Report On Holistic Development And Wellbeing Of The Child
Case Study of Three Children
Discuss about the Report for Holistic Development and Wellbeing of the Child.
In case of Tamryn who is just 9 months old, it is seen that both of her parents are working six days per week. That is the reason that they are unable to look after their child and have appointed a caregiver named Kim. Therefore, all her interests are centered to Kim. She has developed skills and abilities that helps her to call for Kim when she is not present in the room. She is so much depended on Kim that she does not even respond to other educators.
From the case study of Kim, it is clear that she is experiencing a troubled childhood as her parents are separated. Therefore, she lives in shared care between her mother and father. In each of these places, the environment is different as in her mother’s house she lives with her mother only and in her parent’s house she lives with people who are totally unknown to her. This change in living environment has put frustration into her, which is quite visible when she takes her breakfast. She was also often found shouting and even biting or pushing others, which clearly shows her unstable mental condition. As she is also living with unknown children, aged between 6-16 years it can be assumed that she is facing harassment. The reason behind this assumption is developed from her reaction she gives while someone approaches to her when she is playing with dolls. She is found happy only when playing with dolls; however, she is also found to hide the dolls when someone approaches.
In the case of James, it is clearly seen that he possesses a unique skill of leadership that helps him to lead other children in the education center. He and his family is actively connected with sports such as football, basketball and swimming therefore, he has has good knowledge on how sports activates must be lined with each other. As result of joining training sessions, he is also physically strong. Another important skill that is shown in him is his willingness to hel others.
In case of Tamryn, not much emotional and psychological development is seen because of age. However, one thing is noticeable that she is too much dependent on Kim, which might cause problems for her parents in the future.
From the case of Mia, it is found that she is mentally disturbed and is undergoing a state of frustration and disappointment. Her emotional state is also not acceptable as most of the she is found shouting on others. It is also assumed that she is experiencing some sort of harassment in her father’s house, which has injected a fear in her mind that people will take away her things from her.
Observations on Emotional, Psychological, and Cognitive Development
James is boy who possesses a huge amount of positive energy and leadership qualities in him. He leads the group of other children in the educational enters while ding any activity by providing relevant suggestions. As he is getting regular training with his parents and brothers in training venues he is also physically superior than other children.
The best two ways to implement self-help skills and independence among the children are,
Self-feeding: According to Orth (2012), children must be encouraged to practice feeding themselves from childhood on. Allow the children to be as free as possible at the time of meals. Put the required tools nearby so that they can help themselves. The tools must be colorful and attractive which will allure the children to use them. However, with encouraging, proper support and guidance is also required.
Free dressing and grooming: Another process of increasing self-help skills is to allow the children to dress and groom by themselves. Parents will provide minimum assistance by teaching them to pull socks on and off, pull up pants after diapering and help put their arms through sleeves (Viljaranta et al. 2015).
It is highly important to develop self-esteem among the three children mentioned in the case studies. However, in the case of James, he is already becoming a person who will be capable of leading a team with immense success. However, for Tmryn and especially Mia it is important to follow the below steps so that she can gain self-esteem,
It is important to show love and acceptance to these children by spending some time with them. This must come from the parents or family members (Baroody and Dowker 2013).
It is important to become a role model to show the children the meaning of loving yourself. It is also necessary to teach them the benefits of trying new things and accepting challenges (Hetherington and Arasteh 2014).
Encourage the children to help family members in different activities and show them that the family members are feeling happy after receiving the help.
Allow the children to solve their problems by implementing different styles. This will help them to understand that they are responsible for their own lives.
The learning and development plan for the children plays a great role in respect of cognitive development of any individual. According to the Early Years Foundations Stage the children’s learning and development plan has several major areas. The prime three of these areas are development in relation with personal, social, emotional, physical, communication and language (Hedegaard 2012). The specific four of these areas are development of literacy, mathematical skills as well as arts and designs. In order to manage the learning and development plan of the children the educator must follow all the above areas in a sequential order. The educator must consider the early experiences in order to approach the learning and development plan of any children (Lillard et al. 2013). It is also the prime focus of learning and development plan to maintain the secure relationships. The educator must approach in a flexible manner as the children tend to learn in different ways.
Recommendations for Enhancing Self-Esteem and Communication Skills
The communication is the most important part of any human being. Therefore, the educator must focus on the developing eagerness to communicate within the children by providing positive and safe environment (McDonald et al. 2013). In order to develop the environment it is necessary to foster a sense of belonging to the children of the case study. Generating the positive self esteem to the children will effectively assist them to communicate freely. In addition, the educator must keep in mind to provide the suitable opportunity for the interaction. The educators must create an open-ended period for three children of the case study (McManis and Gunnewig 2012). The daily routine of play time also helps the children to be comfortable to express themselves. The less intervention of the adults in the play time will also enhance the environment. In addition to that, the educators must encourage the case study’s children to work in their own accord which will in turn increases the confidence and allow them to express more freely.
The Early Years Learning Framework suggests several outcomes which strongly link with my experiences as well as practices. James has exhibited a strong sense of confidence as well as wellbeing. Moreover, he is extremely well communicator in respect of relaying the experiences of the weekend training program. James has also expressed extreme leadership quality at the time of playing time (Pugh and Duffy 2013). In addition to that, James has been observed that he is quite well connected with the world. The most encouraging practices which have been used with James are encouraging him to communicate with other children. Moreover, he is allowed to take his own path in respect of learning and development context. Therefore, the identified outcomes are
- James has strong sense of identity
- James is well connected with the world
- James is confident and involved learner
- James is effective communicator
There are several major quality standards which are highly linked with the experiences as well as practices. These quality standards are
- Ensuring the safety, wellbeing as well as health of children
- Focusing on achieving outcomes for children
- Distinguishing the service quality through families’ understanding
According to the experience the children of the case study are nurtured with utmost care to provide the necessary sense of safety and care. These practices are also entailed to ensure the wellbeing and health of the children. The educator is highly focused for protecting the children from injury, harm as well as infection (Harms et al. 2014). The high quality education program is also vital factor for the achievement of outcome. The education program is generally based on the stimulated, engaged as well as enhanced learning as well as development framework of three children of the case study.
Reference List:
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