Business Research Methodology For Global Human Resource

Getting a suitable job

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This particular section elaborates the theoretical concepts on the related topics on getting suitable job by applicants. In this particular assignment, it establishes detailed analysis on three journal articles related with the given topic. It gives an overview of explanation on variety of ways an applicant can get job for specified time (Werner, Schuler and Jackson 2012). It explains on concept in understanding the employability skills in place of personal quality. It is essential in undertaking ways for solving early employment issues faced by entry level auditors. It explains concepts relating perspectives of employers as well as students in an overall manner.It need to take into consideration problems faced by auditor at the time of employment at an early stage. With the advancement of globalization, it explains changed technology as well as series of high profile, corporate failures as well as required accounting professional in global business environment. It requires essential usage of wide quality services for clients in maintaining Compeitive position in an overall manner (Valentine, Mathis and Jackson 2012). Accounting professionals repositions itself as knowledge professional in comparison with accounting techniques for future analysis purpose. It critically analyzes on concept of social networking websites in job search as well as employee recruitment. Linking with these attributes will give proper explanation on candidate recruitment process in the most appropriate way. Addition to that, it influences the applicant in case of recruiter perceptions for fitting as well as hiring recommendations at the same time.

This particular journal article is taken from “Employability skills, personal qualities and early employment problems of early-level auditors: Perspectives from employers, lecturers, auditors and students. This article focuses on examining various employability issues by the accountants.. It requires areas in investigation including employability skills importance as well as desirable personal qualities. It encounters problems with early employment opportunities among the junior auditors and ways in minimizing it as far as possible (Truss, Mankin and Kelliher 2012).

Most of the candidates process those accounting knowledge implications in nature. It expects students in learning multitude of skills as well as abilities in generic ways. It studies the qualities that are sought by employees as fresh accounting graduates. Some of the knowledge-related criteria are considered important for future analysis purpose (Torrington 2011). Knowledge skills are rating higher by the candidates in solving technical skills, motivational factors skills and critical thinking for the same. It is considered as negative effect in case of poor oral as well as written communication from past-driven activities. As per the survey conducted in US accounting firms, it reveals ways for ranking high communication skills especially for entry-level accountants in the near future. Generic skills are considered as important skills especially in the accounting career by accounting academics as well as students (Taylor and Woodhams 2012). It reveals the ability of the students in performing the routine tasks, analytical skills as well as critical skills in the most appropriate way. Top-rated skills by the academics include technical skills as well as knowledge as per the given areas of information technology and legal process in an effective ways. In accordance with personal qualities, it is preferred by the accounting students as well as entry-level accountants. They are mostly ambitious, energetic as well as professional and ethical in nature (Stone 2011). It reveals trustworthiness facts as per sense of responsibility as well as positive attitudes and conscious attributes for future analysis purpose. It depends upon the accounting career in health care organization in the most appropriate way (Rothwell et al. 2012). Employers mostly take initiative in undertaking responsibility as well as cooperation in favoured personal quality in potential employees on accurate terms. Communication skills enable in considering skills that enters into the career of accounting field. Accounting practitioners has found ways in spending nearly 80% of time in working time for communicating with others. In accordance with recent investigation, it is noticed accounting firms employers for involving in various skills like communication and oral and written for the same. It requires high communication skills in listening in attentive form and client presentations meetings. It requires specified written communication for the accounting firm employers for the accounting at an entry level. It helps in writing memos in definite formats for future analysis purpose (Price and Price 2011).

Importance of perceived skills and related personal qualities

One of the common problems is early employment problems as discussed in the present study. Employment problems leads to reduction in productivity as well as diminished professional identity and absenteeism. It increases in the staff turnover level as well as career in accounting field (Prescott and Rothwell 2012). It is necessary for the employee graduates in identification as well as understanding the problems regarding early employment and seeking solutions for the same. It needs gathering of information from large samples especially from graduate accountants and employers. It requires identification of types of early employment problems in suggesting solutions. Various problems identified by the accountants are application of theoretical studies, report writing as well as communication with others and comprehension of responsibilities in an overall manner. It initiates working in team and personal obligations matters in the near future. These problems arises due to lack of interest in accounting career, selection of employment as well as lack of practical training and absence of job description in an effective way (Mondy, Noe and Premeaux 2012). Addition to that, it lacks essential oral and written communication, deficient comprehensive responsibilities as well as working environment and family background. Accounting graduates faces communication problems in early employment stage that needs consideration as far as possible. It explains central communication patterns for answering major problems in equipped oral as well as written communication skills at the same time. Accountant graduates ranked as per the social attributes as well as independent thinking and creativity for flexible actions in accordance with career progression for the same. It encounters certain employment problems arise from potential sources like expectation gaps between employee as well as employer (Mondy and Mondy 2012). It reveals deficiencies encountered from education curriculum. It faces adequate lack of employee’s practical ability as well as hiring attitudes at the same time.

