Telstra: From Conservative Engineering To Digital Organization
Telstra’s Shift to Digital Organization
Discuss about the Analysis of Using the Doing Ethics Technique.
In the current business environment communication has become one of the most important aspect that is required by all organizations to implement new strategies in the business. Worldwide there are many organizations that have used information technology to organize the activities of their business and succeed as well. Apart from changing the activities of the business, it is important for the companies to organize their activities so as to perform their activities without facing any type of barrier in the business. In most cases, organizations lose its competence and perform unethical activities by changing the activities of the business. However, as change is the most important aspect so the companies should organize activities that fulfill the legal and ethical obligations in the environment (Mansell 2010). Further, the purpose of below mentioned report is to provide information about the company Telstra. It explains the shift in the activities of the company from conservative engineering based company to fast paced digital organization. The report explains analysis of the activities of the company with respect to doing ethics techniques, further it also explains the situation of Telstra with respect to ICT professionals and ACS code of ethics. Telstra is one of the biggest organizations working in the field of communication technology in Australia. The company needs to manage their ethical needs present in the environment, in response to which the report identifies the activities of the company and the implication of its actions (Dittrich, Bailey, and Dietrich 2011). Further, more details about the report are discussed below:
The process of change management is very crucial for the organizations as it is important for them to make decisions effectively that achieve the desired objectives of the organization along with completing the ethical techniques as well. The information technology decision initiate by the company Telstra is the optimum for the growth of the company but not completely ethical (San-Jose, et. al., 2013). Resulting to which the company started facing ethical issues in the management, in response to which the doing ethics techniques is discussed below to understand the issue and its ethical implication:
The DET is a technique that helps the people in finding the ethical issue behind the case, the person responsible, ethical implication of the event etc. This technique answer all the questions related to the case. Further Telstra ethical issues in changing in IT techniques are discussed below:
Ethical Implications and doing ethics technique
What’s going on?
- Telstra is Australia’s largest telecommunication that was founded in the year 1975; the company provides different types of telecommunication services in the Australian industry. The company till provides its services in 20 nations worldwide along with which in Australia the company is known for providing fastest mobile network (Bannister, and Connolly 2014). The company provides more than 17.6 million retail mobile services in the market along with 3.55 million retail fixed broadband services and 5.1 fixed voice service in to customers in the market of Australia.
- The company has adopted a digital route to provide efficient and effective services to the customers in the market. Telstra being placed in the telecommunication understood the importance of innovation and technology in the business in response to which they initiated adequate disruptive innovation techniques. Resulting to which, the company changed their business structure from using conservative engineering culture to fast paced digital innovation. The company focused on the interest of the consumers for which they built their application along with crown support platform as well (Harris, et. al., 2011).
- After implementing these technologies in the business, the company earned the satisfaction level of the customers to the greater level. The technology helped the customers to raise their queries and get it solved as well. Also, this facility is mobile so it becomes easier for the organization to address the queries of the people. Apart from such advantages, there are certain disadvantages associated with the company that are laying negative impact on its customers. The major concern of the organization is security and privacy of the people of the company and its customers as well. Along with which, there is a problem of loss of job associated with the company. This model promotes automation that reduces the number of jobs in the environment. An infrastructural model is based on the digital mediums that increase the threat of cyber-attacks for the organization. Also, the cyber criminals can easily access the data by attacking it due to which the price sensitive information of the company can be breached (García Del Junco, De Reyna Zaballa, and García Álvarez de Perea 2010).
What are the facts?
- The facts related to the case are discussed below:
- Telstra has started using the digital media platform by developing a mobile application naming 24/7 and crowdsupport platforms as well.
- This device formed by the organization helps the customers to resolve the issues related to the services provided by the company. It increases the satisfaction level of customers as well.
- This crowd support feature also increases the concern of the organization for the security and privacy.
- Use of this type of platform introduced by the organization might increase the chances of data breach and cyber-attacks for the organization. This type of technological change makes the company more vulnerable in the external market (Laaksoharju 2010).
- Automaton facility provided by the employees of the company increases the threat of loss of jobs as well.
What is the issue?
- The issues attract with the change in technology and decisions of the company Telstra are discussed below:
- Use of platform like crowd support has increased the chances of data breach in the organization. This aspect also gives rise to the substantial attack of the potential cyber criminals who can easily access the data of the company and affect its image in the target market.
- With the use of crowd support platform in the organization, the management has started making automation their first priority; resulting to which, they are reducing the number of jobs in the organization (MacFadden, and Schoech 2010).
