Promotion Of The Health Of Child And Adolescent And Its Outcome In Australia

Factors affecting the health of children and adolescents

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Promotion of the health of Child and Adolescent and its outcome in Australia:

Improvising the physical health of the young Australians

There are direct and indirect factors responsible for the health and physical issues of a child and people of the adolescent period, which are conducted with numerous impacts (Barnes and Rowe 2013). The NEST or the National plan for child and youth has a focus on six different programs respectively. This will promote to recognize which factor will improvise the health of the young Australians. From these six factors of priorities, I am putting my focus on the strategy which will help to improve the physical conditions of the young Australians and the acceptable outcomes from it. This report also focused on the OECD, which is also known as Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which includes the ranking compared to the developing country.

Health is not a factor of presence or absence of disease as referred according to Australian Institute of health and welfare (AIHW 2011). Better educational performances are the cup of tea of the people with the good health condition and performing the entire work, accessing the healthy life span and opportunity to achieve fewer challenges and problems, where as the people undergoing a poor health conditions may undergo several problem in daily works in life (AIHW 2011). The physical conditions and their health whether it is poor or good highly depends on from the time of their fetal period, which continues to flow with them throughout their life (Brooks et al. 2014). These health issues have been predicted from the direct and indirect behavior problems, where the internal problems related to behaviors of the person has a direct effect on the anxiety and depression. In the other hand, the external physical conditions include conflicting, arguing and stealing tendencies. The developmental period of a child is referred to as the adolescent period. This period in a child’s life includes various types of changes that would change the behaviors to a certain extent. The changes include autonomy, psychological and physical changes, sexual maturation, and other changes in the body, etc. Likewise, people with overweight suffer from unhealthy life in their adolescent period (Greenleaf, Petrie and Martin 2014). Family de-motivates them, due to their physical imbalance, therefore, making them sufferers of depression, and anxiety, etc. Obesity also increases the potentiality of the type II diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, chronic kidney diseases, etc. Parents having poor health conditions may consider a problem for the child and also in the working field of the parent, by taking frequent leaves (Greenleaf, Petrie and Martin 2014). Here comes a comparison where the child with good health can perform good educational performances whereas the child with obesity and overweight can have lacked in the efforts in the educational performances including some abnormalities too (Ickovics et al. 2014).

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Comparison of Australia’s health status with OECD members

Concerning ARCY was also known as Australian research alliance and youth, a framework has been generated on the health and wellbeing of the young people. It also compares the health of Australia on OECD members such as: Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, etc. according to the ARCY report of Australia undergo a continuous study and comparative assay on the health of the young people of the countries. It showed that 26% of the indicators revealed a place on the top third position. The rate may vary to 50% by the year of 2025, which includes the third top rankings according to the OECD. Australia ranks about 17 of 30 OECD countries, and may improvise the ranks to 17 to 5 out of 30 OECD countries by the year of 2050 (ARACY 2014).

The live newborn babies in Australia have a poor rate of 6% with low birth rate. Australia ranks about 13 out of 34 in the overall OECD ranking respectively. In another hand according to OECD, Australia ranks from the bottom third in children immunization, obesity, overweight, of the 30% of the age scale between 5 years to 24 years, with slightly higher aboriginal Australian. In various cases, the children suffer from developmental amenability comprising with a percentage of 22%, with no OECD rankings in this issue. It also represents that Australia as a highest ranker in youth smoking, therefore, conducts low performances on child safety, prevention of death due to injury, etc. Among the population of the entire Australia, the people between 5 years and 24 years availing the proposition of daily fruit with about 5% approximately (ARACY 2014).

The health factors are classified into broad three categories, such as: proximal, intermediate and distal level. The proximal determinants convey a direct effect on the health, social status, networks, etc. (Keleher and MacDougall 2011).  Other factors may include literacy, employment, and education, social and environmental conditions. To the above mentioned context, it is concluded that the family with low income and unemployment, poor housing, crime environment, etc. have the changes in the level of literacy and sufficient nutritional values. Other than low health conditions the family support is one of the major cause for the inbuilt of the future and attitude of the child, the physical health of the young children, etc. Moreover, people coming from a poor living area are not provided with sufficient healthy atmosphere and safe baby delivery (Keleher and MacDougall 2011).

Strategies to improve physical health

According to ARCY, it has been stated that Australia is on the verge of crucial and bad phase by physical health of the young people of the country. The country should be subjected to improvise the current scenario in health and wellbeing of the kids. Due to this reason, some strategies are required to be placed for the increment of the physical health of the people. Some of the requirements include nutrition, physical activities, and obesity, etc. (Godfrey and Lawrence 2010). The main nutritional supplements which are to be noted as a priority are from breast feeding, which is the sole nutritional supplement for the infants. Breast feeding not only provides nutrition to the child but also supports the baby with a potential immunity, development of the functioning of the body, promoting a long-term health, and it also reduces the risk of obesity for the kids. For the potential awareness, we can provide a campaigning through newspapers, television, also most importantly educate the family members to follow up with the best deed and need to the kids (Moss and Yeaton 2014). Parents much encourage their children with physical exercises, outdoor activities, swimming, etc. The parents must encourage the kids to follow up with the best nutritional values and intake of food according to the health of the kids, and avoid the junk foods. Healthy nutritional values provide a healthy lifestyle for the kids; this would also assist the child with the ability to resolve the depression and anxiety of their daily works (Tietzel and Rose 2013). 


It is considered that physical health in one of the primary issue throughout. The kids who suffer from the poor physical health condition undergo poor academic stabilities and achievement. Numerous qualitative and quantitative factors estimate the physical health of the people. The reports submitted by the NESR provide the information that Australia ranks the middle third of OECD rankings. The factors to overcome the problems of the physical health conditions of the country must include severe awareness against the obesity, fast foods intake, etc. and producing a plan for the nutritional status, awareness and the physical activities, especially for the young generations of Australia who are suffering from bad health and low living conditions.   


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Greenleaf, C, Petrie, TA, & Martin, SB 2014, “Relationship of weight-based teasing and adolescents  psychological well-being and physical health”, Journal of school health, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 49-55,  viewed on 10th December 2015 CINAHAL database(EBSCO).

Ickovics, JR, Carroll-Scott, A, Peters, SM, Schwartz, M, Gilstad-Hayden, K & McCaslin, C 2014, “Health and academic achievement: cumulative effects of health assets on standardized test scores among urban youth in the united states”, Journal of school health, vol. 84, no. 1, pp.40-48,viewed on 10th December 2015 CINAHAL database (EBSCO).

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Tietzel, A, Rose, A 2013, ‘Health promotion through early childhood’ in M Barnes and J Rowe (eds), Child, Youth and Family Health: Strengthening Communities, 2nd edn, Elsevier, Chatswood, NSW.

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