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The second journal article is taken from “Journal of Applied Psychology”. The topic relates “Effect of Applicant Influence tactics on recruiter perceptions and hiring recommendations”. This particular journal article examines effect of applicant influence tactics for using on recruiter perceptions in an overall manner (Lindholm et al. 2012). It includes two tactics namely integration as well as self-promotion. It expects positive effects on recruiter perceptions of fit as well as recruiter recommendations for the same. Addition to that, it expects author for recruitment fit perceptions in mediating relationship between applicant influence tactics as well as recruiter hiring recommendations at the same time. Results indicate that integration has positive effect in perceived fit as well recruiter hiring recommendations in the near future (Hayton 2011). Addition to that, perceived fit mediates relationship between integration as well as hiring recommendations in an effective way. Effect of self-promotion on fit and hiring recommendations is weak as well non-significant.

Early Employment Problems

This particular assignment examines on ways of perceived influence as well as hiring recommendations for the same. It focuses on comparability between individual as well as organization in accordance with values and personality traits for the same (Harzing and Pinnington 2011). Perceived fit indulges in considering fit between individual abilities as well as demand and requirements for specified job in an overall manner. It looks at role of perceived fit as per the selection process as well as suggesting ways at the same time. Researchers suggest that perceived fit indulges in playing important role in recruiter’s decision-making process. It requires recent empirical work suggesting ways for subjective evaluations in perceived fit. It is major factors as according to selection process in the most appropriate way (Dessler 2012).

It is important to consider the fact that hiring recommendations by recruiter considers as one of the important process in selection process. It requires understanding whether an organization extends job offers in any case to the applicant. It is essential in understanding the relationship between recruiters hiring recommendations as well as actual hiring decisions made by an organization at the same time (Dessler 2013). In accordance with past research, it suggests ways for recruiter recommendations in possessing positive effect on actual hiring decisions in an overall manner. It helps in final decision-making process for future analysis purpose. It is expected in viewing at the recruiter recommendations as well as positive effect on organizational decisions in extended job offer in the near future.

Influencing tactics in self-monitoring system

It includes process for usage influential ways in most of the interviews of employers. It engages in major factors determining usage of influence tactics as well as critical individual difference for the same. Individuals with high score engage in self-monitoring system in scanning for appropriate behaviours as far as possible (DelCampo 2011). It helps in modifying behaviours in portraying images in specified situation in an effective way. It ensures examining behaviours of individuals from an interview context. It leads to certain stereotypical beliefs for women. It suggests that female participants engage in self-monitoring systems. It is considered as one of the important factors in information manipulation as per high accountability situation in the most appropriate way. Individuals possessing high self-monitoring expects in influencing tactics as well as managing impressions and perceptions at the same time. It provides link between self-monitoring as well as influencing tactics in an overall manner (Byars and Rue 2011).

Influence of condition as perceived fit as well as hiring recommendations

It influences tactics for targeted person perception in regarding specified situation. As per interview setting, it engages in applicant’s ability in managing recruiter perceptions for acting significant impact for recruiter evaluations at the same time. It involves in strategy applicants in selecting ways for influencing recruiters in perceptions as well as evaluations in employment of integration in the most appropriate way.

The next journal article is taken from “International Journal of Selection and Assessment”. The main topic is “Social Networking Web sites in job search and Employee Recruitment”. It uses professionally as well as non-professionally oriented social networking websites like Facebook and LinkedIn. It is widespread affect from both sides at Atlantic. This paper explores job search activities. It ensures recruiters in using attracted recruitment as well as screening process in an overall manner. It maintains special relationship between social networking websites as well as established internet job boards in the near future. Results indicate job seekers in extensive usage of social networking websites. It is interesting in noting the fact that association between LinkedIn usage as well as effectiveness relies afterwards. HR professionals are noticed engaging in LinkedIn in comparison with Facebook (Armstrong and Armstrong 2011).

