Understanding The Five Food Groups And Their Nutritional Benefits
SITHKOP402 Develop Menus for Special Dietary Requirements
SITHKOP402 Develop Menus for Special Dietary Requirements
What are the Five Food Groups?
a. Five food groups
Good and healthy diet is an important aspect that helps to lead a healthy and balanced life. The food and drink combined with proper physical activity help to maintain body weight and prevent several diseases such as obesity and diabetes. There is a variety of food products that helps us to gain basic nutrients for healthy body such as carbohydrate, proteins, fat, minerals, fibers and essential micro-nutrient. However, According to Australian dietary guidelines these variety of the food products belong to “five food groups” and according to this guideline these five food groups makes Australian healthy eating guideline. These food items has been grouped together because they provide similar key nutrients after being broken down into the human body. These five food groups are: vegetable and legumes, fruit, grain (whole grain and fibrous cereals), lean meat, poultry, tofu, nuts beans and legume and reduced fats, milk, yogurt and cheese.
Eating healthy and colorful vegetable reduces the risk of cardiovascular as well as risk of strokes and obesity. The edible vegetables belongs to several part of the respective plant such as leaves, stem, fruit, seeds, legumes, roots, tuber and flowers. For example, potatoes, carrots and beetroot are roots and tubers, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbages are flowers, kidney beans, chick peas, lentils are pulses and legumes and tomato, zucchini and celery are fruits. The primary nutrients that are derived from these vegetables and legumes are phytonutrients that are generally present in plants. Further, complex carbohydrates, fibers, minerals such as phosphorus from lady finger and manganese from brinjal or eggplant and vitamins are also derived. There are several vegetables such as Asian greens, tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage are rich in vitamin C. Furthermore, legumes, peas, beans and mushrooms provides protein to the human body.
Fruit and fruit based juices are important for overall wellness as there are too many nutrients such as dietary fibers, essential carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins are provided by these fruits. There is variety of fruit available throughout the year and choosing those seasonal fruits provides a variety of nutritional choice to the consumer. Similar to the vegetable and leguminous groups, fruits are also divided into groups depending on their color and nutritional value. These groups are pome fruits including apples, tropical fruits such as banana, berries and grapes, stone fruits including cherries and apricots and citrus fruits such as oranges. Maximum of these fruits are low in fat, cholesterol and essential salts. Further there are several under consumed minerals that are only available in fruits such as potassium, magnesium, manganese and folic acid. Banana, grapes, dates, prunes, dried peaches provide these minerals, whereas folic acids derived from citrus fruits help to generate red blood cells.
Vegetables and Legumes: Nutritional Benefits and Different Types
The food prepared from grains are generally inclusive of wheat, rice, rye, barley, corn and oats. These grains are being eaten whole or as flour dough, which is used to make breads, pasta and noodles. These grains are also can be divided into four groups such as cereals for breakfast such as naan, crisp breads, whole grains, breakfast cereals such as oats, muesli, grains such as rice, barley and other products such as muffins, pasta, noodles and popcorn. The whole grains and its major parts are rich in nutritional factors such as fiber, omega-3, dietary minerals and vitamins present in the bran portion, starch rich endosperm and vitamin and minerals such as magnesium, thiamine, and phosphorus rich germ cells. Therefore, these are the essential micro and macro nutrients, which are available in grains and cereals.
The Australian cuisine is full of food dishes containing raw materials from these groups as culturally and life style wise these food group is appropriate for Australians. Hence, a wide variety of food products are being eaten from this group such as fish, meat, egg, tofu, nuts, seed or beans. This group is mainly rich in proteins, derived from plant or animal sources however, nutrients such as minerals including, iron, zinc, essential fatty acids and vitamin such as Vitamin B-12 are derived from these protein rich food group. The lean meat group involves beef, lambs, pork, kangaroo and low salt sausages, whereas poultry involves chickens, ducks, turkey and bush birds. Lean meat and red meat are rich in protein as well as primary source of iron, vitamin B-12, zinc and essential fatty acids. On the other hand, the lentils and nuts are rich in plant derived essential fats. These legumes and nuts includes chickpeas, all kind of beans, and almonds, pine nuts sunflower seeds and peanuts.
Milk and milk products contains many essential nutrients such as protein, reduced fat and essential minerals such as calcium which helps in overall wellness and bone development. According to the concentration of milk, these milk and milk related products are recommended for consumption in Australia. These milk and milk related products are divided into three sections such as milks such as full cream and plain or flavored milk, yogurt such as full cream, soy, toned or flavored yogurt and cheese such as reduced or full-fat cheese. These products are rich in protein, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin B-12 and phosphorus. These are recommended by physicians to increase the bone density in older adults. However, there are instances of allergies and intolerance diagnosed by physicians. Therefore, while consuming or prior to consuming these factors should be kept in mind.
