study Describing How Servant Leadership Attributes Impact Superintendent Longevity and Leadership Styles.

Romager, J., Hughes, K., Trimble, J., Verburg, M., Camp, J., & Jones, M. (2017). Influences of Authentic Leadership Styles and Challenges to Enduring Pervasive Leadership Models. Williams, R. (2017). Leadership for school reform: Do principal decision-making styles reflect a collaborative approach?. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (53).

Yahaya, R., & Ebrahim, F. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review. Journal of Management Development, 35(2), 190-216.

Yoffie, D. B., & Cusumano, M. A. (2015). Strategy Rules: Five Timeless Lessons from Bill Gates, Andy Grove, and Steve Jobs. HarperBusiness.

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