Analyzing Buyers’ Behavior On Holiday Destinations

Analyzing the behavior of the respondents based on personality theories

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The current report deals with the buying behaviour of customers regarding the choices of holiday destinations. It is evident that while running a business, the organization needs to be aware of like, dislike, culture, life style and other segments. Thus, customer behaviour is one of the important aspects, which should be considered carefully. The volume of sales entirely depends on customers, thus, it is necessary to know about the factors that influence customer behaviour. The current report revolves three different questionnaires that include the choice of customers. In addition, the respondents given by the customers is linked three different theories such as personality theory, motivational theory and demographic theory.

Ranking evaluative criteria are different

The ranking evaluative criteria are different of each respondent as there have been multiple factors associated with the decisions made by the customers (Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez 2012). For instance, it can be mentioned that the first respondent has given 1 (very poor) to cost charged for the destination of Spain, France and Italy. Whereas the 2nd respondent marked 4 (good) and the 3rd respondent marked 1 (very poor). This action helps to learn that cost designed for option 1 is not affordable since majority of customers gave poor rating to the cost designed for option. Hence, the behavior of above two respondents who have issues with the cost charged for option 1 can be linked with one particular characteristic of Freud’s psychoanalytical theory. The aspect comes in the form of “ego” (Jonason et al. 2012).  According to this particular characteristic, people tend to follow the principles of reality (Vance, Siponen and Pahnila 2012). When a majority of people accepts the same fact of reality balancing the demands of social approval, a common characteristic is usually found in those people. This indicates that those people are much familiar with reality. In addition, the respondent, who has given good rating to the option 1 is considered as extravagant. In human development theory proposed by Freud, the child who experienced a poor toilet training in the initial stage human development becomes extravagant in nature. Thus, it can be mentioned that the respondent who has given rated 5 to option 1 has inability in decision making and his/her id is more active than others.

The choices give by the respondents of holiday destination are different from each other. There has also been a certain factor, which largely influence the decision made by the respondents. According to the opinions given by Freud, the people who have unconscious drives and instincts and follow the pleasure of principles generally have active “id” (Hopwood et al. 2012). This means they become extravagant in nature. Hence, the respondent who has selected the option 2 (Las Vegas) is extravagant in nature. It is evident that Las Vegas is one of the expensive holiday destinations in the world. On the contrary, the respondent who has selected option 6 (Barossa Valley) has a unique human nature. The individual with this particular kind has experienced stringent toilet training at the initial stage of human development. This kind of people tend seek more benefits with at minimum budgets.

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Choices of holiday destination are different

Ranking evaluative criteria are different

Unlike the data findings discussed above, demographical factors could also influence the decisions made by the respondents. For example, culture and gender are the analytical whose application by demographic has always been criticized in anthropology.  The individual who has rated 1 to the charge applied for option 1 (Spain, France and Italy) might have less disposal income than the individual who rated 5 to the same. On the contrary, it has also been identified that culture is also one of the significant factor, which could influence the decision-making practice individual (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte 2012).The respondents, who has rated 2 to the option 5 (Gold Cost) due to some cultural factors. For example, the individual who has culturally been fond of food would not prefer to give the high rating as the food is excluded from the budget. Conversely, the individual, who has rated 5 for the accommodation to the option 2 (Las Vegas) is belong to Asia. The people belong to Asia prefer high quality of products since the disposal income comparatively higher than the people belong to Africa.

As discussed above the holiday destination can also can be influenced by demographical factor. As mentioned by Paul and Rana (2012), person’s culture could influence his/her responses to survey questions. For example, the respondent who has selected the option 1 for holiday destination is culturally different from the individual who has selected the option 2 (Las Vegas) for holiday destination. The respondent who selected the option 2 is grown up with high financial benefits. As mentioned by Sashi (2012), the individual who has high disposal income may prefer to select the expensive holiday place. For example, self-employed people may prefer choose expensive location like Las Vegas. Conversely, the respondent who has selected the option for holiday destination likely has low disposal income. The people with low or average income usually avoid expensive places; instead, they prefer to choose the location, which provides all required benefits at low affordable price. Thus, it can be mentioned that person’s culture, gender and income could largely influence their life style.

