Effective Business Communication: Improving Cross-Cultural Communication And Social Media Use In Agriculture Equipment Company

Multi-National Companies and Cross-Cultural Communication

Discuss about the Communication of Business Acceleration.

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Communication is one of the important aspects in case of business acceleration. In case of multi-national companies, the effective use of communication is high as cross-cultural communication is needed in that case. In case of marketing expansion or products distribution case, the use of communication is the main factors to improve the transactional quality and delivers the best approach for the company (Kwok & Yu, 2013). The approach of the companies understands and they need to communicate with their customers or stakeholders for the sustainable development of the business.

In this organization, the main dealing aspect is the agricultural equipment. In countries like India, Vietnam, Oman or Nigeria the scope of agriculture is high and they produce a good amount of agricultural goods for the development of the nation too. As the company is dealing with more than 1 million customers, thus effective communication with them is important and significant for the long-term business run. Management also needs to control the 8000 employees in their five countries and from headquarter of Australia is has been formulated. Australian agricultural position is also strong thus business enhancement gets some advancement in that case.

The key purpose of the report is to identify the key issue in the organization for which company can accelerate at a high speed and improve their ideas to deliver quality agriculture equipment for the entire world. The communication and social media process are not effective enough in this organization and thus better quality management and intercultural communication need to be improved by the organization.

The report has shed light on the use of social media, in form of intranet or internet process. The intranet is a useful process of communicating in between the organization. Employees are not quite able to handle the situation and for the business, development communication is an important aspect (Jin, Liu & Austin, 2014). The report makes scopes for the communication changes for the organization and also shares the effective uses of communication techniques for the development of the organization. The report has not discussed the training and development process and the proper action plan is not presented here, thus it will be considered as the limitation of the report.

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The outcome of the report considers the best communication approaches for the organization. Use of social media and application of social media for the development of the organization in cross-cultural communication is the key outcome of this report. Employees of the company need to know about the procedure of business dealing and negotiation, they need to interact on that time and effective way to interaction by the users of social media platforms is the key issue of that.

Effective Communication for Business Enhancement

The structure of the report underpins the social media applications and improvement processes that showcase the social media implementation are business. Use of social media, benefits of social media and social media theories are highlighted in that report. Some possible recommendations are also delivering in that case and that will benefit the business at its extreme range.

Use of social media

Social media is a way of delivering information on the packaging of connotation with entertainment. The process of delivering is so catchy that people easily get attracted by the process. The basis uses of social media are

  • In case of making communication social media has been used. Through the blogs, WordPress and other social media platforms people make or establish a good relationship with other and that will help in the business (Moorhead et al., 2013).
  • In case of collaboration for some issues, the use of social media is important as the process highlighted the news in media and people show their responses by collaborating.
  • In case of any review and operation, some people are expressing their views through social media (Jussila, Kärkkäinen & Aramo-Immonen, 2014). This views and opinions are effective in some cases and brand monitoring of the company is the key aspect and that highlights the social media.
  • Media sharing is an important aspect of social media sharing values of the company help to enhance the business (Leung et al., 2014). Reporting in the press is also important in that case and through the press; releases companies are expanding their business.

Social media Sources

18- 29

30- 49


















Print newspapers





Table 1: Use of social media different age groups

(Source: The modern news consumer, 2016)

The uses showcase that reach of social media and companies uses this media for their advertisement, earning, development perspective, marketing and progress. The improved number of people attached to the social media and their trust over the medium is the key issue of business uses.

The benefits of social media are

  • Increase brand awareness is the main benefit of the social media and organizations have to take the opportunity to promote their brand.
  • In case of improved brand loyalty and brand equity, social media is the strongest medium to support the organization (Treem, & Leonardi, 2013).
  • Boosting customer engagement is the key issue of social media and through the platforms, all kinds of engagements is equally tied up.
  • Humanize the brand is another aspect that develops social media branding to customers (Wang, Yu & Wei, 2012).
  • Open communication forum helps customers to state their feedback and in case of effective criticism company can take some help from that process and provide something effective and sustainable in the market (Castronovo & Huang, 2012).
  • Companies can target their advertisement for the section of people and that is the reason most of the companies develop their business market and create a new customer base for them.

Social media model is important in that aspect and through the staircase model of social media process companies’ vision and their objectives has been identified. At the initial level strategy is being identified that companies used to take for the development of ‘their business (Bolton et al., 2013). After that step, presence is of the target audience is also important and that showcases the people engaged with the service or product.

Tools are the next step that states the medium of social media and through those media interventions effects in business is also processed in this step. The last step controls the conversion process, where people interaction and communication effectiveness is important for the company.

In this agricultural company, cross-cultural communication, training and development process needs to be implemented for the sustainable development of the organization.


Therefore, it can be concluded that effective use of business communication is important for the organization and cross-cultural communication is important for that matter. Through the use of social media theories and benefits also underpinning here. The quality feedback is not delivered to the customers and their social lacks affect the company. Thus, mitigating the process some of the recommended processes also addressed here.

In this situation, when cross-cultural support from the employees is not reverted in the proper way then customer handling may get a threat. In that case, training and development aspect is important in that section. A quality analyst needs to be appointed by the company for the better customer handling. Some social media device users need to be incorporated into the practical classes for employees’ will help the organization. 


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Castronovo, C., & Huang, L. (2012). Social media in an alternative marketing communication model. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 6(1), 117.

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