Business Process Modeling: Improving Order Fulfillment Procedure
Structured process
Discuss about the Business Process Modeling.
The following is the business process model based on the fulfillment order process.
The following are the four areas in which Tapzeem can effectively improve the order fulfillment procedure.
Structured process – The sales process should be made more structured to ensure lesser use of time and resources. There is a time lag between order received and the goods dispatched to the client. This can be reduced by involving the warehouse more in the sales process. In this regard, it can be said that the warehouse should be informed more of the required developments made in the sales procedure. Thus, they would be ready with the disposal of goods at the time of delivery.
Order completeness – The orders that are not complete shall not be entered in the sales procedure. Therefore, a designated team shall be developed to assist the business enterprise in evaluating orders, which consist of missing information. This would assist the business enterprise to set up effective policies to assist the business enterprise in reducing the cost of operations
Sales administration team – The sales administration team has to play an effective role to develop pertinent policies so that there are no discrepancies while recording the sales policies. Thus, it would be essential to assist the sales administration team to assist the warehouse and the credit control clerk to facilitating their roles with perfection
The organization can opt for a reengineering process to implement a systematic structure in the organization. In this regard, it can be said that the reeingering process shall assist all the parties to receive medical attention in an effective manner irrespective of the medical attention of the employee . According to Scholz-Reiter et al., (2012), the re-engineering process shall assist the organization in the faster treatment of the patients. In addition , the medical supplies available should d be abundant in the times of emergency and crisis. In this regard, it can be said that the re-engineering process shall help in the allocation of work among the various departments of the organization . Weske (2012) mentioned that In the existing state, patients are given importance according to their medical condition . The reengineering process shall facilitate the business organization to make a structured schedule to meet the long terms objectives and goals of the organization. The business process engineering consists of the following steps to assist the organization in its growth. It also consists of evaluating the needs of the customer as per the needs of the consumers. Besides this, re-innovating the inherent processes in a business organization with the use of advance technology mechanisms.
Order completeness
Effectively divide the workforce into various groups that shall offer effective treatment to the patients. According to Jeston and Nelis (2014), this would assist the workforce to enhance the productivity rate and bring in greater sales revenues for the business organization . In addition it relates to re-organizing the organizational values of the organization..
Effectively enhance the business processes in an organization – The business processes in an organization shall be enhanced using the re-eengineering processes in the organization . Holcombe and Ipate (2012) mentioned that it is expected that the following benefits shall be availed using the procedure in the organization.
- Cycle- time reduction
- Overhead – value Analysis-
- Process Re-innovation
- Enhanced use of resources –
The business process engineering shall be implemented with the help of advances in information as well as communication technologies. In this regard , it can be said that the following steps can be used in implementing the engineering process .
The initial step – The initial step involved in the implementation of an effective engineering process is defining the guidelines and the frameworks involved in the decision – making process . This includes defining the necessary steps that would be required in. Serving the long terms goals and objectives of the organization
The second step- The second step involved in the business engineering process includes recognizing the necessary attributes that would be required in developing an effective and structured process in the management of the organization . In this context , the existing business process engineering processes followed in organizations operating in the same product and service line can also be evaluated to gather intrinsic details about the business operational policies followed and its necessary implications . Generally a business process engineering is adopted when considering the necessary factors – scale of operations, the nature of the industry the client is operating as well as the level of skill and competencies of the work force . In addition , the size of the workforce is also an essential considerations affecting the operational policies of a business enterprise .
Requirements of the existing processes – The requirements of the existing processes shall be analyzed when identifying the required processes of an organization . In this regard, it can be said that needs and wants of the organization shall be analyzed when framing the structured policies of a business organization . Rosemann and vom Brocke (2015) mentioned that different business organizations would require different types of business engineering processes. As such , when meeting the requirements of the business objectives and goals , the business process engineering initiatives have to be structured towards the needs of the patients .
Developing a process design remains essential for the success of the business process engineering design of the organization.
Executing of the necessary plans – The final stage deals in execution of the required plans in an organization . Here, the operational and the marketing policies are considered when implementing the business process engineering procedure. The relevant market factors should also be considered like consumer demand , marketing position and the emergence of the substitute products in the market .
Advantages and disadvantages
The internet has been an effective medium to implement the business process engineering process. Therefore , It shall assist the business organization to gather pertinent resources for the adoption of business process engineering in the organization . Advanced communication and technologies shall enable the business organization to enhance the operational policies of the hospital .
Disadvantages of Business process engineering
Uneven distribution of reengineering -In the initial stages, there can arise complications which can adversely influence the financial position of a business enterprise . In addition , the operational processes of a business organization can also be hampered due to the requirement of adequate time and resources of a business enterprise .
Lack of training of the team members – A Business process engineering should require adequate training for its effective implementation . This would assist the business organization to enhance the operational policies of a business enterprise
Improper wastage of time and resources – A Business reengineering process would lead to improper wastage of time and resources. In addition, a long time affecting the results of a business enterprise. In addition, a it would require constant improvement of the measures of business enterprise.
Lack of resources as well as employee awareness – Discontinued use of Business Process Re-eengineering processes after achieving the relevant objectives of the business .
Holcombe, M. and Ipate, F., 2012. Correct systems: building a business process solution. Springer Science & Business Media.
Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014. Business process management. Routledge.
Rosemann, M. and vom Brocke, J., 2015. The six core elements of business process management. In Handbook on Business Process Management 1 (pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Scholz-Reiter, B. and Stickel, E. eds., 2012. Business process modelling. Springer Science & Business Media.
Weske, M., 2012. Business process management: concepts, languages, architectures. Springer Science & Business Media.