Factors Impacting Dementia In Australia: Analysis And Recommendations
Mental Ill Health as a major factor in disease burden
Discuss about the Health Issue and Marginalised Group.
Among the various health issues, mental ill health is considered to be one of the major reasons associated with non-fatal burden of disease along with a major contributing factor in injuries in Australia. According to the estimation, mental ill health is considered to have contributed to one eighth of the total burden of diseases in Australia as per the available data of 2003. On the basis of the statistics it may be further observed that mental ill health and associated disease burden has not just resulted in exceeding the disease burden associated with cancer but also exceeded the disease burden of cardiovascular disease. Mental health issues consist of a wide range of conditions like anxiety, stress, bipolar disorder, dementia. Among these various conditions under the umbrella of mental health, dementia is one of the major contributors to the disease burden. As per the available data as of 2004 there were approximately 171000 individuals suffering from dementia aged 65 years or above.
Considering the above made discussion, the present report would focus on analyzing the various factors associated with dementia as a major mental health issue in Australian along with different factors which impacts the marginalized group associated with the condition, relevant health promotion, its impact on the marginalized group, its application in primary health care. In addition to that the report would also provide with making needed recommendation for its improvement.
Dementia as a mental health issue is not a particular disease. It is a group of particular disease, which may be considered to be a group of conditions. It is in this condition it is characterized with continuous brain functioning impairment. It is in this condition, in which the thinking capacity of an individual gets adversely impacted, along with the ability of reasoning and recalling. In this condition other functioning of the brain also gets impaired like movement ability, thinking ability. Dementia as a mental health issue is irreversible and degenerative in nature.
Considering the condition of dementia and its severity, it may be noticed that in 2011 there were 298,000 Australians suffering from the condition of dementia. Among this population who were suffering from the condition 74% were aged 75 years and over, and 70% were living in community. On the basis of the growth rate among dementia patients in UK it has been projected that by 2020 the population of Australians suffering from the condition of dementia would be 400,000 (Aihw, 2016). On the basis of the statistics it may be observed ageing population is main section of the population which is supposed to be effective by the condition. It is in this alignment, it is needed to be stated here that the elderly section of the society is one of the group of the society which remains at the risk of being marginalized. This reflects the fact that the older section of population is at increased risk of being affected by the condition. This section of the population is a marginalized section of the population which is primarily due to their dependency on others and minimized productivity. Within this marginalized section of the society the continuous rise in prevalence of dementia makes it essential to discuss the different factors which are influencing on this group that result in increased prevalence of dementia (Cruwys et al., 2013).
Dementia as a progressive mental illness
One of this mentionable factor is, social stigmatization. On the part of this section of the society on one side they have to continuously experience marginalization due to their dependency on other and lack of productivity, in addition to that, in cases of mental illness fear exists due to the getting further stigmatized due to such mental health issues. It is due to the presence of such fear of social stigmatization associated with mental health issues like dementia which prevents them from seeking help and assistance. This is one of the major underlying factors in late detection of the condition. This acts as a contributing factor in increased prevalence of the condition among this section of the society. Financial hardship is another mentionable aspect in this context. As already stated, it is this section of the population which is largely dependent on others and is in a phase in which they are in declining phase in regards to their productivity. Thus, it results on their part to experience financial hardship. It acts as a major hurdle on their part in seeking professional assistance which also results in increased prevalence rate of dementia among this section of the society. In regards to this particular section of the society, as they belong to the older section of the population, their physical condition along with their psychological state is on a declining state (Jaconline, 2007). The combination of this aspects result in increased level of psychological distress leading to increased prevalence of dementia among this section of the population. It is due to psychological distress experienced on the part of this section of the population they are seen to have increased risk level of risk associated with risking drinking and smoking as compared to other section of the society, which also trigger the occurrence of dementia within this section of the society. Social isolation is another vital factor which impacts the increased prevalence rate of dementia within the older section of the population. Among this marginalized section of the society it is frequently observed that they have to experience social isolation and social exclusion. They are seen to have reported limited social contacts along with a limited number of individuals on whom they can depend and trust upon. As a result of this, not only the condition gets reported at a later stage wherein the scope of improvement with the help medication and support remains less but they also fail in receiving the needed social support is is integral in the care services for dementia patients.