Fruits and Fruit-Based Juices: Importance for Overall Wellness and Health
After going through the five food groups recommended by the Australian government for consumption and health development, it was determined that there are main five kind of nutrients, derived from these food products such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, dietary fibers and essential minerals. The methods using which the human body utilizes these nutrients are being explained below.
Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for the human body and brain and is essential for physical and mental activities and successful functioning of brain cells as well as other organs. It is also important for the proper functioning of intestine and waste elimination. The carbohydrate rich food enters the human body, however, in such complex form, the body is unable to utilize the source of energy. Therefore, conversion of carbohydrate into its simplest form glucose occurs with the help of amylase enzymes that breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and fructose. These sugars are used by brain and body cells as primary source and energy and left glucose are stored in the muscles and liver for further use. As blood sugar level rises, pancreases creates a signal that enables cells to absorb glucose within them and eventually the blood sugar level becomes equivalent. Further while the blood sugar level falls, the generation of glucagon hormone increases that signals the liver to release more glucose for efficient functioning of brain cells.
Protein is the most important nutrient for the growth and development of human body as it provides the building block for the de-oxy ribonucleic acid or DNA and ribonucleic acid or RNA, which are fingerprints of each human cells. Therefore, the human body needs protein for the continuous growth and development of human body, however, like carbohydrate and fat the human body does not have pathway to store or utilize protein, rather it breaks down protein to convert it in usable nutrient which is amino acids. These amino acids are useful in the development of DNA and RNA and muscle fiber reconstruction. However, if the body does not require those amino acids, it is converted to glucose or fat with the help of several enzymes and stored in the muscle of liver like other energy source. Therefore, the excess protein after converted to carbohydrate and fats, it burned to provide energy to human body. Consumption of extra protein is not always beneficial for the consumer as it is not always converted to glucose or fat, rather it is excreted out of human body through urine or sweat. This is because human body requires a specific amount of protein throughout the day and more than that is of no use to the human body, hence it is extracted.
Grains and Cereals: Nutrition Contribution and Main Types
Fat is another essential food nutrient utilized by human body and it provides maximum amount of energy, helps to store certain nutrients and maintains the core body temperature. Furthermore, the goof fat protects heart and helps to maintain wellbeing of human body, whereas the bad fats increases the risk of diseases and damages heart. Fat is known as the backup energy provider for human body and is the concentrated source of energy. Further, fats are useful for the storage of vitamins such as vitamin A, D, K, E, which are called fat soluble vitamins. Likewise protein and carbohydrate, fats are also broken into simplest form which is fatty acids which helps in the normal functioning of tissues. Furthermore, these fatty acids absorbed by the cells are helpful in the formation of prostaglandin that helps to increase or decrease the level of inflammation inside human body.
Dietary fibers are one of the essential nutrition that are important for the overall growth and development of human body. These are the fibrous portion of the dietary vegetables and fruits, which the human body cannot digest. Therefore, our body does not have means to breakdown dietary fibers, further, it has different purpose, inside the human body. The soluble dietary fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol and glucose level and includes fibers from oats, barley, carrots and fruits such as oranges. On the other hand, insoluble fibers helps to clear the digestive system and promotes healthy bowel movement. Therefore, utilization of this, helps to lower the risk of colon cancer, ulcers, and constipation. Furthermore, by promoting clear and proper bowel movement, it helps to maintain an ideal weight and lowers the risk of heart attack and diabetes.
The minerals consumed though food products are called essential as the human body is unable to produce those minerals by its own. These essential minerals are helpful in formation of healthy bones, blood, nerve functioning, hair and nails, muscles as well as metabolic processes and teeth. Minerals such as calcium important for healthy bone functioning, potassium for proper fluid balance, muscle contraction and nerve transmission, chromium helps to maintain blood glucose level and copper that helps to process body iron are few of the essential minerals which are used by human body for continuous development of the growing cells. There are two type of minerals present in the human body, micro and trace minerals which are helpful in overall functioning and development of human body. Furthermore, the body utilizes these minerals as catalyst for different physiological reaction inside the human body such as metabolic processes to turn the food into energy. They also help to regulate the growth of body tissues, maintain proper nerve functioning and maintains the pH of the body. Further it provides structural and functional support to the body.
1. Ovo-lacto vegetarian:
Lean Meat, Poultry, Tofu, Nuts, Beans and Legume, and Reduced Fats, Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese: Rich in Proteins, Essential Fats and Vitamins.
