Oral B PRO 5000 Smart Series Electric Toothbrush: Benefits, Technology And Design
The discovery of the Oral B PRO 5000 smart series that can be connected to the electricity for recharge and to be used in the maintenance of the oral health is one of the best ways of keeping the oral health. The technologies with the common power toothbrushes are majorly focused on the oscillation and the motion caused due to the rotation of the toothbrush. With this, it is a requirement of the use of smart guide hence gives a motivation for the use of this toothbrush.
This kind of toothbrush is accompanied by a number of the modes of action, designs that are brittle and different kinds of features. This electric toothbrush has got more significant functions as compared to the normal toothbrush since it has introduced the brushing technology that uses the wireless remote that aids in the controlling of the toothbrush. Its, therefore, provides a professional tool to maintain the oral health.
The design that is applied in this case is the use of the H Bridge motor with low voltage and has an integrated regulator that regulates the amount of voltage into the circuit.
- A battery with a voltage between 1.5 to 6 V
- An 8amp drive peak current and 5Amp continuous current.
- A PCB with a small size of about 42.9 by 13.9 mm
- Components with low counts to reduce the cost
- The battery that has less current leakage when off.
- The motor is to be connected to the output terminal namely OUT1 andOUT2
- Then the connection of the VM and GND pads was done to the power source, the output voltage that was used was set between 2V and 4.5 V the current was also set at a minimum level of about 8A
- The LDO voltage regulator was turned off due to the pressing down of the switch that led to the putting of the DRV8850 at a low state of power.
In the control unit, there is the use of the TIDA-00602 that controls the circuit and the amplifier to the motor of the electric toothbrush. The appropriate waveforms are generated using the ultra-low power microcontroller that is connected to the driver of the H-Bridge motor. The signal that is coming from the microcontroller is amplified by the motor driver that is either DC or Magnetic vibration motor.
The H-Bridge that drives the motor is normally used due to its capability of driving loads with high currents under low voltages. The bridge is bitterly used in the control system due to its low minimum input voltage thus maintaining the battery powering system. The board foot prompts is reduced by the integrated LDO, hence give solutions to the economy and create more compact solutions. The H-Bridge driver, therefore, is applied in the application of power to the microcontroller and to the lead-emitting diodes.
The microcontroller aids in the independent control of the sides of the H-Bridge both low and high sides. The low power sleep mode is always maintained to reduce the power consumption and the driver only wakes up when the controller is changing the output drive. The microcontroller also operates under the frequency of about 1MHZ due to the conservation of power.
The simple way to design the electric toothbrush with high performance but of low cost is the use of the electric toothbrush design reference. It has the switch that helps’s in the putting of the system OFF and ON since it has the logic converter and the D type Flip-Flop switch. The existence of the H-Bridge motor helps in the amplification of the signals from the microcontroller that aids in the driving of the motor and power supply to the microcontroller unit.
This kind of toothbrush helps in the removal of the plague that is located along the lines of the gums compared to the normal toothbrush. With the newest version of the triple action for controlling of the pressure with the signals ranging from the auditory, visual and sensory that helps in the adjustme3nt of the speed.
The Oral B toothbrush comes with the interchangeable brush heads that are three, a station for changing, the case for travel and two pin plugs also for charging.
It has got 3D cleaning action that is clinically proven, it also rotates and pulsates around the teeth and the gums thus helping in the removal and cleaning of the gums this action hence is more efficient in cleaning as compared to the normal toothbrush.
This kind of toothbrush is also recharged with modes that are 5: Daily clean mode, the mode that helps in the taking care of the gums, modes that are dealing with the sensitive part of the teeth, whitening mode and mode dealing with the deep cleaning. This toothbrush helps in the sensing of the hard brush and therefore provides an alert on the same.
This kind of toothbrush also helps in the determining the areas to be brushed since it has the switching mode that operates in every 30 seconds to give an alert on the areas to be brushed at that particular intervals.
The toothbrush has a glowing handle that enables the user to grip it easily making it easier to use while brushing. The pulsation may stop when the excessive brushing is done and the mode switches to sensitive. The toothbrush has got three types of the signals that aids in the determining when one is brushing so hard.
When brushing too hard there will be a change of the sound that comes as a result of the stopping of the pulsating action of the toothbrush hence an indication that one is using the toothbrush so hard. Furthermore, when the toothbrush is used hard there will be a flash of the light on the handle of the toothbrush this is an innovative red light that that is integrated into the handle of the toothbrush. Nevertheless, when the brushing is hard there will be switching of the brushing mode to the sensitive mode this will intern leads to the reduction the speed of the rotation hence leading to the reduction of the excessive brushing.
Triple Action and Modes of Action
The smart guide unit that is wireless has got a timer for brushing, this aids in giving time for brushing as recommended by the dentists. The smart guide also sets off a warning that is visual to protect one from harming and endangering his or her gums while brushing. The smart guide also have the quadrant prompt, it helps one to brush across the quadrants of the mouth also gives prompts after every given interval.
The smart guide also provides for the determination of the areas to be brushed since it has the switching mode that operates in every 30 seconds to give an alert on the areas to be brushed at that particular interval.
In order for the proper vibration of the motor, there has to be an alternation of the current through the magnetic vibration at a specific period. Cording to the test above, the vibration of the waveforms were made at a frequency of about 470Hz.This frequency was either increased or reduced to obtain a better result on mechanical response towards the motors. The limitation of the amount of current that could be used is determined by the time that the output stays on. When overcurrent is tripped during the starting of the motor in the brush, some waveform can be developed in such a way that there is low output or higher frequency could be obtained. Higher operational current can be obtained once the firmware has switched to more optimal waveforms. A strong mechanical vibration is achieved once the operation voltage is held at 2 to 3.6 V.
The graph below shows the turn-on the characteristic, a peak output voltage. But during the standby state there is no leakage since the circuit is open but in case of any leakage then it’s due to the VM pin in the circuit. The microcontroller is also supplied DRV8850 hence the leakages are also minimal.
For the case of the DC motor, there is low frequency, that will allow the turning of the motor to a particular degree and then to return back to the normal state, Hence that graph below is obtained giving the waveforms as indicated below. The waveforms show the alternation of the microcontroller with the motor at a frequency of about 200Hz.
The Oral B toothbrush is currently the most recommended toothbrush by the dentist to be used by people around the world. It has got a look that is more sophisticated, the handle is more advanced and easier to grip making it more comfortable to use during brushing. It also has a finger stop that enables easier stoppage of the operation. The Oral B electric toothbrush is also fitted with the smart guide that helps in increasing the mode of operation by giving the guideline on thorough but gentle way of brushing. This kind of toothbrush aids in the elimination of the errors that might be caused by human during brushing hence protecting the users from more serious gum problems. It’s also the best kind since it is fitted with newest version of the triple action for controlling of the pressure with the signals ranging from the auditory, visual and sensory that helps in the adjustment of the speed. This Oral B toothbrush comes with the interchangeable brush heads that are three, station for changing, case for travel and two pin plugs also for charging.
Smart Guide Unit and Features
This kind of the toothbrush is clinically proven by the dentist and removes plaque as compared to the normal toothbrushes. This kind of toothbrush is accompanied by a number of the modes of action, designs that are brittle and different kinds of features. This electric toothbrush has more significant functions as compared to the normal toothbrush since it has introduced the brushing technology that uses the wireless remote aiding in the controlling of the toothbrush, hence professional tool to maintain the oral health is being provided by this Oral B electric toothbrush.
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