Social networking sites consider popular websites on internet. It helps in offering extensive means of communication as well as personal networking for job seekers in most cost-effective way. There is widespread usage of Internet and social networking websites in job search as well as employee recruitment for the same. Most of the job seekers and human resource professionals use social networking websites in the recent days on extensive ways.

People join as well as use an array in different social networking websites for various reasons. Enjoyment is an important factor possessed in joining social networking websites like Facebook. It especially indulges in cases for professionally oriented social networking websites like LinkedIn. It helps job seekers with large professional networking opportunities in an overall manner. It indulges in job seeking activities along with human resource professionals and other related professionals in the most appropriate way. Social networking websites allows users in present themselves in networking in ways in participation in professional terms.

It conducts systematic review for acting as a role of Internet on recruitment as well as selection. It emphasis on usage of Internet considers as supplementary tool in case of recruitment as well as selection in using traditional methods. It identifies internet as well as other technological challenges like e-recruitment as well as other online testing. It provides current trends as well as challenges in form of personal selection at the same time. There is rapid change in appearance as well as extensive usage of social networking websites in employee recruitment and selection in the near future. It has similar job search activities as well as significant lack of published peer-reviewed outlets. It explores usage of social networking websites in using recruitment as well as selection process in an effective way (Armstrong 2012). Addition to that, there is number of issues faced by recruiters and human resource professionals in undertaking usage of social networking websites. It explores major managerial as well as legal issues in association with usage of social networking websites in case for employee selection. It mainly focuses on Facebook and its affects in hiring decisions in an accurate way. It discuses on the extensive usage of issue of employer uses and misuses of social networking websites in recruitment as well as selection. It concludes in solving issues behind usage of social networking websites in screening, selection and recruitment for the same. It involves risk association in misuse of social networking websites. Misuse raises due to job candidate’s privacy as well as unfair discrimination based upon information as well as identification as social networking websites. Recruiters use social networking websites as an alternative ways for traditional background checking. It helps in seeking additional information about candidates in understanding about attributes in the near future. Extensive usage of non-work related information in case of recruitment as well as screening purposes as recruiters and HR professionals. It raises risk in case of unfair discrimination for selected applicants.


At the end of this section, it is interesting in understanding the underlying facts behind getting suitable job for specified time. It gives proper explanation with academic journal articles. This section establishes connection in bringing out the theoretical aspects for future analysis purpose. It helps in gathering facts on importance of social networking websites in employment recruitment in every form. It explains on the recruiter perceptions in hiring recommendations for the same. It is recommendations that candidates should be selected based upon their knowledge and skills rather than sources of any kind. Deserved candidates will help in becoming assets to the organization and serve to the fullest. They should have interest in working in the business organization and keen in learning new things as well as taking challenges for the same. Candidates should be trustworthy and hardworking at the same time. It is advisable to the HR recruiter in select potential candidates according to their qualifications. Selected candidates should be provided by on-the job training for understanding their roles and responsibilities in business organization. They should be provided with healthy work environment and transparent communication in an overall manner.

Reference List

Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page.

Armstrong, M. and Armstrong, M. (2011). Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management. London: Kogan Page.

Byars, L. and Rue, L. (2011). Human resource management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

DelCampo, R. (2011). Human resource management demystified. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Dessler, G. (2013). Human resource management. Boston: Prentice Hall.

Dessler, G. (2012). Human resource management.

Harzing, A. and Pinnington, A. (2011). International human resource management. London: SAGE.

Hayton, J. (2011). Global human resource management casebook. New York, NY: Routledge.

Lindholm, J., Rothwell, W., Yarrish, K. and Zaballero, A. (2012). The encyclopedia of human resource management. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

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Mondy, R., Noe, R. and Premeaux, S. (2012). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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Price, A. and Price, A. (2011). Human resource management. Andover: Cengage Learning.

Rothwell, W., Prescott, R., Lindholm, J., Yarrish, K., Zaballero, A. and Benscoter, G. (2012). The encyclopedia of human resource management. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

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Valentine, S., Mathis, R. and Jackson, J. (2012). Human resource management.

Werner, S., Schuler, R. and Jackson, S. (2012). Human resource management. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning.

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