Investigating Male Workers’ Perception Of Female Employees In The Workplace: A Study Of Google Company Leadership Roles
Problem Statement
How the Workplace Adopts the Stereotype Male Leadership Roles, a Case Study on Google: Perception Held by Male Employees towards Female Employees?
In some companies, different positions within the company have been held by male workers. This has brought various perceptions towards their female counterparts. Some of these perceptions has influenced the performance and management of the company in either positive or negative way. In various countries, the government is trying to solve this problem of male chauvinism to bring the third gender rule. There are also some organizations which have been formed to ensure that the right of women is also respected within the workplace. The research, therefore, intends to have a proposal that will investigate the perception of the male workers towards their female counterparts. For practical and efficient service delivery within the company, both the male and female employees must work together. Any misconduct and discord among the employees should be avoided at all cost. The companies must treat all the employees equally irrespective of the position they hold. This may achieve through the rotational assignment in the positions they hold. The senior positions within the company should be held by all the gender within the company. This will in return solve the problem of male chauvinism that may arise within themselves.
To achieve the best organization of this research proposal, the following are the arrangement of the entire proposal. The introduction forms the part of section one. The problem statement, Research objectives/questions, the justification of the proposal and the expected outcomes forms part of section 2 and 3.The conceptual framework and the hypothesis of the research forms part of section 4.The methodology of the study forms the fifth section and the last section comprises of the organization of the study. This include the scheduling of the activities represented by the Gantt chart .The final part of section six is the Budget required for the entire proposal.
The Gender role is one of the issues considered by the number of countries. They believe that it starts from the birth. This perception extends to the companies in terms of the responsibilities given to them. For over the years, males have been taken as the only strong people in the society (Applebaum, Audet, & Miller, 2003). This notion has been extended to the workplaces where some companies believed that good leadership only comes from the male employees but not from their female counterparts (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). Male employees have considered as the only people who can take part the leadership of the companies. However, in Australia, most of the board of various companies are headed by the female. Another example is the Information Technology (IT) department where there are a number of female employees that within the sector than the male employees (Eagly, 2005). For this reason, the researcher is willing to study the perception of the male employees towards the female employees despite the social changes taking place within the countries (Eagly, Wood & Diekman, 2000). The female employees are not respected and trusted with the company leadership by their male counterparts, yet most of the women have disapproved this notion from the male employees. For this reason, the study will examine the perception of the male employees towards this aspect. The study is taking the case of the Google for the study (Eagly & Carli, 2003). The research will, therefore, answer the questions related to the topic of study. The research will therefore answer some questions related to the topic of study. The number of journals has given a clue on what type of the leadership skills used in the companies (Heilman, 2012).The research will be therefore very crucial to study the real picture of the companies with the Google Company as the example of a study. The research will therefore identify both the dependent and the independent variables of the study.
Research Objectives/Questions
The main aim of the proposal is to find out the way in which the companies adopt the stereotype male leadership roles a case study of the Google Company. This will look at the perception of the male employees towards the female employees in a working environment.
Research questions
RQ1 what is the perception of the male employees towards the female employees in the organization?
RQ2 Does the Google Company adopts the stereotype male leadership in its roles?
RQ3 which policies and practices are best for the protection of the female employees within the organization?
Through a number of the review of the articles, the Authors dwell mostly on the general perception of the employees within the organizations. There has not been a specific study on the stereotype kind of leadership where male employees are to be given all the leadership roles in the company (Heilman, 2014). The Google Company being an exception where the roles are done by every worker despite the gender; this qualifies to be the case of study. Therefore there has been a gap in the literature about the perception of the male employees towards the female employees (Holmes & STubbe, 2003). The stereotype kind of leadership where the male has all the roles in leadership. The research will be very useful in future. The companies will be able to know the specific reasons that may cause the negative perception among the male employees against their female counterparts. This will also help the companies in coming up with policies and laws that protect both genders in a workplace (Johnson, Murphy, Zewdie & Reichard, 2008). The findings of the research will be very useful for the future research since it will act as a secondary source for further research.
