Case Study Analysis Of Knowledge Management Problem In Silk Hospitality Company
Background of Silk Hospitality Company
Discuss about the Knowledge Management for Silk Hospitality Company.
With the ramified economic changes and complex busienss functioning of organization, role of knowledge management has been gaining momentum throughout the time. In this report, case study analysis of the Silk Hospitality Company has been done which reflects the knowledge management problem faced by company, proposed solution for the issue, discussion on the matter and the end conclusion. Ideally, knowledge management arises when company faces issues like communication problem, lack of use of innovative technologies and system and less effective busienss outcomes. The proposed solution is given to strengthen the existing communication program and increased the overall outcomes in determined approach.
It is outsourced hotel housekeeping busienss which has been running its busienss as dynamic hospitality company. It has vision to grab at least 20% market share in Australia in providing outsourcing hotel housekeeping services to clients. All the managerial decisions are taken by the management to strengthen the strategic work process of company (Chen, 2017).
The main department which is subject of the report is the logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company in which all the inbound and outbound activities are undertaken. However, company has faced issue related to the lack of the communication between the employees and less effective direction which may negatively impact the busienss functioning. Knowledge management is the process to efficiently handling the flow of information and resources within the organization (Deng, et al. 2017)
This company is accompanied with the several departments which is sub divided into inbound and outbound activities. It is analyzed that Silk Hospitality Company has been managed by the line managers in the different process who navigates employees to take the decisions in determined approach for the better work satisfaction of employees. After analyzing the issues and problem of the logistic and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company, it is analyzed that due to the lack of connectivity among employees and managers, company has faced high employee turnover and increased costing of the business (Luan, et al. 2015). It is analyzed that main problem arise in the flow of information and interpretation of the same among the employees. It might negatively impact the business output and negatively impact the busienss outcomes in organization (Gu, et al.2017). This has shown that company needs to focuses on the using the effective knowledge management program which may increase the overall outcomes of the busienss and strengthen the communication process system. It is analyzed that implementing the effective knowledge management program based upon the proper work structure and line managers indulged in the work process system of the organization. With the increasing complexity of the hospitality busienss, knowledge management will strengthen the transparency of the business and assist organization to connect with each and every employee through the online modes and cyber computing system (Salim, & Haque, 2015).
Issues Faced by Silk Hospitality Company
The main problem of the logistic and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company is related to the lack of connectivity and proper flow of information. This has resulted to increase costing of the busienss and also increased the complexity at large on the operational level. However, this problem has arisen due to the lack of proper communication channel and increased staff numbers in the process system of the organization. With the ramified growth of the busienss, Silk Hospitality Company should have used online cyber computing mechanism to establish online communication channel for all of its employees (Skendall, et al. 2017). Due to lack of this online system, company has faced decreased level of business outcomes and failure to deliver the required results within the given time. This problem has resulted to high employee turnover and low level of business outcomes which eventually result to reduction in the profitability of the business. It is analyzed that creation of the synergy in the business could also be emerged in business when company has advance technology tool. In addition to this, if company uses the advance technologies then it will not only attract more clients but also strengthen the working performance of organization at large (Calabrese, et al. 2007).
With the ramified changes in busienss functioning and increasing demand of the clients, it is analyzed that Silk Hospitality Company needs to use the social media and advance communication program (Dourish, Anderson, & Nafus, 2007). It is observed that Silk Hospitality Company firstly needs to analysis the process system and required communication methods which needs be adopted in the process. Company could use the CISCO communication system software to set up the new software application program which will assist in strengthening the communication methods in busienss. In order to implement the proposed solution, Silk Hospitality needs to arrange proper resources in business. It will require investment in installing the new systems and entering into the strategic alliance with the IT company (Sharif, & Scandura. 2014). This proposed solution will also be linked with the mobile app which would be further used by employees to communicate with each other’s. It will be used as set up work program which will strengthen the work program functioning and will increase the overall outcomes in determined approach. In addition to this, hiring of experts employees in the work process department will support the implementation of the knowledge management. The installation of the new cyber computing system and development of the social media program to communicate with the clients will require high level of integrity and efforts to hire more experts’ employees. After that strategic planning will be induced to maintain the proper work structured in the busienss process of the Silk Hospitality Company. It is analyzed that the company also needs to arrange the finance for installing this new system. It will require issue of capital in market, raising funds from the bank loan and private funding (Sutko, & de Souza Silva, 2011).
Proposed Solution and Discussion
It is analyzed that in some of the process of the logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company, management has to face high cost of production which have negatively impacted the work process of the organization. It is analyzed that due to the negative business outcomes and less effective busienss functioning company might face issues in its business which may negatively impact the internal control system. In addition to this, lack of communication channel results to less effective link between the employee work performance and managers instruction in business (Addlesee, et al. 2011). Employees may also use the mobile communication devices to community with each other. This will requires installation of the office mobile app which will establish the strong connection among employees. This will also set up an effective grievance portal in business.
It is considered that using the cyber computing system and online social media program will strengthen the connection between the employees and management at large. The benefits of the using this proposed solution in the business process of logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company will be automation in the communication among the employees. Furthermore, social media program will also help company to strengthen the communication process with the clients (Eder, 2011). It will assist company to identify the changes which needs to be made to make busienss more customized as per the client’s needs and demand. With the increasing complexity of logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company, the cyber computing system will make most of the work process automated and lower down the manual work. It is discussed that if logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company is deployed with the advance cyber computing system then it will strengthen the quality of work process and also increases the overall outcomes in determined approach. The main challenge which might arise while installing the new cyber computing system and online dashboard mechanism is related to financial planning and hiring of expert employees Company needs to properly arrange the financial resources for the funding of the new system. Company could raise funds by issue of shares, private funding and use of private funding in business. It is analyzed that while installing new system in the logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company will requires highly experts IT employees who could operate the new system in easy and effective manner (Bradford, 2015). Nonetheless, proper training and development process will also be required to motivate employees to adapt with the new changes. There are several motivation theories such as ERG theory, Maslow Motivational theory and reward system which could be used to motivate employees for their effective business functioning. Apart from these technical issues, company needs to analysis whether the social and economic problems will influence employees and their work performance when new systems will be implemented in process. These issues could be mitigated by identifying the problems of the employees. It is analyzed that Company could mitigate these issues and problems by using the proper strategic planning and analytical work program. The proper research and development department will assist organization to deploy the innovative machines and cyber computing system (Expósito, Conejo, and Canizares, 2016).
Challenges with Implementing the Solution
After analyzing all the details and analytical work program, it could be inferred that the logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company have been facing high complexity in their work program. The best proposed plan is to install the new cyber computing system and social media program to strengthen the communication among employees. It will lower down the complexity of the work process and assist employees to communicate with each other’s in very less time. Now in the end, it could be inferred that problems and issues associated with the new proposed plan could be mitigated by using the proper strategic plans and motivation theories. However, employees may face issues with the adaption of new advanced technologies but these could be mitigated by using the proper training and development program. This new application and cyber computing system would strengthen the work process and increase the overall quality of the working. It will eventually result to lower down the complexity of the logistics and supply chain management of Silk Hospitality Company.
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