Factors influencing the increased prevalence of dementia among the marginalized group
There are different campaigns which have been organized for the purpose of minimizing the prevalence of dementia in Australia along with eliminating the stigma associated with the condition. One of such mentionable campaign is Australia’s Fight Dementia Campaign (dementia, 2014). It is with the help of this campaign effort has been made on eliminating social stigmatization associated and enhancing awareness regarding dementia care.
On the basis of analyzing this campaign, it may be observe that one of the mentionable objectives of the campaign was funding for the purpose of enhancing quality of dementia care and develop the quality of support across hospitals, aged care and community. It is on the basis of this fact it may be observed that care needs of the dementia patients among older section of the population has been addressed in this campaign. It can be clearly established with the help of the fact that elderly population having economic dependency on other restricts them from availing needed quality of care services in case of dementia. Other than that, the fact that 52% of the individuals in permanent residential aged care have been seen to suffer from dementia establishes the fact that the care services in these residential aged care is ineffective in providing the residents with needed care services in order to prevent the occurrence of dementia (aihw, 2012). This makes it essential to enhance the quality of care services for which funding would play a pivotal role.
On the basis of this fact, the objective of the campaign wherein funding for the purpose of enhancing quality of dementia care and develop the quality of support across hospitals, aged care and community has been focused upon, puts forward the fact that the need of enhanced dementia care and support with the help of funding has been addressed in this campaign. Basing on this, it may be stated that the campaign focuses on the special care needs of elderly population suffering from dementia. Herein, some of the other mentionable objective of the campaign are focusing on funding with the help of which stigma associated with the condition may be reduced and awareness regarding the condition may be developed. This is also another essential need of aged population suffering from dementia. It is due to the fact that the fear associated with stigma and lack of awareness related to the condition results in the condition getting identified at a later stage. It is also due to the fear of getting stigmatized which restricts them from seeking professional help (dementia, 2014). Thus, if awareness can be promoted among this section of the population and actions are taken for minimizing stigma it would help the care users in seeking professional assistance at an early stage, thus helping in minimizing the severity of the condition. The campaign also had the objective of making dementia as the national health priority area, funding for the purpose of making investment in dementia research, taking initiatives in minimizing the diagnosis time and funding for the purpose of comprehensive risk reduction program. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the campaign’s objectives, it will not be wrong to state that the campaign has given needed focus on the needs associated with dementia care among the elderly population.
Australia’s Fight Dementia Campaign
Certain aspects associated with the campaign clearly reflect its association with primary health care. The concept of primary health care or its major principle is the fact that it is a health care which is the care user’s first contact with the health and social care system. It mainly consists of care services which are not associated with hospital visit. A wide range of activities is associated with it like prevention, promotion, early intervention, managing chronic conditions and providing treatment to acute treatment. It varies from prevention and health promotion activities and prevention to management and treatment of the condition. The aim of primary health networks is enhancement of coordination of care services for the purpose of ascertaining right care services in the right time at the right place (dementia, 2014). On the basis of the above discussed principles associated with primary healthcare and promotion if the campaign is analyzed that there are certain activities which were incorporated and actions accordingly, were taken. On the basis of these actions it is noticeable that activities were carried out in social media which is a clear establishment of health promotion as with the help of these activities awareness may be created among the population. In addition to that actions like March on parliament, speeches are also clear demonstration of health promotion. Actions associated with advocating to politicians, meeting politicians and consumer advocacy also contributed to the principle of primary health promotion. It is due to the fact that as a result of these actions, in 2013, the 2012 Aged Care Reforms passed into law. It is due to this reform actions were taken regarding timely diagnosis, dementia risk reduction and enhancing dementia care, which are principles of primary care. Thus, it is with the help of the above discussed aspects in which the campaign implemented principles of primary health care and health promotion.