- It should be noted that as Telstra is aiming to store the data in the cloud which attracts the unethical hackers to access the details of the clients and the company as well.
Who is affected?
The people affect with decision of the company are discussed below:
- Company: The Company Telstra is itself affected with such decision for shift in technology for the betterment of the company. Although, this process is providing many benefits to the organization but along with that it brings various threats for the organization as well. This technology was introduced in the company concerning the Customer Relationship Management. This technology was adopted by the company in 2010 which showed positive results for the company in the market as the people became more satisfied from the activities of the organization. Furthermore talking about the negative aspects associated with the decision, it should be noted that use of this technology can bring danger for the image of the organization (Liberman?Yaconi, Hooper, and Hutchings 2010). The employees can get dissatisfied with the activities of the company; there is threat of breach of the private data of the organization and many more. The new technology induced all the data of the company thus; one cyber-attack can easily ruin the whole image of the company. The company faced criticism in market for neglecting the negative impacts of the use of crowd support platform in the organization. Loss of jobs became another aspect of criticism for the company. Resulting to which, the profit margin of the organization reduced by 37% in the year 2017 (van den Hoven, et. al., 2012).
- Customers: Customers are the biggest stakeholder of the company, so it is important for them to keep the customers satisfied in order to retain their activities in the target market. The mobile application 24/7 addresses the personal queries of the clients and resolves them easily. But this gives a chance to organization to store their personal information. Increase in cyber-security attacks for the organization can increase the threat of leakage of personal information of clients as well.
- Government: The government of the country is directly affected with the activities of the company in the target market. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of the interest of the citizen of the country and make sure no personal information is shared by anybody without their approval (Harris, et. al., 2011).
What are the ethical issues and what are its implications?
The moral issues and their suggestion can be realized by the assistance of a few theories. For instance:
- Virtue theory: It is a hypothesis which judges the circumstance in view of the trustworthiness and character. The choices that are taken by the firm upgrade the buyer’s involvement and in the meantime it satisfies their prerequisites. Since the choice was helpful for both organization and customers thus this hypothesis recommends the activity to be moral.
- Deontology theory: This hypothesis recommends that any moral circumstance must depend upon the activity as opposed to the outcomes came about through the activity. Referring to the company’s activities must be engaged towards enhancing the experience of their purchasers in light of the administrations they are giving. This hypothesis legitimizes the stages notwithstanding when there is rupture of protection conceivable consequently the activities of the organization as indicated by this hypothesis can’t be thought to be dishonest (Chakraborty, and Chatterjee 2012).
- Contract theory: This hypothesis judges the activity to be moral or untrustworthy in view of the authenticity of the moves made. The referred to company’s activities depended on advanced interruption for giving amazing administrations to its customers. Since the organization is likewise bound to ensure the security privileges of their customers and is taking different endeavors on this issue subsequently this hypothesis underlines it to be moral. Their definitive points were simply to give brilliant administrations to its customer’s in the meantime getting disturbance the market (Patrignani, and Whitehouse 2014).
- Utilitarianism theory: This hypothesis is bit not the same as that of deontology as it thoroughly judges on the outcomes and not on the moves that is made all the while. In spite of the fact that the activity of using new innovation was helpful for the clients’ and the organization still it isn’t good with respect to the organization’s ethics. This is a result of the security and protection concern brought by the innovation. As this hypothesis judges the profound quality of the circumstance consequently it doesn’t comprehends the procedure to be moral. This hypothesis recommends being exploitative in view of the result like weakness to the information rupture, in the meantime due to the activity misfortune that this innovation is creating (Nica 2013).
- Indeed, even afterward that there are numerous means that were taken by Telstra for upgrading digital security; it isn’t sufficiently skilled to confine expansive number of digital assaults that can be conceivable on their frameworks.
What can be done about it?
- The company can easily make use of actions that can reduce the extent of threat for the data breach of the company in the target market. In order to adequately address privacy and security concern, the company should make use of best and innovative technology that can re-build the platform and make it less accessible by hackers. The can also build the infrastructure with the help of firewalls. They can also inform the clients about the wrong practices and precautionary measures to address them (Ruighaver, Maynard, and Warren 2010).
What options are there?
- Telstra can create digital disruption again in order to eliminate the old and ineffective model from the organization.
- The company can enhance infrastructure design model by welcoming contributions.
- Telstra can also spread awareness about the cyber security issues attracted with the organization and its precautionary measures as well.
