Performance Management For Appropriate Recruitment Process

Job Requirement Objective

Describe about the Performance Management for Appropriate Recruitment Process.

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A longitudinal focus of any organization lies in appropriate recruitment process which is based on the appropriate job requirements, measuring the progress of the method used in performance measure and performance evaluation of the employees. The human resource planning has a crucial role in hiring of the employees and selecting the required skill set for a particular job profile. The performance outcome is the mechanism to interpret the various goals and benefit services provided to the clients of an organization. Performance outcomes act as a basic requirement of what needs to be measured and collection of data specific to the questions which needs to be answered. The job requirement process also plays a vital role in performance evaluation of the existing employees. It acts a career development process and is carried out on regular basis in order to review the performance within an organization. (Morrow et al. 2015)

The determination of the job objectives for recruitment facilitates the implementation of most appropriate business strategy. The selection of right personnel for the job is based on the screening process. It is a time consuming process of sorting the most potential recruits. Although it has several steps involved, the process is far more advanced than hiring of the wrong person for a particular job role. The wrong selection of person for a job is also a costly proposition for any given organization. The characteristics of the job description process involves, finding the skilled employees. The HR plan should specify the educational qualification and experience needed for a job. It is equally important to find the employees who can easily accustom themselves to the company’s culture and engage with other employees thereby develop team spirit. The job requirement process often originates from hiring of employees as per the demography. The requirement may be based on hiring from minority communities or gender influence in recruitment process (Borman and Motowidlo, 2014)

As per the modern research studies it is advisable for any company to select those employees who has a limited experience or academic achievements is more likely to stay within an organization and grow along with it. It is also crucial to ensure that the employees selected for the organization are trustworthy and a legal search is conducted for the same. (Schippmann, 2013).

According to Kehoe and Wright (2013), the job requirement processes needs to be further embellished with specification of the performance standards which need to be attained by the individual applicant. In order to study the various key performing areas related to specification of the performance it is important to discuss some the organizational key result areas (KRA) such as, performance potential in the market, innovation ability, organizational profile, successor rate in key jobs, organizational adaptability, absence due to illness staff turnover salary level and total payroll costs involved. The objective of the various KPI is to measure the strength of an organization; it’s vulnerability in terms of key competent areas, the challenges of the human resource organization in terms of key competencies. (Amin et al. 2014).

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Specification of Performance Standard to be Attained by the Applicant

Based on the aforementioned KRA’s some of the key performance indicators for organizational success include:

  • Market potential of the employees
  • Turnover per employee
  • Earnings per employee
  • Performance dependant payroll share
  • Administration and support salary cost
  • Adaptation ability in an organization
  • Investment in competence development with respect to the total cost.
  • Absence due to illness percent
  • Staff turnover percent

According to Delahaye (2015), Job specification is the set of essential component of a particular job, which incorporates summary of the job to be performed, minimum primary duties and various requirements necessary to perform the important functions related to the job. The category of job class specification states a group of similar positions that share common function, title, salary range and qualification. The employer enjoys the freedom of changing the job related duties. (Baigmohammadi et al. 2014).

 A job specification differs from a job description in various ways. A job specification denotes the qualification, corporate skills, training, and experience. The job description on the other hand describes the job title, Machinery to be used for production, summary details of the job and main duties that is to be assigned within the job.

A sample copy of job specification sheet has been shown below with the diagram as follows:

Figure 1

Source: (Specification 2015)

According to Stredwick (2013), a job advertisement of any form is often known as recruitment communications used by the company itself or various recruitment agencies. A typical job advertisement features the details about job title in the heading along with job location. In online job advertisement sent through emails an explanatory subsection provided details about the company, including the name of the employer company. The advertisement also features description of the position details for the job along with the qualifications needed for job application. With the advent of digital technology companies are involving in publishing of the advertisements in various social media networks and online blogs.

An example of job advertisement has been demonstrated below as flows:

Figure 2

Source: (Schulz and van Leeuwen 2014)

The feedbacks to the applicants are provided at the time when they are unsuccessful in an appointment process. It is often requested by the external applicants who are willing to know the reason for their disapproval in appointment and find out the ways in which they can look to improve their prospects when applying in the same organization in future.  

Feedback also assists in assessment of the internal candidates in order to understand the various grounds on which the promotion of the personnel has not been successful. It also determines the need for training for future applications. (Hendry, 2012).

A sample copy of form showing an employment feedback and its nature has been shown below as follows:

Job Specification

Figure 3

Source: (Bratton and Gold 2012)

The recruitment process is often known for several intricacies. In order to make the process more resilient, the human resource personnel should forward to take assistance from the top management so that the job profile which involves complexity can be easily sorted out. The process should ensure all steps taken for testing the candidates in order to get the best understanding of their real capabilities based on their resume. The candidates can be tested with many online testing platforms or case study analysis for situational understanding of a problem and solving the same. The various processes undergone on the interview process should be same for all the candidates in order to remove any form biasness in the selection procedure. The questions asked to the applicants should be customized and randomly set so that applicants cannot discuss the questions with those who are waiting for the interview. The overall interview process should emphasize the growth and bring about development among the young corporate who may poses all the necessary skill set required for a job. The young candidate shortlisted during the interview process has tremendous growth potential and may be posses all the skills required for a great candidate.


The report shows an extensive study on the job requirement objectives and the steps which needs to be taken by a human resource manager in determining the appropriate objectives. The various parameters stated under the key result areas are bet to the present industry practices. The formulation of the key performance indicators shows the various processes of assessing an employee potential and which can influence the performance of an organization in a positive way. The job specification description clearly states the process of specification and its importance in the recruitment process. The study also shows how the job specification differs from job description. The report also shows the importance of feedback form and how it can be used as an improvement tool for both internal process and external process of recruitment in an organization. The study shows how the job advertisement has a wider reach than before and the through ICT the entire process of job application can be simplified. The final section of the report states how the decision makers of an organization can be a crucial factor in the selection process. The importance of online testing of the employees has also been stated along with the importance of recruiting young applicants. This will ensure both increased productivity and cost saving for an organization.

Reference List

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