Ranking evaluative criteria are different

It is identified that like personal and demographical factor, motivational factor could also influence life style of individual. This could result in decision-making. There have been different theories of motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s motivational hygiene theory that can be linked with the decision given by the respondents to the options given in the questionnaire. There have been five different types of needs that people have namely self-actualization, esteem, belongingness, safety and physiological needs (Luchs and Mooradian 2012). The physiological needs can be linked with food, water and sex. Thus, it can be mentioned that the respondent who has rated 5 for food to the option 3 (Las Vegas) tends to look for physiological satisfaction such as food. On the contrary, the respondent who has rated 2 for activities to the option 3 tends to look for safety. As hardly an individual prefers to spend a fortnight on cruise. The person may think of their physical security. If accident occurs during the vacation inside the cruise, the medical benefits may not available for the customers. Thus, due to fear of security, people tend to avoid option 2 (New Zealand)

Analyzing the behavior of the respondents based on demographic theories

Like rating evaluative criteria, the choice of holiday destination can also be linked with the motivational factors.  As discussed above, some fundamental needs of people can be categorized by real-world situations. For example, the individual who has selected the option 2 for holiday destination prefers or wants belongingness. Las Vegas is one of the best places in the world, where people visit to enjoy and experience the life of Casino. People also go there to try thei8r luck and earn money. In addition, the choice of Las Vegas can also be linked with the physiological needs such as money. The people, who belong to an affluent family, go there to try their luck at Casino. Conversely, the respondent who has chosen option 3 (New Zealand) tends to satisfy physiological needs such as food. The option 3 is provided with inclusion of all meals. Thus, this element makes people understand, as they do not have compromise with meals. In addition, the respondent who has selected the option 1 (Spain, France and Italy) tends to look for the opportunity to satisfy their esteem needs such as recognition and maintenance of high status.  The option 1 provides multiple types of benefits that are highly expensive; thus, the individuals who look for recognition may choose this option.

Characteristics of likeliest customers

As mentioned by Lipsman et al. (2012), customers are the major resource of an organization; thus while setting up a new business or developing the existing business, it is necessary for the organizations to focus on identifying the needs of people. At the time of developing a new product or launching a new product in the market, the marketers could delve in to the psychology of people. It is identified that psychological factors could largely influence the buying behaviour of individual. On the contrary, the demographical and personal factors could influence the purchasing decisions of people largely. For example, the individual who is grown up with money and wealth would probably prefer to go to expensive places in the world. The individual with this particular nature does not hesitate about the cost. Thus, to attract this type people, the marketers need to focus on their products and services. The marketers should develop a high quality of products and services that is beyond the perception of the customers.

On the contrary, the individuals who prefer required benefits at minimum price have average family income. Thus, to convince individual with this particular nature, the marketers need to increase the number of items with the package at affordable price. In addition, the organizations in tourism industry need to develop their variety of products and services. In addition, at the time of designing the variety, it is important to focus on both demographical and motivational factors. For instance, the old people, who belong to the age above 50, would rather prefer to select the retirement package. As mentioned by Venkatesh, Thong and Xu (2012), newly married people also prefer to go expensive places; thus, the marketers should emphasizes on the products and services.

Choices of holiday destination are different

As mentioned by Ifinedo (2012) “learning could involve a change in the content or in the organization of long term memory and behaviour”. There have been two different part involved in the definition of learning theory. The first part of the definition deals with the facts that are usually known to people, thus, people could put them in the right place to use, whereas the second part of the definition deals with concrete behaviour. This statement can be understood by a suitable example; many people may avoid foods that they consumed shortly before falling ill. As mentioned by Deci and Ryan (2012) learning is not always based on knowledge. For example, it has been observed that sales the executives in one particular store could become nice to customers than others in another store. Thus, people must develop a preference or like for that particular store over other.  Nevertheless, Manzoor (2012) commented that people may not have the ability or skills to develop a conscious explanation as to the reasons for people’s preference.


On the completion of the report, it can be added that most demographical and motivational factors are the major factors that largely influence the purchasing decision of customers. However, with the development and innovation, the organizations in every industry have become more concerned with buying behaviour of people. The organizations, in the recent time tend to develop their products and services analyzing the life style, preference, and income people. Moreover, the organizations that run their business in global market find it easy to place their products and services as global market is a large platform, where varieties of people exist. Lastly, it can be added tourism industry is one of the growing industry; thus, the organizations in this industry should pay a serious attention on high quality of products and services.

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