The term ovo-lacto vegetarian is generally used for a particular individual that does not eat any kind of meat but consumes selective animal product such as eggs and milk products . This s the very modern concept of vegetarian eating habit and a vast majority of people in the western countries follow this dietary habit. In this case, for the group of ovo-lacto vegetarians, there is one ingredient in the traditional dish Egg Benedict that they cannot consume.
The ingredient that the ovo- lacto vegetarians cannot consume is bacons. It has to be understood that bacon is a key ingredient in the dish, however bacon is nothing but a salt cured pork made out of different cuts of pork meat. As the ovo- lacto vegetarians do not consume any kind of meat, they cannot consume bacon either.
There are various alternative options for bacon that can be used in this delicious traditional dish so that the ovo- lacto vegetarians can also be given the opportunity to consume it. It has to be understood that the bacon is considered to be one of the most loved ingredient in of the dishes because of the rich smoky flavour and the crisp chewy texture that it provides in the dish. And the alternatives that complement a similar contribution to the overall flavour and texture of the dish can be sun dried tomato crisps which adds a rich salty taste to the dish and can complement the taste undertones perfectly. Along with that another very viable alternative option for the same dish that can successfully replace bacon without compromising the taste of the dish drastically are the roasted mushrooms. On a more elaborative note, the taste of the shiitake mushrooms are earthy or smoky; and along with that the mushrooms are crispy from the outsides and juicy from the inside which complements the taste and texture of bacon as well. Grilled tofu slices baked veggie chips can also be the perfect alternative to the bacon in the dish as well, making it possible for the Ovo- lacto vegetarian customers to be able to consume.
Lactose intolerance can be defined as a medical condition or complexity that is characterized by the lack of ability in particular individuals to be able to digest lactose, the sugar derivative predominantly found in the different milk products. For these individuals consuming any lactose product results into allergic reaction and the manifestations include abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. Hence any milk derived product cannot be digested by this group of customers; and there are a few ingredients in the egg Benedict that might facilitate allergic manifestations in the group of the customers.
How the Human Body Utilizes Essential Nutrients
It has to be understood that butter is a key ingredient for both the Egg Benedict and the hollandaise sauce that goes with it. However it has to be mentioned in this context that butter is direct milk derived dairy product, and there are small but considerable amou8nts of lactose in the butter. Now it has to be mentioned that majority of the lactose intolerant can tolerate small amount of butter in their food without major adverse reactions. However, in this case both the dish itself and the sauce to accompany use significant amounts of butter, which can high risk of allergic manifestations for the lactose intolerant group of customers; and hence alternative options for these customers is crucial.
There are not many alternative options for butter in the market, however there still are a couple of options that can be utilized in the Egg Benedict and hollandaise sauce. The very first alternative option is dairy free margarine, which is a very common and abundantly used choice for the people avoiding dairy products. Margarine is mainly made of coconut oil and possess no risk of harm to the lactose in tolerant at any manner. Another more contemporary addition to the world o cuisines and a very useful alternative option to be used in the dish an be the coconut butter. This is very similar in taste and usefulness and will not compromise the traditional flavours or taste of neither the dish nor the sauce. Hence coconut butter can be easily used to replace butter in the dish for the group of lactose intolerant customers.
Obesity can be considered as one of the most important and significant burden on the westernized countries and therefore the one of the most frequently observed customer groups are the obese. Although there are no grave medical consequences of these groups of consuming particular food product, red meat and fat or cholesterol rich food items can be indirectly detrimental for the health and welfare of this consumer group and can enhance the risk of many heath adversities like coronary heart diseases, diabetes, and renal diseases.
The very first ingredient is the bacon which can be harmful for the obese people. It has to be understood that bacon has high amounts of cholesterols and hence needs to be replaced in the dish. The next element that is not suitable for this group is high amount of butter, which can be very dangerous to the obese group of consumers and can increase their blood cholesterol levels significantly. Lastly egg yolk is also very high in cholesterol and should be avoided if there are alternative measures available when preparing food items for the obese group of individuals.
The bacon alternatives are many and each one adds a similar yet unique flavor to the dish enhancing the taste of the dish. Sun dried tomato crisps can be easily used for this group to replace bacon although oiled version should not be used for this group. Dried shiitake mushroom strips can also be used for this group to replace bacon along with grilled tofu slices. The butter can be easily replaced with dairy free margarine or coconut butter, although margarine is comparatively lighter and hence should be used for the target group. Lastly, the egg yolk can be replaced with a concoction of vinegar and baking soda.