The outcome of the research will depend on the data collected and the method of the data analysis used. The findings and the outcome of the research will be used by the policymakers in reinforcing the various labor laws.A good example is a law that protects the gender.All these should match with the international standards (Kawakami, White & Langer, 2000). The findings will also help the end users to understand their rights and practice within the organizations. Every existing company like the Google will understand and appreciate the role of women in an organization. They will know that the female employees can also perform like or better than the male employees within the company (Koenig, Eagly, Mitchell & Ristikari, 2011). The Google Company will have to organize informal training on the importance of inclusiveness within the organization. Male chauvinism within the organization must always be avoided in the workplace.
Justification of the Proposal
The conceptual framework tries to explain the gap between the literature and the actual research. The study of the dependent and independent variables are also e xplained in this chapter. The Conceptual framework helps the researcher to identify both the variables and how they will be useful in solving the problems brought about by the Lito literature review.
The topic of the research is about the perception of the male employees towards the female employees. How the workplace adopts the stereotype male leadership, a case study Google. For some years, most companies believe that the male employees are the one who should be trusted with the company leadership. However, for the number of companies in Australia, the statement is not true. For this reason, the research is aiming to answer some questions related to the topic. The topic had both the dependent and the independent variables. Male perception is the independent variable while female and leadership are the dependent variables. From the number of studies, the male employees have been in the leadership role for a long time than their female counterpart (Patil, 2008). The conceptual framework helps in explaining how the perception of women will affect the role of women in the Google industry regarding the leadership role. It is true that sometimes the perception portrayed by male employees towards the female employees are motivated by different government policies.A number of companies are run by the laid rules and regulations set by the nations. For this reason, the study is willing to investigate these beliefs and enable the employees to work in harmony.
The perception of male employees towards the male employees is the independent variable of the study while the stereotype of a male in the leadership role become the dependent variables. The variables are easy to measure if proper research is done. By following the correct procedure and choosing the appropriate tools for the study, the two variables will be easy to relate (Paustian-Underdahl, Walker & Woehr, 2014). And this helps the researcher in analyzing the perception of the males towards the female in their workplace. The Google company an Information Technology company, the researcher, will be able to achieve much.This is because, in the Australian government, there are more female employees than the male employees in the Information Technology sector.
The following is some of the hypothesis of the research
H0: Most of e departmental leaders in the Google Company are male
Expected Outcomes
H1: The leadership of the Google Company comprises of the mixed gender.
H0: The Google Company adopts the stereotype male type of leadership
H2: The Google Company does not adopt the stereotype male type of leadership
H0: The policies and rules in the Google Company favors the male employees only
H3: The policies and rules in the Google Company favors both gender in the Google Company
Research Approaches and Sources of data
In order to achieve the best findings, the research will adopt a mixed approach method. Both the qualitative and the qualitative approaches will be necessary for the study. The research is more of the exploratory study, but because of the detailed analysis to be performed, the quantitative approach is also necessary (Stelter, 2002). In the given research, the data collection is considered to be the most crucial part. For this reason, the best method of data collection is very essential for the entire research. The research is to be carried in the Google Company as a case of the study (Preko, 2012). The perception of the male employees towards the female employees in an organization; the stereotype kind of leadership embrace by male employees is the topic of study.
The targeted population for the study is the Google Company. The research is basically based on the employees within the company. The study is to be conducted among the 50 employees of the Google Company. The 3 chosen managers from the company will also form part of the research. The chosen number of the participants is very essential for the quality findings and the outcome of the researcher
The research will also use the random sampling technique. This will form part of the way the participants will be chosen for the study. The method of the random sampling is useful in choosing the 50 employees for the study.
The first way of data collection for the entire report is through the survey. The survey method will be used in the 50 employees to gather the information while the interview method will be used to in the three managers from the Google Company. The method of data collection will be done through the random sampling method.
The sources of data collection that will be used for the study is through the review of some journal articles with the references listed below. Other sources of the report include the trade journal newspapers magazines and books.Other sources of data will be through the annual reports and other publications related to the Google Company. Some of the sources may include the online sources which include the bibliographic and numeric data systems.
Conceptual Framework
The collected from the sources shall be analyzed by the descriptive method. The primary data will be analyzed in details through the described method. The research is more of the exploratory study, every finding shall be explained descriptively.
