Object Oriented Development And Iterative Model For Information System Development

The Characteristics Relevant to Programming Skill Center Information System

The three characteristics of relevant to the Programming Skill Center are Valid, Reliable and sufficiently accurate. A detailed discussion about the three characteristics is provided below.

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  • Valid:The valid information can be described as the information that genuine can be used readily for the required purposes (Furue et al. 2016). A valid information system can be trusted by the governing body very easily. This is a type of information that can be obtained from the internal sources and are trusted informations. In the Programming Skill Center, the organization books the site for the visit by obtaining the details using the card index and the diary of the customer. In addition to this, there is no actual limit to the number of visits in a day that a customer can make with the card index. However, the area of the site is quite small and hence, it becomes very difficult for the organization to control if the number of people in the site gets increased (Volk, Stengel and Schultmann 2014). Hence, this type of information is required to be stored in the information system of the company. In addition to this, the payment information of the company are also adjusted in an ad hoc basis and the information  system is required to provide relevant information of the payment details of the customer and store them. Hence, designing an information system that provides valid information is very important in the context of this company.
  • Reliable:The reliable information can be defined as the information that the company can rely on as the information provided is exact (Cimini et al. 2015). This type of information are generally related with the informations provided by the financial department of the company. In addition to this, the reliable information is obtained from very authentic sources and hence, these informations are very useful for the company for their operations. The Programming Skill Center is try to use this characteristic for the implementation of their information system. In addition to this, the deposits are received currently by cheque. This is to be banked and recorded by the company in their information system. The balance is obtained after the payment is made by the student. On the arrival of the payment by the student the payment is to be recorded on the information system. The balance would be adjusted automatically by the information system. In addition to this, it is important for the organization that the information related to the students regarding their arrival and departure are to be stored in the system of the company (Taube et al. 2015). The follow up on the unpaid amount is to be automated by the information system. Additionally, the payment procedures are done on an ad-hoc basis but this, hence the company is looking to implement an automated system for the unpaid deposits to be done for the company. Automatically the deposits are cancelled by the system if the payment are not deposited. All this procedures are to be performed in the information system and hence the reliable information characteristic is very important.
  • Sufficiently Accurate:The accuracy in the in the information of the information system, helps the organization to make the correct business decisions (Ning et al. 2017). In addition to this, the characteristic is very important for the company to cut the cost of production. The Programming Skill Center schedules the site visits in an order, however the transport services used by the organization is very haphazard. Hence, the organization is looking to implement an information system that would help the organization to manage the scheduling of the visit of the students. The activities would be assigned to specific people and this would be done automatically by the information system. In addition to this, the reports and the summary would also be provided by the information system and information would be updated automatically. For this the information provide in the system would have to be precise and accurate. Hence, the sufficiently accurate information would be very important for the organization to implement in their information system.

An object oriented development is very important for the development of the information system intended by the Programming Skill Center. The object oriented technology is being accepted in a large scale for the organization (Page 2014). This technology is much updated and the object oriented techniques provides several opportunities for the development of the information system. The technology is also used in the latest technological advancements and in the emerging technologies. The various type of technical utilities provided by the object oriented method are described below.

Abstraction: In the object oriented approach the objects are used as the primary device for the abstraction. Some methods are defined in the object oriented methodology and these methods are abstracted by these objects. For the Programming Skill Center information system development the abstraction process would be very useful (Han et al. 2015). The data in the information system would be treated as the objects and the abstraction of this objects in different methods designed in the information system. In addition to this, the objects are the primary units for the decomposition. The objects in addition are considered as the unit functions for the developed system.

Modelling: By considering the objects for the analysis, design and implementation for the information system developed by the organization, the definition of the structure of the system and the behavior is provided to the developer. It also helps in the integration of the system that would define the objects in the system and also the relations in between them (Lugez et al. 2015). The Programming Skill Center is required to develop their system in a manner so that all the specifications in the system are well defined and integrated. The information system of the organization would be able to perform different functions as the allocation, payment and updating to the payment status. These functions are required to be modelled using the object oriented technologies. And for the integration of the system all the methods in the information system of the company will be required to be merged in a single main method where all the methods defined in the information system would be called and performed.

Software Architecture: The objects defined for the information system define the platform on which the computation of the data and the object called into the methods are to be considered. For obtaining the optimum benefits from the object oriented methods the software design of the information system is to be derived and interactions in between the objects in the system can be defined with these techniques (Jonsson et al. 2016). The Programming Skill Center will be developing the information system in which the software architecture is to be designed for the integration of the methods in the system.

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Importance of Object Oriented Development for Information System

Framework: After the development of the basic skeletal for the development of the system the framework can also be used in the other aspects of the system of the company that is integrated with the information system developed by the Programming Skill Center. Using the framework provides very efficient options for the development of the information system. In addition to this, the framework is very important for the development of any type of system (Ng 2016). The GUI domains and the business process domains are generally the concepts that come under the development part of a framework. The solutions provided by the framework are very easy to understand and the developer can develop their system using this framework. For the Programming Skill Center the functions can be incorporated into the framework created previously and the objects in the information system can be run in the developed framework.

Components: The components are part of the framework. The framework is made up of a number of components. These components add up to develop into a framework. In a different the components are almost similar to the components however when the object oriented concepts are used extensively the components act as the variables within the system. A particular component provides a certain part of function for the organization (Abbate, Awenuti and Light 2014). For example the Programming Skill Center uses different type of components for the development of their information system such as the components that help in the automation of the payments procedures. In addition to this, the allocation is also different component for the system. All the components are to be added to the main procedures of the information system developed for the organization. In addition to this, the different people involved with the information system for the company are administrator, staffs and students. All these components are part of the system developed by the Programming Skill Center. The system requires the involvement of the all the components that are related to the company. In the object oriented theories the objects are grouped together to form a classes. These classes perform the different activities of the components.

