Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethics For Public Policies
Defining CSR
Discuss about the CR & Ethics for Public Policies.
The purpose of this report is to make sure that there is a proper understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics. Moreover to have an understanding in terms of how Corporate Social Responsibility has come up.
The scope of this reports deals with the literature review of CSR as a concept and also with the company which is quite involved in these sorts of practices which is Nike.
Nike which has been one of those companies which have never looked at the finish line but have always tried to give their best shot to win and even come back stronger with more strength.
With so many of their initiatives at a very early time of CSR coming up- they had the advent of new labor practices and sustainable development which was a concept that gained popularity. (Tebo, 2005) It somehow became necessary for Nike to cope up with the same as the kind of issues which Nike had to deal before it was not good for their corporate image. Thus from 1998 to 2013- they have made sure that they are treading on the path which is making their products helping the nature to sustain and even employees being their most important resource. (Utting, 2005)
CSR is the continuous commitment of the business in order to behave ethically and contribute to the development of the country economically while improving the quality of life of the labor and their families at large even. (Van et. al, 2007)
CSR has been one such term which has revolutionized how the companies now do activities for the society. The practice of this responsibility has benefited many who are in need of such initiatives by the companies.
Reputation Institute, the world’s leading research and advisory firm which even measures that how is CSR done and how they can do it better. They not only provide the company’s top level- the ways to communicate their activities in a better manner. They also make sure that they analyze risks and a lot more while serving more than 400 companies.
Here we are definitely talking about- why CSR? What is the need of CSR by big companies when there might be many agencies that are doing the same? But CSR is quite important- no doubt about that. Some programmes and practices which can actually make the employment do a great thing in terms of attracting best of the talents. Moreover the case for CSR can even be in favor of the society from which the companies have taken a lot and they need to provide them back. Also if we talk about the cost management, CSR activities not only make sure that the companies have a control on the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment but also preventing the society from getting dirtier and polluted. Ethics which is the main part even retains the employees and even attracts new ones because they can be rest assured in terms of in what kind of company they are working and lots more. (Black et. al. 2003)
Case for CSR
Organizations can’t really help it if they don’t have an effective sustainable performance. In the times where the organizations should be looking in order to perform well in terms of financial stability, these CSR programmes actually detract them in order to perform well enough in terms of financial and economic front.
The organizations should actually be performing well in terms of having their employees a great deal of incentives and helping them grow a lot. Also to make sure that these programmes help them have stability in terms of their own performance which have a good impact on their employees. Out of these CSR programmes they need to actually see that it is impacting their own organization first and then the society because if the company forgets its own survival then there will be no one to look after these sorts of responsibilities.
From Nike’s prior days just they have this Fair Labor Association (FLA) which helps the representatives and work to work in great condition. From this affiliation getting shaped there was a colossal change and prompt improvement of work conditions everywhere throughout the globe. (Waddell, 2007) This was not it, Nike even moved to having implicit rules for its production lines with observing manufacturing plants and gathering information for environment and work. (Doorey, 2011)
They have been keeping up with their Corporate Responsibility (CR) process which was only reclassifying its position on supportability for the advancement of the considerable number of partners included. They even centered on numerous changes in their supply chains which will make sure that the work which they are doing is making the ecological balance stable. With this they had an approach of ensuring that they are working while tending to the worldwide patterns of rising populace; diminish in nature of environment around us. They have been able to change the supply change management completely in which they are the biggest pioneers. (Berkhout, 2005)
Moving the Corporate Responsibility (CR) group to the cutting edge in corporate basic leadership prepare and even they created files which were material to all the agreement makes and on themselves even. This ensures the organization is being real as far as how they are being maintainable and have been working towards the manageable practices.
In 2013, when Nike could have become the target of so many activists they were enjoying a safe position because they understood that why is there a need of such practices and a lot more. Also with the kind of indexes they had developed, it helped them a lot in terms of maintaining their standards and a lot more.
Case against CSR
This has been even including creating a great number of livelihood opportunities.
Also for the stakeholders even they have a separate focus all together and the company has even decided to focus on their consultation and have activities where the maximum amount of value can be generated.
The following are the focus areas:
There is a large part of the population which is totally malnutrition and is not getting the desired information regarding the amount of nutrition. Nike has been focusing on the problem of malnutrition of school children.
Water and Sanitation: the Company is even focusing on reducing water usage in agriculture, raising awareness on conservation of water. (Albareda, et. al 2007)
Nike have always made sure that the labor is working as per Industry standards-
Nike which helped to form FLA- a non- profit which makes sure that there are universal regulations for labors. Even though Nike and Adidas both worked for this but somehow Nike only emerged as one of the pioneers and carried with this kind of practice. Nike has been evolving labour practices which can even help them to get a great amount of wage rates and good working conditions- this all deals with great labor practices.
Global RepTrak™ 100 has been ranking Nike at the 13th position time and again and also if we analyze that how Nike has been performing from past years- thus their profits have been reaching heights and the kind of CSR initiatives they have been taking is beyond doubt amazing. With not only helping in decreasing the environment footprint which indirectly helps them decrease the cost but also helps them do a lot more than achieving a great sense of financial stability. Concentrating on vitality, science, water and waste, we dive deep into the store network to comprehend our effects and recognize techniques to utilize less, utilize better and utilize once more. They have been taking in account a lot of issues which they can change in order to help the environment more and making sure that they have a lot of impacts on the society as their philosophy says.
They have been growing with their tag line of just do it and they have been doing it since they understood that how much ethics and CSR can make a difference in the image of the company and even in the society. Thus by making this sure they have been doing a great deal of change management in the environment by not only taking care of their employees but also adding value in the environment by being environmentally friendly and a lot more. The company is doing great in their financial figures and has never left the sheer practice of CSR by incorporating ethics since 1990s. Thus is the way a company can do wonders if they wish too.
Furthermore, accordingly there has to be proper legitimate controlling standards which look after the kind of association to develop the CSR and its initiatives. Nike has been one of the pioneers who have been doing so much of CSR activities when this initiative didn’t even break out. Moreover the kind of the philosophies which have been there in order to make sure that there is a great sense of development, and then there can be a lot of development in the world.
Along these lines there can be various methodologies by which they can keep up in their abilities like masterminding the procedure, guaranteeing that the gathering is sensible and true blue progression course of action. Additionally there can be various sorts of facilitated strategy which the pioneer truly encounters when the affiliation is in danger. Thusly in Nike we can continue with an awesome arrangement integrative approach while making power capacities of the affiliation. Subsequently in the report, over each and every, various strategy which can be taken to develop your pioneer and considerably more is there which can be associated in the affiliation I have picked.
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Black, L. D., & Hartel, C. E. J. 2003. The five capabilities of socially responsible companies. The Journal of Public Affairs, 4, 125–144.
Doorey, D. 2011. The Transparent Supply Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss. In Journal of Business Ethics (4th ed., Vol. 103, pp. 587–603). Springer.
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