On evaluating the campaigning- Australia’s Fight Dementia Campaign it may be observed that various initiatives and significant developments have been made with the help of the campaign. However, there are certain aspects which if focused and incorporated in the campaign in the future would result in enhanced outcome. One of such integral aspects which is needed to be focused in this campaign is access to healthcare services which is one of the major and underlying health problem which resulted in increased prevalence of different health condition. As per #BushNeeds report it can be observed that according to 32.5% of the individuals accessibility is a major health issue. This makes it essential for such campaigns to focus on wide spread promotion rather than keeping it limited to social network which is predominantly used in urban area. Such campaign is also needed to focus on providing which training associated with dementia care. The individuals would are associated with promoting the campaigns if provides basic training associated with dementia care would act as a contributing factor in early detection of the condition and availing needed care services. Thus it would help in minimizing the prevalence rate of dementia in Australia.
Objectives of the campaign
On the basis of the above made discussion it may be observed that dementia is a major health care issue in Australia. The complexity associated with the care services in dementia turns out to be complex because of limited awareness about the condition and stigma associated with it. Thus, with the help promoting awareness regarding the condition and eliminating stigma associated with the condition would help in minimizing the prevalence rate of the condition.
In this particular article, the author has focused on providing the readers with an in depth understanding of marginalization. On the part of the researcher the focus has been given on comparing individuals who remained marginalized within the period of 2001 and 2010 as compared to those individuals who have been successful in exiting from marginalization. In this context the study has turned out to be impactful for providing with knowledge and information associated with policy decision making along with formulated services. The author has been able to provide with such impactful information with the help of recognizing protective factors which helps in predicting exist from being marginalization. Considering the above made discussion, the study has turned out to be impactful and significant in having an understanding of the concept of marginalization and the basis of which particular section of the society may be termed to be marginalized section of the society.
With the help of this article, the author provided the readers with a clear understanding of the health issues which is prevalent in Australia. The information acted as a contributing factor in identifying and choosing a particular health issue which is prevalent in Australia on the basis of which the report has been based upon. The findings of the report has effectively provided with statically data for the purpose of providing the authority with clarity of the concept. In addition to that report has also been effective in providing with information regarding the ways in which health priority areas that is prevalent in an area can be identified.
This report is effective in terms of providing the readers with a comprehensive idea and knowledge regarding the scenario of dementia in Australia. The report is impactful for the readers in gaining an in depth knowledge and idea regarding the current scenario of dementia due to the fact that it provides with information and data associated with trends of dementia over a certain period of time in Australia. Other than that, the reader are also able to have a clear idea regarding the scenario of dementia in Australia with the help of statistical information provided in regards to burden of disease associated with dementia and the expected future trend of rise in dementia patients on the basis of the present scenario. Aspects like healthcare cost associated with dementia, associated of socio-demographic characteristics and affectivity of the care services has also been focused on the part of the author.
Enhancement of Quality of Dementia Care Services in Primary Health Care
This article is also helpful for the readers in gathering knowledge regarding the present trend of dementia in Australia on the basis of the present data of 2016. The article further focuses on rate of dependency and extent of effectiveness of health and aged care services. The success of the particular article lies on the fact that it has effectively and in a simple way has presented that aspects which are lacking in dementia care. However, it is worth mentioning here that the article provides with brief knowledge and lacks in depth discussion which may act as a hindrance for the readers in gaining an in depth understanding of the topic.
Authors in the chosen report provide the readers within an in depth understanding of the action plans associated with Fight dementia campaign. The report is effective in conveying the reader regarding the issues underlying each action plan and the outcomes which is expected to be achieved. The fact that the report incorporates consumer views help in providing the reading an idea of the actual scenario in dementia care in Australia and imbibes the article a certain level of authenticity.
The researchers in this research have focused on providing the readers regarding concepts associated with risk factor reduction. The underlying reason behind which has been the fact that if risks are not reduced the prevalence rate of dementia will not be minimized. The research turns out to be impactful in providing the readers a clear conception regarding the various risk factors associated with occurrence of dementia. The journal article turns out to be an impactful piece of work for the readers due to the fact that every aspect mentioned in the paper has been defined. Such clear definition makes it easy for the readers to understand the concept. In addition to that, the presentation of the information with the help of statistical data also helps in making the discussed information impactful.
Dementia. (2014). Fight dementia campaign- Creating dementia friendly australia. [online] Available at: https://www.dementia.org.au/sites/default/files/FDC_Budget_2014_FINAL.pdf [Accessed 9 May 2018].
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