- Muslim customers:
Ingredients not suitable: The traditional dish named Egg Benedict contains 80 gm bacon as one of the ingredient. This ingredient is not suitable for Muslim customers based on religious consideration because bacon is term given to salt cure pork and pig is not a halal food for them. Muslim consumers do not consume pig meat because it is declared as a haram or unlawful food as per dietary regulations in Islam. According to the detailed text of the Quran, four types of food have been deemed unlawful for Muslims. This includes flesh of a dead animal, blood, pig meat and meat from animal in which name of others are taken apart from Allah at the time of slaughtering. Hence, as per religious consideration and preference for food among Muslim consumers, it is clearly understood that bacon or pork will not be accepted by any Muslim consumer. Cleanliness and food quality is a necessary expectation of all consumers. However, in case of Muslim consumers, availability of halal food also affects expectation of foods. So, to avoid any issue, replacing bacon with other similar ingredient is necessary.
Alternative options: The ingredient ‘bacon’ in the Egg Benedict dish may be replaced with other meats like that of mutton or lamb, which is not prohibited according to religious consideration for Muslims. Lamb bacon can be used which will provide similar flavors like that of original bacon and will be equally enjoyed by Muslim consumers too. Bacon and ham are food products made from pork and Halal guidelines also mentions that these products can be made with beef and lamb to resemble original pork version of the product. This is a strategy to imitate pork product and maintain religious consideration for food choice among Muslims too.
- Coeliac customers:
Ingredients not suitable: Coeliac customers are those who have celiac disease and those individuals who prefer gluten-free foods. Celiac disease is a clinical condition in which people develop allergies and immune reaction while consuming gluten reach foods like wheat, barley and rye. When people with celiac disease consume gluten rich food, they start developing symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Hence, strict gluten free diet is necessary for Coeliac consumers. Hence, considering high risk of allergy in celiac customers, the ingredient ‘English muffin’ is not considered suitable for this group of people. This is because English muffin is a food item that contains large amount of gluten and this may lead to adverse reaction in patient.
The alternative ingredients that can be used in place of English muffin for preparing Egg Benedict for celiac consumers can include taking gluten free version of English muffins. These can be made by using ingredients like rice and corn. Rice and corn are versatile ingredients that do not contain barley malts or other gluten containing substances. Currently, many gluten free breads are produces that can be suitable for celiac and gluten-intolerant consumers. Hence, when gluten free muffins are included as ingredients, then no allergies or adverse outcome will be seen in consumers.
Part C
- Cyclic menu for a seminar:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Entrée: Spicy prawn and avocado with mayonnaise and crispy vermicelli |
Entrée: Double smokers ham with mixed lead and mustard seeds |
Entrée: Engish spinach and feta |
Entrée: Salad of tomato and cuttlefish |
Entrée: Green vegetable salads with avocado dips. |
Main: Grilled salmon with capsicum and lemon sauce |
Main: Chicken with carrot and coriander |
Main: Pork with beetroot relish Alternative for Muslims: Roasted lamb and radish cream. |
Main: Barbecued shrimp with peas and rice |
Main: Chicken soup and roasted sweet potato. |
Desserts: Caramel slice with ice cream |
Desserts: Chocolate crackle with pudding |
Desserts: Mango jelly sliced cake with strawberry |
Desserts: Pavlova, a cake shaped dessert topped with fresh fruits |
Desserts: heath strawberry short cake |
- Strategies to enhance client’s satisfaction with choice of menu:
I will employ different strategies to improve client’s satisfaction with choice of menu and enjoy repeated patronage from clients. These include the following:
- Along with the menu list for five days of the seminar, I will give nutritional information and information about preparation time so that client understood that we have gone through tedious process to provide realistic menu and attract attention of guest too. We will also discuss with the client that all menus has been created considering gluten free diet consumers too. This can be said because we have not used any bread or muffins or ingredients containing wheat and barley. Another key highlight of the menu is that all the dishes are topped with rich garnishes that enhance the flavor as well as visual appeal of food. Hence, we can guarantee to the client that that menus are hassle free, well-balances and attractive for guest too.
- Another strategy to attract attention of client is to provide exceptional catering service by keeping in mind about hygiene requirements as well as food allergies and religious considerations of guest. Another strength of our catering service is apart from quality, we have the flair to present the food in the most creative ways. These are signs of professional attributes to attract clients and develop their loyalty with service. Hence, this catering experience will impress client and make them demand our services in the future too.
- To enhance client’s satisfaction with our service, we will also make client notice our service by paying attention to small details too. For example, on each day, we will ensure that the set up for the lunch and presentation of food is done in an efficient manner. No mess up with food will be done and food table will be arranged in such a way that it is easy for all to enjoy the food. Large number of catering staffs will be involved in clean up too so that the place remains cleans and guest does not develop filthy feelings.
- Another best part of our service will be to ensure that quality controls and monitoring procedure is done appropriately at the time of cooking so that no health issues arise in patients. For food requiring special temperature, all up-to-date equipments will be arranged.
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