The information system software that is to be developed for the Programming Skill Center would require an efficient software development methodology (Abrahamsson et al. 2017). There are various methods of software development that are used in the present scenario by the organizations across the whole world. Some of the software development methodologies that are prevalent in the industry are:

  • Agile Software Development
  • Crystal Methods
  • Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • Joint Application Development (JAD)
  • Lean Development (LD)
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD)
  • Rational Unified Process (RUP)
  • Scrum
  • Spiral or the iterative development model.
  • Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Waterfall (a.k.a. Traditional)

Abstraction Concept in Object Oriented Approach

Now, for the development of the information system software for the iterative method is to be used. The iterative method of software development is very useful for the Programming Skill Center to develop the information system (Kuhl 2014). The iterative model does not involve starting with the full specification, therefore the development of the software begins with the development of a prototype and the prototype is later on developed and given the shape of original software development. After each step of development in the method the prototype or the part of the software that is developed is reviewed by the client or the developer in order to check if the prototype can perform all the functionalities specified. If the part does not perform all the major specification described by the client, then the designer redesigns the software and implements the further requirements of the software. The model is again sent to the client for review and the developer works on the feedbacks of the clients. This procedure is carried on until the client is fully satisfied with the system delivered to them. After the delivery of the software the project is signed off and the project closure takes place.  The Programming Skill Center is intended on using this model and this would be very beneficial for the organization as this model provides a design of the high level application before the development of an actual software application. For the Programming Skill Center the prototype design of the information system is developed. After the development of the initial procedures for the system, the allocation system and the payment systems would be added. After the development of the major procedures the other components such as the classes in the system are defined (Mahapatra and Goswami 2015). The databases for the system is to be checked and developed. After the database development the back end coding for the system is to be done and the functionality is to be checked with the client. Additionally, this technique would help the organization to build the software using the step by step model. The software can be checked and updated at every instance. This will remove all the major defects in the software. In addition to this the organization will also be able to provide efficient feedback to the developer whenever required. The client would basically be able to posturize the project with the blueprint and the prototypes provided to them (Dwarkanath et al. 2015). In this model the Programming Skill Center will not have to spend much time on the documentation of the project rather they would be able to produce much more time on the designing part of the project. In addition to this, the Programming Skill Center have provide a clear view about the requirement on the project. Hence, the iterative model would be easy to implement for the organization in their information system development.

Modelling for Information System Development

The software project that the Programming Skill Center are planning to develop is also a big project hence, it is very apt that they use the iterative model for themselves. The major requirements for the systems have also been defined very clearly by the organization and hence, the iterative model would be very effective for the project and a few minor details can be added on later to the project. The model is suitable for the development is iterative as the unlike the other models the organization would not have to spend majority of their time on the planning process, rather the time saved on planning from the development can be used for the development of the design and prototype of the model (Fabbri et al. 2016). The iterative model also provides the option of development of the project and the time and the budget can be variable unlike the other models. For example the in the waterfall model the budget and the schedule of the project is to be defined before the start of the project. The Rapid application model is an incremental model which is an extension of the iterative model. Hence, the iterative model is very useful for the organization. But the development are timed in this procedure but the iterative model does not depend on the timed procedures.

During the development of the information system for the Programming Skill Center some professionalism is to be developed by the organization. Professionalism is a very huge criteria required for the development of the information system of the company (Rus, Neu and Munich, 2014). In addition to this, the staffs working for the implementation of the information system are required to make an ethical environment for the workplace. Ethics is a very crucial part for the employers and the organizations would also require to maintain some workplace ethics, keeping in mind the profits of the business. The organization has to keep in mind that only profit is not the main objective for the development and in this situation ethics should be the major concern for the Programming Skill Center. During the development of an information system it is important that the team develops should be aware of the of the business issues of the company. Hence, they would able to implement the project of the Programming Skill Center. Professionalism is also about protection of the business that is prevalent within the organization and also the helps in adding value to the organization. In addition to this, the ethics in the business should also be maintained and it is one of the main elements of the business of the company. Within the ethics, disciple is one of the main component. In addition to this, punctuality is also one of the qualities that the professional should poses to maintain the ethics within the organization (Gulec et al. 2017). In addition to this, the punctuality is one of the characteristic that the staffs involved with the development of the software has to maintain the professionalism while the development of the software is going on. The programmers involved in the coding for the system has to maintain a strict professional code of ethics during the coding. In addition to this, the programmer has to maintain a level of professionalism so that there is convenience among the fellow programmers and the implementers. The programmer has to develop the code in a template and has to maintain a standard while coding. In addition to this, the programmer should also add comments within their code so that the reader or the tester would be able to understand what part of the code they are working on. In addition to this, the programmer should also use method declaring conventions so that it is easy for the reader to understand the coding. Additionally the developers should also maintain the data and intellectual properties code. This should be recognized by the courts and the legislations and maintain the standards (Paternoster et al. 2014). The companies pay the programmers so that they develop their own coding and not copy from other algorithms. Additionally the software interface and the data used in the development of the software should not be copied from the works of other companies. The programmer developing the system should also keep track of the organizational needs and they should be influenced by the organizational factors. In fact there programmer should be exhibiting a high level of loyalty for the organization that they are developing the system for. In general the programmer for the Programming Skill Center would be working in an isolated structure. Hence, it is very important for the programmer to co-operate and integrate with the staffs within the company (Despa 2015). The programmer and the project managers have make the staffs of Programming Skill Center understand the concepts of the project in them and have to engulf the professionalism into them. Hence, it can be said that the sense of professionalism is very essential for the development of the system of the Programming Skill Center.

Software Architecture for Information System


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