This part explains what will be in the final research report
Chapter one will contain the introduction about the research topic and the related issues such as the statement of the problem, aims, and objective of the study, the research questions.
Chapter two of the research will contain the relevant literature of the study and the related journals and the research that has been done related to the topic of study
The third chapter will contain the methodology and the design of the study. This will comprise of the techniques and approaches for the study, Data collection method, Sources of the primary data, population/participants of the study and the data analysis method.
The fourth chapter will have the findings and analysis of the study. This is to be done using the best method of data analysis chosen by the researcher.
The fifth chapter will have the discussions and recommendation of the study. This will relate to the findings and literature of the study. Any new thing from the study is also included in this chapter.
A good research report should also have its conclusion which summarizes the entire report.
The budget for the proposed research is $5000 for its completion within the given time
Frame (**date ** month **year) as given in the Gantt chart.
The budgeting of the proposal has been placed for the following reasons:
The Literature Review to be undertaken will require the use of textbooks, journal articles and online resources that are not free of cost. This will cost around $2000.
The Data purchase of the secondary sources. This is going to cost around $1500.
Data structuring and analysis: This will cost $1500.
The information below represents the purpose and the estimated amount of money to be spent for the entire research. The information below represents the summary of the total cost to be spent.
Purpose Estimated Amount to be spent
Literature Review $2000
Data Collection $2000
Data Analysis $1000
Total Budget Estimated $5000
The projects Activities and Schedules for the project.
Description of the activity |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Predecessors |
Researching the topic |
1 week |
Reviewing the literature and other journals |
2 weeks |
Secondary data collection and identifying of the dependent |
4 weeks |
Meeting the three managers of the Google company |
2 weeks |
Creation of the conceptual framework and methodology |
3 days |
Carrying out the actual research |
7 days |
Data analysis by use of the chosen approach |
8 days |
Final submission of the report |
1 day |
Month Activity |
June 2018 |
July 2018 |
August 2018 |
September 2018 |
October 2018 |
November 2018 |
Identifying the research topic and consulting lecturers. |
Research on the project idea. Writing and submission of a draft project proposal for correction and reviewing of the literature and other journals |
Collection of the secondary data and the identification of the variables. Both the dependent and independent variables |
Meeting the three managers of the Google company and creation of the conceptual framework |
Carrying out the actual research and writing of the draft copy. |
The analysis of the data Submission of the final project copy to the tutor |
The report is about the perception of the male employees towards their female counterpart; the stereotype way of companies trusting the male employees in the leadership role. The proposal aims to investigate and analyses some issues related to the perception of men in the workplace. It is believed that most companies do not trust women with the leadership role. For this reason, if the procedure is well followed, the findings of the research will be very useful for the future research. The approach of the research will be the mixed approach.Both quantitative and the qualitative techniques will be used. The total number of the respondents will be 50 male employees and the three managers. The research is to be conducted in the Google Company. The random sampling method will be used for the study. Finally, the research is aiming at closing the gap that exists in the literature. This will be achieved through the correlation of the study and the in-depth analysis of the findings.
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Ayman, R., & Korabik, K. (2010). Leadership: Why gender and culture matter. American Psychologist, 157-170.
Eagly, A. (2005). Achieving relational authenticity in leadership: Does gender matter? The Leadership Quarterly, 459-474.
Eagly, A. H., Wood, W., & Diekman, A. H. (2000). Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: A current appraisal. Erlbaum.
Eagly, A., & Carli, L. (2003). The female leadership advantage: An evaluation of the evidence. The Leadership Quarterly, 807-834.
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Koenig, A. M., Eagly, A. H., Mitchell, A. A., & Ristikari, T. (2011). Are Leader Stereotypes Masculine? A Meta-Analysis of Three Research Paradigms. Psychological Bulletin, 616-642.
Patil, S. (2008). Perceptions of Female Managers in Male-Dominated Industries: Effects of Gender Rarity, Performance, and Diversity Justification. THE MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, 39-79.
Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Walker, L. S., & Woehr, D. J. (2014). Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis of Contextual Moderators. . Journal of Applied Psychology, 1129-1145.
Stelter, N. (2002). Gender Differences in Leadership: Current Social Issues and Future Organizational Implications. Journal of Leadership Studies.
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