Which option is best – and why?
- Investment in infrastructure and innovating is so far the best way to overcome the challenges in the organization. The framework used by the company is ineffective so they should initiate new changes in it by keeping the core value and benefits same but making it more authentic and strong. This will reduce the threat of data loss, unethical hacking etc. (McLean 2011).
IT Governance
It is said to be as the fundamental system having formal nature which can help Telstra by giving them a structure for ensuring that their objectives underpins the IT ventures. It helps in making viable and fitting use of data innovation in their business which will help them in accomplishing their objectives. The Governance identified with IT recommends the manners by which the IT framework will be put with the firm so no issues identified with rivalry, choice and business advantages can emerge. It adjusts basic leadership, methodologies and the IT framework in a similar plane. The structure proposed by it will help in lessening the worries identified with protection and security (Szelagowska-Rudzka 2015).
Technologies with the help of which company gains competitive advantage
There are different kinds of advancements that have been utilized inside the Telstra and every last bit of it gives them the upper hand over the others. Telstra is putting consumer service facility office named 24/7. Clients can profit its administrations with the utilization of portable innovation and it is accessible on the two iOs and Android Platform. Utilizing this application, individual from Telstra can interface with others on the crowdsupport stages. This aide in discovering answers for the clients of the organization in the meantime it is created. This gives competitive advantage to the organization as it helps in giving better client benefit which is extremely basic in the cutting edge firms (Kline 2010).
Organization additionally takes utilization of the outage management system that is able to do precisely estimating the term and size of the outage, discovering expenses and raise cautions with respect to the frameworks that is utilized as a part of the association. This additionally helps in having advantage over the competitors as the best possible methodologies can be made utilizing the innovation. Suitable estimation of costs helps in overseeing money related position of Telstra which is essential in the measure of rivalry that is available in the market. As Telstra was profoundly worried about making cost cuts henceforth the innovation will be greatly useful (Griseri, and Seppala 2010).
IT Governance of Telstra
Telstra is likewise utilizing Web of Things which is very advantageous for interfacing every one of the gadgets inside the firm. It is thought to be as the fate of the business innovation. As Telstra is moving towards mechanization henceforth IOT can be extremely useful which will help them in having edge over their rivals (Gaita 2011).
It is important for every organization to follow the code of ethics while initiate a decision in the organization. Further the analysis of situation from ACS code of ethics point of view is discussed below:
- Professionalism: The process helps the management of the company to understand and evaluate the problem resulting to which they gain effectiveness to solve it. Thus, professionalism is maintained (Australian Computer Society 2014).
- Competence: The introduction of technology in the environment helps the company to become competent in the eyes of customers and provide them better level of satisfaction, due to which competency increases (Van den Bergh, and Deschoolmeester 2010).
- Professional Development: This aspect of ethics reduces in the organization due to the loss of jobs of employees with the increase in automation (Yoon 2011).
- Honesty: While providing the technological services to the clients, the organization did not give details about the pros and cons of the platform. Thus, the company fails to fully satisfy this code of ethics.
- Primacy of public interest: Every organization in the current environment should make the interest of the customer their top most priority. In response to which the company should Telstra should use the technology that support the activities of customers and do not harm them. However, increases the threat of data breach violate this code of ethics for the organization (Thomas, Burmeister, and Low 2017).
Conclusion and recommendations
From the above report it can be inferred that Telstra is one of the greatest media transmission organization which gives brilliant administrations to its customers. It is has changed its method for working together by executing innovations in their business. Such changes may bring about different sorts of interruptions. With the presentation of utilization like 24/7 and additionally crowdsupport design it is possible to solve the questions related to individuals however this has likewise raised different sorts of security and moral issues for Telstra. This is obvious from the examination done by doing morals method. Telstra must use best of wellbeing bolster design in order to diminish the helplessness of the information identified with clients.
Thus, it should be recommended to the company that the company should adequately take care of the interest of clients in the organization by fully complying with the ACS code of ethics and ICT professionals as well. The organization Telstra should implement strategies as discussed in the DET. The organization should also make sure that interest of no stakeholder is harmed with the activities of the company. The company should also initiate training program for the employees so as to effective manage the unethical activities currently used by them. Crowdsupport process should be eliminated by the organization along with crowdfunding. Encrypting the data will help the organization to reduce the threat of data breach in the company. Thus, in this way with the use of such strategies the company can effectively initiate ethical decisions in the organization.
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Technologies giving Telstra Competitive Advantage
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